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After 100m, here's the CIG Christmas gift - a ship sale, just U$ 2500/1250 each



  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    Erillion said:
    Burntvet said:
    Oh, I think I will buy!


    When there is a game in completed form, they can talk to me.

    $2500? LOL!

    Or 30 $. Or nothing. Now or when its finished. Anyone can choose.

    >>>>Most gamers do not have 2k to drop on anything in a video game. Maybe you do, good for you, but MOST do not.>>>

    I do not have 2k to drop on a video game either. And i did not. Most SC backers did not. A few  did - if they can, more power to them. Its their money.

    Have fun

    Dante did say there's a special layer in hell for conspicuous wasters, guess they'll have to expand that area soon.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    Kyleran said:
    Dante did say there's a special layer in hell for conspicuous wasters, guess they'll have to expand that area soon.

    "Dante gets his first glimpse of Circle IV, the circle for the Wasters and the Hoarders. Their punishment is that they are rolling enormous weights at one another, the Wasters shouting, "Why do you hoard?" and the Hoarders shouting, "Why do you waste?" After they clash, the souls hurry their weights back again, only to repeat the action, all the while screaming.

    Virgil reminds Dante that time has passed quickly and that they must descend to another circle."

    Plenty of room in hell still ;-)

    Have fun

  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    jcrg99 said:

    "Greetings Citizens!

    Santa Lando here with some important ship-buying notifications.

    To celebrate the holidays, we are selling a limited number of Idris-P AND Javelin, in batches, at six hour intervals.

    The Javelin will be sold in a total 200 allotment keeping in line with the relative population growth and ship distribution since it's last sale. It will cost $2500.

    The Idris-P will be sold in a total 120 allotment keeping in line with the relative population growth and ship distribution since it's last sale. It will cost $1250.

    1ST BATCH: 12/16 @ 1200 PST (2000 UTC) 50 JAVELIN and 60 IDRIS-P
    2ND BATCH: 12/16 @ 1800 PST (0200 UTC) 50 JAVELIN
    3RD BATCH: 12/17 @ 0000 PST (0800 UTC) 50 JAVELIN and 60 IDRIS-P
    4TH BATCH: 12/17 @ 0600 PST (1400 UTC) 50 JAVELIN

    Of course, the Holiday Livestream will start tomorrow at 1100 PST (1900 UTC)

    See you then! "

    Don't miss. Let the F5 war begin!

    CIG is indeed awesome. I doubt that they could give better gift for the support and patience of their backers. A true chance to get these incredible concepts so cheap. Specially after the Alpha 2.0 already showing the total capability to handle multiplayer capital ships smoothly... well... I guess?
    This is fucked. I feel like puking.

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

  • IAmMMOIAmMMO Member UncommonPosts: 1,462
    To celebrate the holidays you can give us lots of money for a chance to be inside another moving object that looks different than the other movable objects players can control in game that will be fully finished, whenever. Other players will be amazed ( *psst*, they wont really) at your different looking movable object. you'll be famous.

    If you want to spend a lot of money on a movable object that's fun, buy a round of hover boards for the family instead. 

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    edited December 2015
    IAmMMO said:
     buy a round of hover boards for the family instead. 
    Except ... those hover boards can kill you ,-)

    Digital games usually do not ... unless you play WoW in China and die of dehydration and exhaustion right there in your Internet cafe.

    Have fun

  • ArglebargleArglebargle Member EpicPosts: 3,492
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.

    I thought that each dollar was worth 3 or 5 times as much because SC was publisher free!   So said the Great Genious himself, right?  So they're already at 300 or 500  million in equivalence, right?  

    Or maybe that was just vainglorious BSing too....

    If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.

  • Covet78Covet78 Member UncommonPosts: 149
    Izzin said:
    filmoret said:
    I have yet to find a game where I would have happily spent 2500$ beforehand.  Out of the thousands of games I have played I'd be kicking myself if I ever did that.  And so far I have not found one of them worth that much just to unlock certain features.  Maybe a gaming system but not just a game itself.
    And that is truly the benefit of having a Choice. 

    You would choose not to, as you do not see a value in it.

    Others do see value within it, and they opt to purchase.  

    No. Others do not see value. They see crack and they want crack. At no point did anyone play a video game and say "wow, this game is worth $2500 to play!" That doesn't happen. The best video game in the world isn't worth $2500 to play. Anyone who finds 'value' in this isn't seeing value. They see very expensive crack, and they want it.

