Too little too late on dealing with the bots. They should have dealt with the problem when it cropped up instead of letting it run rampant and ruin the servers.
WoW is how old and still they have botters and sped hackers and a lot more, Trion takes 1 year to minimize the botting and cheating in a game they imported and not to mention an f2p game where anyone can create an account and start playing, it is considered "too little, too late"? Amusing.
Except WOW doesn't have non instances housing that botters and exploiters would be able to grab from anywhere in the world the second the property became available. All the people I knew left the game when they couldn't find any land because of the exploiters. Also the market was completely screwed because of hackers. If Trion had any sense they would have cracked down on the land exploits right away instead of waiting for many players to be driven away in disgust.
The straw that broke the camel's back for me with Archeage was finding out Apex dupers were given 3 day bans, and some of them still had all the loot they gained from it.
Botters and speed hackers are one thing- they happen in pretty much any MMORPG. But exploits and hacks that allow you to accumulate basically unlimited wealth in a PVP-focused game centered around wealth accumulation are unacceptable, and then giving those people a slap on the wrist for it is icing on the cake., it took them about 1-2 month to root out all of the exploiters and seize their ill gained items and currencies. 3 or a week banned players were not exploiters, they were the people who did business with exploiters, knowingly or unknowingly, Trion did not bother to distinguish between them and thus they lost a lot of customers that way. Most of the exploiters got at least 1 month ban, some perma banned, many of them created new account and out of spite started spreading misinformation that they exploited and did not get banned and then they got banned again on new account. If you believe every negative post on internet aout AA without actively playing it, it is not a good show of a proper healthy mind. Have fun though if these kind of shit makes you happy.
Your portrayal of Trion as the hapless, selfless publisher who went so far as to lose customers to fight exploiting in Archeage and ultimately prevailed in wiping it out is not the same impression most of us have.
If you don't actively play the games they are handling and start making your decisions based on the shit flying around on internet then obviously you will have a made up crap image in your mind.
And i did not made them up to be a slefless publisher, you probably did not read where i said they are making a lot of money thus they are not going to ask XLGames to change more stuff for western audience. They can fly the devs in usa to change the stuff that helps them make money(cash shop related problems) and a little bit of security issue but they can't ask them to add in top grade regrade and tempering items in game as crafting recipe while still keeping them in cash shop?. See, i don't like to discuss these matters with people who don't play the game and spend their time bashing Trion, so i talk about these in their official forums.
Trion deserves every bit of shit they get. Archeage had a decent chance to be a great game but Trion mismanaged it every opportunity they could.
It's not like they care. As you point out, they've made a lot of money off of that game- at the expense of the quality of the game.
As for your claims that the game is now exploit/hack-free, a quick trip to their forums proves otherwise.
And this is WHY, P2W exists. The people who demand that the cash shop be full with cosmetic items, have no intentions of buying cosmetic items. Any statements to the contrary are just lies. Less than 1% of cosmetic items are purchased by gamers involved in PvP or Raids in most games.
What do PvP and Raiders buy? P2W. That's what they want to buy, so that's what is sold to them. It's called demand and supply. The only people complaining about P2W, are the people not spending any money. Until they spend money, they can just STFU. By money I mean like $100 per month for 3+ years like the people who are paying for them to Play 4 Free.
They are being forced to spend $100 a month, not by greedy companies. But by thieving Play4free gamers. Next time they use the words Nickel and Dime, how about paying for their own game time.
I read comments like, "This game is gated, it's not fun when we play for free." Guess what, it's not meant to be fun when you Play4free. F2P gives the opportunity to see if the games runs on your system. Is the leveling system, classes, crafting, and traveling OK. If not, and you don't want to pay for it, then your are expected to move on.
Dude, this post... is so backwards and you are so not seeing the real picture that I don't know where to start explaining things to you. Try reading the thread from start perhaps?
