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Why do you hate WoW?



  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
    right now it looks and feels like its a f2p mmorpg ..they should just have cash shops and be done with it already and only pay for xpacs..theres tons of mmorpgs out that that offer the same if not more for free and so basically all your paying for is good server maintenance and up also surprised that it hasnt made its way to the console yet because you can basically lay a fish on your key-bored ..let it flop around and wa-la! ..max lvl
    Why go F2P when they have millions willing to pay a sub fee?

    Lay a fish on your key-bored ...let it flop around and wa-la wiped the raid. There's not a single MMO on the market with interesting and/or challenging leveling. 
  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    Wylf said:

    ...In old WoW, you used to have to venture out to get stuff and run the gauntlet of a likely PvP encounter. That was exciting.

    Getting all the rewards in safety or with predictable events is no fun at all.
    I'll agree the game became easy, but unless you were on a PvP server I don't recall 'likely PvP encounters'. I have not played it in a couple of years, did they do away with the PvP servers?
    PvP servers are still around but because of all the convenience changes they have made to the game over the years (groupfinders, flying mounts, extremely fast leveling etc.) you wont really find much people out in the wild. except for new zones. but they are usually ignored after a short time because the game basically funnels you towards instanced content.

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    I dont hate wow, I just find it very boring and it usually follows the same formula ever expansion, so I only sub to it probably no more than 4 times out of the year.
  • DarkswormDarksworm Member RarePosts: 1,081
    edited March 2016
    Most people hate it simply because their other MMORPGs they were hoping to be the next best thing failed.  Since WoW was so successful and viewed as the poster child of the genre, they assume that it's the reason why all these other MMORPGs are failing.  Mechanics that showed up in EQ a year or more before WoW's release and were used heavily in that game, like instances, are talked about as if WoW invented them by players who dislike it - even as they talk about how they wish it was more like EQ; for example.

    Locked & Restricted Weapon Types were in EQ.  I didn't know any Monks that used Daggers, Swords, Axes, Shields, etc. there.  At least, not when I played it.  Itemization is a huge balance point.  You don't want everyone able to loot every type of weapon in the game, otherwise it cases huge amounts of friction to players who have to farm those items.  (Queue the Hunter jokes...) The Artifact System in Legion isn't fundamentally different than Epic Weapons in EQ or EQ2.

    Other Games have done Ability Pruning, and many of the abilities in WoW either were vestigial (Spellstones?) or created overcomplicated specs and rotations (Early WoTLK Affliction)

    Player Speed has nothing to do with End Game or not.  In games like EQ, some classes had no way at all to boost their own run speed.  The only way to do so was to get a buff from another player.  Good luck agro kiting those unstable MOBs on your Necro without SoW.  Don't care what level you are...

    Cast Times are needed because otherwise the deck is stacked in favor of casters.  It's not just about Raiding, or PvE.  It's also about PvP.  Spells with low or instant cast times usually are weaker than those with longer cast times.  This was so even in EQ and other games.  Otherwise you overpower caster classes who can move freely and dodge everything while doing above-decent damage output.  That is a common sense, logical, fairness, balance, sound design issue.

    For example, in EQ the strongest nukes for Mages and Wizards had the longest cast times, the most restrictions (Line of Sight for Bolt Spells), and often the lowest resist modifiers (more easily resisted) while the fast ones did less damage but were often harder to resist.

    This means you have choices to make at different states of the fight.

    Blizzard doesn't want you slinging out super nukes between Death Throes, but you can probably still get in a couple of Conflags, Ice Lances, Refresh your DoTs, etc. while avoiding the damage.

    Everyone has a list of issues, but you should play the game while you write those issues up.  Cause if you remove them, then you throw balance out of the window.

    The game has its own design for combat, movement, etc. and Blizzard has its own philosophy for how classes should work together.  All of this plays a small part in that.  You can't build a building with one pillar.
  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    1.) UI too outdated.
    2.) Character Models still too old.
    3.) Armor Models too old.
    4.) Not all quests show on map.

    Over-All Re-create wow from scratch World OF Warcraft 2 and remake the game like today's MMO's.
  • noncleynoncley Member UncommonPosts: 718
    Because it got simple, linear and small. Because it took out choice and exploration in favour of spoon-feeding and hand-holding. Because it was no longer about adventuring and progressing but about end-game raiding.
  • Kane72Kane72 Member UncommonPosts: 211
    A tired game with no investment for the monthly sub and the gall, having taken the monthly sub, to charge for expacs. It's just Blizzard bleeding the good will dry now because there really is better value to be had elsewhere.

    i was a staunch WOW fanboy admittedly and them losing me really says it all.
  • etharnetharn Member UncommonPosts: 152
    Mostly I hate how generic it is. 

