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Elite Dangerous

Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
Simply , is it worth the price on sale on Steam atm? Yes I do like those types of games, I just see so many it s great posts, and it sucks posts.


  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    edited November 2015
    With -66 %  ? GO FOR IT !

    If you have an Oculus Rift or plan to get one, its a great experience.

    Have fun
    Post edited by Erillion on
  • TheutusTheutus Member UncommonPosts: 636
    If you like flight Sims you will like it. Get X3 Albion of you want a more fleshed out game. The only reason to play ED is for multiplayer, and only if you can deal with some asshat destroying your ship for shits and giggles. You will not affect local economies, it's static with artificial price limits. 

    The graphics are nice. 
  • AmenhoetepAmenhoetep Member UncommonPosts: 36
    edited November 2015

    I started playing this game when it was in alpha and just recently quit playing it for the second time. 

    I play pretty much all my games solo.  There are game modes for ED where you can play as the only real peep in a universe (rather galaxy) as the only non-NPC.  The space criminals, pirates, security, etc. are all AI.

    To me the game is beautiful and flying around in the ships is a lot of fun - doing missions and trading and mining for credits.  The mining mechanics are good and interesting.  However, I get hounded  very frequently by the AI controlled ships making it Elite-too-Dangerous for my liking.  While making say a 6 star hop I may get attacked maybe 1 or 2 or even 3 times and I cannot go anywhere and mine for any time without getting attacked sooner or later. Sometimes I even got attacked by pirates with an empty cargo hold. 

    Mining is not just push button and get stuff in this game.  It requires attention and getting attacked while mining is really frustrating.  In my second attempt at the game, I was never able to go anywhere and mine without getting attacked.   I don't mind some combat occasionally but it's way too frequent as I see it.

    So I quit the game again.  Gonna try maybe in  a few more months and see if they crank down the NPC AI then again the game is called Elite DANGEROUS.  Maybe I will not play again.  Maybe this game is not for me.

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549
    I very rarely get attacked by NPCs. This is probably because I don't pirate other ships.
  • Nicco77Nicco77 Member UncommonPosts: 145
    edited November 2015
    Soki123 said:
    Simply , is it worth the price on sale on Steam atm? Yes I do like those types of games, I just see so many it s great posts, and it sucks posts.
    Yes but then you will must wait for the expansions price to drop.
    I would suggest to wait for the at least 90% completition of the game because they are releasing payed update and if you want a complete game it's 50€ at every expansion so really don't worth the cost now.
    I have payed 50€ for an unfinished game and in order to get a chunk of update I should now pay other 50 € so it's really best to wait at least one other year.
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