I for one think that Konfess is sort of right. "The people who demand that the cash shop be full with cosmetic items, have no intentions of buying cosmetic items", the statement is probably dead on, none of my friends who says this actually buys anything off the cash shops :P. However, spending $100 per month might be too extreme, 15 to 25 $ per month should be a good range.
Cosmetic items are a huge selling point in any F2P game with a cash shop. Need proof? Did you know that it was a cosmetic item, "one cosmetic item release," that saved TERA? TERA made tens of millions of dollars after releasing "one bathing suit" to the public (If I recall correctly it was 50+ million dollars). They continue to do well with the sale of cosmetic items and have since become one of the more successful F2P cash shop business models in the MMO industry. You people should really stop talking about matters you know nothing about.
I really like what I see so far from this game's pvp. There is no stunlocking-1shotting like it Archeage or like old Rogue in WoW. Fights seem to take a long time which allows for more skill and counterplay, and also lessens the impact of P2W.
These mechanics you like will become irrelevant when you start fighting P2W players with full 15+ gear early on in the game when your gear is average. The main income of these MMOs revolves around making their games extremely gear dependent then making a loophole in the cash shop for people to buy their way into the top gear.
You can keep ignoring this but I assure you that if you are interested in PVP the P2W concept will make you quit in disqust, unless you invest a lot of money.
Here is some quotes from other thread from a player that plays on russian servers:
A random thought: It's just sad to see how low the genre has fallen and while gaming companies are to blame for this, they are doing what business companies do, finding new faster and more efficient ways to get their ROI which what basically comes down to is finding new ways to lure and trick gamers in spending more money faster.
It's up to us gamers to mature and put a stop to this development but I'm not holding my breath because I see the opposite happening, the average gamer is getting more and more immature. Let me explain this with pictures. Here is the mental state of the average gamer today:
Removing the P2W/P2G features that are directly correlated with RMT is an option, wait... excuse me, I forgot we're talking about Archeage/Trion here.
Also people are still using speed hacks, stealth ignore hacks, and other stuff in PVP.
What good is fixing these things anyway when Trion wasn't proactive about about the effects of the cheats? The cheating effected the makeup of servers from head start. They effected every signinficant patch of Archeage with no reprise. The only people who get punished now are those who are trying to catch up to the original exploiters who got away with it already.
No that is not an option because those "pay2win" items are not in game, they are cash shop exclusive and without them people will never reach even divine quality gear. Unless XLGames decide to put all of these items into game as crafted items removing them from cash shop will have no effect.
Yes people are using bots and hacks and getting banned, then creating another f2p account and coming back to do what they were doing. Such is the pain of a f2p game.
Trion did their best to mitigate any and all effect of cheating that effected the game heavily, like taking away lands and farms then perma banning accounts, taking away duped credits from APEX and perma banning account, removing gameguard and replace it with their own security system. But botting and hacking still exists even in billion $ game like WoW, Trion is a super small scale company and even their flagship game Rift is a super niche, not to mention the others. Number of people using cheat program or exploiting is very very small. If you claim that there are thousands of players are doing such thing and not getting banned then you are delusional.
And you are clearly defending cheaters and botters in your last sentence.It is shameful. But for your information, there is no catching up to exploiters since they are totally gone, lands and farms are in hands of legit players who are playing every single day, who are running trade packs with their guild fleet, who are actively participating in pvp battles and raids.
All of your points belong in a trash can of september 2014. They are no longer valid. Trion spent shit load of money flying in the xlgames devs to change up stuff in games to improve security and gameplay experience. Show me another company that does it, there are several other company that import korean and chinese mmorpg but none of them ever bothered to do what Trion does for their players who play their imported games. Your agenda is misguided and you need help from professionals if you are so upset about a game company not bending to your whims.
1) Bullshit. 2) You either can't read or are choosing not to.
