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Smells like Archeage 2.0



  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,068
    Korean developers can all get bent.  My last hope is Lineage Eternal but I'm sure they'll mess it up.
    Korean developers can all get bent.  My last hope is Lineage Eternal but I'm sure they'll mess it up.
    not the way it work, korean dev bent all you guys who have give them money yet again with all the warning from so many peoples

    that like 10 peoples telling you to not take your shower here and that you will drop the soap, but you go and decide to do it anyway.
  • Gemin1Gemin1 Member UncommonPosts: 13
    This, unplayable
  • JJ82JJ82 Member UncommonPosts: 1,258
    Dont know why but for some reason I just could not get into this game. I spent more time trying to find a key configuration that worked for me than I did playing the game and even then it felt clumsy, wrong. The story and quest lines felt like it needed to be re-written for a western audience as it made little sense as well which just helped push me away since I can tell the shop is going P2W in the future.

    The game is BEAUTIFUL for sure, seems to be decently optimized and ran very well on my system even with a ton of people around so those that enjoy it have a great looking/playing game on their hands.

    "People who tell you you’re awesome are useless. No, dangerous.

    They are worse than useless because you want to believe them. They will defend you against critiques that are valid. They will seduce you into believing you are done learning, or into thinking that your work is better than it actually is." ~Raph Koster

  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843
    I'm glad that so many posters are not falling for this scam.
    It's a sign of players hopefully getting smarter and more mature.
    Maybe we are seeing the light at the end of this cash- grab-MMO-raping tunnel after all.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • YoloSwagCatYoloSwagCat Member UncommonPosts: 8
    edited February 2016
    Benjola said:
    I'm glad that so many posters are not falling for this scam.
    It's a sign of players hopefully getting smarter and more mature.
    Maybe we are seeing the light at the end of this cash- grab-MMO-raping tunnel after all.

    Nah, the majority of this community are actually raging fanboys defending this P2W Cash shop with an F2P model in a B2P game. Literally DLC within DLC.

    Tried it and argued with some friends that actually bought tier2-3 founder packs and made them see how stupid they are for defending this kind of shit.

    > "Pets are P2W because they're only for convenience of speeding up the game"
    So you don't intend to buy any at the very start right? 
    > "... Thats not the point"
    So if they provide such an game changing effect for looting and can only be obtained by the cash shop that's not P2W
    > "Well I guess in that way, yeah they're P2W"

    > "Inventory slots aren't P2W because you can unlock them by doing quests and dailys along with buying them from loyalty shop"
    So it's fine to have up to 64 inventory slots behind an paywall that can only be accessed by paying or spending 200 days worth of loyalty points in a B2P game?

    > "Unlock able weight limit isn't P2W"
    You have 300LT locked behind paywalls and 150 can only be obtained by using the loyalty shop which takes around 40 days of points

    > "Cosmetics should be in a cash shop so you can still support their game even after you buy it and those stats don't matter"
    So you're paying for an game that already has these models and skins yet they lock them behind the paywall instead of creating new ones to justify it. Also if stats don't matter whats wrong with removing them?
    Don't forget the fact that Boat/Carriage skins also give increased weight limit for cosmetics.

    > "Yeah revive potions are pretty much broken already"

    > "PvP will make this a super fun active game"
    Except for the fact no one will be going into negative karma because you lose so much shit and don't get a single thing from the guy you kill making it a lose-lose

    For those wondering these are some of the general things locked behind the paywall

    Death Penalty Decrease 10%

    Amity Gain 10%

    Vision Range 10%  increase

    Jump height 0.5 m increase

    Combat EXP gain 25%

    Weapon Durability/Consumption 10% Decrease

    Max Stamina +100

    Max Weight +300

    Max inventory slots +64

    Luck rank +1

    Gathering +1 (This is actually adds 20% of the skill when maxed...)

    Increased Chance to get advanced knowledge

  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843
    Benjola said:
    I'm glad that so many posters are not falling for this scam.
    It's a sign of players hopefully getting smarter and more mature.
    Maybe we are seeing the light at the end of this cash- grab-MMO-raping tunnel after all.

    For those wondering these are some of the general things locked behind the paywall

    Death Penalty Decrease 10%

    Amity Gain 10%

    Vision Range 10%  increase

    Jump height 0.5 m increase

    Combat EXP gain 25%

    Weapon Durability/Consumption 10% Decrease

    Max Stamina +100

    Max Weight +300

    Max inventory slots +64

    Luck rank +1

    Gathering +1 (This is actually adds 20% of the skill when maxed...)