  • drakaenadrakaena Member UncommonPosts: 506
    I know its fun to laugh at SC because its so obvious where this is going, but this is going to leave a black mark on MMOs and crowd funded games, and set the genre back. This isn't good for future MMOs.
  • Erinak1Erinak1 Member UncommonPosts: 207
    drakaena said:
    I know its fun to laugh at SC because its so obvious where this is going, but this is going to leave a black mark on MMOs and crowd funded games, and set the genre back. This isn't good for future MMOs.
    The biggest problem SC is going to have is that no matter what they release, it is *never* going to be what people want it to be... I think that was the ultimate reason Titan by Blizzard was cancelled.. no matter what they did, they couldn't fill the shoes that people had made for them. No matter the resulting game, I'm not so sure it will be all it is hyped up to be, things usually aren't.
  • DaikuruDaikuru Member RarePosts: 797

    People spend a lot of money on video games since...ever? even if they dont play them and just put them in a showcase. its not our concern what people should do with their money. if they want to buy a ship in a video game to support the developers, its up to them.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    - Albert Einstein

  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510
    Whales are in all games. Nothing new here.
  • fodell54fodell54 Member RarePosts: 865
    edited December 2015
    CrazKanuk said:
    Kiyoris said:
    what 100 million $ gets you:

    Well a software dev is making easily double a school teacher and he's got over 250 people working there. So we are looking at 80 x 250 is 20 million in salaries. Labour burden can be placed, conservatively at 50% so we're up to 30,000,000 annually with current staffing. Granted, it hasn't been at 250 the whole time, but collectively, over the life of the project, I'm sure operating costs are probably hovering somewhere in the 60-70 million range, conservatively. That's regardless of how many average families that might account for. If you want to shake someone down, check out the Forbes 500 because Chris Roberts isn't going to be on there any time soon. If SC launches in the black the I would be ultra surprised.

    these people aren't teachers or people working at McDonalds, so your info graphics, while interesting, mean nothing. I guess I make more than a couple average households myself. Should I feel bad for that? I probably make more than many African cities too. I guess I'm sorry for being gainfully employed.
    A software developers salary depends on the area they live in. The national average is $86k a year. In the area I live in the average income of a software developer is $69k. With that said my brother in law who is a teacher (in the same area) makes $68k a year. It's also nice that you equate teachers with McDonalds works. Not very prickish of you at all.

    Also, the graph is more then interesting. It states the fact that they don't need to have $100 million to make this shitty game. In fact with that kind money they should have already had it made. They are squeezing people for money and people are dumb enough to continue to give it.

    Also, way to toot your own horn at the end. Let me fill you in on something. No one gives a flying fuck how much money you make. Have a good one
  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.

    I thought that each dollar was worth 3 or 5 times as much because SC was publisher free!   So said the Great Genious himself, right?  So they're already at 300 or 500  million in equivalence, right?  

    Or maybe that was just vainglorious BSing too....

    Way to miss the context of what he implied to. But since i feel kinda generous today i will spell it out so that even "you" can understand it.

    What he wanted to imply is that, with the money they have made from backers, they can work more independently and release finer quality than they could under a publisher giving them same amount of money, since a publisher like EA or Activision-Blizzard would always want a product out of the door as soon as it feels like it could make them a lot of money, quality doesn't matter, whether the product is half-finished mess or not; doesn't matter. He did not say that 1$ magically becomes 3$ when it reach Cloud Imeprium bank account.

    Did it get thorough your head this time?

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    I feel like I'm in some kind of parallel universe.  This is nuts.
  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    fodell54 said:
    CrazKanuk said:
    Kiyoris said:
    what 100 million $ gets you:

    Well a software dev is making easily double a school teacher and he's got over 250 people working there. So we are looking at 80 x 250 is 20 million in salaries. Labour burden can be placed, conservatively at 50% so we're up to 30,000,000 annually with current staffing. Granted, it hasn't been at 250 the whole time, but collectively, over the life of the project, I'm sure operating costs are probably hovering somewhere in the 60-70 million range, conservatively. That's regardless of how many average families that might account for. If you want to shake someone down, check out the Forbes 500 because Chris Roberts isn't going to be on there any time soon. If SC launches in the black the I would be ultra surprised.

    these people aren't teachers or people working at McDonalds, so your info graphics, while interesting, mean nothing. I guess I make more than a couple average households myself. Should I feel bad for that? I probably make more than many African cities too. I guess I'm sorry for being gainfully employed.
    A software developers salary depends on the area they live in. The national average is $86k a year. In the area I live in the average income of a software developer is $69k. With that said my brother in law who is a teacher (in the same area) makes $68k a year. It's also nice that you equate teachers with McDonalds works. Not very prickish of you at all.

