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Wurm Unlimited just launched on steam with an 86% positive rating

sludgebeardsludgebeard Member RarePosts: 788
Ive wanted to try this game for a long time, but the mix of complaints about grinding and clunky mechanics always turned me off.

Alot of people have been raving about this new steam version, and I was wondering if anyone here has some hands on with it, before I throw my money at it.

Ive really wanted an interesting sandbox to play within the low fantasy realm so this might be it.


  • brenthbrenth Member UncommonPosts: 301

    I have been playing wurm on and off now for a while  and  quite honestly it is very hit and miss  and has a rather low population  and a bad case of  incomplete itus!
    yes there is  quite a bit of grinding but it has gotten a bit better  with a crafting window,  but most if not all the crafts are incomplete.  lets take cooking   yes you can combine stuff to make a generic casarole or at higher levels  the mainstay  the "meal"   but other than that there is many dead ends  and no diversity  for example they have milk,, you can make cheese (but not butter),,,  you can make "bread"   but both are considered bulkers,, you can even make a cheese sandwich  but its not as good as the "meal"
    there are no travel rations,, no  bacon lettus tomato,  no hot chilli  or spicy beef stew     they have corn, potato, and so forth but id like to see  carrots  tomatos  and  maybe green peppers. Id like to see smokers  and dryers  they also have juice like from apples  but no eating apples  no beer or ale  or anything so most just drink water.  

    they have wonderful ship building  but mostly they are for decorating your front yard  as there is no  economy or  major trade    effectively all resources are available most everywhere with maybe a few exceptions.

    the combat is more strategic and crude that you would expect  and exploring is just plain lethal with a nasty corps run with no locator  (you don't know where your body is  other than help from certain priests  you pretty much lost the stuff on your body)

    the world itself is  crude but has its own charm (it just turned fall on my server)

    this is a nitch game   there is gobs to do  and some is a grind   but you can do things in wurm that's hard to find anywhere else   like player made  canals and ship tunnels.

    there are no quests missions or achievements  and effectively no tutorial

    and get use to shoveling, mining rock  and chopping down  thousands of trees.
    I would give it  3-5 stars  ***   for incompleteness.  ROLF is a great guy but with only 1-2 people coding  its going to be several more years  before wurm comes of age if at all.

    multi-story great looking buildings ,,  champion trolls  huge spiders    2D/3d tunneling    weather and seasons    multi moons   solar eclipses    long distance sailing  fog

    make a world, not a game, we dont want another game.

  • pinktailzpinktailz Member UncommonPosts: 173
    sims with vomit visuals lel
  • brenthbrenth Member UncommonPosts: 301
    Ive wanted to try this game for a long time, but the mix of complaints about grinding and clunky mechanics always turned me off.
    Alot of people have been raving about this new steam version, and I was wondering if anyone here has some hands on with it, before I throw my money at it.
    Ive really wanted an interesting sandbox to play within the low fantasy realm so this might be it.
    I have played wurm on and off for many years  and I have also played  wurm unlimited  for a while now.  there have been some slight improvements  but at a geologic pace.    some of the crafts are even  half baked or unfinished.  for example   food still tops out at  the generic "meal"   and there is much room for expandability here    COFFEE!   bacon    steaks   and travel rations      they have   cheese but no butter or things you can really do with milk.  apple trees but no apples   cherry, lemon     they even have grain flour and generic bread  but its just bulk and not worth bothering with.    you cant really make anything anyone is interested in buying.
    I would love to see carrots,  tomatos, and peppers  along with some nice recipies 

    On that point  there is next to nothing  in the way  of an economy   there is next to no need for the amazing ships you can build  because there is next to nothing that everyone cant just make for themselves   you need some localized  resources or  favored quality areas    that are valued in other areas     that's what the silk road was about.

    There are several wannabie sandbox games out there  but  they tend to go for shallow  and lame games
    The starter page shows a windmill   so where is it  (it also shows a river but I figure that's a tough one)
    they just added more horse colors?  kind of a waste  but bridges are very cool.   we could use some  wall lights  that can be used in boat tunnels.

    I am currently getting in to a  bordom level  in my skills  (50-60+)   with noting useful to direct them   and no goals or achievements   I don't really want to leave wurm  but   tending crops with nothing good to make from them  or no place to sell them  gets me searching for games with something interesting.  (and ive  done a lot of work on my server in building a major waterway   with several boat tunnels and canals.

    make a world, not a game, we dont want another game.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    I tried Wurm a while back and I think they did a graphics overhaul since then... I looked back into it a month or two ago, but it still doesn't look great.  I'm pretty much in the same boat as @brenth and when I played it, it was horribly incomplete and the gameplay wasn't very exciting to me.  I got bored pretty quickly.  

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,249
    Seems like it might be a bit too much of a sim for it to be something I would enjoy.

