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The new Dungeons

danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
So I watched the videos for the new Dungeons.  While I love the look, the new Dungeons are basically the same as WOD dungeons, which are the same as MOP dungeons, are the same as Cata Dungeons which are the same as WOTLK Dungeons.  Grab the mobs up and DPS them down as a pack because you can.  Little or no thought to strategy at all, maybe you might need to throw interrupts and it looks like the Dungeons themselves are again a 15 minute affair.    

I am not going to be returning to this game and my friends who brought this to my attention are also not going to.  Why buy a game which you will play for 3 to 5 months out of the entire xpac?  It has nothing to do with price and everything to do with the content being design too much for the 15 minute lunch run and not hey I get my friends together 2 or 3 days a week and really have a Dungeon thats enjoyable not running the same 7 Dungeons about 100 times in a few months.  While I understand available time has gone down in 10 years, this is why MMOs feel way too much like a treadmill NOT a virtual living world.  We are so worried about cramming in as much as we can do in these short 15 minute play sessions just so we can get all the content done before the next Xpac in 2 years that we turn the game into a treadmill.  

Maybe WOW should look at 36 to 48 months between xpacs AND how much content comes out in that 36 to 48 months.  Think start with 10 Dungeons and end with 40.  5 every 6 months, and 6 major patches that add in more Dungeons.  Also get away from the 15 minute mash face runs and look at 45 to 90 minute dungeons where CC and strategy is more important than big DPS and HPS numbers.  Maybe get rid of LFD for the new LFG tool AND increase loot drop rates for Pre-mades.  Also stop dropping Epics out of Dungeons and do Blue Dungeon gear that in the later dungeon releases are better than T1 of the NEW Raids.  

The current formula is broken and I doubt you will see a spike to 10 Million subs for Legion.  I also think if the same old people like myself who consistently bought into the HEY THE NEW XPAC WILL FIX EVERYTHING hype are not buying it this time and are refusing to come back maybe its time to change the Formula.  And having Millions of subs drop in 6 months is not profitable.  They still make a Profit BUT they could have more on a much more stable subscription number.  

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