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After 100m, here's the CIG Christmas gift - a ship sale, just U$ 2500/1250 each



  • EpicJohnsonEpicJohnson Member UncommonPosts: 83
    Someone is Jelly :}
  • 13lake13lake Member UncommonPosts: 719
    Star Citizen needs atleast 7-8 years development time to get done to an epic level and become extremely polished. Anything less than that is just catering to the instant gratification and impatient crowds and is gonna hurt the game in the long run.

    I just hope personally that it gets as much development time as possible regardless how long it takes for it to be considered finished.

    Ever since the first website before the kickstarter popped out in 2012, i've literally been praying it gets extended in scope by a insanely large margin(i was sad by the limited scope of what kickstarter promised) and not finish before 2019 so that we can finally get a proper game with a huge world and hundreds of different mechanics.

    Thankfully my dream came true, and we're not gonna getting a "Star Wars:Battlefront" but an Arma 2 like game :)
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    All I have to say is this. If this game makes it, this could be something huge. If this game fails for any number of reasons it could, this could polarize the gaming community when it comes to crowd funded projects. I am sure every crowd funded project right now is worried how SC will play out. 
  • 13lake13lake Member UncommonPosts: 719
    edited December 2015
    Just to clarify i don't care if they game is fake a scam or is real, i dont care if it releases or not, if its good or not, i don't care if it destroys the industry or not, just that this happened, that the idea of it has been conceived and that the risk and making of it is underway is enough to justify anything and everything.

    I've pledged what i could when i could, and will pledge what i can when i can depending on what happens in the future.

    Star citizen has forcefully brought a change to the gaming industry, and there's no going back anymore :)

    If it releases and its good i play it, if not i won't if anything in between i'll try it, all that matters in the end is that it was "Attempted"

    This is just my unique viewpoint, which is shared by many people in the world.
  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Brenics said:
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.
    I love when that analogy is used, they never point out all that money was paid back and now it is profit after paying for servers and such. Not one backer of SC will ever see a penny paid back and CR will be sitting on that golden toilet he purchased with the cash. 

    I never saw a dime back from what I put into SWTOR either. What's your point. Completely different models, for one, but that wasn't even the point. The point was "how could this game possibly cost $100 million?!?!?" like this is some sort of technological anomaly. However, the reality is that this happens more and more often now. Shoot, SC isn't even the most expensive game of it's generation.

    As far as profiteering goes, I hope that Chris gets his golden toilet. I hope he makes billions of dollars off SC. Why? It proves the model. I don't know of any model that is more empowering to the consumer. Where else can your money be used to define the direction of a game?  


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    Nanfoodle said:
    All I have to say is this. If this game makes it, this could be something huge. If this game fails for any number of reasons it could, this could polarize the gaming community when it comes to crowd funded projects. I am sure every crowd funded project right now is worried how SC will play out. 
    Not really because anyone starting TODAY will (if theyre truly interested in actually making a game) will have their projects playable before SC will be. And this shit they have now isnt anything but a distraction.

    But I do hope it fails and fails miserably. I hope people discover it is a complete and outright scam. Because only complete destruction of something can help it rebuild.

    There are a lot of crowd funded games that have ben made and released. Not many multi player ones but plenty. Crowdfunding/kickstarter was only the spring board for this scam. I think they got like 3 mil from kickstarter alone and the other 97+ million has come from ship sales, big time doners, and all the other scams they have been running since then.

    Thats why its sad. When they started selling jpeg pictures of stuff, not even 'concept' art and then started the whole 'stretch goal' come on people should have seen what was happening. Well its way too late now and its own inertia has kept it going.

    The size of their funds simply bought them time, and ironically that time is what is going to make them need more and more money because now they have a HUGE 'team'. And those people suddenly need money. Guys quoting 30+ million in salaries a year. So if it takes them 5 more years to make it (another figure alot of people seem to agree on) they need to  raise another 150 million just to pay people (not accounting for inflation or raises) are people really going to keep giving that much money or buying that many ships?

    Anyone with a logical brain and that can add knows this game is never going to make it without a lot more money despite a budget that should be way more than enough based on the claims of the people who are making it. 

    Fancy videos and a sim some guy can make in his basement over a long week end aside
  • KefoKefo Member EpicPosts: 4,229
    edited December 2015

    I thought that each dollar was worth 3 or 5 times as much because SC was publisher free!   So said the Great Genious himself, right?  So they're already at 300 or 500  million in equivalence, right?  

    Or maybe that was just vainglorious BSing too....

