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Why do you hate WoW?



  • prizm1234prizm1234 Member UncommonPosts: 109
    Wylf said:
    prizm1234 said:
    the people who play it, and by extension pretty much any mmo, you know who they are, the wannabe elitards, the people who spout stupid crap in chat , the drooling pvp morons who whine and complain that nobody queues for the gankfest, the fucktards who want to be carried and have ridiculous requirements for entry level groups or raids, the slobbering rejects who want everything RIGHT NOW OR IMMA CANCEL MY SUB
    @prizm1234 Doesn't that pretty much describe every MMO?

    yup, and i even said so

  • toljartoljar Member UncommonPosts: 240
    I'm seeing a lot of really good responses and reasons. 

    First, thank you all for not turning this into a flame thread, you all did bring some solid insights and personal beliefs into the discussion. Second, I noticed a good majority feel the same thing, and that is WoW seems to have people angry not at the game, but what it has did to the industry and community relations. 

    After reading your comments, it seems that WoW is not "hated",  it is just merely the game that gets a lot of blamed pushed onto it for various reasons, but the most common being what it has recklessly done to the mmorpg genre. The question then goes to, what could have WoW/Blizzard done to avoid becoming such a behemoth that changed the MMO genre from better/worse?

    Gaming community: IRONFIST
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  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    Two reasons why WoW today is a shadow of the original WoW:

    1) In the original WoW, you'd be questing and suddenly run into dozens of enemy travelling to a dungeon. Suddenly, there would be an epic battle between Hoard and Alliance - usually at choke points, such as Ashenvale. This never happens now because of flying mounts, teleporting, and battlegrounds. Therefore, the majority of the excitement / adrenaline rush has completely gone!

    2) The old talent trees enabled you to customise your character so that the class 'felt right' to you. For example, in 2004 - 2008, fire mages were proper glass cannons. Now, all classes have a very similar feel. Mages are more DoT / mob control, rather than massive alpha damage dealers with respectable DoT.

    I wish more games would copy the old vanilla WoW. You'd have to ask developers why not.
  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    No one hates wow they just got tired of the dumbing down of the game and Blizzard making the most ridiculous concepts more and more ridiculous. 
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    I only hate it because once in awhile I re-sub and then find it dull.  I had a lot of good times in the game.  I don't even mind the dumbing down bit.  What I don't like is the "high fantasy" and steampunk elements.  I liked classic because it was more low key.  When every city has swirling magical mists around it and giant glowing blobs everywhere it just isn't my thing.  Wow suffers from "glowy" creep :)

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • GameboyMarcGameboyMarc Member UncommonPosts: 395
    I don't hate WoW I played it for a long time on and off. I am just pass it now. Odd though I am playing UO, EQ2, and Lord of the rings online. 

  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    I don't hate WoW.  I just don't play it anymore.  However, some of my most memorable open world and BG pvp moments were in WoW.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • AndistotleAndistotle Member UncommonPosts: 124
    I mostly hate people that LOVE WoW, I dont hate WoW itself. But I do DISLIKE it alot, and blame it for alot.
  • SetzerSetzer Member UncommonPosts: 261
    I don't hate WoW, I just got bored with it.  You play one game for 7+ years and you eventually lose interest. I come back and play the expansions for 1-2 months and then unsub. For the most part the expansions are enjoyable but nothing nearly as good as Lich King was, at least for me anyways.

    Warlords of Draenor was probably my least favorite expansion only because I felt like Garrisons took away certain aspects of the game I enjoyed. I found myself just logging in to do stuff in my Garrison and that was it. I didn't have to go farm herbs or ore in the game was all right there and you didn't need the mining or herbalism skill to harvest them. I made a good chunk of my gold selling resources on the AH and they pretty much took that ability away by letting everyone harvest herbs and ore. I didn't have to run dungeons to get new gear...just send my followers out to do it for me. I didn't have to travel anywhere to craft or go to the was all right there in my Garrison. Part of my enjoyment of the game was doing the 5-man heroics when I reached the level cap and with my Garrison I was able to gear myself up high enough that it made doing the Heroics trivial and everything that dropped in there was useless. And don't even get me started on the PvP zone, Ashran. After about a month I was bored and left...and haven't returned since. I'll probably return for Legion but if the focus is still on Garrisons then I'll probably pass.
  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    Setzer said:
    I don't hate WoW, I just got bored with it.  You play one game for 7+ years and you eventually lose interest. I come back and play the expansions for 1-2 months and then unsub. For the most part the expansions are enjoyable but nothing nearly as good as Lich King was, at least for me anyways.

