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Looking for a game that's fun and long-term.



  • AngryElfAngryElf Member UncommonPosts: 194
    Snowboard kids for N64.  Been playing it for almost 20 years and it's still fun.  Just make sure you drink on the ski lift. 
  • timtracktimtrack Member UncommonPosts: 541
    If you like WOW then I would suggest you try ASTA
    I can second this.
  • AnnaTSAnnaTS Member UncommonPosts: 600
    edited March 2016
    AngryElf said:
    Snowboard kids for N64.  Been playing it for almost 20 years and it's still fun.  Just make sure you drink on the ski lift. 
      We used to play this in our house it really was fun at the time even my mum used to play it.
  • rainmournrainmourn Member UncommonPosts: 38
    I've played WoW for years and I'm in Legion's alpha but I can't stop playing ESO long enough to be a good tester. =) 

    Elder Scrolls Online has greatly improved since its beta days and poor launch. Is it bug free yet? Nah...might not ever be, but it's a wonderful, vast and complex game that's easy to get into. With the Thieves' Guild mini-expansion, I subbed and for the next six months, it'll be my MMO home. I don't think I'll run out of things to do.

    Other suggestions might be Everquest 2, Diablo 3, The Secret World, Hearthstone, and Stardew Village, which I haven't started playing yet but hear terrific reviews from friends.

    Also a game I tried recently that felt like it had promise is Skyforge. Project Gorgon looked interesting for an old school feel. Grim Dawn is a great ARPG. Archeage was pretty but I just can't bear PvP-centric games. ESO at least has plenty of PvE despite that big turf war in the middle of the map.

    All around, the excellent graphics of ESO plus crafting, gathering, fishing, exploring, questing, achievement hunting, dabbling in trade economy and a really good-natured community overall makes me eager to log in and see where the next few years take the MMO. Especially looking forward to the upcoming housing.

    Good luck finding your game or games of choice!
  • ZukapeZukape Member UncommonPosts: 93
    I can honestly say that, you will fall in love with TESO also you might be interested in Gloria Victis.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    LoTRo might work for you OP
  • RedsaltRedsalt Member UncommonPosts: 83
    Scorchien said:
    LoTRo might work for you OP

    I would recommend this one as well.

    Redsalt... the other salt.

  • nerixa248nerixa248 Member UncommonPosts: 45
    I recommend Perfect World International. You can try mystic class which includes a lot of multitasking in dungeons, you can end up as tank, damage dealer or healer, also have to control pets and plant flowers on the way. Or try assassin, which is weakest class at the start and survival might be challenging, but it is most strongest class in end game. It is very long term game. While others scream it is pay 2 win game, theres plenty of players who have acquired end-game items without spending a cent. Tradeable item-mall currency helps if you are not into spending real life money, but still want items from item-mall. The developers haven't given up and we get new expansions, one coming soon - housing, new weapons, new instance, new quests. They also have changed some dungeons, to make them more challenging. If you don't spend money to get everything now, then you definately will have stuff to do, items to farm even after 2 years of playing. This game have kept my attention for over 7 years and i still can't find anything better.
  • AntiquatedAntiquated Member RarePosts: 1,415
    edited March 2016
    Kyleran said:
    Recore said:
    Black Desert is the only game that matters
    After EVE, sure, but then its not just a "game" and I don't recommend it to the OP, definitely not for him.
    Leisure Suit Larry pwns them all.

    Goodbye, quote pyramids. We won't miss you.
  • jungleninjajungleninja Member UncommonPosts: 206
    Get Guild Wars 2. As a solo person its great. No ninja looting, as everyone gets their own loot and mats are all for everyone, so noone steals that either. And it has a fun story!
  • corqcorq Member UncommonPosts: 6
    Like you I tried ESO in the beta, was not impressed at all. Didn't touch it again until a month or so ago and was happily surprised. They seem to have changed quite a lot, can't give you any specifics since, like I said, only played beta before but it sure is fun now. 

    If you can find it for a reasonable sum try it out.
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    edited March 2016
    Redsalt said:
    Scorchien said:
    LoTRo might work for you OP

    I would recommend this one as well.
    Yep, it wasn't a fit for OP's previous thread (back then there was "bright, cartoony animation style" on the list too), but since it seems post-Wildstar he dropped that requirement ( :wink: ) LotRO could be a nice fit.

    Especially since
    Sciela said:
    [...]fun mini-games (I LOVED Mabinogi's music system, for example [...] 
    If that's the case, you definitely should try LotRO, it has a much better one - and without any of those BS Mabinogi has with leveling, grinding, skill points, scrolls, etc. etc,
    In LotRO you just play the music, simple as that (don't need to get out of the tutorial even, but it's suggested though, if you want to play with / for a larger population :wink: tutorial is a separate instance).
    Also - but it's up to personal taste - I think .abc is better than MML.

    edit: lol, my bad... you need to leave the tutorial, since even minis start with the sword, and inside there are no bards to buy instruments (just quickly hopped in before the maintenance and checked on a character I have only to reserve the name - I know, /boo, name stealer, etc.  sue me :wink: ). So you need to spend maybe 20-30 minutes after the character creation and get to level 5. Then you have the music system at your leisure.
    Post edited by Po_gg on
  • ElsaboltsElsabolts Member RarePosts: 3,476
    Black Desert Online
    " Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who  Would Threaten It "
  • Wolve10786Wolve10786 Newbie CommonPosts: 2
    Immortals 2 Metin2,
    A nice mmorpg you can play with friends,
    It has a nice pvp and pvm system
    I also made a trailer to give you a better image of the game:

    check it out, Give it a try and you might like it all.
  • TamanousTamanous Member RarePosts: 3,030
    See you all in Classic!