    Increased Chance to get advanced knowledge

    And that's just pre/launch after DAUM explicitly said and promised no P2W at
    You can only imagine what will happen soon after launch heh.

    And yes I agree that eventhough the writing is on the wall the willful ignorance is still strong in some people,  but there is also a group of players that are finaly waking up.
    I mean, you can only trick a person so many times before he starts to understand and see lies.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • theNILVtheNILV Member UncommonPosts: 49
    Benjola said:
    And that's just pre/launch after DAUM explicitly said and promised no P2W at
    You can only imagine what will happen soon after launch heh.

    And yes I agree that eventhough the writing is on the wall the willful ignorance is still strong in some people,  but there is also a group of players that are finaly waking up.
    I mean, you can only trick a person so many times before he starts to understand and see lies.

    Can't really blame DAUM. I mean they are the smart ones here. They clearly understand the western market, and our view on mmorpgs with B2P smacked on them. They also understand where their game shines, which is reason that lots of people going to support this for sure. As long as it's good business, we can't blame devs for it. That's just how it is :)
    Proud member of best EU roleplaying guild
    Twitter - @theNILV
    Twitch - @theNILV
    Nilv said:
    Benjola said:
    And that's just pre/launch after DAUM explicitly said and promised no P2W at
    You can only imagine what will happen soon after launch heh.

    And yes I agree that eventhough the writing is on the wall the willful ignorance is still strong in some people,  but there is also a group of players that are finaly waking up.
    I mean, you can only trick a person so many times before he starts to understand and see lies.

    Can't really blame DAUM. I mean they are the smart ones here. They clearly understand the western market, and our view on mmorpgs with B2P smacked on them. They also understand where their game shines, which is reason that lots of people going to support this for sure. As long as it's good business, we can't blame devs for it. That's just how it is :)
    was talking with a friend about how we should start a kickstarter, hire dev from make a realy basic game, promise alot alot of features peoples want since many year and get alot of money.

    then we pay indie dev to release a ''alpha'' game who will stay in alpha forever so we are fine with legal action

    im sure that would work.
  • TiamatRoarTiamatRoar Member RarePosts: 1,694
    Nilv said:
    Benjola said:
    And that's just pre/launch after DAUM explicitly said and promised no P2W at
    You can only imagine what will happen soon after launch heh.

    And yes I agree that eventhough the writing is on the wall the willful ignorance is still strong in some people,  but there is also a group of players that are finaly waking up.
    I mean, you can only trick a person so many times before he starts to understand and see lies.

    Can't really blame DAUM. I mean they are the smart ones here. They clearly understand the western market, and our view on mmorpgs with B2P smacked on them. They also understand where their game shines, which is reason that lots of people going to support this for sure. As long as it's good business, we can't blame devs for it. That's just how it is :)
    was talking with a friend about how we should start a kickstarter, hire dev from make a realy basic game, promise alot alot of features peoples want since many year and get alot of money.

    then we pay indie dev to release a ''alpha'' game who will stay in alpha forever so we are fine with legal action

    im sure that would work.
    Is this another joke at Star Citizen's expense?
  • breadm1xbreadm1x Member UncommonPosts: 374
    edited February 2016
    Well i had some "limited" fun.
    Lots of useless stuff in there u can do.
    PVP is never going to work if there aint sides to it. gvg is terrible for pvp.
    I would play it if it was f2p and get me an outfit and some pet's.

    There is absolutely no way i am gonna fork over 30$
    And then spend more $$$ to buy a costume and some pets.

    Call me  when its f2p like it should be.

    w.t.f. is with the sorceress anyways.
    plays like some close combat ninja ripping mobs with her nails.

    A Tamer that cant "tame" anything.
    With an imaginary friend that  as  "limited" time  before it dissipates ?

  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843
    Here is an example of gear scaling done bad , Archeage
    BDO has the same mechanics so this is what you can expect from BDO down the line as well.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    Worse than "ArcheAge 2.0" actually, Even though "Arche Age" has lag issues, and memory leaks at least I can play the game, I tried to run "Black Desert" I can't even run it because it still requires "XingCode3" spyware to be installed, and won't install because my computer wont allow it to.

    Daum Games has yet to respond to any of the privacy concerns, or why "XingCode3" is even required or why it constantly loads with a users computer even when not playing the game.

