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After 100m, here's the CIG Christmas gift - a ship sale, just U$ 2500/1250 each



  • KefoKefo Member EpicPosts: 4,229
    Thats just rediculous. Greed is all I see from this company.

    How about this. For Christmas this year, everyone on this forum plz send me $2500 and I PROMISE I will pray for you and your family and give you a photo of my cat. :pleased: 
    I raise you your praying cat for my devil cat. Doesn't cost a penny but will require your soul!

  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    edited December 2015
    Kefo said:
    Thats just rediculous. Greed is all I see from this company.

    How about this. For Christmas this year, everyone on this forum plz send me $2500 and I PROMISE I will pray for you and your family and give you a photo of my cat. :pleased: 
    I raise you your praying cat for my devil cat. Doesn't cost a penny but will require your soul!

    Haha, now thats a scarrrry kitten!

    You win.
  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    CrazKanuk said:
    Rhoklaw said:
    SC raised 100 million in crowdfunding... meanwhile, CR spends 30 million making the game and pockets the rest. Nobody cares as long as SC launches!
    Actually, the evidence suggests that he's spent much more than $30 million in salaries alone, nevermind the cost to run offices. That's cool though, I wouldn't expect anything different from you type of people. 
    30 million in salaries? For how many years? He is (supposedly) making a video game not trying to field a major league baseball team.

    But more than likely youre right, and it just shows the stupidity of people. Guy basically paying his cronies and buddies for 'jobs' that dont exist or arent needed to try and justify where the money has gone.

    Its a scam on many levels. Yes there is SOMETHING, but it isnt much and it surely isnt representative of the money they have raised. I dont know the 'business' breakdown of different expenditure segments versus sales or what is 'acceptable' but I would hope more than half the money actually goes to the game itself and not to pay make believe positions or 'management costs' or 'executive discretionary funds' or whatever other fancy terms these con men can come up with.

    I am sure there are regulations AND math for a LEGIT start up business to adhere to I doubt highly that even after cooking the books these guys could come close to them. Thus why theyre making the game or what least have their base of operation in an unregulated place, so they dont have to answer such trivial questions.

    I have gone on record several times now that I hope and pray this is a complete scam and the people that have 'donated' never ever back another project ever. (but they will because theyre just that stupid) because as long as people keep backing scams and shit shows nothing will ever change. The fact these guys have made this money has already set back MMO development and realistic chance of getting a really good game 20 years. Because it will take another 4 years to realize what a scam this one was, then another will have taken its place by then and that will take another 5-7 then if people are broke or some company actually TRIES you might see something playable after that so another 5-7 years.

    So someones new born might have a playable game or maybe someones grandkids but not us.
  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    edited December 2015
    I trust the devs for Camelot Unchained many miles more than these guys.

    Why? Because they arent greedy. And they care for the customers.

    Anyone that sells a video game for over a thousand dollars doesnt care about you. All they care about is the money. I would like to see a game on Steam for that much. You would have to be pretty dumb to buy it.
  • KiyorisKiyoris Member RarePosts: 2,130
    what 100 million $ gets you:

  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    They should buy a house to store all their spaceships. Oh wait...
  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    It all makes perfect sense if this is actually a money laundering scam! Time will tell, well maybe if we are ever told where the money went. If am not mistaken aren't a couple of people hired at CIG involved in some laundering scam in the past? Think I read it some where.
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    So watching the livestream I saw how they really need a public image.  I think the problem is CR is too busy putting his face on everything he won't back away and pay someone to do that job.  He doesn't do well on camera at all and they didn't even have a working demonstration setup for live show.  I mean really how in the hell do you not have a working demonstration for the live gameplay?  No they want to sell their controllers yet they cant even get them working right now.  Anyways idk what they got going for the game cuz they sure didn't show us much on the stream for sure.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • MadFrenchieMadFrenchie Member LegendaryPosts: 8,505
    edited December 2015
    Meanwhile, Frontier Games is over here with Elite: Dangerous like:

    "Yo, here's an actual space sim you can play.  Thanks for the support man.  By the way, all that money you gave me allowed me to create an expansion pack for your asses: planetary exploration.  Nah, it's not some BS idea I just came up with; that shit is right here ready for you to play.  You don't even have to buy it, but you can if you want.  Lemme know.  I'll hit you up if I get some new shit rolling, too."