    A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing; and if you love nothing, what joy is there in your life?

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,965
    edited April 2016
    No hate, loved it when it was the game I loved. Upset with the direction the game has gone. Would love to go back to my Paladin and start having fun again but when they removed skills and the talent tree to make the game simpler for people to play. The magic was gone. I used to run a spec for teaming and one for PvP/Solo I was a shockadin, cant spec that anymore. I have always said, the only one who can kill WoW is Blizzard. I think they dont get their customers any more.
  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    I don't hate WoW.  I played the crap out of it for a long time.  Like many things, you eventually, move on.  I played it, had fun with it, and at some point had enough and wanted to play something else.  Had nothing to do with incredibly bad changes or earth shattering balance changes.  Just moved on.

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    I don't hate games. I used to love WoW - and now I just have fond memories of it. It has many flaws and it always did - but no game is perfect.

    Literally hating a game seems a waste of energy to me.
  • jmalminjmalmin Member UncommonPosts: 44
    Guess since there is no other mmo who can compare itself to wow and every mmo gets compared to the game. brings in allot of undeserved hate to the game. But also not updating their game for over a year kinda makes allot of people very salty. Its not a good buisness model to make people wait for over a year before something new arrives. The last 3 expansions leaves a bad taste in the mouth because of this long wait. 
  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    Creating the kind of quality content that Blizzard put out takes time. It's not something you can just throw money at - because they need to test it and they need to polish it.

    If you, as a player, are just sitting around waiting for more content for that one game - and you're making yourself dependent on it, I'm not sure the game is to blame, really.

    There's no game in existence that can keep up with the rate at which dedicated players consume content. It's just not possible.

    At least, not yet.
  • mazutmazut Member UncommonPosts: 988
    edited April 2016
    I dont hate the game, despite its huge flaws imo. I hate the company behind it, that made the game way to commercial and stretched it like a rubber band until it snaps and it will.
  • SnakexSnakex Member UncommonPosts: 317
    toljar said:

    I seem to always see people attacking WoW on information and news threads every time one pops up. I'm curious why some of you have so much angst against WoW? I have never really heard a good reason from people and it seems to be the same, "Just let this game die already".

    So, if you hate/dislike WoW and want to see it gone, why?

    I hate it because it feel from grace. Activision bought Blizzard and made the game extremely superficial.
    When an online game doesnt Need social activity to progress its no longer needs to be online.
    Why can you go through WoW A-Z, without any social activity, without ever joining a guild.
    Why can i hit max level, dungeon, raid, pvp all while never needing to talk to others.
    Just go play Witcher or some shit.
  • IwayloIwaylo Member UncommonPosts: 174
    I dont hate wow, played it for many years. What i dislike is the trash expansions that they release and their idea to increase stats every expansion ten times making old  content irrelevant and the PvP stupified.
  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    Snakex said:
    toljar said:

    I seem to always see people attacking WoW on information and news threads every time one pops up. I'm curious why some of you have so much angst against WoW? I have never really heard a good reason from people and it seems to be the same, "Just let this game die already".

    So, if you hate/dislike WoW and want to see it gone, why?

    I hate it because it feel from grace. Activision bought Blizzard and made the game extremely superficial.
    When an online game doesnt Need social activity to progress its no longer needs to be online.
    Why can you go through WoW A-Z, without any social activity, without ever joining a guild.
    Why can i hit max level, dungeon, raid, pvp all while never needing to talk to others.
    Just go play Witcher or some shit.
    That's like saying you don't need to talk to others when going to a social event. Sure, you don't have to do that - but it will make the experience much better if people open up and talk.

    I'll never know why people feel the designers need to force people into doing something they apparently don't want to do.

    The reality of gaming is that a LOT of gamers simply don't WANT to socialise.

    But those that DO want to socialise don't have to stay silent. In fact, many don't. I certainly don't know any guild that's entirely silent. People talk and they have fun.

    The challenging content, including battlegrounds, Arena, top-level raids and so on ALL require communication and coordination to succeed.

    So, I don't see any "fall from grace".

    Game entered the MMO scene as the, by far, most casual MMO on the market. Strange that people started hating the game for what it was always meant to be.
  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    edited April 2016
    I was about to do a WoW rescue quest and kill of a few baddies while doing it. Suddenly, the thought occurred to me - why am I doing this boring quest?

    And then I look at Dark Souls 3 - It's an incredible world, an intriguing plot, interesting characters.

    Can you see the difference?
  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    I was about to do a WoW rescue quest and kill of a few baddies while doing it. Suddenly, the thought occurred to me - why am I doing this boring quest?

    And then I look at Dark Souls 3 - It's an incredible world, an intriguing plot, interesting characters.