    Warlords of Draenor was probably my least favorite expansion only because I felt like Garrisons took away certain aspects of the game I enjoyed. I found myself just logging in to do stuff in my Garrison and that was it. I didn't have to go farm herbs or ore in the game was all right there and you didn't need the mining or herbalism skill to harvest them. I made a good chunk of my gold selling resources on the AH and they pretty much took that ability away by letting everyone harvest herbs and ore. I didn't have to run dungeons to get new gear...just send my followers out to do it for me. I didn't have to travel anywhere to craft or go to the was all right there in my Garrison. Part of my enjoyment of the game was doing the 5-man heroics when I reached the level cap and with my Garrison I was able to gear myself up high enough that it made doing the Heroics trivial and everything that dropped in there was useless. And don't even get me started on the PvP zone, Ashran. After about a month I was bored and left...and haven't returned since. I'll probably return for Legion but if the focus is still on Garrisons then I'll probably pass.

    All these complaints look different, but actually they are all the same.

    In old WoW, you used to have to venture out to get stuff and run the gauntlet of a likely PvP encounter. That was exciting.

    Getting all the rewards in safety or with predictable events is no fun at all.
  • JeyhuJeyhu Member UncommonPosts: 90
    Why do I hate WoW?  For starters it has created an entire generation of hand me down type of gamers.  Self entitled douche bags who go to other games and immediately castrate a game for not being easy or having 10+ years of content because "WoW has that".  Also the fact that it was such a huge success all the other corporate greedy goons decided to go chase after that type of success but just tried to copy the damn game itself.  Before WoW MMOs were largely experimental in design with lots of sandbox games.  Then WoW comes, creates what is now called "themepark MMO" and boom there goes innovation for 10 years.  I'm not saying WoW didn't innovate which they did of course through phasing and other systems.  The fact is, the other companies just tried to copy WoW.  Now it's 2016 and finally sandbox games are starting to make a come back.  I wonder if Star Wars Galaxies was released today although a bit more polished would it have created a second type of WoW phenomonom?  Who knows, but these are the reasons I can't stand WoW.
  • DarkswormDarksworm Member RarePosts: 1,081
    edited February 2016
    I don't hate the game.  

    However, it's become too Anti-Social to Self-Centered for me.

    The lack of Open Content, the Hyper-Instanced Nature of the zone.  The over-indulgence with end-game content races and eSports (Arena), etc.  I just don't like it.

    Can barely maintain any relationships in these types of games.

    I have more contacts in Diablo III than WoW, and people seem more interested there in actually communicating than just face rolling the content.

    WoW is adding harder dungeons and whatnot, but the focus still seems to remain IMO.  The recent "dungeon races" that they live streamed pretty much told me that it's better to just move on.    Legion is going to be the first expansion that I don't buy and play for at least a couple months, and I doubt I'll be back.

    There need to be more MMORPGs that focus on community outside of face rolling Heroics, Rading, and eSports.  I want to be able to go into an Open World zone and be challenged, maybe meet a friend.  I want to at least need help clearing to something, or getting back up and going instead of "releasing" and racing back in ghost form, etc.

    This isn't a WoW-specific issue.  Games just seem to hold your hands way too much these days.  I don't find that fun or engaging.

    Also, overtime I've tried to get back into WoW and "catch up" so I could raid, by the time I get to the point where I'm raid-viable, I'm already burnt out on the content because you have to run it as much as possible just to get there.  And the guilds basically run the same content and then log off.  Raid, maybe some Challenge Mode Dungeon, etc. and then log off.  There is nothing else to play for (PvE-wise).  The game seems very shallow.

    I don't understand why Blizzard did Garrisons (and the new Class "launchpads" in Legion) but have yet to do Guild Halls...

    Then again, there's barely any content that isn't completely instanced that you can't queue up for from almost anywhere on the map, anyways, and there's hardly a reason to communicate with other people in this game outside of raids (even then, the majority are just lemmings) and organized eSport/Arena stuff.
    Post edited by Darksworm on
  • WylfWylf Member UncommonPosts: 376
    edited February 2016

    ...In old WoW, you used to have to venture out to get stuff and run the gauntlet of a likely PvP encounter. That was exciting.

    Getting all the rewards in safety or with predictable events is no fun at all.
    I'll agree the game became easy, but unless you were on a PvP server I don't recall 'likely PvP encounters'. I have not played it in a couple of years, did they do away with the PvP servers?
  • ImpsyImpsy Member UncommonPosts: 53
    The game just isn't what it used to be. Everything is just hand-fed. No interaction required. And each concurrent expansion past WotLK made the game successively worse. Blizzard would never admit that they ruined their own game though...
  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353
    toljar said:

    I seem to always see people attacking WoW on information and news threads every time one pops up. I'm curious why some of you have so much angst against WoW? I have never really heard a good reason from people and it seems to be the same, "Just let this game die already".

    So, if you hate/dislike WoW and want to see it gone, why?

