As someone who started playing WoW at TBC late era i never NEVER expected vanilla wow to be THAT beautifull. I am currently playing vanilla. I am 28yo and the first thing i want to do after i come from work is to open the damn pc skype my 2 mates and play.
1-THe game is slow it forces u to take it with its own pace, i put my bacardi-coca open my skype and i level a few hours per day my enh shammie.After 5 weeks i am 57 level after playing a few hours per day, i've enjoyed every minute of it because leveling feels like an adventure like it is a part of the game and not the ''path'' that leads to the end game. I will propably play the end game server has all the dungeons etc.
2-It feels that the economy has true meaning, i have to sell all the scraps and the quests are a decent income source that u cant ignore it.U need to put some effort to make money and manage your transcactions carefully
3-THe most beautifull feeling so far? My class has a meaning, i feel a certain aspect of individuality.I am propably the worst dps usually in groups(rogue/mage do more) but i offer great utility in the party with my totems.(My warrior friend /and my stoneskin totem have become best friends ..LOL)
4-The game feels alive. I know people will say ''of course because it is of the big population' but this is not what i mean.THere are some limited games that have this type of magic .You can sense in a way the developers/creator effort to make a complete game throughout its life span, even if it has flaws or less easy mechanics like LFR/mount 40 , it gives u this feeling, dunno how to describe it my english are limmited unfortunately,its like u play a complete game at all its stages EVEN if it has its flaws.And every stage of it from some specific quests , for example to get my totems adds more to a game that would anyone imagine.
No daily quests or garisson quests that put u on specific track every day and it feels less like playing a game.Vanilla feels like a big community, everyone knows u, u have to care about your behaviour , guilds have meanings, groups have meaning, class have meaning.
i am considered a veteran player aswell , but its deffo not the nostalgia(not only at least) that makes me play the game at this old state, its a beautfiull game, it has a fantastic pace( maybe i am too bored of how fast games have become) andf it has meaning in all its stages.Its not all rumopurs and nostalgia Vanilla was indeed fantastic game with flows but with huge meaning, some told me i will get bored, not even close.It looks like its not how many times u've done a quest, its how u've done it with who and with what mentality, and that mentality/pace is being implemented inderictly by the game itself, u just have to go with it and u will enjoy it more than u can imagine
I've been there during vanilla WOW times and started on vanilla private server recently. It's not the nostalgia. Vanilla WoW was really good. It was more of a RPG simulation, compared to current WoW which feels like pure arcade.
Discussing or advertising unofficial servers or emulators for MMOs is not permitted on the forums. These servers are against the Terms of Service of the original game, and violate the intellectual propriety rights of the game's publisher and developer."
I'd edit your post before the mods do.
i didint know it.Even though it wasnt my intention i will edit it.WHole idea was to say that Vanilla was indeed a beautifull game and it certainly isnt only about nsotalgia or, lost memoriesThx for the info! I edited it
The only thing wrong with current WoW from Vanilla Wow, to me at least, is the numerous class changes they made. All the classes feel the same now. Hopefully Legion is changing this back a bit and giving us individuality again, but I remember the grind from vanilla and hated it. For me, BC and Wrath is where the game really hit it's stride. Again, that was before the homogenizing of class roles.
By that definition you could consider vanilla wow shut-down, since cataclysm its not technically the same game.
Blizzard would strong disagree with that assessment.
I'm sure they would, but it would not change the fact that its not the same game.
I'm also pretty sure this is the reason blizzard can't shutdown these private vanilla-servers, because technically its not their "Active" gamecode anymore... kinda like what happend/happening with the SWGemu legality.
i think part of it is the original form is the most straight forward and what the dens were most enthusiastic about.
The he world is smaller so you see more people.
Expansions seem to cause old areas to become ghost towns because of better experience and loot.
Having a slower leveling pace often keeps content in use.
Quests were often more fun as pointed out because they often had more enjoyable stories and layout. I don't believe they even have class specific quests anymore.
Hybrid classes have been removed. You have to choose a role.
By that definition you could consider vanilla wow shut-down, since cataclysm its not technically the same game.
Blizzard would strong disagree with that assessment.
I'm sure they would, but it would not change the fact that its not the same game.
I'm also pretty sure this is the reason blizzard can't shutdown these private vanilla-servers, because technically its not their "Active" gamecode anymore... kinda like what happend/happening with the SWGemu legality.
