this could be the one, to me sounds far better than Pantheon or Crowfall, but there is really nothing here at this site except a game description so far
Interesting. I just watch a video on their dungeons. They said the want them to be like EQ1, MUDs and "most importantly" D&D campaigns. The one they showed they're thinking it will take 4-6 weeks to complete.
Looks like this could appeal to a lot of the older crowd on these forums who are into EQ. The top article on the game's blog has the director saying "we have zero problems telling the F2P babies to fuck off, here’s a tissue, cry yourself a river" (btw, very happy that C&P works with internet explorer on the new forum!), which seems in line with the sentiment among some people here.
Although using Darkfall as an example of how a box-price+sub+vanity cash shop business model can be successful for a small indie team seems a bit weird, pretty sure that game is on its knees atm.
Anyway, box price + sub + vanity item cash shop seems like an attractive model for the developers, and it would be great if the game is good enough to justify that premium and beat out upcoming competitor games targeting a similar niche. Perhaps we'll even see a sub option for the not-alpha, not beta, not-released state of the game as well?
A nice looking game so far, but to me it looks like another niche game in the future. The problem is if folks are forced to group in a game to play it, they complain. If the group play in a game is weak they complain about that also. Hopefully they find a good balance or system that allows for both friends and lfg. Problems occur when folks work or have school all day and come home to a wife, kids, etc. and have to squeeze in time to play. The best group is a familiar one and scheduling your friends to play at the same time as you is near impossible. My question is, does anyone know a link to the books this game is based on? I found a series by T.W. Anderson specializing in analysis or math or something, but nothing other than that. /shrug
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
My question is, does anyone know a link to the books this game is based on? I found a series by T.W. Anderson specializing in analysis or math or something, but nothing other than that. /shrug
You'll want to head over to The Story So Far question if you want to read the book content. It's being released in chapter format monthly.
Looks like this could appeal to a lot of the older crowd on these forums who are into EQ. The top article on the game's blog has the director saying "we have zero problems telling the F2P babies to fuck off, here’s a tissue, cry yourself a river" (btw, very happy that C&P works with internet explorer on the new forum!), which seems in line with the sentiment among some people here.
Although using Darkfall as an example of how a box-price+sub+vanity cash shop business model can be successful for a small indie team seems a bit weird, pretty sure that game is on its knees atm.
Anyway, box price + sub + vanity item cash shop seems like an attractive model for the developers, and it would be great if the game is good enough to justify that premium and beat out upcoming competitor games targeting a similar niche. Perhaps we'll even see a sub option for the not-alpha, not beta, not-released state of the game as well?
The last time we looked at Darkfall for numbers was 2013, seven years after their launch, with an employee base of 48, and 20,000 subs. I have no data on them in 2015, but AFAIK they are still going. The point was to show that a small developer team who started with five guys and developed from 2000 - 2007, launched a game, and grew it to 20k subs and 40+ employees over 7 years, = a successful niche title.
Interesting. I just watch a video on their dungeons. They said the want them to be like EQ1, MUDs and "most importantly" D&D campaigns. The one they showed they're thinking it will take 4-6 weeks to complete.
That would be about the minimum length we want a dungeon to take to complete.
this could be the one, to me sounds far better than Pantheon or Crowfall, but there is really nothing here at this site except a game description so far
I wouldn't call us "better", by any means, just another option being developed. We're all backers of Pantheon, and a few of us are looking forward to Crowfall.
There's actually a ton of stuff at the website; 16 months of development documentation, including all the way back to our earliest iterations and screenshots and concept art and team meetings and Q&A sessions and beyond. We're just now getting ready to start testing combat and the like, so if you are someone who judges a game based off of "gameplay footage" as opposed to the entire picture, you'll want to wait a few more months until we can start producing some solid "gameplay" videos with combat in place.
Even then, we're still a year away from having a polished UI or anything even remotely close to resembling a "playable" MMORPG.
Anyway, box price + sub + vanity item cash shop seems like an attractive model for the developers, and it would be great if the game is good enough to justify that premium and beat out upcoming competitor games targeting a similar niche. Perhaps we'll even see a sub option for the not-alpha, not beta, not-released state of the game as well?