    Way to miss the context of what he implied to. But since i feel kinda generous today i will spell it out so that even "you" can understand it.

    What he wanted to imply is that, with the money they have made from backers, they can work more independently and release finer quality than they could under a publisher giving them same amount of money, since a publisher like EA or Activision-Blizzard would always want a product out of the door as soon as it feels like it could make them a lot of money, quality doesn't matter, whether the product is half-finished mess or not; doesn't matter. He did not say that 1$ magically becomes 3$ when it reach Cloud Imeprium bank account.

    Did it get thorough your head this time?
    I'm feeling generous as well so I will put it in a way so that even you can understand it

    As you can see from above it has nothing to do with working independently but that for every 60 bucks they raise they can put 48-51 dollars into the game as opposed to 12 in the traditional model.

    so no 1 dollar doesn't magically become 3, but 1 dollar does equal 4 dollars in Chris Roberts world so really they are at 400 million......hey look at that they already surpassed most of the budgets you mentioned earlier.
  • jcrg99jcrg99 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    edited December 2015
    CR and co., always claimed that only let stuff going out when they pass from his high level of exigency, quality. They say that Roberts is perfectionist.

    So, here we are, 4 years of development, 1 year delayed with such excuses brought to justify all the delays that this project had, from Arena Commander to FPS module... basically everything.

    But if you are doubt about what CR means when stating BDSSE or that everything pass from his high level of exigency/quality before coming out to the backers, check this outstanding result after 4 years and 100 million dollars in cash. It starts on 2h28m:

    With that, probably people will feel even more comfortable on buying more U$2500,00 JPEGs.

    Anyone can do whatever they want with their money. But as this is almost like an "investiment", even that you are not getting money back, just does not mean that you have to be dumbed-down and not knowing the things before putting your money on it.

    So, here you have. The reality check and how/if their advertising messages matches with what they are really capable to do (in this lifetime).
  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    ROTFL. Hale Bopp Comet Cult confirmed.

    This isn't about the cost and price, it's about the industry and the gaming community as a whole. What's going on with Star Citizen is beyond reason. Totally inexcusable from both sides.

    Next stop is Ultra God Carrier Ship - Cost: Life [Backers who purchase this ship will be immortalized and hold a special seat in the afterlife after proving their loyalty. *No Refunds*]

    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    edited December 2015
    People are calling these free handouts an investment?Seriously you think you are investing in something?You expect a return on an investment not an idea to keep spending more like some pyramid scheme.

    Can you imagine if some big investor gives Zenimax 200 million and says ok just keep it and can you please devise a scheme to make us give you more money.Yes i am sure that investment would go over well.

    What should be done with everyone of these games is they should be made to sell shares.That would be a true investment and then i would have no problem with what they are doing.

    Those shares would also need to be laid out in documentation BEFORE it all starts.Reason is you don't them creating millions more shares to minimize worth of existing shares.

    They have already pulled off some kind of scam with creating shares and selling them back to take out money from the game.I am pretty sure if that money was investors money and not treated as their own,they would be in a law suit or jailed.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    jcrg99 said:
    CR and co., always claimed that only let stuff going out when they pass from his high level of exigency, quality. They say that Roberts is perfectionist.

    So, here we are, 4 years of development, 1 year delayed with such excuses brought to justify all the delays that this project had, from Arena Commander to FPS module... basically everything.

    But if you are doubt about what CR means when stating BDSSE or that everything pass from his high level of exigency/quality before coming out to the backers, check this outstanding result after 4 years and 100 million dollars in cash. It starts on 2h28m:

    With that, probably people will feel even more comfortable on buying more U$2500,00 JPEGs.

    Anyone can do whatever they want with their money. But as this is almost like an "investiment", even that you are not getting money back, just does not mean that you have to be dumbed-down and not knowing the things before putting your money on it.

    So, here you have. The reality check and how/if their advertising messages matches with what they are really capable to do (in this lifetime).
    I'm still waiting for the FTC to bring the hammer down.


    Where are they?

    Seems as though someone is just full of shit.

    Personally I'm more concerned of those showing starving children on TV, taking that money and spending at between 1-10% on those starving children.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    laserit said:
    jcrg99 said:
    CR and co., always claimed that only let stuff going out when they pass from his high level of exigency, quality. They say that Roberts is perfectionist.

    So, here we are, 4 years of development, 1 year delayed with such excuses brought to justify all the delays that this project had, from Arena Commander to FPS module... basically everything.