    If SC doesn't get the ball rolling, Frontier is going to beat them to the punch at just about everything and will have more time to apply that polish.  And SC will be like Soviet Russia's space program: that's cool and all, but the United States of Frontier Games got there first.

    EDIT- All kidding aside, to "reward" the playerbase that funded you for the "milestone" of 100 million by simply trying to convince them to give you even more money...  Ugh.  Up until this point, I was hoping this game would get released so that, if it was as great as they say it will be, I can enjoy it..  But now, I honestly hope it falls flat on its face.  This kind of shameless marketing before a working, cohesive product is even available is disgusting, honestly.

  • AthisarAthisar Member UncommonPosts: 666
    edited December 2015

    I simple LOVE the "limited quantity" on a copy paste digital item! :awesome: 

    Yeah, they encourage people to buy more and more ships by releasing "limited quantity" editions at high prices, only to release more afterwards that make the earlier ones (none of which have ever been in a real game) effectively obsolete. It's nasty sleazy marketing to rake in cash from OCD-type whales who want to have everything.
  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    They will never get a cent from me...
  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Kiyoris said:
    what 100 million $ gets you:

    Well a software dev is making easily double a school teacher and he's got over 250 people working there. So we are looking at 80 x 250 is 20 million in salaries. Labour burden can be placed, conservatively at 50% so we're up to 30,000,000 annually with current staffing. Granted, it hasn't been at 250 the whole time, but collectively, over the life of the project, I'm sure operating costs are probably hovering somewhere in the 60-70 million range, conservatively. That's regardless of how many average families that might account for. If you want to shake someone down, check out the Forbes 500 because Chris Roberts isn't going to be on there any time soon. If SC launches in the black the I would be ultra surprised.

    these people aren't teachers or people working at McDonalds, so your info graphics, while interesting, mean nothing. I guess I make more than a couple average households myself. Should I feel bad for that? I probably make more than many African cities too. I guess I'm sorry for being gainfully employed.


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
    Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
    Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
    Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US

  • Turrican187Turrican187 Member UncommonPosts: 787
    CrazKanuk said:

    To the second post - absolutely. It is like they are trying to find out how much they can f*** with their customers / fans and still get away with it. This "gift" to the community is like saying "f*** you".

    And to the first post - from my auditing experience, the margin on car parts in my country is on average around 30-40% on the contrary from margin on new cars which is sitting at pretty low single digit %. Hard to be called a rip off or to be compared with 2500 USD pixel ship. What is the margin on Ferrari or Porsche that you use them in your example.

    It's difficult to say. Obviously the price is only in the creation of the art itself. Also, it's digital, so it can be replicated many times over. However, if a character model takes anyway from 2-4 months to create, how long (person hours) does it take to create a ship? How many people are going to buy it for $2500? I really don't think that the margins on these ships are as crazy as you might think. They are, essentially, 100% profit items, but they take money to create, so whether you ever get that money back is another story. Don't worry, though, I'm sure they do just fine :)
    Enlighten us, where are you pulling your numbers from.

    When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
    The cake is a lie.

  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    Makes me wonder how much EVE Online cost to make?
  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    rather pay my rent
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
  • BrorimBrorim Member UncommonPosts: 91
    Erillion said:
    klash2def said:
    there has never been a game in my 28 yrs of gaming that i would pay this amount for a fucking asset, released game or not this is insane. if you think this is normal..then you are just a sucker and you deserve to get your sweetroll stolen by CR.

    seriously wake up.
    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay anything for Star Citizen against your wishes ?

    Did I miss the part where someone is holding a gun to anyones head, forcing them to spend more than 20 $ for the SC pledge campaign  (20 $ in Nov 2014, 30 $ now) if they want to support this crowdfunding project ?

    Did I miss the part where it was illegal for some people to have more disposable income than others ? Disposable income that does not in any way inconvenience them in their every day life, to be used for hobbies as they themselves decide.

    And before anyone  declares me a "whale" - i have only one ship/pledge package ("Constellation").

    Have fun
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Brorim said:
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    Of course I agree its an unusual approach. But it seems to be working.

    If YOU own a company and people voluntarily throw money at you, would YOU personally duck and cover ? I would not. I guess not many would. CIG does not.

    I AM awake !  *** Looks at his coffee ***  *** whispers "barely" **  OK ... its 10 a.m. here .. i AM AwaKe ....

