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I met my old Clan leader tonight...

BoneserinoBoneserino Member UncommonPosts: 1,768
And he was saying goodbye to the game.  ( Fallen Earth )

It was an interesting discussion.  I did not try to talk him out of it.  After all, he probably knows as much about the game as the people who made it at least.   There wasn't really anything new to keep him playing.   He is European and I am North American.  And yet we talked like old friends who lived across the street.  ( thanks to his excellent english! )  So it was sad.  And I would still love to play games with this guy, but of course, he is far better skilled than I am at this.

Not sure why I posted this except that it leaves me with an empty feeling.  Good times to remember but I wish we could go back. 

Anyway, I might try to catch up to him in PS2. 


Nothing last forever.   Post a story of people you miss in games, and what happened, if you like.

Its really people, that make MMO's IMO.

FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!


  • BoneserinoBoneserino Member UncommonPosts: 1,768
    Agreed DMKano, we certainly don't all have the same taste in games.   Which makes it so unique when a bunch of us come together, find something we like and then slowly but surely it unravels, in weird and mysterious ways.

    Its inevitable IMO, as I am sure we have all experienced this, if you have played these games for any length of time. 

    I think at this point, if you play MMO's, you have to be prepared for the highs and the lows.  If you expect all highs you are naive.  Enjoy them while you can.

    FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!

  • RidrithRidrith Member RarePosts: 869
    MMOs are great for that.  Way back when during the early days of WoW within in the first few weeks after launch...  I ended up playing and running around not really knowing what I was doing back then.  Long story short I came across a group of buddies who'd started playing together and they were just as clueless as I was.  We ended up running all through the Barrens together.  Pvping in the open world and watching one of the first guys on our server (a tauren) purchase and ride around on his Kodo beast.

    We gamed together from that day forward all the way up until I quit World of Warcraft back in 2012.  Though I've never met a single one of them in real life, we've talked and legitimately grown up with one another online. From Ventrilo to Teamspeak to Curse chat we still talk on a regular basis.  We went from nerdy kids in middle/high school all the way to college and now as grown adults with families and jobs.  It's a pretty amazing thing to consider and it made my time playing that game worth it.
    I like to complain about games.
  • Moguy3Moguy3 Member UncommonPosts: 70
    I truly miss my friends that were in the guild  Apottomis Dominus on the Vazaelle server in EQ. Soooo many nights of fun / sadness / fun again when doing raids or grinding AA's.
  • d_20d_20 Member RarePosts: 1,878
    I wish I had RL friends who played games.

    As it is, though I don't much care for ESO, I still play every week during pvp night because I like my guild, who I've been with since GW2. It's the best guild I've been in and I want to stay a part of it.

    Otherwise, I solo in a lot of games and do pugs, which is kind of sad, because it's hard to find a good guild in the off hours when I play on NA servers.

  • NotayetiNotayeti Member UncommonPosts: 3
    d_20 said:
    I wish I had RL friends who played games.

    As it is, though I don't much care for ESO, I still play every week during pvp night because I like my guild, who I've been with since GW2. It's the best guild I've been in and I want to stay a part of it.

    Otherwise, I solo in a lot of games and do pugs, which is kind of sad, because it's hard to find a good guild in the off hours when I play on NA servers.
    I'm like you. I dont have any RL friends that play games. Its been this way for me my whole life as I was rather a closet gamer.

    I have played and met some wonderful people in my years playing. Mostly through Wow and GW.
    One guy I miss just left when I was on hiatus from wow. I am now the GM of our guild and I keep his toons in the roster hoping. Every so often I look at the recent log in time and well its at 3 years + and  counting. I keep hoping I'll see  _ hrs ago but alas I never do. Its moments like that when I actually feel sad about what things used to be like.
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