    But if you are doubt about what CR means when stating BDSSE or that everything pass from his high level of exigency/quality before coming out to the backers, check this outstanding result after 4 years and 100 million dollars in cash. It starts on 2h28m:

    With that, probably people will feel even more comfortable on buying more U$2500,00 JPEGs.

    Anyone can do whatever they want with their money. But as this is almost like an "investiment", even that you are not getting money back, just does not mean that you have to be dumbed-down and not knowing the things before putting your money on it.

    So, here you have. The reality check and how/if their advertising messages matches with what they are really capable to do (in this lifetime).
    I'm still waiting for the FTC to bring the hammer down.


    Where are they?

    Seems as though someone is just full of shit.

    Personally I'm more concerned of those showing starving children on TV, taking that money and spending at between 1-10% on those starving children.

    You may want to see someone about your passive-aggressive tendencies.

    Really, do you care more about being right than the game actually getting made?  Abandon this crusade; the success of any community depends to a large degree on how its dissenters are treated.

    I'd rate SC's about a C- in this regard.

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    laserit said:
    jcrg99 said:
    CR and co., always claimed that only let stuff going out when they pass from his high level of exigency, quality. They say that Roberts is perfectionist.

    So, here we are, 4 years of development, 1 year delayed with such excuses brought to justify all the delays that this project had, from Arena Commander to FPS module... basically everything.

    But if you are doubt about what CR means when stating BDSSE or that everything pass from his high level of exigency/quality before coming out to the backers, check this outstanding result after 4 years and 100 million dollars in cash. It starts on 2h28m:

    With that, probably people will feel even more comfortable on buying more U$2500,00 JPEGs.

    Anyone can do whatever they want with their money. But as this is almost like an "investiment", even that you are not getting money back, just does not mean that you have to be dumbed-down and not knowing the things before putting your money on it.

    So, here you have. The reality check and how/if their advertising messages matches with what they are really capable to do (in this lifetime).
    I'm still waiting for the FTC to bring the hammer down.


    Where are they?

    Seems as though someone is just full of shit.

    Personally I'm more concerned of those showing starving children on TV, taking that money and spending at between 1-10% on those starving children.

    You may want to see someone about your passive-aggressive tendencies.

    Really, do you care more about being right than the game actually getting made?  Abandon this crusade; the success of any community depends to a large degree on how its dissenters are treated.

    I'd rate SC's about a C- in this regard.
    Say what?

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • jcrg99jcrg99 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    edited December 2015
    laserit said:
    jcrg99 said:
    CR and co., always claimed that only let stuff going out when they pass from his high level of exigency, quality. They say that Roberts is perfectionist.

    So, here we are, 4 years of development, 1 year delayed with such excuses brought to justify all the delays that this project had, from Arena Commander to FPS module... basically everything.

    But if you are doubt about what CR means when stating BDSSE or that everything pass from his high level of exigency/quality before coming out to the backers, check this outstanding result after 4 years and 100 million dollars in cash. It starts on 2h28m:

    With that, probably people will feel even more comfortable on buying more U$2500,00 JPEGs.

    Anyone can do whatever they want with their money. But as this is almost like an "investiment", even that you are not getting money back, just does not mean that you have to be dumbed-down and not knowing the things before putting your money on it.

    So, here you have. The reality check and how/if their advertising messages matches with what they are really capable to do (in this lifetime).
    I'm still waiting for the FTC to bring the hammer down.


    Where are they?

    Seems as though someone is just full of shit.

    Personally I'm more concerned of those showing starving children on TV, taking that money and spending at between 1-10% on those starving children.

    I bring a video showing the real status of the game.

    Get an answer about FTC.

    Now I am understanding why this people see "reason" to buy $2500 JPEGs.

    By the way, let's dance around subjects then? So, here my question:

    Star Citizen fans jumped in zergs in the throats of Piranha Games because they were supposedly "cloning" the campaign of SC and even in-game features/assets. A lot of talking about Piranha been dishonest because of that, deceivers, lack of ethic, etc. So, how these same fans feel now of watching Roberts desperately spending resources and creeping even more the scope of the game to try to clone ED and at the same time, doing that in the day after the Frontier's release of Planetary Landings?
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Covet78 said:
     At no point did anyone play a video game and say "wow, this game is worth $2500 to play!" That doesn't happen. The best video game in the world isn't worth $2500 to play. Anyone who finds 'value' in this isn't seeing value.

    You would be surprised at how many people say "wow, my game is worth $2500 to play!"  Especially in the Asian "F2P" market. There are scientific studies about it. Companies (especially for Facebook and mobile games) have psychologists on their payroll for optimizing microtransaction strategies for maximum profit.