    You stay sassy!

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    Seems like some people are celebrating the introduction of the necromancer class to ESO via this thread....
  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 959
    edited May 2019
    Sciela said:
    So, I played WoW for 10 years and loved it, then Draenor came out and took away Fistweaving and BM Hunter, which I loved, and I just gave up (are the other classes dumbed down too, or is there still a fun class out there?), and haven't logged in since the 6.0 prepatch. Since then, I haven't really had a game to call home.

    I played Wildstar for a few months, but eventually got bored of it, since the combat wasn't really demanding at all (mash 1-3 and dodge telegraphs every 10 seconds, woooo...), tried Blade and Soul and, while it was fun at first, I quickly got tired of it as well. Been playing League since late June, but I'm not really a big fan of MOBAs, and I'm quickly tiring of it as well, as I run out of new champions to play (I don't like doing the same thing over and over). I just don't know where else to go though.

    Tried FFXIV, GW2, Mabinogi, Maplestory, TERA, ARK and so many other games... but, even though they're all fun at first, I just get bored really quickly. : /

    So does anyone know of a game that's fun? Looking for something like an MMO that'll last longer, but even shorter games (like Ori and the Blind Forest, which I loved) are fine. Just looking for something to do that's fun, for a change.

    Thanks. ^^

    Let me tell you something young padavan...

    We are all in the exactly same place where you are. Time has changed since you started wow and its not for the better..This is the sad times and all you do is watch out the window and see how the wildlife is doing.

    Every people in here incl, me are whining on these forums..Its a whine fest.
    You never find a post that shows someone telling joy about a game today.

    There are only these staff/epic members people that keeps telling you lies about how good the current games is getting in remakes and betas and alphas until the next game comes in beta , then everything is forgotten about the remakes and betas for the other games, its allways about the next indie undone game that never will be released..

    To save you time i have tryed all the games and you can forget about finding anything beside league that can bring you 20 - 40 mins of joy or anger once or twice a day.

    Sell your game rig and find another thing to do in life,cuz its game over now.

    Incert coins..."countdown starts"


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,262
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 959
    Nice 3 year old necro

    Incert coins

  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 959
    I'd offer you a suggestion, but you flat out ignored me last time and then started a thread claiming to be 'done' with gaming.

    Good luck, man.

    Gambate :D

  • HyperpsycrowHyperpsycrow Member RarePosts: 959
    Amathe said:
    You may want to try The Secret World. 

    No he dont :D  stay away

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    edited May 2019
    Sciela said:
    DMKano said:
    Sciela said:
    Fun? Trove, but not a great long term game as it's a little repetitive.

    Honestly, any game where you can find other people to hang out with. I've said it before and will continue saying it: It's the social aspect of MMO's that keep longevity, regardless of gameplay.
    I won't argue against that, games are much more fun with friends, but I never really had friends, in-game or in real life, so I've always been a mostly solo gamer. Still loved WoW for over 10 years, despite never having a guild or a group to play with.

    Solitaire sounds like a great fit ;)

    Well on a serious side any game that has a lot of solo PvE content might be a good fit.

    Heck if you liked WoW for a 10 years try EQ1 - it's what WOW was based on

    Rift, Lotro, SWTOR might be worth a shot for you as well 

    ESO has quests galore for solo play too

    It's not so much solo play, it's just that I never had a steady group of people to play with. I'd go with random people raiding every day (I had almost every class), and was just on my own otherwise, doing whatever. I enjoy group content like raiding, dungeons and the like, but the solo content (questing, lore, fun mini-games (I LOVED Mabinogi's music system, for example, and I loved the jumping puzzles in GW2) etc) has to be good too. :P
    another WoW vet here, pretty much the same style of player as you and am enjoying ESO, only been playing a month though, but I don't for see  growing tired of it anytime soon.
    Eh, I tried ESO during the beta (was invited to one), and I just didn't really enjoy it that much. Has it changed at all?

    I don't really like action games or "action-esque" games; I like having a hotbar with 15-20+ abilities, complex mechanics and dynamic rotations, all that. I don't like just left-clicking all day, or spamming 3 buttons, or any of that. Sadly though, that's all anyone has the attention span for anymore. : /
    ESO has improved a lot over the years and a lot of WoW people have moved over, so I hear.  Beta and launch were terrible and it took them a year to get decent.  GW2 has improved also and some of the mounts are very nice.  LotRO, SWTOR, The Division 2... 

    SWG Legends is nice also.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Amathe said:
    You may want to try The Secret World. 
    TSW world is worth it just to see what they have done, especially if you like the theme.  But it's a train wreck in general requiring a lot of work-a-rounds to finish some of the quests.  Some people love it, I played it for around a year, they made it a lot easier to level but it still has a lot of bugs.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,039
    Some people really like PBBGs.....They are definitely long term and some people find them fun....The best of the lot is probably Lyrania but there are several others.
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