By that argument, every time any company patched an online game, they'd lose the copyright to the previous version--even if the new version still uses 99% of the assets and code that the previous version did. Surely that can't be right.
What stops Blizzard from shutting down all private servers is the same thing that stops the music industry from shutting down all music piracy: they can't catch everyone who does it, sometimes because they can't find the people, and sometimes because they're in parts of the world that don't respect copyright laws. There's no plausible argument for legality of the activity.
as soon as you hit endgame in vanilla wow its the same dailies for faction/dungeons for gear/raid grind thats everywhere else though! Its just good that the trip up to the end takes abit longer then 1 week
It's actually worse than that. There are no dailies. But you're going to have to farm all the 5 man dungeons to get fire resistance gear for MC and BWL, and then nature resistance gear for AQ, and then frost resistance for Naxxramas.
I agree with the OP that leveling in Vanilla (up to WotLK actually) was more of an adventure, and in my opinion, much better than the linear questing with marking on the map that the game has today.
But the end game was a terrible grind. I did it. I cleared up to AQ40 before real life reasons made me stop "hardcore" raiding. But I wouldn't do it again. Same in BC, the keying process for the different raids was horrible. My best moments in WoW, both leveling/questing and also raiding, are during WotLK. That was WoW at its best, and what a coincidence, that's also when the game had its highest population.
The current version of WoW has no grind at all, and in my opinion, that is what is wrong with the today's WoW. The game pretty much showers you with gear once you hit max level, where as before you had to actually invest time into the game in order to obtain gear. The economy is a mess as well in the current version. Garrisons provide you with materials and gold, giving you little incentive to actually go out in the world and gather materials, or farm gold. The game as it is today is a mess, it caters to people with short attention spans and it has been simplified way too much, all for the sake of accessibility.
as soon as you hit endgame in vanilla wow its the same dailies for faction/dungeons for gear/raid grind thats everywhere else though! Its just good that the trip up to the end takes abit longer then 1 week
It's actually worse than that. There are no dailies. But you're going to have to farm all the 5 man dungeons to get fire resistance gear for MC and BWL, and then nature resistance gear for AQ, and then frost resistance for Naxxramas.
I agree with the OP that leveling in Vanilla (up to WotLK actually) was more of an adventure, and in my opinion, much better than the linear questing with marking on the map that the game has today.
But the end game was a terrible grind. I did it. I cleared up to AQ40 before real life reasons made me stop "hardcore" raiding. But I wouldn't do it again. Same in BC, the keying process for the different raids was horrible. My best moments in WoW, both leveling/questing and also raiding, are during WotLK. That was WoW at its best, and what a coincidence, that's also when the game had its highest population.
I still enjoyed TBC way more than wotlk personally. THe proffesions reached their pick in terms of importance and the changes were groundbreaking.
ALso the raiding system was close to perfect in terms of difficulty and scalling.There were raids for everyone.Gruul-Magtheridon as starting difficulty. Kharazhan(propably the best and more well rounded raid ever) next, SSC for better guilds and Mhj--ST-BT for more expirienced ones.
Also Outland>>Northrend in my eyes these are just personal opinions though:)
I wish Blizzard canned everything except Vanilla WoW...I just returned to WoW for my twice a year one month foray and all I can say is that WoW is a great big pig with a ribbon wrapped around it. That is not to say it is a poor game, as on the contrary it is a good game. But it is confusing, too large, and in many cases a boring grind. Just to give 2 examples....ever try go figure out who to trade your Honor Points in for PvP gear? There are so many flavors of Gear Vendors that its maddening. Also, when you try and play 2v2 and 3v3 arena's , the average players lasts less than 2 minutes and gets 8 honor points. How do you get the gear to be competitive without an 8 honor pt grind for each and every loss? Takes forever.
Seriously? "Enjoying" enhancement shamans in vanilla WOW? While leveling? In their grindy quests where you had to eat/drink for 20-30 seconds every few mobs? Against mobs where your rotation was far more reliant on auto-attacking than a skillful combination of abilities?
I guess some people want their MMORPGs to play out more like FarmVille (as shallow relaxation activities) rather than as games which offer tight gameplay that's deep and rewarding of player skill.
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
Seriously? "Enjoying" enhancement shamans in vanilla WOW? While leveling? In their grindy quests where you had to eat/drink for 20-30 seconds every few mobs? Against mobs where your rotation was far more reliant on auto-attacking than a skillful combination of abilities?
