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After 100m, here's the CIG Christmas gift - a ship sale, just U$ 2500/1250 each



  • MinscMinsc Member UncommonPosts: 1,353
    Brenics said:
    All we have to do is wait till after the holiday's to see what is going to happen. Rumors have been circling that a few will be leaving the company to get away from CR. It is no secret he isn't much fun working for. I have a funny feeling things will be hitting the fan very soon.

    Merry Christmas!

    Man you're always posting about "rumors" but I never see you posting where these rumors are coming from.

    So how bout it. give us a link to these 'rumors' so we can read them for ourselves.

    In other words, proof or stfu already.
  • DarthconnorDarthconnor Member UncommonPosts: 62
    After looking at the 2h plus video I'd say anyone that put up cash should be asking for a list of expenses. It looks pretty but not so much functional. Awful fancy joystick to play it with a mouse lol.

    Also they say this guy that running this (SC) is a perfectionist. I've lived with people that are perfectionist and can say anyone that is wouldn't have had the issues with game not starting up cause it would have been setup and running for him already. People like that think way to far ahead to get surprised by things like that. Just my take anyways.

    Lastly I think its insane to spend that kind of cash but to each their own. They believe in the product let them spend their money. Personally I wouldn't even if I had millions pay for a virtual product of a game that hasn't even hit the publish button but again its all about belief I guess. I can see this going terrible wrong in a number of ways. Main two is it not actually ever coming out to it shutting down way sooner then it should have. People really don't think about the long road but if they want to they can release it say it finished and then shut it down 6 months later and there is most likely a Eula saying they don't have to keep the game running just like in every other MMO. These companies can shut down their servers after a month if they want and you agreed to those terms, granted the game ain't out so there probably isn't a Eula to agree to or atleast not a very lengthy one. Spending thousands on a game I can see if you got the cash, but one that isn't playable yet, wow. Add to that its thousands for just one ship and not thousands for well hundreds of items or something. I thought spending 30 on STO for a ship was pricey lets hope they don't take this companies business model for ship cost.
  • Solar_ProphetSolar_Prophet Member EpicPosts: 1,960
    Buy now, and you get the Brooklyn bridge thrown in for a mere $500 more! What a racket this game has become. If this thing flops, Chris Roberts' career as a game developer is finished. He'll have to go back to making horrible movies based on his previous games, unless he can pay for extensive plastic surgery and a name change. Though that might be a good idea anyway, considering the amount of people who would be baying for his blood. 

    AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!

    We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD. 


  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    When I read about SC it puts every other discussion about P2W into perspective. Has there ever been a bigger swindle than this in the history of gaming?
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    YashaX said:
    Has there ever been a bigger swindle than this in the history of gaming?
    You would be surprised ! ;-)

    There have been some "games" which consisted only of standard elements of Software Developer Kits for Game Engines. The "developers" vanished into thin air after months. With all the money of course. 

    Have fun
  • deadhead74deadhead74 Member UncommonPosts: 19
    snicol said:
    With the amount of money pumped into this ponzi it borders on the need for  congressional hearings

    I nearly pissed my pants, lolz thanks for the morning laugh
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    Erillion said:
    YashaX said:
    Has there ever been a bigger swindle than this in the history of gaming?
    You would be surprised ! ;-)

    There have been some "games" which consisted only of standard elements of Software Developer Kits for Game Engines. The "developers" vanished into thin air after months. With all the money of course. 

    Have fun
    Hmmm, you mean something like  ?

    If so not nearly on the same scale I'm afraid (although at least SC looks like it will be fun if it gets finished).
  • TheOctagonTheOctagon Member UncommonPosts: 411
    So, they're not giving refunds anymore? Makes you wonder how many people wanted them and how much of a dent it put in that 100 million.

    If that by itself isn't shady and put you off then you are indeed an SC cultist.
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    If that by itself isn't shady and put you off then you are indeed an SC cultist.
    You DO know that after 14 days of pledging they do not have to give ANYTHING back, do you not? Instead of 14 days they allowed 3 years (!). THAT you call "shady" ? 

    Most companies do not allow refunds AT ALL for software. 

    Have fun 
  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    Erillion said:
    If that by itself isn't shady and put you off then you are indeed an SC cultist.
    You DO know that after 14 days of pledging they do not have to give ANYTHING back, do you not? Instead of 14 days they allowed 3 years (!). THAT you call "shady" ? 

    Most companies do not allow refunds AT ALL for software. 

    Have fun 
    Pledging huh? Yeah semantics I guess. But they made about 3 million on the actual kickstarter and 100+ and growing on ships 'pledged'.

    You dont change a TOS (and forget to change dates) to fit whatever it is youre tryng to accomplish if its not shady.

    Theyre still (according to that google doc) raking in  300-400K a day since Christmas and about 4.5 million since the start of the month. They obviously have plenty of new fish, if the old ones are getting cold feet why not give them their money back? One simple answer....greed.