    But i personally agree with you that for me personally no video game is worth $2500 to play.

    Have fun
  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510
    Horusra said:
    Erillion said:
    jcrg99 said:
    I understand addiction/passion making people act like fools

    Have fun

    Pretty much this describes both sides.  Addiction/passion to hate and like a game making people post like fools.
    Horusra said:
    Erillion said:
    jcrg99 said:
    I understand addiction/passion making people act like fools

    Have fun

    Pretty much this describes both sides.  Addiction/passion to hate and like a game making people post like fools.
    Real talk +1
  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    CrazKanuk said:
    Brenics said:
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.
    I love when that analogy is used, they never point out all that money was paid back and now it is profit after paying for servers and such. Not one backer of SC will ever see a penny paid back and CR will be sitting on that golden toilet he purchased with the cash. 

    I never saw a dime back from what I put into SWTOR either. What's your point. Completely different models, for one, but that wasn't even the point. The point was "how could this game possibly cost $100 million?!?!?" like this is some sort of technological anomaly. However, the reality is that this happens more and more often now. Shoot, SC isn't even the most expensive game of it's generation.

    As far as profiteering goes, I hope that Chris gets his golden toilet. I hope he makes billions of dollars off SC. Why? It proves the model. I don't know of any model that is more empowering to the consumer. Where else can your money be used to define the direction of a game?  
    Of course not you were not a backer. But they did! 
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

  • KiyorisKiyoris Member RarePosts: 2,130
    Star citizen succeeded in making a lot of money. But when I look at the awful gameplay, I really doubt it will succeed as a game.  They are more concerned with showing off ships in hangers than making an enjoyable game, it's going to become a ship metagame like EVE with awful gameplay.
  • HeraseHerase Member RarePosts: 993
    edited December 2015
    jcrg99 said:
    Star Citizen fans jumped in zergs in the throats of Piranha Games because they were supposedly "cloning" the campaign of SC and even in-game features/assets. A lot of talking about Piranha been dishonest because of that, deceivers, lack of ethic, etc. So, how these same fans feel now of watching Roberts desperately spending resources and creeping even more the scope of the game to try to clone ED and at the same time, doing that in the day after the Frontier's release of Planetary Landings?
    Well there's a major difference between cloning a campaign (their story), assets and in-features to an idea, which seems has been around before both these games even started (check Phaserlight post in the other thread) So it wasn't cloned, unless you would admit all three "cloned" the idea? Both companies took the same idea, as did those making No Mans Sky and have applied the idea differently in their games.  

    So there is no further creeping with features, this was already planned, but I will say I do think the release of the video was done in a competitive way with ED release of theres, nice to show, but falls flat as it's not playable yet. 
  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Brenics said:
    CrazKanuk said:
    Brenics said:
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.
    I love when that analogy is used, they never point out all that money was paid back and now it is profit after paying for servers and such. Not one backer of SC will ever see a penny paid back and CR will be sitting on that golden toilet he purchased with the cash. 

    I never saw a dime back from what I put into SWTOR either. What's your point. Completely different models, for one, but that wasn't even the point. The point was "how could this game possibly cost $100 million?!?!?" like this is some sort of technological anomaly. However, the reality is that this happens more and more often now. Shoot, SC isn't even the most expensive game of it's generation.

    As far as profiteering goes, I hope that Chris gets his golden toilet. I hope he makes billions of dollars off SC. Why? It proves the model. I don't know of any model that is more empowering to the consumer. Where else can your money be used to define the direction of a game?  
    Of course not you were not a backer. But they did! 

    I pre-ordered it, but I think that's about the extent of their Early Access program in SWTOR. Or are you saying that I was not an investor in the game, so I didn't see a return? If that's your logic, then it's flawed as well, because nobody gets a dividend in SC, even those who spent 30K. If you'd like a dividend on a space sim game, go ahead and buy some stock in Frontiers Development. 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • bruevitzbruevitz Member UncommonPosts: 57
    In game items is hardly any different than any other kind of physical item. its just the media that is different.Anyone, that bought a jet ski because he/she likes water sport but lives 100 miles in desert, will be considered 'eccentric'. Its hardly any different than buying any virtual items which can only be used in a virtual environment.

    A painting will be considered beautiful despite the media, in real canvas or in bitmap format.

    A hobbyist can spend many times the original price of an item.

    People spend their life's saving to prove their love in the form of a tiny rock.

