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PvP gearing

d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878
What do you have to do to get a new level 100 character geared up to max i-level for pvp?


  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
    Go to Ashran and join the zerg, get the treasures, and kill mobs for coins. You can get a full set of this season's PVP gear in a few days of casual play. 
  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    edited February 2016
    First do Random Battlegrounds or Ashran for honor gear and then work on getting conquest points for conquest gear.  EDIT -- yeah Ashran is faster.
  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    Either that or you could do Arenas, but personally I hate arenas, I rather like BGs instead.
  • d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878
    Thanks guys. I will try out Ashran. I've never been there before.

  • ghostfaeriesghostfaeries Member UncommonPosts: 89
    you could do skirmishes for honor & honor gear if you have trouble winning battlegrounds and ashran.
  • d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878
    I've never heard of skirmishes before. I will check it out.

  • ShodanasShodanas Member RarePosts: 1,933
    The 200% honor point bonus will be active till Monday 23:00 (central EU) time.

    It's a great opportunity to get 700 ilevel armor and weapons (in PvP it elevates to 730). I geared 3 characters since Wednesday full with 700 items.

    After the bonus honor period, pray that your faction has the upper hand in its respective battle group and start farming them BG's and Ashran.
  • d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878
    Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to cap out a level 100 character before this event ends. But you're right, this would be a good time to do it.

  • SweedeSweede Member UncommonPosts: 210
    Myself i tend to only do world pvp which at ilvl 653 is frigging silly, have a hard time killing a lvl 95 :) love how blizzard scale gear, from my 650ish to 710 the difference is insane, my dmg on him is next to zero while i get hit for up to 160k, guess Ashran is one way to gear even though everybody seem to hate it.


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