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A big thank you to Derek Smart and TheEscapist from behalf of all silenced backers !!

apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273
It was impossible to raise any concerns on cig forums without being quickly silenced by hordes of white knights.
Finally our voice was heard .


  • lugallugal Member UncommonPosts: 671
    I bet all 5 of you are very pleased now.

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    The reviewer has a mishapen head
    Which means his opinion is skewed

  • jcrg99jcrg99 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    edited October 2015
    Yes. Its great. And the funny part is that CIG is offending the Federal entity of consumer protection in United States when they use their censorship tactics:

    What is wrong with that project is pretty much described by a column recently publicized here on MMORPG:

    So, its good that finally the press decided to act, for the good of the own Star Citizen project or at least the crowdfunding. It's great that there are other press that are looking to this too, investigating, specially that became more transparent, by the answers of Roberts, how lost the man is and not capable to the role that he has been assuming.

    I knew that Roberts/Sandi would damage this company due their ego and behavior/mentality since earlier 2013. Since then, I am just watching all my predictions to come true, including related to my constructive criticism of that time, which they refuse to read, to accept and to respect, because as the author said, they are simply not capable to see their own flaws and to be humble enough to improve. And as they are not really, talented enough to assume the roles that they have, it's what leaded a project with so much potential, to what seems to be a total loss. They were alerted to what would cause certain decisions/mindset/attitude. They ignored and in my case, even made sure to help some zealots to burn me, so my feedback disappeared forever, and they continued their pursuit to be gods, instead to deliver the project.

    And the problem of the community is that they confuse, defending personal egos of specific individuals, with defending the project. A privilege that for whatever reason, they won't give to other employees that in general, have much more experience than those two in bigger projects in the modern industry and modern development processes or marketing mindset, specially the wife.

  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    edited October 2015
    Come on now Lethality, you know as well as anyone that they're pretty strict about issuing refunds. Can you really see them giving a refund out due to a complaint about a post or thread being deleted?
  • LethalityLethality Member UncommonPosts: 76
    Come on now Lethality, you know as well as anyone that they're pretty strict about issuing refunds. Can you really see them giving a refund out due to a complaint about a post or thread being deleted?
    Well, did the OP actually try for a refund? Or did he just jump right to victimized status?

    Not saying everything is perfect, and if we had more exposure to the early dev cycles of other games we'd see the same thing. But the victims and the toxic trashing for no verifiable reasoning has to stop.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    edited October 2015
    Yes first page!

    edit- I really feel I'm missing out. I have nothing to contribute on this topic still!
    Post edited by bcbully on
  • cerulean2012cerulean2012 Member UncommonPosts: 492
    Look, if you are a backer (already gave money) of the game I would be at the very least concerned about those articles.  Maybe what is being said is not 100% true but there is enough truth there to raise some very serious questions.

    Regardless of if the articles are right or wrong it serves no purpose to lash out at everyone like Lethality has and to support him (Lethality) like Hatefull has.  All you are doing is showing your immaturity.  Nothing wrong with backing Roberts but do so in a civilized manner.  The OP and the rest supporting the allegations have done so without having to revert to childish behavior, but if that is what the supporters of Roberts & the game are like perhaps it is better that it falls apart.
  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510
    edited October 2015
    Come on now Lethality, you know as well as anyone that they're pretty strict about issuing refunds. Can you really see them giving a refund out due to a complaint about a post or thread being deleted?
    Actually I've heard from friends who have gotten refunds just the opposite. That they ask the reason and with a little persistence they end up granting it in the end. Stay polite and firm and you get what you want more often than not. Pretty standard stuff.

    I was pretty fired up that they weren't allowing us to "melt" purchases made with UEC. I sent them an email stating my objection in a polite manner and I got a response from Sandi. She asked for clarification, I gave her another reason then I received another auto generated email saying the refund was being processed. Boom. No drama. Everybody played nice. I understand it's not the same as a refund but it says explicitly on their website they don't grant refund on UEC and they ended up doing it.

    Getting a refund probably hinges a lot on whether or not you act like an entitled brat, or a human being speaking respectfully to another human being.
  • jcrg99jcrg99 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    edited October 2015
    Come on now Lethality, you know as well as anyone that they're pretty strict about issuing refunds. Can you really see them giving a refund out due to a complaint about a post or thread being deleted?
    Actually I've heard from friends who have gotten refunds just the opposite. That they ask the reason and with a little persistence they end up granting it in the end. Stay polite and firm and you get what you want more often than not. Pretty standard stuff.
    CIG is obligated to give the refunds for those who ask. They breach the contract. They have no choice. Their try to deny, is a try to keep the money that they know that are not entitled to keep, since they screwed with their own advertising and contract. In other words, its an attitude of bad faith on business, trying to defraud consumers.
  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    This thread is nothing more than an attack on SC and Chris Roberts - look at the post being made.  So this is what has turned into.  
  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510
    edited October 2015
    Teala said:
    This thread is nothing more than an attack on SC and Chris Roberts - look at the post being made.  So this is what has turned into.  
    I thought this was a Kevin Costner fan page.