    People even buy dreams and futures. Its norm in this age (in some country) to spend good amount money to get in to class being taught by someone about something you could learn yourself from a book, just to get a piece paper. Which is supposedly could help lend a dream job that only few percentile of people could achieved. Most of those who truly suceeded did not even need those paper. Noticed the trend here?

    If anything, we should commend CR of his effort. He has proven himself as an incredible salesman. He has an outstanding team of expert marketers. He flaunts his achievements in public like a skillful hunter shows off his killing. He has built himself a kingdom with loyal subjects fiercly defending their king's honor and endevours. '100 mills? Bah, I could easily get 500 mills before the game even launches if I try hard enough', he said (probably).

    Those on the side can only watch with amuzement. Some tried to intervene but failed miserably. Others 'try' to fight a good fight againts this 'evil overlord', raising a call of crusade to slay the new risen demon lord. However the 'cult' of the demon spawn proved to be resilient, as they congrogate together and spread the 'holy gospel' of SC, recruiting new followers. Each side battle each other fiercly, armed with mud, they all tried their best to hit each other. Hardly anything ever landed on the target, but it is very amusing to watch. At the end of the day, some spectators grow tired and went home amuzed. It is indeed facinating but of hardly of any consequence.

    The saga continues....
  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    CrazKanuk said:
    Brenics said:
    CrazKanuk said:
    Brenics said:
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.
    I love when that analogy is used, they never point out all that money was paid back and now it is profit after paying for servers and such. Not one backer of SC will ever see a penny paid back and CR will be sitting on that golden toilet he purchased with the cash. 

    I never saw a dime back from what I put into SWTOR either. What's your point. Completely different models, for one, but that wasn't even the point. The point was "how could this game possibly cost $100 million?!?!?" like this is some sort of technological anomaly. However, the reality is that this happens more and more often now. Shoot, SC isn't even the most expensive game of it's generation.

    As far as profiteering goes, I hope that Chris gets his golden toilet. I hope he makes billions of dollars off SC. Why? It proves the model. I don't know of any model that is more empowering to the consumer. Where else can your money be used to define the direction of a game?  
    Of course not you were not a backer. But they did! 

    I pre-ordered it, but I think that's about the extent of their Early Access program in SWTOR. Or are you saying that I was not an investor in the game, so I didn't see a return? If that's your logic, then it's flawed as well, because nobody gets a dividend in SC, even those who spent 30K. If you'd like a dividend on a space sim game, go ahead and buy some stock in Frontiers Development. 
    I pre ordered SWTOR also, that does make me a backer, that makes me a consumer. 
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

  • HomelanderHomelander Member UncommonPosts: 306
    They also released more 30$ USD , basic packages with Digital download of both Squadron 42 and Star Citizen, so I am a happy camper ;)

    +1 delusional backer added to the pool.

    Dakilla[666] ~ The Realm ~ Level 1000 enchanter (retired)
    Maranthoric ~ La 4ieme Prophetie ~ Level 160 (5x) HE/Feu (de retour)
    Leonthoric[DDC] ~ EVE online ~ <Fire The "Laser"> (retired)

  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Brenics said:
    CrazKanuk said:
    Brenics said:
    CrazKanuk said:
    Brenics said:
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.
    I love when that analogy is used, they never point out all that money was paid back and now it is profit after paying for servers and such. Not one backer of SC will ever see a penny paid back and CR will be sitting on that golden toilet he purchased with the cash. 

    I never saw a dime back from what I put into SWTOR either. What's your point. Completely different models, for one, but that wasn't even the point. The point was "how could this game possibly cost $100 million?!?!?" like this is some sort of technological anomaly. However, the reality is that this happens more and more often now. Shoot, SC isn't even the most expensive game of it's generation.

    As far as profiteering goes, I hope that Chris gets his golden toilet. I hope he makes billions of dollars off SC. Why? It proves the model. I don't know of any model that is more empowering to the consumer. Where else can your money be used to define the direction of a game?  
    Of course not you were not a backer. But they did! 

    I pre-ordered it, but I think that's about the extent of their Early Access program in SWTOR. Or are you saying that I was not an investor in the game, so I didn't see a return? If that's your logic, then it's flawed as well, because nobody gets a dividend in SC, even those who spent 30K. If you'd like a dividend on a space sim game, go ahead and buy some stock in Frontiers Development. 
    I pre ordered SWTOR also, that does make me a backer, that makes me a consumer. 
    Well then I guess that people who are buying these ships are also consumers. See? It's the same. 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967

    WTS Image Of Buck Rodgers Ship: $5000 (Serious Inquiries Only):

    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

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