    I don't want to see it gone. I have friends who play it. But when I tried it out I found it to be slow and unresponsive. It also wasn't newbie friendly. I first played it after City of Heroes shut down so having such limited character customization was a turn off. It's also gear-based so if you get some snazzy new item after you perfected your look, suddenly you have to do all this extra work just to keep your appearance. It did so many things without explaining them that I felt lost half the time.
  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    OP the reason why Everyone HATES WOW is because WOW has hurt the MMO Genera by bringing in Fast Food content just to try to make more money.  Yet they have not made more money.  Why is it that WOW had grown to 11.5 Million subs in 4 years and since than has only grown 500K subs but the rest of the time has lost subs?  Because people hate the direction it has taken.  Its no longer a in-depth game where your skills to get along with people and make friends are just as important as your skills playing with you class.  All of that was taken away in WOTLK and dont give me that BS that Raiding is where skill game play is.  Sorry but its not.  

    WOW has become a Joke because it got away from what MMORPGs should be and are to what they are today is a fast food game that you throw away.  

    There is no way I am ever coming back again because Blizzard keeps trying to make the few people who post on their forums happy vs people like my dozens of friends who have played WOW and quit yet will never post on the forum.  
  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    Here is a List of problems with WOW

    4 Versions of the SAME raid

    AOE Fest Dungeons 

    Race Fest Dungeons

    Esport PVP

    Ways to get around with being a part of a virtual world



    The current WOW player can complain how hard it was to get into Dungeons and Raids before the Grouping Tools, but these Dungeons were also not meant for you to do it every time you log on.  Instances were the core focus of the game and people loved the instances.  The problem is we turned the game into an anti social experience just to streamline the content so everyone can do it just by pushing a button.  
  • WarlyxWarlyx Member EpicPosts: 3,374
    because it was awesome and then Blizz turned it into crap....the community doesnt help , it was always bad , but it gets worse with every patch/expansion....same as the game....vanilla was far from perfect , but at least was a mmorpg.
  • IkisisIkisis Member UncommonPosts: 443
    WoW in BC was amazing, i dont hate WoW i simply hate that every company since has tried to mock it.

    But its simple if i want to play a dungeon runner/Trinity system game im going to play WoW not some knock off.

  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    edited March 2016
    WoW pretty much singlehandedly caused 10 years of MMO stagnation, where most MMOs tried to copy it as much as possible because it made so much money.

    WoW is a good MMO but it's not that good.  The main reason it was/is so popular is it can run on almost any computer.

    Anyway, super neat MMO for 2003 or whenever it came out.  Nowadays it needs to die in a fire so the MMORPG players addicted to that game can support new and innovative MMOs.

    WoW was good for the genre in that it made it more mainstream and attractive for investors.  It's bad for the genre in every other way.
  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
  • MMOExposedMMOExposed Member RarePosts: 7,407
    WoW pretty much singlehandedly caused 10 years of MMO stagnation, where most MMOs tried to copy it as much as possible because it made so much money.

    WoW is a good MMO but it's not that good.  The main reason it was/is so popular is it can run on almost any computer.

    Anyway, super neat MMO for 2003 or whenever it came out.  Nowadays it needs to die in a fire so the MMORPG players addicted to that game can support new and innovative MMOs.

    WoW was good for the genre in that it made it more mainstream and attractive for investors.  It's bad for the genre in every other way.
    you cant say that. How did WoW Stagnate the MMO genre for 10 years? 
    And thats not the reason its popular. Its popular because it is fun with nice quality. Many people have more powerful PCs today, and still new MMOs cant hold players. Thats their fault. Not WoW.

    Philosophy of MMO Game Design

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    I don't hate WoW.  It just doesn't fit my current playstyle.  I jump to what ever MMO I feel like playing.  The ones I play have no subs and are just as fun as WoW.  I see no point in paying a sub when I may jump on once in awhile, maybe I would play for a few days, maybe a few weeks but I'm paying for access the entire month.  Money I could use elsewhere. 

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Silverthorn8Silverthorn8 Member UncommonPosts: 510
    I don't hate wow, at the moment. If a fair number of issues in alpha get through to live for the expansion I will end up hating it.

    1. Being locked to one weapon type for some classes will be unbearable (fist weapons mostly).
    2. Ability pruning (fucking hate this shit!).
    3. Nerfs to movement speed on some classes. (who likes slow characters? Especially at end game).
    4. Cast times for almost all spells for some casters - I get their reasoning (not everyone raids though).

    Just generally the horrid dumbing down of the game. Was hoping back in 2006 that the hero class would be some kind of AA or multi classing, instead they just released the Deathknight in 2008. Then they gutted the talent trees for the shitty tier system, removal of armour pen, expertise spell pen etc

    If legion turns out to be dross, I'll be looking at some of the new indie games coming out next year, Pantheon, Chronicles of Elyria or Shards Online.

  • BurntCabbageBurntCabbage Member UncommonPosts: 482
    right now it looks and feels like its a f2p mmorpg ..they should just have cash shops and be done with it already and only pay for xpacs..theres tons of mmorpgs out that that offer the same if not more for free and so basically all your paying for is good server maintenance and up also surprised that it hasnt made its way to the console yet because you can basically lay a fish on your key-bored ..let it flop around and wa-la! ..max lvl
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