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I was thinking of coming back to the game in April to try out the CU and didn't because of all the strife involved. But I'm still considering it.
The only thing stopping me is what I read about crafters getting incapp'd and killed while collectiong their resources from their harvesters.
I have read the in-game work around is to team with a CL80 and then go resource gathering. But to me that seems too silly and on the verge of an exploit. So I'm wondering if the devs fixed it so pure crafters would not get killed at their factories and harvesters. I played mostly pure crafters and this is what is keeping me from coming back to try the CU.
First of all ... become CL 7 ... thats possible for a 3 crafting profession character.
Get camo kits from a ranger.
Drive slowly. You will see all red spawns and can avoid them.
Use sacrificial combat droids or pets to distract harmful mobs while you service your harvesters.
Use the 20 m safe distance to its fullest when you service your harvesters.
Then you can reach 97 % of them. Some are camped by a pack of mobs sometimes... either come back another day or ask guild friends to help you.
Have fun
Quick answer. Yes u will get 1 shot killed if you don't group still.
Another publish with very little content. Big shocker.
Way to over-simplify
Yes, you can still get 1 shot killed by NPC's but there is now a 20m safe distance mobs (they won't aggro till you get within 20m) We have several 3 crafter (CL7) players in our guild and they do just fine, even on Dathomir (god knows that has to be a hairy experience for them though). Occasionally one will call us to clear one of his harvester locations so he can get to it but that's fairly rare.
Hope this helps.
Personally I think it's a better idea to go 1 Master Elite Craft, 1 Partial Elite Craft, 1 Master Elite Combat Prof which gets you CL 60ish and you can safely go pretty much anywhere. Or 2 Master Crafters and 1 partial elite combat. Which gets you CL 40-50ish and you can still go pretty much anywhere and hunt if you so desire.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas
Ahh, thanks for the advice! I didn't know about the 20m agro range. I also didn't know what CL an elite combat profession was, nor half an elite. I might even do that, to be more safe.
This is the info I was looking for, thanks again.
Oh, another quick quesion:
I had stopped playing a bit before Jump to Lightspeed came out. So if I get the new Total Experience version, will loading that still give me access to my old character?
Yes it will. Install it, launch the game and go to Account Management and register expansion with the CD Key from TE. That will give you JTL, ROTW and reactivate your old account all at once.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Another tactic I will share:
Learn which monsters/NPCs will hunt other monsters/NPCs.
Then when you see some red MOBs around where you want to go, find another group of red mobs who prey on the first group then have them chase you and lead them to the first group. They will kill them off, then return back to where their lair or home is at.
If you are neutral this is even easier. Many humanoid NPCs will hunt and kill monsters. They will even come to your aid if you get attacked by monsters LOL! My neutral character regularly gets aided by Rebel humanoid NPCs hehe.
Cool! I'll go get my copies of the Total Experience then, thanks!