    Also, the graph is more then interesting. It states the fact that they don't need to have $100 million to make this shitty game. In fact with that kind money they should have already had it made. They are squeezing people for money and people are dumb enough to continue to give it.

    Also, way to toot your own horn at the end. Let me fill you in on something. No one gives a flying fuck how much money you make. Have a good one

    Ok, so first of all, if you look at the first part of the infographic, it says around 2000 teachers and at the end it says 2300 households at 41000. So, yes, the average teacher represented here is probably lower than what your brother makes. 

    Secondly, you don't need 100 million to make a shitty game, I agree. However, there have been plenty of shitty games made for 100 million. Too Human, APB, Defiance, Max Payne 3. There have also been some great games made with more than 100 million. GTA V, GTA IV, Destiny, Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim. If we really want to start pointing fingers why not point them at GTA V? I mean it's basically a carbon copy of GTA IV and it is actually more costly to make. How does that work? I'll bet they were just stuffing their pockets with money. Ummmmmm, no, not likely. It's the ignorant and ill-informed who think that this $100 million is somehow padding pockets. You have no clue what it costs to make a game and anyone who cannot understand where $100 million, which isn't necessarily completely spent yet, can go while developing a game is just not using their head to do the math. 

    As for my last point, I never said anything about teachers being equals of people who work at McDonalds. Do you have some problem with people who work at McDonalds though? I'm also not tooting my own horn, at all, because I'm sure there are people on these forums who make substantially more than what I do. My point is that people seem to be vilifying CIG and, therefore, their employees for demanding a salary that is in-line with what is being paid in their industry. So should they be apologizing that their chosen professions average salary doesn't align with averages measured in some infographic? Maybe we should start asking doctors to apologize for making money too. 

    Anyway, the main point was to illustrate where the money is being spent, yet you seem to have missed that point entirely, which really isn't surprising because if I had a nickel for every fact that was ignored by the anti-SC crowd in these discussions, I'd be able to retire. 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • HeraseHerase Member RarePosts: 993
    drakaena said:
    I know its fun to laugh at SC because its so obvious where this is going, but this is going to leave a black mark on MMOs and crowd funded games, and set the genre back. This isn't good for future MMOs.
    Im sorry what will ruin the future of MMOs is the community.

    Look at what you said, "I know its fun to laugh at SC because its so obvious where this is going" You know? I don't think you do because the majority of you haven't bothered to research the game to understand whats happening with the game or what they are currently up to, but label it scam, cash grab and what ever nonsense you can think up.

    Have you talked to the community or asked on streams is this going the way you wanted it? No, instead they are labelled as "cultists". The worse part is that you think it's funny to laugh at a company and it's fans that are trying to redefine the genre that you seem to so deeply care about. Think about that for a second, that way of thinking really going to push the genre forward? No, one of the reason why the genre is as it is for so many years.

    Said this before, but need to be said again.

    How is bombarding the community, laughing and jeering at them trying support a game going to help the future of gaming?

    How is being constantly negative towards the community based on, ifs, buts and speculation going to help the future of gaming?

    Giving feedback and having doubts it fine and great, but whats going on here is well beyond that, to me just seem like pure dislike for god knows what reason.

    At the end of the day, if people want to donate, let them because this game will benefit not only us put PC gaming overall, why hinder for no real reason? It helps no one, other than those who wish to say "I told you so" which will be the real cause of MMOs being fucked in the future and why so many are today. The community needs to be more supportive, even if it a game you dislike.

  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Erillion said:
    jcrg99 said:
    I understand addiction/passion making people act like fools

    Have fun

    Pretty much this describes both sides.  Addiction/passion to hate and like a game making people post like fools.
  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    Horusra said:
    Erillion said:
    jcrg99 said:
    I understand addiction/passion making people act like fools

    Have fun

    Pretty much this describes both sides.  Addiction/passion to hate and like a game making people post like fools.

    Can I get an Amen!!!!!

    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    No, you apparently missed the part where a company offers their product with ridiculously huge profit margin to their customers and presents it as doing them a favor / giving them a gift which raises ethical questions at least for those who are capable of critical thinking.

    It is not about being a whale, but about a complete loss of ability to remain critical towards something you like or support. If the guy developing the game killed someone, you would still be running around this forum telling other people who would rightfully share their concerns to have fun.

    So are you suggesting that eBooks should be free? Essentially it's the same. These digital ships are just pixels and there's no production cost. Same with eBooks. I mean they are just pixels on my screen arranged into words. Big whoopie. Ridiculously huge profit margin since there is no cost to produce. 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • jesteralwaysjesteralways Member RarePosts: 2,560
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    No, you apparently missed the part where a company offers their product with ridiculously huge profit margin to their customers and presents it as doing them a favor / giving them a gift which raises ethical questions at least for those who are capable of critical thinking.