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  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Watching the videos it looks pretty good now,sort of in between EQ1 >EQ2 but better than Warcraft..

    It is called Wurm Unlimited now and seems to be a lot better with more features than the original Wurm online.Apparently also coming is a standalone single player version of the game as well.

    I would say that if my gaming palette wasn't so full,i would give it a go myself.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    I'm really surprised this game gets as much praise as it does...It is so clunky.....It has some nice game play ideas but its hard to play this for very long.
  • JamesPJamesP Member UncommonPosts: 595
    DMKano said:
    Does anoyone not realize that Wurm Unlimited on steam is a standalone (single player) version ?

    Wurm online and Wurm Unlimited are 2 different versions 
    Supposedly according to the announcement for Wurm Unlimited they give you the exact same Server tech they use for the official Servers and you can host as many Continents as you want with as many people as you want. 

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  • zCatzCat Member UncommonPosts: 5
    There are lots of servers that you can join
  • Hawkaya399Hawkaya399 Member RarePosts: 620
    edited February 2019
    brenth said:
    Ive wanted to try this game for a long time, but the mix of complaints about grinding and clunky mechanics always turned me off.
    Alot of people have been raving about this new steam version, and I was wondering if anyone here has some hands on with it, before I throw my money at it.
    Ive really wanted an interesting sandbox to play within the low fantasy realm so this might be it.
    I have played wurm on and off for many years  and I have also played  wurm unlimited  for a while now.  there have been some slight improvements  but at a geologic pace.    some of the crafts are even  half baked or unfinished.  for example   food still tops out at  the generic "meal"   and there is much room for expandability here    COFFEE!   bacon    steaks   and travel rations      they have   cheese but no butter or things you can really do with milk.  apple trees but no apples   cherry, lemon     they even have grain flour and generic bread  but its just bulk and not worth bothering with.    you cant really make anything anyone is interested in buying.
    I would love to see carrots,  tomatos, and peppers  along with some nice recipies 
    One thing about food is all it does is either reduce fatigue or reduce fatigue AND give you some body fat. It's easy to make food for that. It might not do it as effectively as high ql food, but it's good enough. For me, just killing animals and eating the meat was enough. Sometimes I'd make stew, but I never saw an immediate need for it.
    On that point  there is next to nothing  in the way  of an economy   there is next to no need for the amazing ships you can build  because there is next to nothing that everyone cant just make for themselves   you need some localized  resources or  favored quality areas    that are valued in other areas     that's what the silk road was about.
    Early on they experimented with unequal distributions of resources, but player complaints motivated them to make it more equal. There's still a need for trading in the economy, but it's more reliant on "I'm too lazy to make it myself, so I'll pay someone else." When Wurm Online was younger, it required more time to make things. It might be true it's less necessary now since it's faster, but it's still a common motivation for it. And another reason for boats btw is to travel. When I was on Chaos server, I traveled to Xanadu to attend the impalong at Blackmoor. And sometimes players want to go to other servers. On Pvp servers, boats are a popular way to move players around.
    There are several wannabie sandbox games out there  but  they tend to go for shallow  and lame games
    The starter page shows a windmill   so where is it  (it also shows a river but I figure that's a tough one)
    they just added more horse colors?  kind of a waste  but bridges are very cool.   we could use some  wall lights  that can be used in boat tunnels.
    It's hard to find a sandbox MMO with as much variety as Wurm Online. Sure therer're a lot of them with quality of life upgrades, better graphics and combat.  But try to find one with as many sandbox features and NO instances. That's a big thing for me, in fact. I don't like instances. Being able to freely see other people's work is part of the sandbox, even if what they make ruins the view or is distasteful to me somehow.
    I am currently getting in to a  bordom level  in my skills  (50-60+)   with noting useful to direct them   and no goals or achievements   I don't really want to leave wurm  but   tending crops with nothing good to make from them  or no place to sell them  gets me searching for games with something interesting.  (and ive  done a lot of work on my server in building a major waterway   with several boat tunnels and canals.
    I think the best time in WO is early on because it's more about survival instead of grinding skills. That's what motivated me to play. It was hard. I loved it. But once I started making good settlements, things simmered down and I got a more bored. This is one of the reasons I favor PvP MMO's or servers. I get bored without that element of danger from other players. I started on Epic Serenity server, but moved fast to Chaos. It has an excellent large rugged map. I disliked hte small ones. That's where I stayed for years and where I still am. I started in 2012.

    One thing for sure is not everybody agrees. This is why WO is niche. Some people love it as it's. I do, mostly. I stopped playing when my gfx card died. I've been able to play since last year now, but with work and other things I haven't got around to it.

  • killahhkillahh Member UncommonPosts: 445
    the walking animations in the video  are terrible.  its 2020, not 1995. other than that, it semi reminds me of what UO should have been

    over 20 years of mmorpg's and counting...

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