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Smells like Archeage 2.0



  • 209vaughn209vaughn Member UncommonPosts: 58
    casdegere said:
    Rhygarth said:
    Kiyoris said:
    Describing Black Desert as Archeage 2.0 is pretty spot on,

    They have the same kind of wishy washy half PVP, easy PVE, gear grind game, without any decent endgame content.

    The endgame content is not even content, it is socketing and enchanting your gear by playing the market.

    P2W creeping from around the corner.

     The white knights defending it:

    "but it's not pay2win, you can grind, buh uh uh...don't attack my game, waaa...look at the graphics and character creation, you can pay for lingery...only $15......."

    same exact crowd as in Arecheage. They look at the graphics, know didly squat about the game itself, and are ready to throw money at the game.

    All those games aren't made to last very long.

    These are the two most watched Black Desert videos, need I say more.

    Kiyoris you just love to bash this game, all you do is troll this game on almost every forum post,

    you even started a P2W thread about this game that was totaly untrue for the NA/EU version of the game

    and as for end game i would much rather have end game gear that i can work at at my own pace and not be locked behind some stupid raid that i have to work my life around,

    and the youtube videos are the most watched as the world is full of porn lovers simple.

    you are like a bitter ex-girlfriend, get a new love in your life and move on.
    Ok Black Desert: Cash shop: Check, RNG: Check, PVP: Check, Limited Energy? Yep, check! Do I need to continue? Arch age is fun as long as you don't mind limited crafting time. Everything about it is cash mall orientated or live with inferior gear. What a joke. No game I play will limit HOW much time I craft. that alone is BS. Especially when they sell time potions in the cash shop. People who have the cash to buy several accounts, fill them with characters and buy those characters boxes, potions and other things, how is that NOT P2W? You enjoy it fine but at least admit you pull out your CC for stuff you want. And will do it again for BD. 

    If you use all of your ArcheAge labor points every day, you should probably get a job or a girlfriend.  Because it's not that easy to do.
  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    casdegere said:
    Rhygarth said:
    Kiyoris said:
    Describing Black Desert as Archeage 2.0 is pretty spot on,

    They have the same kind of wishy washy half PVP, easy PVE, gear grind game, without any decent endgame content.

    The endgame content is not even content, it is socketing and enchanting your gear by playing the market.

    P2W creeping from around the corner.

     The white knights defending it:

    "but it's not pay2win, you can grind, buh uh uh...don't attack my game, waaa...look at the graphics and character creation, you can pay for lingery...only $15......."

    same exact crowd as in Arecheage. They look at the graphics, know didly squat about the game itself, and are ready to throw money at the game.

    All those games aren't made to last very long.

    These are the two most watched Black Desert videos, need I say more.

    Kiyoris you just love to bash this game, all you do is troll this game on almost every forum post,

    you even started a P2W thread about this game that was totaly untrue for the NA/EU version of the game

    and as for end game i would much rather have end game gear that i can work at at my own pace and not be locked behind some stupid raid that i have to work my life around,

    and the youtube videos are the most watched as the world is full of porn lovers simple.

    you are like a bitter ex-girlfriend, get a new love in your life and move on.
    Ok Black Desert: Cash shop: Check, RNG: Check, PVP: Check, Limited Energy? Yep, check! Do I need to continue? Arch age is fun as long as you don't mind limited crafting time. Everything about it is cash mall orientated or live with inferior gear. What a joke. No game I play will limit HOW much time I craft. that alone is BS. Especially when they sell time potions in the cash shop. People who have the cash to buy several accounts, fill them with characters and buy those characters boxes, potions and other things, how is that NOT P2W? You enjoy it fine but at least admit you pull out your CC for stuff you want. And will do it again for BD. 
    "Especially when they sell time potions in the cash shop."

    They are not going to sell those in the cash shop.  Are you guys even reading any news about the game before making up your minds?

    OK Black Desert: Zero way to convert cash to in game currency: Check, No item in the cash shop to increase upgrade rng chance: Check, crafting points regenerate at a faster rate than Archeage and so far I have not heard of anyone being limited by crafting points: Check.