You'll absolutely see a subscription model early on. All pre-orders come with Early Access (to alpha and beta builds), but players will also have the option to increase their backing over time via a monthly sub during the course of development, with special perks for subbing (like unlocking a lifetime subscription option after 18 months of subbing).
Box price + monthly sub (for the live game) is the only thing we have confirmed at this time. While we're discussing a vanity store, it's years away from being a finalized decision as we are years away from having excess assets to put aside for it, plus we aren't even sure we want to include it. But we are always eager to discuss interesting concepts.
The top article on the game's blog has the director saying "we have zero problems telling the F2P babies to fuck off, here’s a tissue, cry yourself a river"
Did he really say that? I don't mind indie devs who think they can get the sub numbers that AAA MMOs can't. But if they start with PR nightmares like this then they are not even worth to be looked at.
The top article on the game's blog has the director saying "we have zero problems telling the F2P babies to fuck off, here’s a tissue, cry yourself a river"
Did he really say that? I don't mind indie devs who think they can get the sub numbers that AAA MMOs can't. But if they start with PR nightmares like this then they are not even worth to be looked at.
I absolutely did say that. One of the benefits of running our own show is that we don't have to be politically correct and we can use the English language to its fullest potential and the crybabies can find a tissue and get on with their lives.
We also aren't worried about getting AAA sub numbers. We have a target goal that is quite small, and we are under no illusions about trying to hit AAA subs or even compare ourselves to them; we are niche ,and we know it.
As far as starting PR nightmares goes, it's a non-issue for us. We aren't here to try and be politically correct or convince people to play our game. Either a person loves what they see from the get-go, or they don't. If a person wants to be offended, let them. Their problem, not ours.
We aren't holding a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to be interested in our game. And we're not going to argue with naysayers. Instead, we have a very firm "our way or the highway" stance and we're in a position where we can stick to our guns because we aren't trying to appeal to every person.
Interesting. I just watch a video on their dungeons. They said the want them to be like EQ1, MUDs and "most importantly" D&D campaigns. The one they showed they're thinking it will take 4-6 weeks to complete.
That would be about the minimum length we want a dungeon to take to complete.
The top article on the game's blog has the director saying "we have zero problems telling the F2P babies to fuck off, here’s a tissue, cry yourself a river"
Did he really say that? I don't mind indie devs who think they can get the sub numbers that AAA MMOs can't. But if they start with PR nightmares like this then they are not even worth to be looked at.
I absolutely did say that. One of the benefits of running our own show is that we don't have to be politically correct and we can use the English language to its fullest potential and the crybabies can find a tissue and get on with their lives.
We also aren't worried about getting AAA sub numbers. We have a target goal that is quite small, and we are under no illusions about trying to hit AAA subs or even compare ourselves to them; we are niche ,and we know it.
As far as starting PR nightmares goes, it's a non-issue for us. We aren't here to try and be politically correct or convince people to play our game. Either a person loves what they see from the get-go, or they don't. If a person wants to be offended, let them. Their problem, not ours.
We aren't holding a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to be interested in our game. And we're not going to argue with naysayers. Instead, we have a very firm "our way or the highway" stance and we're in a position where we can stick to our guns because we aren't trying to appeal to every person.
You tell them mate.
Some people are under the illusion that all mmo devs need them when in fact some really don't need high number or to please everyone.
Don't like what we are saying then "fuck off and move on"
So you'll have dungeon time scales to Ancient Port Warehouse even though that took months, dungeons within dungeons.
this could be the one, to me sounds far better than Pantheon or Crowfall, but there is really nothing here at this site except a game description so far
I wouldn't call us "better", by any means, just another option being developed. We're all backers of Pantheon, and a few of us are looking forward to Crowfall.
There's actually a ton of stuff at the website; 16 months of development documentation, including all the way back to our earliest iterations and screenshots and concept art and team meetings and Q&A sessions and beyond. We're just now getting ready to start testing combat and the like, so if you are someone who judges a game based off of "gameplay footage" as opposed to the entire picture, you'll want to wait a few more months until we can start producing some solid "gameplay" videos with combat in place.
Even then, we're still a year away from having a polished UI or anything even remotely close to resembling a "playable" MMORPG.
I just was talking about the ideas, right now from what I have read, I rank them Pantheon, Crowfall, then SOL, but if you guys deliver I think this will top the other 2
Interesting. I just watch a video on their dungeons. They said the want them to be like EQ1, MUDs and "most importantly" D&D campaigns. The one they showed they're thinking it will take 4-6 weeks to complete.