"As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*"
I really like what I see so far from this game's pvp. There is no stunlocking-1shotting like it Archeage or like old Rogue in WoW. Fights seem to take a long time which allows for more skill and counterplay, and also lessens the impact of P2W.
These mechanics you like will become irrelevant when you start fighting P2W players with full 15+ gear early on in the game when your gear is average. The main income of these MMOs revolves around making their games extremely gear dependent then making a loophole in the cash shop for people to buy their way into the top gear.
You can keep ignoring this but I assure you that if you are interested in PVP the P2W concept will make you quit in disqust, unless you invest a lot of money.
Here is some quotes from other thread from a player that plays on russian servers:
I mean that a player can open their wallet and get +15 on all their gear in the first week
How much would that cost?
about $500
there are several people with +15 in most slots and
the best jewelry on the russian server, they spend about $500 to get to
that point
they are unkillable in PVP, even if 20 or more people attack them
to get +20 you would need to spend far more, it is far more expensive
Do you have any link or proof of that "unkillable by 20 people" thing?
I get that gear is important but I just don't think it's anything remotely like what you're portraying.
Invincible to 20 people is not even possible in something like Archeage, let alone a skill based game with less p2w like BDO.
From what I'm reading on the net from people that have played the game for months, yes gear is important and yes especially in other versions it's pretty easy to gear with your credit card- but it's not the end-all-be-all to pvp fights.
Keep in mind our cash shop will be different than the other versions.
So far, they are eliminating the item that increases your upgrade chance. There may be more changes as well.
@holdenhamlet Since I don't play BDO on russian servers which means I haven't soloed 20 players I can't give you 100% proof, which is what you want. Try YouTube I'd say.
As for the "but...but...They promissed NA/EU cash shop will be different!" comment all I can say is.... Comon man, it's wishfull thinking and you know it.
They aren't idiots, they've seen what happened in Archeage NA/EU and they know they can't treat western customers same as russians or koreans BUT.. even if they start with absolutelly no P2W cash shop, they MUST implement it at some point because the game is designed that way, there is no staying power in the game for PVE players because of no dungeon/raid content, the game is made for PVP wallet warrior's race to power, it's very obvious to see for a non-biased player.
My prediction on the cash shop situation is, they'll start timid and will open the 'buy currency with real money' loophole as soon as they have your 30 bucks.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
B2P will probably get players a few weeks before the digital sales slow down and the blatant cash2compete and cash shop casino crates start showing up.
I really like what I see so far from this game's pvp. There is no stunlocking-1shotting like it Archeage or like old Rogue in WoW. Fights seem to take a long time which allows for more skill and counterplay, and also lessens the impact of P2W.
These mechanics you like will become irrelevant when you start fighting P2W players with full 15+ gear early on in the game when your gear is average. The main income of these MMOs revolves around making their games extremely gear dependent then making a loophole in the cash shop for people to buy their way into the top gear.
You can keep ignoring this but I assure you that if you are interested in PVP the P2W concept will make you quit in disqust, unless you invest a lot of money.
Here is some quotes from other thread from a player that plays on russian servers:
I mean that a player can open their wallet and get +15 on all their gear in the first week
How much would that cost?
about $500
there are several people with +15 in most slots and
the best jewelry on the russian server, they spend about $500 to get to
that point
they are unkillable in PVP, even if 20 or more people attack them
to get +20 you would need to spend far more, it is far more expensive
Do you have any link or proof of that "unkillable by 20 people" thing?
I get that gear is important but I just don't think it's anything remotely like what you're portraying.
Invincible to 20 people is not even possible in something like Archeage, let alone a skill based game with less p2w like BDO.
From what I'm reading on the net from people that have played the game for months, yes gear is important and yes especially in other versions it's pretty easy to gear with your credit card- but it's not the end-all-be-all to pvp fights.
Strange, from what I have read on the net BDO is shaping up to be almost completely gear/level dependent, it even has passive evade and resistance stats that can be boosted by gear. Huge gear gaps are pretty common in mmos though (apart from GW/ GW2), so its sad but not really a point that makes the game any worse than all the other crappo ones.