    Have fun
  • DaikuruDaikuru Member RarePosts: 797
    Its not like they ever had 100 million dollars in total, they raised this sum over a few years, also they have to pay their employes, electricity, rent...ect, ofc they need still money to keep going.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    - Albert Einstein

  • TheOctagonTheOctagon Member UncommonPosts: 411
    edited December 2015
    You expected what, loyalty to players? This is a cash grab game! Wake up, the roses are dead and look like crap...

    Personally I think the wife needed a new Land Rover.
  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Oh, I think I will buy!


    When there is a game in completed form, they can talk to me.

    $2500? LOL!

  • klash2defklash2def Member EpicPosts: 1,949
    Erillion said:
    Brorim said:
    You have to admit that this is an unusual approach ...

      After a 100 Million Dollars they still need money like this ? come on wake up ..
    Of course I agree its an unusual approach. But it seems to be working.

    If YOU own a company and people voluntarily throw money at you, would YOU personally duck and cover ? I would not. I guess not many would. CIG does not.

    I AM awake !  *** Looks at his coffee ***  *** whispers "barely" **  OK ... its 10 a.m. here .. i AM AwaKe ....

    Have fun
    You do know what an insult is correct? Okay, let me help you out. 

    Most gamers do not have 2k to drop on anything in a video game. Maybe you do, good for you, but MOST do not. The money they are making right now for SC more than likely did not come from a bevy of 1k donations.. more like $60 donations by people who thought it was a great concept, So let's not pretend like they aren't doing anything wrong by selling assets the same price of rent in a los angeles apartment downtown. 

    I wrote a short fan fiction story based on your logic (Huge fan of your logic) It's called "Have Fun"

     (BTW this is the alpha version of my story, I don't know yet when the full story comes out but I will let you know) 

    "Have Fun"

    A car salesman is getting money thrown at him. About 350 Million a year because he is good at selling cars. All his cars are half done  but he says his cars "WILL" be the best cars ever created. He claims his cars will even fly! He says "hey I can get you in a car for 100 bucks right now but the tires are kinda iffy". You say alright "I will buy".

    You smile inside because Flying cars why not.

    You buy the car and it doesn't work how it's supposed to. Tires are coming off. You go back to the salesman and he says "It's okay the car isn't finished yet, we are still working on it but dont worry its totally safe to drive today I promise. Isn't it a great car? Want us to fix the AC now or can you wait till full release or.."  

    Your best friend says to you the guy could have sold you a more complete car, they mean he made so much money he could've at least had working tires.  You reply: "No I trust him he is going to make my car perfect and fly too!"  ...a long time goes by......

    Your salesman announces he has a gift for you and only you the special buyers of his prototype alpha alpha cars: "RIGHT NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY YOU CAN PURCHASE THE COLOR OF YOUR CAR FOR A ONE TIME PRICE OF 800M and the paint will be on your car whenever we finish the car.. The paint is from the MOON! Only the best for my customers! We don't know when you will actually get that paint yet but when the car is finished you can rest assure your 800M paint job will be on there."

    You know deep inside that paint jobs don't cost that much but still you consider it because hey flying cars.

    You buy that paint job because hey "nobody put a gun to my head" plus you have disposable income. You can spend whatever you want on your hobby because its your money. Its not a dumb thing to do if it's fun right? The salesman seems like a honest dude. He was honest about the tires not working so He must be honest. I mean only honest people make that type of money right? 

    The cars finally come out 10 years later and you get a blue toyota prius delivered to your door. Not a flying car, not with paint from the fucking moon. Just a prius. A very expensive prius.  You brought a dream. You feel empty inside. You cry as the world burns down around you. You can not and literally will not "Have Fun" ever again. A butterfly lands on your car and its explodes into a thousand little parts, you lose an arm and a leg because you are sitting so close.

    The world continues to burn. I watch from across the street with a scowl on my face. I am eating your sweetroll. 

    *"Have Fun" is a NYT Bestseller currently on sale for $3,000 on Amazon*
    "Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're reasonable, should change your beliefs."

    "The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."

    Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear. 

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    edited December 2015
    Burntvet said:
    Oh, I think I will buy!


    When there is a game in completed form, they can talk to me.

    $2500? LOL!

    Or 30 $. Or nothing. Now or when its finished. Anyone can choose.

    >>>>Most gamers do not have 2k to drop on anything in a video game. Maybe you do, good for you, but MOST do not.>>>

    I do not have 2k to drop on a video game either. And i did not. Most SC backers did not. A few  did - if they can, more power to them. Its their money.

    Have fun

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