I guess some people want their MMORPGs to play out more like FarmVille (as shallow relaxation activities) rather than as games which offer tight gameplay that's deep and rewarding of player skill.
The game is far more shallow today. Simple rotations, boring linear questing, and zero lack of challenge outside of rated pvp and mythic raids.
Seriously? "Enjoying" enhancement shamans in vanilla WOW? While leveling? In their grindy quests where you had to eat/drink for 20-30 seconds every few mobs? Against mobs where your rotation was far more reliant on auto-attacking than a skillful combination of abilities?
I guess some people want their MMORPGs to play out more like FarmVille (as shallow relaxation activities) rather than as games which offer tight gameplay that's deep and rewarding of player skill.
The game is far more shallow today. Simple rotations, boring linear questing, and zero lack of challenge outside of rated pvp and mythic raids.
I usually play a hybrid class in games and I recall playing the Paladin, Shaman, and Druid classes each to level 60. If I did an instanced with a group I would often change roles from off tank, to healer, to DPS, to buffer, to CC as needed. I would also be able to solo many elite mobs (even multiple elite mobs) with strategic placement of talent points (can't be done anymore due to having to pick a role).
Seriously? "Enjoying" enhancement shamans in vanilla WOW? While leveling? In their grindy quests where you had to eat/drink for 20-30 seconds every few mobs? Against mobs where your rotation was far more reliant on auto-attacking than a skillful combination of abilities?
I guess some people want their MMORPGs to play out more like FarmVille (as shallow relaxation activities) rather than as games which offer tight gameplay that's deep and rewarding of player skill.
I Level up with 2 friends(hunter-rogue) so i have the opportunity to be loosem hence why i use a 2h on my enh shammy.its all about the fun that being said we have a decent group i've leveled up my totems through the talents and we get some really sick dps is more challenging and complicated to kill a 10lvl mob as enh shammy in vanilla than any mob from wow's current version(especially at the range 1-85). u even have took mana for earth shock in case mob flees and pulls other, which in most cases equals tod eath or in many other occasions, i just told u an example
It's not the nostalgia. Vanilla WoW was really good. It was more of a RPG simulation, compared to current WoW which feels like pure arcade.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Herald of innovation, Vanquisher of the old! - Awake a few hours almost everyday!
I'm sure they would, but it would not change the fact that its not the same game.
I'm also pretty sure this is the reason blizzard can't shutdown these private vanilla-servers, because technically its not their "Active" gamecode anymore... kinda like what happend/happening with the SWGemu legality.
Herald of innovation, Vanquisher of the old! - Awake a few hours almost everyday!
i think part of it is the original form is the most straight forward and what the dens were most enthusiastic about.
The he world is smaller so you see more people.
Expansions seem to cause old areas to become ghost towns because of better experience and loot.
Having a slower leveling pace often keeps content in use.
Quests were often more fun as pointed out because they often had more enjoyable stories and layout. I don't believe they even have class specific quests anymore.
Hybrid classes have been removed. You have to choose a role.
Group open world content has been removed.
What stops Blizzard from shutting down all private servers is the same thing that stops the music industry from shutting down all music piracy: they can't catch everyone who does it, sometimes because they can't find the people, and sometimes because they're in parts of the world that don't respect copyright laws. There's no plausible argument for legality of the activity.
ALso the raiding system was close to perfect in terms of difficulty and scalling.There were raids for everyone.Gruul-Magtheridon as starting difficulty. Kharazhan(propably the best and more well rounded raid ever) next, SSC for better guilds and Mhj--ST-BT for more expirienced ones.
Also Outland>>Northrend in my eyes these are just personal opinions though:)
That is not to say it is a poor game, as on the contrary it is a good game.
But it is confusing, too large, and in many cases a boring grind.
Just to give 2 examples....ever try go figure out who to trade your Honor Points in for PvP gear?
There are so many flavors of Gear Vendors that its maddening.
Also, when you try and play 2v2 and 3v3 arena's , the average players lasts less than 2 minutes and gets 8 honor points.
How do you get the gear to be competitive without an 8 honor pt grind for each and every loss?
Takes forever.
I guess some people want their MMORPGs to play out more like FarmVille (as shallow relaxation activities) rather than as games which offer tight gameplay that's deep and rewarding of player skill.
"What is truly revealing is his implication that believing something to be true is the same as it being true. [continue]" -John Oliver
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