I really like what I see so far from this game's pvp. There is no stunlocking-1shotting like it Archeage or like old Rogue in WoW. Fights seem to take a long time which allows for more skill and counterplay, and also lessens the impact of P2W.
These mechanics you like will become irrelevant when you start fighting P2W players with full 15+ gear early on in the game when your gear is average. The main income of these MMOs revolves around making their games extremely gear dependent then making a loophole in the cash shop for people to buy their way into the top gear.
You can keep ignoring this but I assure you that if you are interested in PVP the P2W concept will make you quit in disqust, unless you invest a lot of money.
Here is some quotes from other thread from a player that plays on russian servers:
I mean that a player can open their wallet and get +15 on all their gear in the first week
How much would that cost?
about $500
there are several people with +15 in most slots and
the best jewelry on the russian server, they spend about $500 to get to
that point
they are unkillable in PVP, even if 20 or more people attack them
to get +20 you would need to spend far more, it is far more expensive
Do you have any link or proof of that "unkillable by 20 people" thing?
I get that gear is important but I just don't think it's anything remotely like what you're portraying.
Invincible to 20 people is not even possible in something like Archeage, let alone a skill based game with less p2w like BDO.
From what I'm reading on the net from people that have played the game for months, yes gear is important and yes especially in other versions it's pretty easy to gear with your credit card- but it's not the end-all-be-all to pvp fights.
Strange, from what I have read on the net BDO is shaping up to be almost completely gear/level dependent, it even has passive evade and resistance stats that can be boosted by gear. Huge gear gaps are pretty common in mmos though (apart from GW/ GW2), so its sad but not really a point that makes the game any worse than all the other crappo ones.
On Reddit I've read from plenty of people that have played the game for months that don't think it's too p2w.
"Since I don't play BDO on russian servers which means I haven't soloed 20 players I can't give you 100% proof, which is what you want. Try YouTube I'd say."
Youtube does not have any videos of people soloing 20 other people.
I'm not even looking for 100% proof, just something that indicates your claim of being able to solo 20 people without danger of dying is anything but something you just made up.
Time solves everything in these types of cases but unfortunately no one is patient enough to wait for it to change. I also understand the excitement of starting a new game and the desire to be there and experience the game from the very beginning. However this guarantees that when things change you will be caught flat footed and unable to forgive. If you wait a couple of months however you will miss the whole new game early days feel and fun.
It is a horrible tightrope to walk on trying to have fun and not get too invested and then your hopes to be dashed by the introduction of cash shop items. How can you control your excitement and enthusiasm when you want to play and enjoy a game? A quandary for most players and I totally understand how disappointment and disillusionment sets in.
Youtube does not have any videos of people soloing 20 other people.
I'm not even looking for 100% proof, just something that indicates your claim of being able to solo 20 people without danger of dying is anything but something you just made up.
I didn't made up anything, I gave you a quote from the other thread on first page from a guy that plays on russian servers, you can choose to believe your sources or first hand info from people telling you that there's a massive gear gap in end-game enchanted armor and weapons, the guy posted a picture of a fully pimped gear inventory on russian character. I choose to believe what sounds more logical to me considering my experience with korean MMOs and that's a huge power gap between gear in order to force furious spending from PVP addicts.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
Time solves everything in these types of cases but unfortunately no one is patient enough to wait for it to change. I also understand the excitement of starting a new game and the desire to be there and experience the game from the very beginning. However this guarantees that when things change you will be caught flat footed and unable to forgive. If you wait a couple of months however you will miss the whole new game early days feel and fun.
It is a horrible tightrope to walk on trying to have fun and not get too invested and then your hopes to be dashed by the introduction of cash shop items. How can you control your excitement and enthusiasm when you want to play and enjoy a game? A quandary for most players and I totally understand how disappointment and disillusionment sets in.