    Still can't get into beta today because of this issue after buying founders pack, if they aren't going to fix hopefully they will just refund, otherwise I am taking the issue up to my bank to get money back on the pre-order which wasn't delivered to me as promised on release.
  • srpssrps Member UncommonPosts: 121
    Renoaku said:
    Worse than "ArcheAge 2.0" actually, Even though "Arche Age" has lag issues, and memory leaks at least I can play the game, I tried to run "Black Desert" I can't even run it because it still requires "XingCode3" spyware to be installed, and won't install because my computer wont allow it to.

    Daum Games has yet to respond to any of the privacy concerns, or why "XingCode3" is even required or why it constantly loads with a users computer even when not playing the game.

    Still can't get into beta today because of this issue after buying founders pack, if they aren't going to fix hopefully they will just refund, otherwise I am taking the issue up to my bank to get money back on the pre-order which wasn't delivered to me as promised on release.
    Not a fan of Xigncode3 or other monitoring software crap, but at least on my PC it only loads when the game actually loads.
    I'm using Windows 10 for that matter.
  • YoloSwagCatYoloSwagCat Member UncommonPosts: 8
    edited February 2016
    breadm1x said:
    Well i had some "limited" fun.
    Lots of useless stuff in there u can do.
    PVP is never going to work if there aint sides to it. gvg is terrible for pvp.
    I would play it if it was f2p and get me an outfit and some pet's.

    There is absolutely no way i am gonna fork over 30$
    And then spend more $$$ to buy a costume and some pets.

    Call me  when its f2p like it should be.

    w.t.f. is with the sorceress anyways.
    plays like some close combat ninja ripping mobs with her nails.

    A Tamer that cant "tame" anything.
    With an imaginary friend that  as  "limited" time  before it dissipates ?
    Yup, I won't be playing until they've made it so you can legitimately get pets in-game in a timely manner. (Something like 24 hours worth of grinding for the 12 pets needed in total sounds reasonable)

    Manage to get a few of my friends to email their support to and if they refuse just do a charge back.

    Can't wait to see all these raging fanboys in a few weeks going "wow this game sucks, omg its a scam, worst game ever, I want refund" as you can bet that's going to happen.
  • yucklawyersyucklawyers Member UncommonPosts: 240
    Like Archage? Jesus wept.
  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843
    Valentina said:
    I how love condescending you were about players who enjoy cosmetic items. As if everyone who does (which is most) just sits there all day playing with outfits for months on end and nothing else. I fail to see what's wrong with making our toons look how we want them to in a game lol.
    In Star Wars Galaxies players could make / create any clothing, backpacks, armor, etc, and you could dress however you wanted. No cash shop, no P2W. And players would buy and sell costumes, designs, etc, they made to each other all the time, it was part of the player-driven economy. It added a huge amount of depth to the game.... :)
    Yeah, I get a bit sad when I compare the MMORPG scene of 1999-2006 to 2016.
    We have a full new generation of young players that will never experience the joy of participating in a true massive sandbox gaming environment.
    The garbage that passes as MMORPG these days is truly shocking and the kids pay a lot more money for it too.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    edited February 2016
    Benjola said:
    Here is an example of gear scaling done bad , Archeage
    BDO has the same mechanics so this is what you can expect from BDO down the line as well.

    Fights in BDO last a lot longer.  You may not be able to kill people that have +3 gear on you, but you can also probably run away from them if you want to.

    I have never seen a video similar to this for BDO even in the full P2W versions.  I have seen people in BDO be basically unkillable to one opponent because they have a gear advantage in the p2w versions, but not something like this video where the guy is killing others in like 1 hit and mashing 1 button and wiping out 6 players by himself.
  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843
    edited February 2016
    Fights in BDO last a lot longer.  You may not be able to kill people that have +3 gear on you, but you can also probably run away from them if you want to.

    I have never seen a video similar to this for BDO even in the full P2W versions.  I have seen people in BDO be basically unkillable to one opponent because they have a gear advantage in the p2w versions, but not something like this video where the guy is killing others in 1 like 1 hit and wiping out 6 players by himself.
    Ok, but the video does give you an idea about how serious of an issue P2W in these type of games is I hope?
    It turns what can be a good game into a complete joke.
    If it wasn't for the silly gear discrepancy and P2W mechanics AA could easilly be one of the best MMOs around.
    And sadly, I'm still 100% sure that BDO will follow suit.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • holdenhamletholdenhamlet Member EpicPosts: 3,772
    Benjola said:
    Fights in BDO last a lot longer.  You may not be able to kill people that have +3 gear on you, but you can also probably run away from them if you want to.

