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LFG - Newer, cheap, crappy, F2P game

LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648
Well, maybe not entirely cheap and crappy, but you kinda get the idea.

I played Wakfu when it first released and thought it was loads of fun. Then life happened and I lost touch with the game.

I played Age of Wushu and wanted to like it, but was so far behind the learning and level curve, that I found it hopeless to even try to learn it.

I play World of Tanks for a long time, War Thunder and Armored Warfare for brief periods, but don't like MOBAs very much in the long run.

If there are similar games, on the newer side (2015 release) I'd like to try one, a couple, or a few of them out. Don't have much time with home and work life, so these more casual games are a lot easier on the nerves (and the wallet) than my old days of UO and DAoC :)


  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829
    edited February 2016
    Skyforge and Blade and Soul are both new F2P releases. Well... the latter's only new for the NA/EU market, but you get the picture. Blade and Soul is even martial artsy too, since you seem to like those kind of settings judging by your past MMOs.

    Swordsman is also still fairly recent. A year or two old I believe.

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    Why "cheap and crappy"? There are top notch F2P games out there - SWTOR and GW2 topping the list.

    For WoT like game Mechwarrior Online could do?
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,098
    Gdemami said:
    Why "cheap and crappy"? There are top notch F2P games out there - SWTOR and GW2 topping the list.

    For WoT like game Mechwarrior Online could do?
    Are SWTOR and GW2 really F2P? Both will require a purchase of sorts to get a decent, complete playing experience.

    I'd say try TERA if you've never played it, ArcheAge might be another good choice.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    edited February 2016
    Kyleran said:
    Are SWTOR and GW2 really F2P? Both will require a purchase of sorts to get a decent, complete playing experience.
    Neither game requires "purchase of sorts", that is a statment of plain personal bias/preference.  

    Both are F2P games.
  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648
    Thanks. Downloading BnS right now to give it a try.

    Played SWTOR and thought it was a good game but too.... um... single player for my tastes.

    GW2 had the same issues from my perspective as well. There were always people around you but no interaction was ever necessary. 
  • jdlamson75jdlamson75 Member UncommonPosts: 1,010
    Looks like you're already heading for BnS.  I started playing two or three days ago, and it's pretty fun so far.  I haven't reached a high enough level to deal with some of the zerging issues I'd read of, but hey - I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
  • SinsaiSinsai Member UncommonPosts: 405
    Gdemami said:
    Kyleran said:
    Are SWTOR and GW2 really F2P? Both will require a purchase of sorts to get a decent, complete playing experience.
    Neither game requires "purchase of sorts", that is a statment of plain personal bias/preference.  

    Both are F2P games.
    Exactly people still spew this crap and it's just silly.

    SWToR you can unlock everything through the GTN(AH) from other players selling the items you need.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,098
    Gdemami said:
    Kyleran said:
    Are SWTOR and GW2 really F2P? Both will require a purchase of sorts to get a decent, complete playing experience.
    Neither game requires "purchase of sorts", that is a statment of plain personal bias/preference.  

    Both are F2P games.
    What personal bias?  It is a fact you must purchase some of the content or be blocked from a substantial portion of it how is that not you must purchase something?  

    Contrast that with TERA or ARCHAGE where you have access to the entire game world without paying anything there is a considerable difference.

    Endlessly splitting hairs and being intentionally obtuse seems to be your only position.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    Kyleran said:
    What personal bias?  It is a fact you must purchase some of the content or be blocked from a substantial portion of it how is that not you must purchase something?  

    Contrast that with TERA or ARCHAGE where you have access to the entire game world without paying anything there is a considerable difference.

    Endlessly splitting hairs and being intentionally obtuse seems to be your only position.
    The purchase is not a must. You purchased something, I did not - just a matter of personal preference.

  • noodles6966noodles6966 Member UncommonPosts: 63
    I wouldn't recommend Archage,because you need patron status to get anywhere in the game. Skyforge,Tera,Guild Wars 2 would be my choice. Now, if you want a game that doesn't hold your hand, I would highly suggest trying Project Gorgon. It isn't the most beautiful game in the world,but has soooooo much stuff to do,it will keep you busy for hours upon hours.
  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648
    I wouldn't recommend Archage,because you need patron status to get anywhere in the game. Skyforge,Tera,Guild Wars 2 would be my choice. Now, if you want a game that doesn't hold your hand, I would highly suggest trying Project Gorgon. It isn't the most beautiful game in the world,but has soooooo much stuff to do,it will keep you busy for hours upon hours.
    Yeah, PG is one I've debated going back to (been a couple years) but I've played so many beta access games... there's something about the "could, maybe, potentially, possibly be wiped any day" aspect about them that lingers in the back of my mind, making it difficult to fully enjoy them.

    Archeage... *shudder* I was a patron when that game went live and the weeks prior. I'm going to curl up into a fetal position now until that nightmare goes away...

    Anyone here know the status of Wakfu (used to be really fun and unique)? I've heard some people say it's currently a ghost town at the lower levels now... which is a shame :(
  • DzikuniDzikuni Member UncommonPosts: 38
    Asta Online f2p, easy, crappy
    EU/NA open beta soon (march ?)

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    ahh thats easy ... New , Crappy ,F2P.................GW2
  • NudalusNudalus Member UncommonPosts: 24
    Gdemami said:
    Kyleran said:
    Are SWTOR and GW2 really F2P? Both will require a purchase of sorts to get a decent, complete playing experience.
    Neither game requires "purchase of sorts", that is a statment of plain personal bias/preference.  

    Both are F2P games.
    They are BUY to play.

    There is a box price required to play.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,039
    If you want the expansion for GW2 theres a box price, basic game is still free.......SWTOR has been free for a long time also, not sure if there is an expansion involved there now or not.
  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648
    Thanks for feedback everyone. I went back to World of Tanks for a bit because... well, I'm already used to that one.

    The Division actually looks really nice... once I can work up the courage to pay for it.
  • motoratonmotoraton Member UncommonPosts: 42
    Sinsai said:
    Gdemami said:
    Kyleran said:
    Are SWTOR and GW2 really F2P? Both will require a purchase of sorts to get a decent, complete playing experience.
    Neither game requires "purchase of sorts", that is a statment of plain personal bias/preference.  

    Both are F2P games.
    Exactly people still spew this crap and it's just silly.

    SWToR you can unlock everything through the GTN(AH) from other players selling the items you need.
    Sinsai :=) u can unlock everything? in Swtor ? without paying through the ah? i mean i know is free to play 1-50 but the others lvs? the zones u can unlock that through the AH?, i wanna know becouse i cant spend money on the game :( 
  • SyanisSyanis Member UncommonPosts: 140
    motoraton said:
    Sinsai said:
    Gdemami said:
    Kyleran said:
    Are SWTOR and GW2 really F2P? Both will require a purchase of sorts to get a decent, complete playing experience.
    Neither game requires "purchase of sorts", that is a statment of plain personal bias/preference.  

    Both are F2P games.
    Exactly people still spew this crap and it's just silly.

    SWToR you can unlock everything through the GTN(AH) from other players selling the items you need.
    Sinsai :=) u can unlock everything? in Swtor ? without paying through the ah? i mean i know is free to play 1-50 but the others lvs? the zones u can unlock that through the AH?, i wanna know becouse i cant spend money on the game :( 

    You need to be able to purchase the expansions with real money. Hence its not really full F2P.
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