I agree 100% but you can see this problem as a character test. You need to figure out a way to resist your urges for ~3 months and you land in a win-win-win situation, a triple win!
Win #1: If the game proves to be a money grab archeage style you win by dodging that bullet and by not being a sucker as so many clearly are.
Win #2: If 3 months after launch the game proves to be legit you can still fully enjoy it while winning over some very bad habit of throwing money at the first sign of the words "New game".
Win #3 Regardless what happens to the game you are one of the very few people who managed to resist powerfull urges, induced habits and full blown addictions. You came into the deal a guillible kid and came out a confident man. Gratz.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
When you start taking care of my sexual needs you can then dictate (to an extent) how I spend my money. Until then, how about you stop judging me because I purchased a nice hat in the cash shop?
Call me big boy...
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
I fully believe the game will implode due to the P2W whale meta causing massive gear imbalance, but as long as that is understood up front the 1-55+ content and combat are probably enough to justify a $30 purchase. Players can probably get a few weeks of fairly balanced play in before the wallet warrior +99 wannabe e-hero junkies ruin everything.
Aside from the disgusting monetization schemes, these more modern Korean MMOs do have more depth in many ways than the typical derivative themeparks (WS, ESO) which cost a lot more on release.
The sad thing is that these would be decent longer term games if not for the itemization balance being tied to cash shop shortcuts.
Youtube does not have any videos of people soloing 20 other people.
I'm not even looking for 100% proof, just something that indicates your claim of being able to solo 20 people without danger of dying is anything but something you just made up.
I didn't made up anything, I gave you a quote from the other thread on first page from a guy that plays on russian servers, you can choose to believe your sources or first hand info from people telling you that there's a massive gear gap in end-game enchanted armor and weapons, the guy posted a picture of a fully pimped gear inventory on russian character. I choose to believe what sounds more logical to me considering my experience with korean MMOs and that's a huge power gap between gear in order to force furious spending from PVP addicts.
There's plenty of sources that say that gear is not the end all be all too.
Call me crazy, but I'm more likely to believe them especially considering if one person was able to solo 20 other people without any problem just because he paid money, that would definitely be a video on youtube.
Call me crazy, but I'm more likely to believe them especially considering if one person was able to solo 20 other people without any problem just because he paid money, that would definitely be a video on youtube.
You mean like Koonkoon in AA?
I love his videos
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
When you start taking care of my sexual needs you can then dictate (to an extent) how I spend my money. Until then, how about you stop judging me because I purchased a nice hat in the cash shop?
Call me big boy...
I couldn't care less how you monkey spend your money. I will call you a sucker if you pre-ordered this game without doing an in-depth research though and nothing you can do about that, big boy...
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
I fully believe the game will implode due to the P2W whale meta causing massive gear imbalance, but as long as that is understood up front the 1-55+ content and combat are probably enough to justify a $30 purchase. Players can probably get a few weeks of fairly balanced play in before the wallet warrior +99 wannabe e-hero junkies ruin everything.
Aside from the disgusting monetization schemes, these more modern Korean MMOs do have more depth in many ways than the typical derivative themeparks (WS, ESO) which cost a lot more on release.
The sad thing is that these would be decent longer term games if not for the itemization balance being tied to cash shop shortcuts.
Totaly agree with everything you say here but it's pretty sad when we are starting to talk about MMORPGs as a nice 20-100 hours gaming experience.. And yes I agree that both Archeage and Black desert are missed oportunities I see a potential in both games. Archeage had super fun naval battles and everything naval basically and BDO seem to have interesting combat and few other qualities. If only Koreans would think about MMORPGs as a long term projects...
Absolutely terrible busniess plan and a big shame because you can fix the game by only few core changes.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
If you've played Archeage for real, you'll know wassup with Paladins or Argents in Archeage with 5000-6999 GS not dying while extremely outnumbered by lesser geared people, while 2-3 shotting them. The game is P2W AF, and anybody saying otherwise is either a completely uninformed unaware carebear who doesn't leave the peace zones or a shill purposely wielding half truths and excuses.