    Or they really need the new influx of cash to keep up appearances. Maybe thats why there have been actual changes to the tech demo theyre calling an alpha, BECAUSE they (again according to the google doc) have pulled in about 25 million (more than they thought they would in total) since Sept 1st.
  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Erillion said:
    If that by itself isn't shady and put you off then you are indeed an SC cultist.
    You DO know that after 14 days of pledging they do not have to give ANYTHING back, do you not? Instead of 14 days they allowed 3 years (!). THAT you call "shady" ? 

    Most companies do not allow refunds AT ALL for software. 

    Have fun 
    So if they allowed it for 3 years why did they stop? :)

    Plenty of software companies allow refunds for software btw.


  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    sgel said:
    So if they allowed it for 3 years why did they stop? :)
    Read their official explanation - it has been posted here many times already.

    Have fun
  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    It is because CR says SC is an actual game so they have fulfilled everything they have said they would do. So in actuality they could stop development tomorrow and say enjoy your game.
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Erillion said:
    sgel said:
    So if they allowed it for 3 years why did they stop? :)
    Read their official explanation - it has been posted here many times already.
    Do you agree with it?


  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    sgel said:
    Erillion said:
    sgel said:
    So if they allowed it for 3 years why did they stop? :)
    Read their official explanation - it has been posted here many times already.
    Do you agree with it?

    Personally i think anyone that does not support the project anymore should get the money back and leave. 

    Have fun
  • jcrg99jcrg99 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    edited December 2015
    Erillion said:
    If that by itself isn't shady and put you off then you are indeed an SC cultist.
    You DO know that after 14 days of pledging they do not have to give ANYTHING back, do you not? Instead of 14 days they allowed 3 years (!). THAT you call "shady" ? 

    Most companies do not allow refunds AT ALL for software. 

    Have fun 
    The companies that do not allow refunds don't put a warranty in their contracts that if they do not deliver 12 months later of the estimates, they will refund you... and then, when the date is near to be met, they just add time in the clause and make you sign it, if you hope to keep playing the game and accessing their services and in case of denying, not getting the refund anyway.

    This is not just shady. Easy to see how illegal is this. They do, because they know that customers have no resources or interest, in general, to pursuit their rights. But all this attitude tells to people what kind of company they are willing to support.

    I am sure that the Space Sim genre deserves better than that. At this point, I have no doubt that giving 100 million dollars to EA to make a new Wing Commander or for Microsoft for a new Freelancer (could be 50/50) would be a lot better "investiment" to anyone. They would make the genre grow a lot more healthy than CIG, instead creating a nonsense like this, burning its image and community to the ground, with such approaches.
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    jcrg99 said:
    This is not just shady. Easy to see how illegal is this. 
    It has been told to you countless times before:  If you think its illegal, SUE THEM !

    DO NOT just talk about it for 3 years straight.

    If you do not believe it yourself enough to sue them, why should anyone else believe it ?

    Have fun  
  • jcrg99jcrg99 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    edited December 2015
    Erillion said:
    jcrg99 said:
    This is not just shady. Easy to see how illegal is this. 
    It has been told to you countless times before:  If you think its illegal, SUE THEM !

    DO NOT just talk about it for 3 years straight.

    If you do not believe it yourself enough to sue them, why should anyone else believe it ?

    Have fun  
    You mean... you are saying that have been silly countless times, in the lack of proper argument.

    Believe it? Do you think that people need to believe in what i said? Seriously man. You live in an alternative world. People can realize, with pure and simple logic and possibly associating with their daily experiences been a customer or dealing with customer, how ridiculous and wrong is what CIG did, and why they decided to do it.

    You don't make a warranty to someone to buy your stuff, and then, when its time to cover it, or near to cover it, you deny that, or change the warranty, so the warranty don't be an warranty at all, just a bait. If you can't see how obviously wrong is that, you are indeed living in an alternative world. You don't need to "believe me". Just use your fucking brain.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,330
    jcrg99 said:
    Erillion said:
    jcrg99 said:
    This is not just shady. Easy to see how illegal is this. 
    It has been told to you countless times before:  If you think its illegal, SUE THEM !

    DO NOT just talk about it for 3 years straight.

    If you do not believe it yourself enough to sue them, why should anyone else believe it ?

    Have fun  
    You mean... you are saying that have been silly countless times, in the lack of proper argument.

    Believe it? Do you think that people need to believe in what i said? Seriously man. You live in an alternative world. People can realize, with pure and simple logic and possibly associating with their daily experiences been a customer or dealing with customer, how ridiculous and wrong is what CIG did, and why they decided to do it.

    You don't make a warranty to someone to buy your stuff, and then, when its time to cover it, or near to cover it, you deny that, or change the warranty, so the warranty don't be an warranty at all, just a bait. If you can't see how obviously wrong is that, you are indeed living in an alternative world. You don't need to "believe me". Just use your fucking brain.

    So ... in summary.

    You do not want to sue them yourselves. 

    You want someone else to have the balls to sue them.

    But no one yet was dumb enough to do it.


    Have fun 
  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Erillion said:
    sgel said:
    Erillion said:
    sgel said:
    So if they allowed it for 3 years why did they stop? :)
    Read their official explanation - it has been posted here many times already.
    Do you agree with it?

    Personally i think anyone that does not support the project anymore should get the money back and leave. 

    Have fun
    Spoken like a true cultist :)


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