    Can you see the difference?
    Yes, you're tired of WoW but you're not yet tired of the Dark Souls formula ;)
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    DKLond said:
    Creating the kind of quality content that Blizzard put out takes time. It's not something you can just throw money at - because they need to test it and they need to polish it.

    If you, as a player, are just sitting around waiting for more content for that one game - and you're making yourself dependent on it, I'm not sure the game is to blame, really.

    There's no game in existence that can keep up with the rate at which dedicated players consume content. It's just not possible.

    At least, not yet.

    Yes players shouldn't sit around waiting for content - they should and obviously are moving on; yes games can't keep up with consumption HOWEVER in simple terms you can throw money at content.

    Post launch Blizz released a major content patch every 2 months for 2 years (so 12 patches) and then without dropping a beat they released BC. And then more content patches followed. Clearly they had a bigger team.

    Companies do financial projections all the time and - somewhen - AB decided that spending less on development would only lose them X subscribers. Add in smaller annual paid expansions with a single content patch plus a film and it must have looked like a sure fire plan to greater profitability. 

    As they say: the best laid plans of mice and men.

  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    gervaise1 said:
    DKLond said:
    Creating the kind of quality content that Blizzard put out takes time. It's not something you can just throw money at - because they need to test it and they need to polish it.

    If you, as a player, are just sitting around waiting for more content for that one game - and you're making yourself dependent on it, I'm not sure the game is to blame, really.

    There's no game in existence that can keep up with the rate at which dedicated players consume content. It's just not possible.

    At least, not yet.

    Yes players shouldn't sit around waiting for content - they should and obviously are moving on; yes games can't keep up with consumption HOWEVER in simple terms you can throw money at content.

    Post launch Blizz released a major content patch every 2 months for 2 years (so 12 patches) and then without dropping a beat they released BC. And then more content patches followed. Clearly they had a bigger team.

    Companies do financial projections all the time and - somewhen - AB decided that spending less on development would only lose them X subscribers. Add in smaller annual paid expansions with a single content patch plus a film and it must have looked like a sure fire plan to greater profitability. 

    As they say: the best laid plans of mice and men.

    Maybe they did have a bigger team around launch when the development team was still in WoW-mode, but you can't expect them to keep them all around for years post-launch, that's just not realistic.

    I haven't really followed development of content patches in the last few years, but it seems to me they're still adding significantly to the game. Maybe I'm missing something, though.

    Still, the game is more than 11 years old now. Would more content patches really make players truly happy with the game?

    I doubt it.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    gervaise1 said:

    Yes players shouldn't sit around waiting for content - they should and obviously are moving on; yes games can't keep up with consumption HOWEVER in simple terms you can throw money at content.

    Post launch Blizz released a major content patch every 2 months for 2 years (so 12 patches) and then without dropping a beat they released BC. And then more content patches followed. Clearly they had a bigger team.

    Companies do financial projections all the time and - somewhen - AB decided that spending less on development would only lose them X subscribers. Add in smaller annual paid expansions with a single content patch plus a film and it must have looked like a sure fire plan to greater profitability. 

    As they say: the best laid plans of mice and men.

    Cutting devs and content is a spiral of death, yes. The thing however is that the game kept growing anyways for several years so I guess Activision thought that releasing that much content was a waste. However they eventually passed the critical mass and start losing players (yeah, that is simplifying it, there is also quality and the age of the game).

    Clearly by now is that the current model isn't working anymore which means they either have to go back to the original model or milk Wow for all they can and then put it on life support. Guess what they will choose?

    Hating Wow seems rather stupid though, not enjoying playing it is one thing but if you must hate something there are better things (like war, famine and Bieber).
  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    edited April 2016
    when they keep promising stuff and not delivering things even remotely close to that it's no wonder people get a little salty. just look at what happened with WoD and they asked for even more money for that expansion and claimed that they'd hired a ton of new devs to work on it. then they claim that they are going to push out a new expansion every year and that they've been working on Legion the same time as they was working on WoD. but somehow that's still in Alpha.

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • koljanekoljane Member UncommonPosts: 171
    edited April 2016
    I dont hate WOW but I dont like ppl that hate WOW.

    To be clear:

    There is always more CONS in other games then you can find in WOW if you want to compare them.

    BUT !!!!

    I hate all asian MMORPG.
     I think that should delete all news, trailers, comercials, baners rtc. releted to anything comin from asia.
    Cause, it is like going to Chinese Shop, there is everything cheeper, looks ok at best but it last less then 6 months. 
  • vveaver_onlinevveaver_online Member UncommonPosts: 436

    I don't hate wow but I stopped playing because it became to instanced, I started playing for the openworld community and pvp.

    I don't wanna play a mmo where I just stand in one place waiting on queue to go into a small instance, if I wanted that there are much better options. 

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