If Black Desert is even remotely close to this it's a PASS. For me personally as much as I like the aesthetics of Black Desert and some other Asian titles, I'm not falling into this trap of a solo grind fest, swipe credit card or life away just to beat someone or some group you outplayed. It's a vicious cycle that is implemented purposely. Developers are feeding off the natural competitive nature of gamers and laughing to the bank. It's a trap, avoid it and demand better.
"As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*"
ppl that dump money on BDO then buy cash items and sell them on market then get all the enchanting stones of the market and enchant thier stuff to +20 normal players with thier +15 sets wont even scratch them and get 2-3 shot thats the reality of BDO
Call me crazy, but I'm more likely to believe them especially considering if one person was able to solo 20 other people without any problem just because he paid money, that would definitely be a video on youtube.
You mean like Koonkoon in AA?
I love his videos
Yeah exactly. Owning one person 1v1 is one thing, owning 20 people 20v1 is quite another.
Bottomline: there's probably going to be some aspect of p2w in this game. That's unfortunate, but it's too early to jump the gun and declare it all about p2w.
The main reason is that our version is B2P and they have already started to modify our cash shop to be less p2w.
There are other reasons, too, like the fact that there is no hard level cap meaning you can gain advantages in the game that will never be buyable.
Bottomline: there's probably going to be some aspect of p2w in this game. That's unfortunate, but it's too early to jump the gun and declare it all about p2w.
The main reason is that our version is B2P and they have already started to modify our cash shop to be less p2w.
There are other reasons, too, like the fact that there is no hard level cap meaning you can gain advantages in the game that will never be buyable.
I really hope for you and all the players that will buy the game at launch that this will be the case but I still absolutelly 100% believe that the game's path has been set in stone long ago, at the first developer and investor meeting. That's when the busniess model gets pitched to investors, you know... the dudes that need to blow millions of dollars years before they see a single cent of return on investment? And since the MMORPG racket has become more and more competitive with dozens of new MMOs getting launched every year, it has become very risky to go with the good old model of gradual ROI over several years (sub only based revenue model with regular content upgrade) because nobody can guarantee to the investor that the game will retain a healthy population, theres a lot of competition for a finite number of customers. So, koreans, instead of going for WoW clones like every other western developer has done in the last decade, they go for maximum possible ROI after launch first, deal with problems that will rise from it later, i.e. a quick money grab type of game.
For gamers, all this can be avoided by simply waiting 3-6 months after launch to see if the game is a labor of love or just another cash grab. That's what i've been doing for years allthough I made an exeption for Archeage because I wanted to participate in massive naval battles and castle sieges so i had to start from day one in order to form a massive guild that can claim a castle asap. Not making the same mistake with BDO obviously.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
I just don't get some of you people you whine like fuck all the time about shit which is pointless....Either buy the game and play it or don't it's real simple really, like a lot of you! If I was making a game to make a profit then I would do as I please not what any community had to say and then you either buy my game or move on. BDO don't give a shit what you whine about they have set out what they intend to do.
These games companies cannot win either way because people always want something for nothing. I personally think it's smart move that BDO has done the opposite of what they did in the east. As for the quote Archage 2.0 just a cry from a pve cry baby. No one is making anyone buy this game, I'd like to see them charge a monthly subscription for the game too we would then see even more people cry.
The sooner game's companies revert to the subscription model the better imo, this way they get a continued influx of monthly coin to support their game and staff. Star Citizen has proved it can be done provided they have investment to build a decent game. Many people supporting that pay a monthly subscription in addition to pledges which they offered too. (They don't have to pay that but do). Now that's what I call commitment and the only people crying about that game are people who cannot afford to pay to play.
so yeah too little too late is correct.