    That's all not to mention that the client seems way more stable and less hackable than Archeage and there aren't mechanics like winning houses by using an auto-clicker.
  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    Jacobin said:

    How do you not get that selling your labor just makes the gear imbalances even worse?

    The people buying it will be the whales or 24/7 grinders who will be spamming upgrade attempts and getting superior gear while you get a few silver.

    It will also mean whales just need to buy 30 accounts and have them sit afk all day effectiely giving themselves infinite energy.

    @Kiyoris is absolutely right about there being no actual endgame, its just logging in and spending you energy for the day crafting to get cash to take a go at the upgrade casino.

    Like ArcheAge, GvG or general world PvP is utterly pointless since nothing is really gained or lost. You kill a guy, he respawns 15 feet away - rinse and repeat until you get bored and leave. Maybe sieges will be better, but its once a week and zerg dominated.
    So what's the answer?

    Honestly if someone wants to buy 30 accounts and devote their entire life to a game, good for them. They deserve to do well I guess.

    Unless everyone has the exact same access/limit to everything (cash, time to play, effort, skill) it is never going to be fair or perfect for everyone.

    People can simply opt in or out.

    PVP is pointless in all games. Video Games are pointless unless you do it for a living which is a very small fraction and most likely none of us or we'd be off "working" and not wasting our time on forums.

    Don't know of one game that doesn't allow you to die, respawn and try it all again. Might be varying versions, but all basically the same. Keep us coming back to do it again, because it is fun.

    We can either accept it or not play in the end. Companies aren't going to cater to a vocal minority if the majority are willing to play in whatever crazy design is in place. That is all that matters to them.

    BDO devs seem at least aware of possible issues that NA/EU aren't so willing to deal with, but in the end they will do what is in their best interest. Hopefully this coincides with what fans want.
  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843
    Yes, the cash shop situation is a small victory for gamers everywhere but it doesn't say much about the future of the game.
    They MUST play ball until they sell enough copies because the game is B2P, Archeage didn't have that problem.
    So the 'wait and see' approach is still the smartest thing to do and if it stays the same after 3-6 months I'll be first to admit that the koreans are finally starting to understand western gamers.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    edited January 2016
    Benjola said:
    Yes, the cash shop situation is a small victory for gamers everywhere but it doesn't say much about the future of the game.
    They MUST play ball until they sell enough copies because the game is B2P, Archeage didn't have that problem.
    So the 'wait and see' approach is still the smartest thing to do and if it stays the same after 3-6 months I'll be first to admit that the koreans are finally starting to understand western gamers.
    For that 3-6 months people will have a good time. Although I didn't play, I find it hard to believe that 100% of those that have or do play AA are forking over tons of cash or playing a game they don't enjoy. We all like different things.

    If a year from now they flip flop and wallets only matter and NA folks stick around, win/win. If they leave, lose/lose. Unless the initial B2P price is enough to make up for whatever costs they had and will have plus the mystery whales that dominate every game with their money.

    I assume since since AA is the most evil P2W game ever that it is going to close down any day or are the 20 whales keeping it going?

    I'd rather ride the wave and risk it then sitting on the shore waiting for the seas to part for me.

    6 months after launch you'll probably complain how time played is all that matters, always something with you folks =)

    At the same time I backed Crowfall and am an idiot for paying for something I don't even know will exist!!!! The horror.

    *Off to go tell others what is right and how I am the source of the answer*
  • 209vaughn209vaughn Member UncommonPosts: 58
    Allein said:
    Jacobin said:

    How do you not get that selling your labor just makes the gear imbalances even worse?

    The people buying it will be the whales or 24/7 grinders who will be spamming upgrade attempts and getting superior gear while you get a few silver.

    It will also mean whales just need to buy 30 accounts and have them sit afk all day effectiely giving themselves infinite energy.

    @Kiyoris is absolutely right about there being no actual endgame, its just logging in and spending you energy for the day crafting to get cash to take a go at the upgrade casino.

