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Court of Jesters - New Guild, Long Story.

MorpgeusMorpgeus Member UncommonPosts: 59
edited September 2015 in Neverwinter

I could not find a 'freeform' Guild info thread. NO* is active enough; posts appear well, thin. Sooo..

I will gladly answer questions about the game, in this thread, and about the Guild of course. No, I will not self-bump ;p

*Not named fully on MMORPG.COM?


Neverwinter Online - Court of Jesters


Court of Jesters is a new, smaller-to-medium active guild, semi-organized by (MMO)RPG veterans* looking to include, rather than recruit.

*from table-top (A)D&D to Asheron’s Call, and ever onward.


Our dimensions:

- International& tolerant; age-indifferent. Attitude matters.

- Fanatically Casual but all playstyles appreciated.

- Motto: Ask any thing, any time.

- Then again, TANSTAAFL.

- Plus we might be in a fight and not see chat…

- Alt-friendly.

- Newbie-friendly.

- Muckup-friendly.

- Scarebear-friendly.

- Pesky-question friendly (you may get as good as you give).

- One rule only: never rude (take disputes private). Not that our players tend to have them.


On Strongholds: 

Many a guild, as of the introduction of SH’s, is recruiting heavily to fund the

Beast-with-the-humongous appetite: The Coffer. As far as that goes: feed it, by all means. From a safe distance. Remember…

 Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

 Oh ah…don’t give it alcohol. It gets lost on the grounds and bites our NPC’s.  To the chest: seriously! Stop doing that.

So…we work on the SH, but have no hurry about it. Fair warning: this means SH PvP will not be our focus, because we do not have the required structures.


Contribute if you wish, or do other things. Do what you feel like :)


The DoDaDon’t: 

What we will do:

- Tell your spouse you were out studying the fine art of mikado last night, 'While You Were Raiding'.

- Steal your blinkies. Blinkiewars™ FTW.

- Get into most any challenge we feel we really shouldn’t try. If it ain’t suicidal, what’s the point?

What we will not do:

- Force you to group.

- Tell your spouse you played for 5 hours straight and forgot to feed the cat.

- Feed your cat.


Reactions, by in-game mail (see below) or /reply here please.

E-mail: [email protected] 

@sanctever – main toons Solar, Tales & Anonimosity (e.g. solar@sanctever)

@qistus – main toons Sheat Mield & Angst.


PS Typical guild convo:

Laciel: ‘Tales, stay out of the red stuff.’

Tales: ‘But this was green stuff?’

Laciel: ‘Well, you know…just…stay out of stuff!’

* I say, there is no
* darkness but ignorance.
* Twelfth-night; or, What You Will

Post edited by Morpgeus on
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