It's not like they care. As you point out, they've made a lot of money off of that game- at the expense of the quality of the game.
As for your claims that the game is now exploit/hack-free, a quick trip to their forums proves otherwise.
Cosmetic items are a huge selling point in any F2P game with a cash shop. Need proof? Did you know that it was a cosmetic item, "one cosmetic item release," that saved TERA? TERA made tens of millions of dollars after releasing "one bathing suit" to the public (If I recall correctly it was 50+ million dollars). They continue to do well with the sale of cosmetic items and have since become one of the more successful F2P cash shop business models in the MMO industry. You people should really stop talking about matters you know nothing about.
The main income of these MMOs revolves around making their games extremely gear dependent then making a loophole in the cash shop for people to buy their way into the top gear.
You can keep ignoring this but I assure you that if you are interested in PVP the P2W concept will make you quit in disqust, unless you invest a lot of money.
Here is some quotes from other thread from a player that plays on russian servers:
there are several people with +15 in most slots and the best jewelry on the russian server, they spend about $500 to get to that point
they are unkillable in PVP, even if 20 or more people attack them
to get +20 you would need to spend far more, it is far more expensive
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
It's just sad to see how low the genre has fallen and while gaming companies are to blame for this, they are doing what business companies do, finding new faster and more efficient ways to get their ROI which what basically comes down to is finding new ways to lure and trick gamers in spending more money faster.
It's up to us gamers to mature and put a stop to this development but I'm not holding my breath because I see the opposite happening, the average gamer is getting more and more immature.
Let me explain this with pictures.
Here is the mental state of the average gamer today:
Our beloved MMORPG genre is fucked!
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
I get that gear is important but I just don't think it's anything remotely like what you're portraying.
Invincible to 20 people is not even possible in something like Archeage, let alone a skill based game with less p2w like BDO.
From what I'm reading on the net from people that have played the game for months, yes gear is important and yes especially in other versions it's pretty easy to gear with your credit card- but it's not the end-all-be-all to pvp fights.
Keep in mind our cash shop will be different than the other versions.
So far, they are eliminating the item that increases your upgrade chance. There may be more changes as well.
Since I don't play BDO on russian servers which means I haven't soloed 20 players I can't give you 100% proof, which is what you want.
Try YouTube I'd say.
As for the "but...but...They promissed NA/EU cash shop will be different!" comment all I can say is.... Comon man, it's wishfull thinking and you know it.
They aren't idiots, they've seen what happened in Archeage NA/EU and they know they can't treat western customers same as russians or koreans BUT.. even if they start with absolutelly no P2W cash shop, they MUST implement it at some point because the game is designed that way, there is no staying power in the game for PVE players because of no dungeon/raid content, the game is made for PVP wallet warrior's race to power, it's very obvious to see for a non-biased player.
My prediction on the cash shop situation is, they'll start timid and will open the 'buy currency with real money' loophole as soon as they have your 30 bucks.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
"Since I don't play BDO on russian servers which means I haven't soloed 20 players I can't give you 100% proof, which is what you want.
Try YouTube I'd say."
Youtube does not have any videos of people soloing 20 other people.
I'm not even looking for 100% proof, just something that indicates your claim of being able to solo 20 people without danger of dying is anything but something you just made up.
It is a horrible tightrope to walk on trying to have fun and not get too invested and then your hopes to be dashed by the introduction of cash shop items. How can you control your excitement and enthusiasm when you want to play and enjoy a game? A quandary for most players and I totally understand how disappointment and disillusionment sets in.
I choose to believe what sounds more logical to me considering my experience with korean MMOs and that's a huge power gap between gear in order to force furious spending from PVP addicts.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
You need to figure out a way to resist your urges for ~3 months and you land in a win-win-win situation, a triple win!
Win #1:
If the game proves to be a money grab archeage style you win by dodging that bullet and by not being a sucker as so many clearly are.