    Like ArcheAge, GvG or general world PvP is utterly pointless since nothing is really gained or lost. You kill a guy, he respawns 15 feet away - rinse and repeat until you get bored and leave. Maybe sieges will be better, but its once a week and zerg dominated.
    So what's the answer?

    Honestly if someone wants to buy 30 accounts and devote their entire life to a game, good for them. They deserve to do well I guess.

    Unless everyone has the exact same access/limit to everything (cash, time to play, effort, skill) it is never going to be fair or perfect for everyone.

    People can simply opt in or out.

    PVP is pointless in all games. Video Games are pointless unless you do it for a living which is a very small fraction and most likely none of us or we'd be off "working" and not wasting our time on forums.

    Don't know of one game that doesn't allow you to die, respawn and try it all again. Might be varying versions, but all basically the same. Keep us coming back to do it again, because it is fun.

    We can either accept it or not play in the end. Companies aren't going to cater to a vocal minority if the majority are willing to play in whatever crazy design is in place. That is all that matters to them.

    BDO devs seem at least aware of possible issues that NA/EU aren't so willing to deal with, but in the end they will do what is in their best interest. Hopefully this coincides with what fans want.
    Go ahead and "wait and see", the rest of us will be having fun.  LOL.
  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    209vaughn said:
    Go ahead and "wait and see", the rest of us will be having fun.  LOL.
    Was that meant for me?
  • TiamatRoarTiamatRoar Member RarePosts: 1,694
    edited January 2016
    Start out Buy-to-Play withOUT a pay-to-win cash shop.  Get lots of box sales.  After players are done buying those boxes in a few months, switch to free-to-play WITH pay-to-win cash shop.  Get lots of whale money.

    A rather ingenious plan, really.

    Will BDO do this?  Guess we'll find out in a few months.
  • 209vaughn209vaughn Member UncommonPosts: 58
    Allein said:
    209vaughn said:
    Go ahead and "wait and see", the rest of us will be having fun.  LOL.
    Was that meant for me?
    I dont recall, whoever claims that DBO is the next ArcheAge is just making conspiracy theories.

    With that said, the ArcheAge p2w complaints are overblown.  Wonderful game.  "Free to play" is a flawed concept all the way around.   Very few games can pull it off right.
  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    I don't care how pay to win they make it.  I just want some combat with tactics required and freedom from quests.  And hopefully the land requirement from Archeage will not be there.
  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    209vaughn said:
    Allein said:
    209vaughn said:
    Go ahead and "wait and see", the rest of us will be having fun.  LOL.
    Was that meant for me?
    I dont recall, whoever claims that DBO is the next ArcheAge is just making conspiracy theories.

    With that said, the ArcheAge p2w complaints are overblown.  Wonderful game.  "Free to play" is a flawed concept all the way around.   Very few games can pull it off right.
    Ah, wasn't me then...
  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139

    Start out Buy-to-Play withOUT a pay-to-win cash shop.  Get lots of box sales.  After players are done buying those boxes in a few months, switch to free-to-play WITH pay-to-win cash shop.  Get lots of whale money.

    A rather ingenious plan, really.

    Will BDO do this?  Guess we'll find out in a few months.
    It is assuming there are enough people either fooled or accepting of this model after experiencing it once.

    Clearly AA rubbed many the wrong way and seems like the first one to really be so night/day recently.

    If BDO overnight changes to a very clear P2W model, how many non-whales are going to hang around to get stomped on? Game can be good enough that it doesn't matter, but those that actually want some chance at achieveing probably will be gone quickly and the game will dry up.

    No water, no whales.

    For that matter, you can hunt and kill whales in BDO.... they even make it seem like they don't like whales either =)

    Regardless, people can enjoy it while it lasts which could go on forever or wait and see, join late and then still have it happen so they lose/lose. Roll the dice and have some fun with pixels.
  • SanisarSanisar Member UncommonPosts: 135
    Just ask yourself honestly why you would ever give this game the benefit of the doubt?  Have you ever played and Korean import that didn't try to heavily monetize players?  The  business tactics of these companies is blatantly predatory, has been for a long time, and the companies have never paid a price for it.  Remember that these games have already made their money in their home market, they don't need to be popular or viewed as successful in the West, they just have to make as much money as possible.