That would be about the minimum length we want a dungeon to take to complete.
Interesting. I just watch a video on their dungeons. They said the want them to be like EQ1, MUDs and "most importantly" D&D campaigns. The one they showed they're thinking it will take 4-6 weeks to complete.
That would be about the minimum length we want a dungeon to take to complete.
Some people are under the illusion that all mmo devs need them when in fact some really don't need high number or to please everyone.
Don't like what we are saying then "fuck off and move on"
So you'll have dungeon time scales to Ancient Port Warehouse even though that took months, dungeons within dungeons.
Yes. Most of the game dungeons will require you to spend several months to complete, and all of them feature multiple wings that cannot be completed without mechanical thieves, archeologists, scholars, crafters, and beyond.
If you plan on going in with your min/max group of pure DPS builds and blasting your way through trying to mimic a 10 minute hard mode, you'll quickly find yourself flat on your ass. And you'll flat-out find yourself coming up against brick walls that you can't progress beyond until you have the proper group makeup to overcome puzzles and sections of the dungeon designed for specific skill sets.
Dungeons are roughly designed for 25% adventuring, 25% mechanical, 25% magical, and the other will be some suprises related to factions, crafting, and the like. Lack any one of those and you'll only ever see a portion of the zone. For progression, that means being unable to progress unless you have the proper skills within the party.
I just was talking about the ideas, right now from what I have read, I rank them Pantheon, Crowfall, then SOL, but if you guys deliver I think this will top the other 2
Well, we appreciate your enthusiasm
As long as our core audience are happy, we're happy That's all that really matters to us!
Some people are under the illusion that all mmo devs need them when in fact some really don't need high number or to please everyone.
Don't like what we are saying then "fuck off and move on"
So you'll have dungeon time scales to Ancient Port Warehouse even though that took months, dungeons within dungeons.
Yes. Most of the game dungeons will require you to spend several months to complete, and all of them feature multiple wings that cannot be completed without mechanical thieves, archeologists, scholars, crafters, and beyond.
If you plan on going in with your min/max group of pure DPS builds and blasting your way through trying to mimic a 10 minute hard mode, you'll quickly find yourself flat on your ass. And you'll flat-out find yourself coming up against brick walls that you can't progress beyond until you have the proper group makeup to overcome puzzles and sections of the dungeon designed for specific skill sets.
Dungeons are roughly designed for 25% adventuring, 25% mechanical, 25% magical, and the other will be some suprises related to factions, crafting, and the like. Lack any one of those and you'll only ever see a portion of the zone. For progression, that means being unable to progress unless you have the proper skills within the party.
That sound great, i mean Vanguards dungeon were great but this sounds more to the extreme scale. I guess in one way you could say "less is more" meaning vast quality dungeons.
That sound great, i mean Vanguards dungeon were great but this sounds more to the extreme scale. I guess in one way you could say "less is more" meaning vast quality dungeons.
And we haven't even started talking about what we have in mind for raid dungeons yet.
But yes, we're designing things so that everything is epic in scope. This isn't you wandering down to the lake to gather daffodils for your mum or sweetheart. This is:
Spending several game sessions preparing your caravan supplies
Ensuring you have a full compliment of crafting + adventure skills so you can remain self-reliant in the field, since you cannot recall back to town or fast travel in any way/shape/form
Spending several game sessions working your way overland, defending your caravan from attacks, as you work your way across the game world without a mini map and nothing more than vague directions about where the dungeon or ruin is located, exploring as you go along (all groups have an aggro radius attached to them and mobs in zones WILL seek you out and attack you even if you don't see them or think you are out of their range)
Resupplying at outposts along the way
Finally making it to the dungeon and having no map or any way of knowing what you will encounter within
Making sure you have supplies
Heading down into a dungeon that will take you a couple months or more to explore, across multiple game sessions, and your success/failure depends entirely upon how well-supplied your group is, how self-reliant they are, how relevant and talented are the members of your party
Working your way down only to find that you need more skill points to get past a certain door, so back tracking to clear another section of the dungeon while working on leveling up your skills and adventuring, then finding an extending bridge that can only be repaired by a skilled carpenter, which you have, but you are missing wood supplies, so you need to back out to the forest to harvest some wood, so you start to make your way out only to fall through a trap in the floor that your thief failed to detect, plunging half of your party down three levels and splitting the group up, and the only way to get down or back up is to have someone with a relevant climbing skill and/or supplies (better hope you brought some rope!), but then also discovering a seperate section of the dungeon that you have to decide if you want to explore now or later and.....etc. etc. etc.
