Wondering how many of you have ever said about an mmo "It was better in Beta/Alpha", WHY!?
For me it's almost always because during beta and alpha Free to Play mmo's don't corrupt their item malls, and then after release the dev's go into full on scam mode.
Yes, I know i'm ranting.
Makes me wonder how successful a game could be if it were developed with quality entertainment in mind with the philosophy that "If you build it (quality games) they will come (consumers).
But no, what we seem to be getting lately is a cash shop and someone says. "Now, (re) build a game around this".
As some one said above, just look at Archeage, it's cash shop has to be one of the worst, most miss handled I have seen in any game, I'm a fan of the game but I'm no longer playing it because of its cash shop, I really should go and cancel my sub as well now that I think about it.
The same applies to the gameplay. There was a drastic change in the game from its (original) beta to the first major patch (after launch). This was a major shift away from the original sandbox, towards themepark content. The content that came after that, all followed the same pattern.
So, for ArcheAge, these changes were all AFTER launch... not from Alpha/Beta/Launch.