since this is the spam thread, i'll go ahead and spam a nice quality spam post. So i'm gonna talk about random stuff cause my friend wants me to type fast. Let me tell you something, i like several games out there. My favorite games are battlefield 2, counterstrike, and most of all, RYL:Path of the Emperor!!! So, to sum it all up, if you don't have, or if you haven't played any of these games, it's about time you go out and buy them. Here are the links for those games:,, So anyways, I hope you enjoyed my spam thoroughly, and will take note of my comments and suggestions. Have a wonderful day, and go buy those awesome games . As a side note, go win the million dollars at the RYL tournament which starts july 1st 2005
Another one..
Mustache is a cat
That has to go to the vet
Do your taxes now