That sound great, i mean Vanguards dungeon were great but this sounds more to the extreme scale. I guess in one way you could say "less is more" meaning vast quality dungeons.
And we haven't even started talking about what we have in mind for raid dungeons yet.
But yes, we're designing things so that everything is epic in scope. This isn't you wandering down to the lake to gather daffodils for your mum or sweetheart. This is:
Spending several game sessions preparing your caravan supplies
Ensuring you have a full compliment of crafting + adventure skills so you can remain self-reliant in the field, since you cannot recall back to town or fast travel in any way/shape/form
Spending several game sessions working your way overland, defending your caravan from attacks, as you work your way across the game world without a mini map and nothing more than vague directions about where the dungeon or ruin is located, exploring as you go along (all groups have an aggro radius attached to them and mobs in zones WILL seek you out and attack you even if you don't see them or think you are out of their range)
Resupplying at outposts along the way
Finally making it to the dungeon and having no map or any way of knowing what you will encounter within
Making sure you have supplies
Heading down into a dungeon that will take you a couple months or more to explore, across multiple game sessions, and your success/failure depends entirely upon how well-supplied your group is, how self-reliant they are, how relevant and talented are the members of your party
Working your way down only to find that you need more skill points to get past a certain door, so back tracking to clear another section of the dungeon while working on leveling up your skills and adventuring, then finding an extending bridge that can only be repaired by a skilled carpenter, which you have, but you are missing wood supplies, so you need to back out to the forest to harvest some wood, so you start to make your way out only to fall through a trap in the floor that your thief failed to detect, plunging half of your party down three levels and splitting the group up, and the only way to get down or back up is to have someone with a relevant climbing skill and/or supplies (better hope you brought some rope!), but then also discovering a seperate section of the dungeon that you have to decide if you want to explore now or later and.....etc. etc. etc.
Hope doesn't enter into the equation. We're a self-funded team, not a Kickstarter "idea" or concept. We've got 16 months already behind us, and a couple more years to go. There's no threat of running out of money to potentially halt development, considering we're already all gainfully employed and working on this out of sheer passion.
When you strip away egos and needing to draw a 250k a year paycheck, you can do a hell of a lot
Everyone works remote, but some of us will be meandering in that direction later this year/early next year to have a more permanent presence in the city as we continue work on this beast.
Heading down into a dungeon that will take you a couple months or more to explore, across multiple game sessions, and your success/failure depends entirely upon how well-supplied your group is, how self-reliant they are, how relevant and talented are the members of your party
So how does that work when people log-on and log-off at different times and different places, party members just don't log on at all and you need to fill their spot with a new guy?
Sounds great in theory if you manage to keep 8 guys together and on the same schedule for 2 months. But how it would it actually work in reality?
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter if you dare.
Looks like this could appeal to a lot of the older crowd on these forums who are into EQ. The top article on the game's blog has the director saying "we have zero problems telling the F2P babies to fuck off, here’s a tissue, cry yourself a river" (btw, very happy that C&P works with internet explorer on the new forum!), which seems in line with the sentiment among some people here.
Although using Darkfall as an example of how a box-price+sub+vanity cash shop business model can be successful for a small indie team seems a bit weird, pretty sure that game is on its knees atm.
Anyway, box price + sub + vanity item cash shop seems like an attractive model for the developers, and it would be great if the game is good enough to justify that premium and beat out upcoming competitor games targeting a similar niche. Perhaps we'll even see a sub option for the not-alpha, not beta, not-released state of the game as well?
Problems occur when folks work or have school all day and come home to a wife, kids, etc. and have to squeeze in time to play. The best group is a familiar one and scheduling your friends to play at the same time as you is near impossible.