    Could this game be the one that bucks the trend and finally doesn't try to p2w cashdrain the West for extra income?  Sure it could, but given the track record of import MMOs you would fit the very definition of insanity to actually believe it up front.
  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    edited January 2016
    Sanisar said:
    Just ask yourself honestly why you would ever give this game the benefit of the doubt?  Have you ever played and Korean import that didn't try to heavily monetize players?  The  business tactics of these companies is blatantly predatory, has been for a long time, and the companies have never paid a price for it.  Remember that these games have already made their money in their home market, they don't need to be popular or viewed as successful in the West, they just have to make as much money as possible.

    Could this game be the one that bucks the trend and finally doesn't try to p2w cashdrain the West for extra income?  Sure it could, but given the track record of import MMOs you would fit the very definition of insanity to actually believe it up front.
    Same can be said for the entire mmo genre. If every game was perfect, people would be playing the first one they tried and not being disgruntled bundles of sunshine on forums such as these.

    I can't name one company that hasn't done something to completely go against the original design, pay model, promises, yadda yadda causing fans to leave early quickly or down the line despite their best to stick with it.

    Enjoy it while it lasts or enjoy nothing.

    If people don't have common sense that things can go badly, sucks for them. Those of us that do are willing to roll the dice.

    Edit: And you're playing B&S, apparently you like to be preyed on just like the rest.
  • lillo87lillo87 Member CommonPosts: 9
    hi guys, i put a video of bdo, is in ita, but just 10 sec, after i play the first step. thx for watching
  • lillo87lillo87 Member CommonPosts: 9
    bdo video :) ciao, potresti mettere un like a questo video ? grazie
  • JacobinJacobin Member RarePosts: 1,009
    Allein said:
    So what's the answer?

    Honestly if someone wants to buy 30 accounts and devote their entire life to a game, good for them. They deserve to do well I guess.

    Unless everyone has the exact same access/limit to everything (cash, time to play, effort, skill) it is never going to be fair or perfect for everyone.

    People can simply opt in or out.

    PVP is pointless in all games. Video Games are pointless unless you do it for a living which is a very small fraction and most likely none of us or we'd be off "working" and not wasting our time on forums.

    Don't know of one game that doesn't allow you to die, respawn and try it all again. Might be varying versions, but all basically the same. Keep us coming back to do it again, because it is fun.

    We can either accept it or not play in the end. Companies aren't going to cater to a vocal minority if the majority are willing to play in whatever crazy design is in place. That is all that matters to them.

    BDO devs seem at least aware of possible issues that NA/EU aren't so willing to deal with, but in the end they will do what is in their best interest. Hopefully this coincides with what fans want.
    Must be nice living with no standards and allowing parasitic devs to dictate to you what good game design is.

    If p2w and pointless open world pvp is so good, why do all of these games have huge server merges after a few months?

    Your only real point is 'don't like it, don't play it' - Here is an idea: Why don't you follow your own advice and don't post in threads you don't like.

    Guess what, the internet is built on the idea of free expression and if BDO is free to advertise to me that I should be buying founder's packs and that its the best game ever, I am just as free to voice my opinion on a gaming forum.

  • wrathzillawrathzilla Member UncommonPosts: 76
    edited January 2016
    Or, you know, you could use evidence, like the fact that there's no player to player trading, only selling and buying on the marketplace, and that on the NA version of BDO the developers have stated that cash shop items will not, and never be, tradeable, but you know you can totally put money into the game and sell your cash shop shit to buy gear. Oh wait, the devs also said in a forum post that they're not even doing the labor potion selling anymore! So what else makes this game P2W?
    • Possible pay2win items moved to mileage shop
    • Mileage system will be improved
    Read the post for what mileage is. Anything that you nerds would call P2W you can get through playtime, and are non-tradeable, and character bound.


  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    Jacobin said:
    Must be nice living with no standards and allowing parasitic devs to dictate to you what good game design is.