  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510
    Would you say it's possible to post something positive on these forums without being attacked by anti SC fans?
  • AngryElfAngryElf Member UncommonPosts: 194
    Another Star Citizen thread.  
    I was just thinking there weren't enough of these. 
  • PottedPlant22PottedPlant22 Member RarePosts: 800
    Would you say it's possible to post something positive on these forums without being attacked by anti SC fans?
    The problem I see is that fans of SC see those that question or have issues with Chris Roberts or Star Citizen are taking this too personal.  It's not an attack on them.  They are not being 'attacked.'

    What I have an issue with is if the stories are true (and now it's starting to look more likely,) then there are very real concerns of abuse, bigotry, racism and ageism going on in that workplace.  So with all do respect to the fans of the game, this discussion isn't about them.  It's about something much bigger.
  • whisperwyndwhisperwynd Member UncommonPosts: 1,668
    Like many past threads on different topics...

    Post something negative, you're a hater. Post something positive, you're a blind fanboy. 

    This just happens to be the FoTM(or week in this case) topic and the same camps are setting up pn either side of the field using anything and everything to 'win' their side's view.

    Interesting drama at its best, childish and vindictive behavior at its worst History is simply repeating itself.
  • jcrg99jcrg99 Member UncommonPosts: 723
    edited October 2015
    Would you say it's possible to post something positive on these forums without being attacked by anti SC fans?
    The problem I see is that fans of SC see those that question or have issues with Chris Roberts or Star Citizen are taking this too personal.  It's not an attack on them.  They are not being 'attacked.'

    What I have an issue with is if the stories are true (and now it's starting to look more likely,) then there are very real concerns of abuse, bigotry, racism and ageism going on in that workplace.  So with all do respect to the fans of the game, this discussion isn't about them.  It's about something much bigger.
    I think that the bigger issues are mismanagement, money and their continuous approach to sell futures, without delivering what was earlier promised in the first place.
    It was a game development, it became a bunch of shows for cash grabbing, and they even let their obsession on that transparent, like calling in-game credits given away by accident as 'millions of dollars lost', or 'setting the development pace according with the revenue' and threatening to make the things slowly or worst if the funds stopping (after having 10 times the funds that told that was enough to make all their dreams), like keeping the backers money in cash reserves, when they should be used to advance with the development, etc.
    It's like the developers don't trust in the capability of the game do not sell a single copy of the game after its release and like all this bullshit of $900 ship sales was their only hope to sustain the business. If they believed in their project, they would not act in ways that have been burning their image and reputation, constantly. Still they do... so, something does not fit... something is wrong and they do not want to tell people, which is a disrespect to their own promises.
    And they deflect, attack who ask, and use their army of white knights as a shield. They have been very cowards with the public and the backers, for real. And very coward and how to build a business model based on actuals, instead persisting on futures.

    TL;DR: The big issue is the cash grabbing approach and disrespect with backers money and their own words, which later they will try to twist, to make appear that did not say what they said when convincing people to pledge earlier. If all these problems weren't always buried by the fanatics and faced instead, regrading who would have to lose their jobs or be reassigned, this game could be in a much better position today.
  • ThourneThourne Member RarePosts: 757
    CrazKanuk said:
    AngryElf said:
    Another Star Citizen thread.  
    I was just thinking there weren't enough of these. 

    And I was just thinking that there weren't enough dogs in dresses on these forums. 

    One thing is for sure, I am definitely glad that Derek is liberating us from all the fun and amazement of Star Citizen in favour of Line of Defence. I've got a macro at home that is trying to log me in right now. Gawd! I hope that I can play when I get home. 
    For someone also "reportedly" overseeing a game polished and completely pushed out the door he dose have way more time to run about them interwebs than others doesn't he.
    I'm sure it is a sign that all the panes are safe and secure in his glass house.
  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    thundercles said:
    Getting a refund probably hinges a lot on whether or not you act like an entitled brat, or a human being speaking respectfully to another human being.
    If it does they're cruising for a bruising. If getting a refund hinges on anything other than legal obligations or good will to all customers it's a potentially fatal mistake. No judge on earth is going to accept "We refused to refund his money because he's a big meanie head" as a valid reason. Individual people have dumped enough money into this that if one ever sues it's going to big boy court, justified or not.  This thing  has been enough of a PR disaster that even if it does launch well it's long term earnings potential is bleak. Diehard fan support isn't enough in a market this crowded. It's going to have to be something really special to survive.

    Well here's the thing. I don't know if they're legally obligated to issue a refund. So if you are a big meanie head then they might not have to do anything. Also, make sure that you select "Derek Smart" or "The Escapist" as reasons why you want a refund. It'll help in the CIG legal case. 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
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  • AmanaAmana Moderator UncommonPosts: 3,912
    There's already a thread for discussing these recent matters and another one for discussing matters related to Derek Smart's take on SC. What we didn't need was a third thread to combine both of them.

    To give feedback on moderation, contact [email protected]

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