My question is, does anyone know a link to the books this game is based on? I found a series by T.W. Anderson specializing in analysis or math or something, but nothing other than that. /shrug
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
The last time we looked at Darkfall for numbers was 2013, seven years after their launch, with an employee base of 48, and 20,000 subs. I have no data on them in 2015, but AFAIK they are still going. The point was to show that a small developer team who started with five guys and developed from 2000 - 2007, launched a game, and grew it to 20k subs and 40+ employees over 7 years, = a successful niche title.
That would be about the minimum length we want a dungeon to take to complete.
I wouldn't call us "better", by any means, just another option being developed. We're all backers of Pantheon, and a few of us are looking forward to Crowfall.
There's actually a ton of stuff at the website; 16 months of development documentation, including all the way back to our earliest iterations and screenshots and concept art and team meetings and Q&A sessions and beyond. We're just now getting ready to start testing combat and the like, so if you are someone who judges a game based off of "gameplay footage" as opposed to the entire picture, you'll want to wait a few more months until we can start producing some solid "gameplay" videos with combat in place.
Even then, we're still a year away from having a polished UI or anything even remotely close to resembling a "playable" MMORPG.
You'll absolutely see a subscription model early on. All pre-orders come with Early Access (to alpha and beta builds), but players will also have the option to increase their backing over time via a monthly sub during the course of development, with special perks for subbing (like unlocking a lifetime subscription option after 18 months of subbing).
Box price + monthly sub (for the live game) is the only thing we have confirmed at this time. While we're discussing a vanity store, it's years away from being a finalized decision as we are years away from having excess assets to put aside for it, plus we aren't even sure we want to include it. But we are always eager to discuss interesting concepts.
But if they start with PR nightmares like this then they are not even worth to be looked at.
We also aren't worried about getting AAA sub numbers. We have a target goal that is quite small, and we are under no illusions about trying to hit AAA subs or even compare ourselves to them; we are niche ,and we know it.
As far as starting PR nightmares goes, it's a non-issue for us. We aren't here to try and be politically correct or convince people to play our game. Either a person loves what they see from the get-go, or they don't. If a person wants to be offended, let them. Their problem, not ours.
We aren't holding a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to be interested in our game. And we're not going to argue with naysayers. Instead, we have a very firm "our way or the highway" stance and we're in a position where we can stick to our guns because we aren't trying to appeal to every person.
You are going down
Some people are under the illusion that all mmo devs need them when in fact some really don't need high number or to please everyone.
Don't like what we are saying then "fuck off and move on"
So you'll have dungeon time scales to Ancient Port Warehouse even though that took months, dungeons within dungeons.
I just was talking about the ideas, right now from what I have read, I rank them Pantheon, Crowfall, then SOL, but if you guys deliver I think this will top the other 2
We are a PvE game.
End of story.
Yes. Most of the game dungeons will require you to spend several months to complete, and all of them feature multiple wings that cannot be completed without mechanical thieves, archeologists, scholars, crafters, and beyond.
If you plan on going in with your min/max group of pure DPS builds and blasting your way through trying to mimic a 10 minute hard mode, you'll quickly find yourself flat on your ass. And you'll flat-out find yourself coming up against brick walls that you can't progress beyond until you have the proper group makeup to overcome puzzles and sections of the dungeon designed for specific skill sets.
Dungeons are roughly designed for 25% adventuring, 25% mechanical, 25% magical, and the other will be some suprises related to factions, crafting, and the like. Lack any one of those and you'll only ever see a portion of the zone. For progression, that means being unable to progress unless you have the proper skills within the party.
As long as our core audience are happy, we're happy
But yes, we're designing things so that everything is epic in scope. This isn't you wandering down to the lake to gather daffodils for your mum or sweetheart. This is:
Hope doesn't enter into the equation. We're a self-funded team, not a Kickstarter "idea" or concept. We've got 16 months already behind us, and a couple more years to go. There's no threat of running out of money to potentially halt development, considering we're already all gainfully employed and working on this out of sheer passion.
When you strip away egos and needing to draw a 250k a year paycheck, you can do a hell of a lot
Meanwhile, our game studio is based out of Austin, Texas:
Everyone works remote, but some of us will be meandering in that direction later this year/early next year to have a more permanent presence in the city as we continue work on this beast.
So how does that work when people log-on and log-off at different times and different places, party members just don't log on at all and you need to fill their spot with a new guy?
Sounds great in theory if you manage to keep 8 guys together and on the same schedule for 2 months. But how it would it actually work in reality?
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”