    If p2w and pointless open world pvp is so good, why do all of these games have huge server merges after a few months?

    Your only real point is 'don't like it, don't play it' - Here is an idea: Why don't you follow your own advice and don't post in threads you don't like.

    Guess what, the internet is built on the idea of free expression and if BDO is free to advertise to me that I should be buying founder's packs and that its the best game ever, I am just as free to voice my opinion on a gaming forum.
    I have standards, but I also get bored of my gaming time consisting of reading comments from folks like yourself instead of actually playing a game.

    Must be nice living in your world where you dictate how games are made...

    What is a good game and where can I find one? I'd love to not waste my time responding to negative people on the internet.

    Decent chunk if not all mmos have mergers at some point, pretty standard for the genre. I don't know of many straight P2W games myself, but apparently there are tons of them to draw comparison from. AA and...?

    I'm not telling anyone what to do.

    If you find pleasure or satisfaction crapping all over a game and fans of it, have fun. Simply seems like a waste of energy and pointless to be barking at a wall. Not going to convince anyone they are morons and you have all the answers. Come towards the light children.

    You are very right though, it is your opinion and not fact. We all have our own opinions and experiences. As of today, BDO NA/EU is not some massive P2W disaster. Might be a week, month, year after launch, but I don't pretend to see the future despite all my common sense and baggage.

    Even with what KR has which appears to be the "worst" version of the game as far as P2W, it doesn't seem that bad. Many have been playing since Beta and are still having a great time and they aren't taking out loans to pay to win.
  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910
    This is a pvp mmo only, no dungeons, no raids, no carrot on a stick progresion, no playering trading.
    It was made for Guild vs guild and its a niche mmo and i like that.

    mmo's that tried to fish in both ponds at the same time all failed.
    Will BDO become P2W ? i have no idea, Russia added a pay to play server with zero pay to win shit and i suspect our client might get the same type of pay style if they decide to push the switch to pay to win.

    At least Daum is being honest and so far i like their communication with the community.
    And for 30 euro you can have a blast in this mmo, join a guild and level to 50 in 3 days and start having fun.

    Party exp is buffed so you can level with your buddy's wich was not worth it in a year + long Korean client.
    Guild War Decleration cost change from 200k silver per hour to a one time 150k payment untill revoked.
    Bounty hunt system and much needed karma changes.
    And we still get good changes compared to any other client.

    No mmo is perfect, but Daum truly does their best to modify our client and not just slap on a few tweaks and release it to cash in.

    If you think 30 euro is  not worth it to play an open world pvp mmo then go play something you like.
    But screaming its a bad mmo before you even know anything about it just makes you look like an uninformed hater.

    Archeage 2 was a scam from the get go, they dint even hide it.

    No Tricks No Traps !!! only to piss in you face 7 days post release.
    And each patch after it was filled with hacks and exploits that got green light knowing full well  what damage it would do in live servers.

    BDO is a fcton diffrent in that regard with its inhouse build engine and a studio willing to change each client to the regions needs.
  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    Jacobin said:
    Allein said:
    So what's the answer?

    Honestly if someone wants to buy 30 accounts and devote their entire life to a game, good for them. They deserve to do well I guess.

    Unless everyone has the exact same access/limit to everything (cash, time to play, effort, skill) it is never going to be fair or perfect for everyone.

    People can simply opt in or out.

    PVP is pointless in all games. Video Games are pointless unless you do it for a living which is a very small fraction and most likely none of us or we'd be off "working" and not wasting our time on forums.

    Don't know of one game that doesn't allow you to die, respawn and try it all again. Might be varying versions, but all basically the same. Keep us coming back to do it again, because it is fun.

    We can either accept it or not play in the end. Companies aren't going to cater to a vocal minority if the majority are willing to play in whatever crazy design is in place. That is all that matters to them.

    BDO devs seem at least aware of possible issues that NA/EU aren't so willing to deal with, but in the end they will do what is in their best interest. Hopefully this coincides with what fans want.
    Must be nice living with no standards and allowing parasitic devs to dictate to you what good game design is.