    It is not about being a whale, but about a complete loss of ability to remain critical towards something you like or support. If the guy developing the game killed someone, you would still be running around this forum telling other people who would rightfully share their concerns to have fun.

    What you fail to understand is that people who are spending shit load of money buying ship wallpaper are trying to be part of the creation of a game that they want to play how they want it. Just look at these forums, all these crying over what would have been best for blizzard if they did this and that with WoW or how swtor should have been a sandbox instead of a story driven game. You don't see that in SC, since people who are spending money are actively testing the game and voicing their opinion about what they want in their game and CIG is changing up stuff as suggested by players, they already had to scrap an idea CR loved but players in alpha said they hated it. You will not see anything like that in any game.

    Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.

  • 13lake13lake Member UncommonPosts: 719
    edited December 2015
    More money going in and out of games, and anything technology related is a + in my book. It doesn't matter what way good or bad, at what cost, just that it stops flowing into other consumerism money pits and starts flowing into technology and gaming. (Esports money revolution for instance)

    There's spending/investing/giving away money for anything else on the planet with scores of issues related to it, and nobody cares about it or mentions it unless it starts to directly impact their life and hobbies or they can use it for their little agenda :)

    Big change is coming, and u know what they say how people react to change :)

  • mayito7777mayito7777 Member UncommonPosts: 768
    jcrg99 said:

    "Greetings Citizens!

    Santa Lando here with some important ship-buying notifications.

    To celebrate the holidays, we are selling a limited number of Idris-P AND Javelin, in batches, at six hour intervals.

    The Javelin will be sold in a total 200 allotment keeping in line with the relative population growth and ship distribution since it's last sale. It will cost $2500.

    The Idris-P will be sold in a total 120 allotment keeping in line with the relative population growth and ship distribution since it's last sale. It will cost $1250.

    1ST BATCH: 12/16 @ 1200 PST (2000 UTC) 50 JAVELIN and 60 IDRIS-P
    2ND BATCH: 12/16 @ 1800 PST (0200 UTC) 50 JAVELIN
    3RD BATCH: 12/17 @ 0000 PST (0800 UTC) 50 JAVELIN and 60 IDRIS-P
    4TH BATCH: 12/17 @ 0600 PST (1400 UTC) 50 JAVELIN

    Of course, the Holiday Livestream will start tomorrow at 1100 PST (1900 UTC)

    See you then! "

    Don't miss. Let the F5 war begin!

    CIG is indeed awesome. I doubt that they could give better gift for the support and patience of their backers. A true chance to get these incredible concepts so cheap. Specially after the Alpha 2.0 already showing the total capability to handle multiplayer capital ships smoothly... well... I guess?
    Are these people mad, crazy, out of their freaking mind or what? This is absolutely madness, it takes a lot of people 2-3 months of work here in the US to learn this kind of money, what the hell is wrong with these people?

    want 7 free days of playing? Try this

  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.
    I love when that analogy is used, they never point out all that money was paid back and now it is profit after paying for servers and such. Not one backer of SC will ever see a penny paid back and CR will be sitting on that golden toilet he purchased with the cash. 
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939

    Brorim said:
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    SWTOR cost 200 million $ to develop, ESO 250 million $ to develop, Destiny 300 million to develop $ and 200 million more for advertising. SC is going beyond any of those i mentioned, you think they can do that with only 100 million? True they have other investors but a game of that size and scope and not mention celebrity line up, it is costing more than they made from crowd funding. People who ignore these simple fact are the ones who need to wake up.

    I thought that each dollar was worth 3 or 5 times as much because SC was publisher free!   So said the Great Genious himself, right?  So they're already at 300 or 500  million in equivalence, right?  

    Or maybe that was just vainglorious BSing too....

    Way to miss the context of what he implied to. But since i feel kinda generous today i will spell it out so that even "you" can understand it.

    What he wanted to imply is that, with the money they have made from backers, they can work more independently and release finer quality than they could under a publisher giving them same amount of money, since a publisher like EA or Activision-Blizzard would always want a product out of the door as soon as it feels like it could make them a lot of money, quality doesn't matter, whether the product is half-finished mess or not; doesn't matter. He did not say that 1$ magically becomes 3$ when it reach Cloud Imeprium bank account.

    Did it get thorough your head this time?
    LOL love it yet you forget all those companies get paid back, you keep forgetting the golden toilet CR is sitting on. :-D
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

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