Win #2:
If 3 months after launch the game proves to be legit you can still fully enjoy it while winning over some very bad habit of throwing money at the first sign of the words "New game".
Win #3
Regardless what happens to the game you are one of the very few people who managed to resist powerfull urges, induced habits and full blown addictions.
You came into the deal a guillible kid and came out a confident man.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
When you start taking care of my sexual needs you can then dictate (to an extent) how I spend my money. Until then, how about you stop judging me because I purchased a nice hat in the cash shop?
Call me big boy...
Aside from the disgusting monetization schemes, these more modern Korean MMOs do have more depth in many ways than the typical derivative themeparks (WS, ESO) which cost a lot more on release.
The sad thing is that these would be decent longer term games if not for the itemization balance being tied to cash shop shortcuts.
Call me crazy, but I'm more likely to believe them especially considering if one person was able to solo 20 other people without any problem just because he paid money, that would definitely be a video on youtube.
I love his videos
I will call you a sucker if you pre-ordered this game without doing an in-depth research though and nothing you can do about that, big boy...
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
And yes I agree that both Archeage and Black desert are missed oportunities I see a potential in both games.
Archeage had super fun naval battles and everything naval basically and BDO seem to have interesting combat and few other qualities.
If only Koreans would think about MMORPGs as a long term projects...
Absolutely terrible busniess plan and a big shame because you can fix the game by only few core changes.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
If Black Desert is even remotely close to this it's a PASS. For me personally as much as I like the aesthetics of Black Desert and some other Asian titles, I'm not falling into this trap of a solo grind fest, swipe credit card or life away just to beat someone or some group you outplayed. It's a vicious cycle that is implemented purposely. Developers are feeding off the natural competitive nature of gamers and laughing to the bank. It's a trap, avoid it and demand better.
then get all the enchanting stones of the market and enchant thier stuff to +20
normal players with thier +15 sets wont even scratch them and get 2-3 shot
thats the reality of BDO
Bottomline: there's probably going to be some aspect of p2w in this game. That's unfortunate, but it's too early to jump the gun and declare it all about p2w.
The main reason is that our version is B2P and they have already started to modify our cash shop to be less p2w.
There are other reasons, too, like the fact that there is no hard level cap meaning you can gain advantages in the game that will never be buyable.
That's when the busniess model gets pitched to investors, you know... the dudes that need to blow millions of dollars years before they see a single cent of return on investment?
And since the MMORPG racket has become more and more competitive with dozens of new MMOs getting launched every year, it has become very risky to go with the good old model of gradual ROI over several years (sub only based revenue model with regular content upgrade) because nobody can guarantee to the investor that the game will retain a healthy population, theres a lot of competition for a finite number of customers.
So, koreans, instead of going for WoW clones like every other western developer has done in the last decade, they go for maximum possible ROI after launch first, deal with problems that will rise from it later, i.e. a quick money grab type of game.
For gamers, all this can be avoided by simply waiting 3-6 months after launch to see if the game is a labor of love or just another cash grab.
That's what i've been doing for years allthough I made an exeption for Archeage because I wanted to participate in massive naval battles and castle sieges so i had to start from day one in order to form a massive guild that can claim a castle asap.
Not making the same mistake with BDO obviously.
I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.
These games companies cannot win either way because people always want something for nothing. I personally think it's smart move that BDO has done the opposite of what they did in the east. As for the quote Archage 2.0 just a cry from a pve cry baby. No one is making anyone buy this game, I'd like to see them charge a monthly subscription for the game too we would then see even more people cry.
The sooner game's companies revert to the subscription model the better imo, this way they get a continued influx of monthly coin to support their game and staff. Star Citizen has proved it can be done provided they have investment to build a decent game. Many people supporting that pay a monthly subscription in addition to pledges which they offered too. (They don't have to pay that but do). Now that's what I call commitment and the only people crying about that game are people who cannot afford to pay to play.