    If p2w and pointless open world pvp is so good, why do all of these games have huge server merges after a few months?

    Your only real point is 'don't like it, don't play it' - Here is an idea: Why don't you follow your own advice and don't post in threads you don't like.

    Guess what, the internet is built on the idea of free expression and if BDO is free to advertise to me that I should be buying founder's packs and that its the best game ever, I am just as free to voice my opinion on a gaming forum.

    You and that other guy can keep spamming the forum with your doomsaying about people gaming the system with 30 accounts and cries about p2w all you want, but it's just trolling at this point.  The game won't be p2w at launch.  It "may" be at some point down the line, but so might any MMORPG.
  • JacobinJacobin Member RarePosts: 1,009
    I agree that there won't be much P2W at launch. If all you want is 20-150 hours out of BDO it will probably be decent aside from the casino crafting and gear stat scaling.

    The problem is for people who want to experience more of the content and stick around after a month or 2 when digital sales slow down. Being a rational consumer isn't trolling, fanbotting on the other hand...
  • AylindelAylindel Member UncommonPosts: 22

    it is a mix between lineage 2 and archeage but less pve content .

    I don't think this game is going to do well

  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    edited January 2016
    Jacobin said:
    I agree that there won't be much P2W at launch. If all you want is 20-150 hours out of BDO it will probably be decent aside from the casino crafting and gear stat scaling.

    The problem is for people who want to experience more of the content and stick around after a month or 2 when digital sales slow down. Being a rational consumer isn't trolling, fanbotting on the other hand...
    "The problem is for people who want to experience more of the content and stick around after a month or 2 when digital sales slow down."

    You don't know what will happen.  It didn't happen in GW2 and that's B2P too.  Going by B2P releases, it's actually not at all likely it will ever happen.

    We've never seen an MMORPG of this quality released as B2P imo.  It's impossible for anyone to tell what's going to happen.  The closest comparison we can draw is GW2, which never went p2w after years.

    I am sure it's going to do well, and it might do extraordinarily well depending on how many people can run it.  The most popular games are always easy to run on crap computers.  So that may hold it back a bit.

    As for trolling, you are trolling.  They've announced it's B2P with no cash shop and you're still dooming it as a p2w game.  There's nothing they could say that would change your mind.  Pointing that out doesn't make me a "fanbot".
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    Jacobin said:
    I agree that there won't be much P2W at launch. If all you want is 20-150 hours out of BDO it will probably be decent aside from the casino crafting and gear stat scaling.

    The problem is for people who want to experience more of the content and stick around after a month or 2 when digital sales slow down. Being a rational consumer isn't trolling, fanbotting on the other hand...
    "The problem is for people who want to experience more of the content and stick around after a month or 2 when digital sales slow down."

    You don't know what will happen.  It didn't happen in GW2 and that's B2P too.  Going by B2P releases, it's actually not at all likely it will ever happen.

    We've never seen an MMORPG of this quality released as B2P imo.  It's impossible for anyone to tell what's going to happen.  The closest comparison we can draw is GW2, which never went p2w after years.

    GW2 doesn't feel p2w because it uses a fairly horizontal progression system, has a dedicated pvp system that has no gear/level advantages, and makes it quite easy to get competitive gear for its world vs world pvp. The cash shop in GW2 will pretty much let you buy power, but no matter how much you spend there is no way to become super OP like in most other mmos.

    BDO is based on an extreme vertical progression system, with an almost limitless power cap and substantial grinds needed to obtain that power. Its almost a guaranteed recipe for pvp to fail over the longer term as the gap between new and veteran players becomes nigh insurmountable, resulting in a miserable experience for new players who will become discouraged and leave, and a lack of challenge for veterans. 

    I agree with you though that this looks like an amazing game, and I think its going to be a lot of fun in many ways. I don't like what they have done with the power scaling, but in many respects it seems to be the most innovative and immersive mmo I have ever seen. Hopefully that will carry it over the almost guaranteed pvp woes, and maybe I will just be wrong about the pvp and that will turn out amazing as well. 
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