    I have never seen a video similar to this for BDO even in the full P2W versions.  I have seen people in BDO be basically unkillable to one opponent because they have a gear advantage in the p2w versions, but not something like this video where the guy is killing others in 1 like 1 hit and wiping out 6 players by himself.
    Ok, but the video does give you an idea about how serious of an issue P2W in these type of games is I hope?
    It turns what can be a good game into a complete joke.
    If it wasn't for the silly gear discrepancy and P2W mechanics AA could easilly be one of the best MMOs around.
    And sadly, I'm still 100% sure that BDO will follow suit.

    Well, sure, P2W sucks.  Almost everyone agrees with that.  

    I've become a little skeptical with the latest cash shop announcement.  I'm waiting to see if they can provide any guarantees on things like how long "the launch phase" will last before I buy the game. 

    Currently having a ton of fun in Blade and Soul, so I'm no longer in a huge rush to get BDO, and since both games require grinding, I'll only be able to play one in the end.
  • BenjolaBenjola Member UncommonPosts: 843
    Well, sure, P2W sucks.  Almost everyone agrees with that.  

    I've become a little skeptical with the latest cash shop announcement.  I'm waiting to see if they can provide any guarantees on things like how long "the launch phase" will last before I buy the game. 

    Currently having a ton of fun in Blade and Soul, so I'm no longer in a huge rush to get BDO, and since both games require grinding, I'll only be able to play one in the end.
    Good for you.
    I'm genuinely glad you decided to wait post launch after defending the game fiercely in this very thread.
    That's a mature point of view.

    As for BnD, I wanted to test the original and fun looking combat system at higher levels but I didn't last that long heh.
    I'm not big on arena PVP, more of a open world PVP guy but maybe I'll give it a second try when I find time.

    I care about your gaming 'problems' and teenage anxieties, just not today.

  • RenoakuRenoaku Member EpicPosts: 3,157
    edited February 2016
    srps said:
    Renoaku said:
    Worse than "ArcheAge 2.0" actually, Even though "Arche Age" has lag issues, and memory leaks at least I can play the game, I tried to run "Black Desert" I can't even run it because it still requires "XingCode3" spyware to be installed, and won't install because my computer wont allow it to.

    Daum Games has yet to respond to any of the privacy concerns, or why "XingCode3" is even required or why it constantly loads with a users computer even when not playing the game.

    Still can't get into beta today because of this issue after buying founders pack, if they aren't going to fix hopefully they will just refund, otherwise I am taking the issue up to my bank to get money back on the pre-order which wasn't delivered to me as promised on release.
    Not a fan of Xigncode3 or other monitoring software crap, but at least on my PC it only loads when the game actually loads.
    I'm using Windows 10 for that matter.
    Check under "Services.MSC" You will find this there.

    "Xsherlock" which loads with the computer, and is located at C:\windows\system32\xsherlock.xem

    You can also clearly see xhunter1 as well.

    You will also find this in the registry.

    I was able to look this up off "Internet Hack Websites" which tell you how to bypass the anti-cheat to cheat in games, which is how I removed this software from my computer which was causing the entire computer over the years to have problems with networking and certain games because even though I uninstalled "Black Desert" or other F2P Games which installed this in the past it was still installed and no way to remove it unless you do it manually.

    The problem with this service is it behaves like a "Driver" which can easily be used to compromise your computer, or just make things misbehave the way they shouldn't as you can see in the snapshots.

    They need to remove this from the game all together its spyware, and not needed, and I will not be playing Black Desert unless its removed nor do I recommend anyone here who cares about such install Black Desert until its removed from the game it ends up causing more problems than worth just to play a game which shouldn't have this in it.

  • apocolusterapocoluster Member UncommonPosts: 1,326
    I though the game was fun and pretty, since Im both a whale and a locust, Ill hang around..level to cap a couple toons.  Get my $100 worth and then move on the the next shiney...

    No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin

  • baphametbaphamet Member RarePosts: 3,311
    i'm so sick of these P2W/F2P games that scam you for more money than a sub model game does, i will not even try this game for that reason.

    not to mention i am not a fan of these eastern style mmo grinders anyways. i liked AA and it was the first one of that style i liked until the P2W scam started to sink in....
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