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[Review] Skyforge: Plenty of Sparks, But No Flame



  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433

    This game was once again a confirmation that I don't like hub-based affairs for me. The whole theme and world really didn't seem real.

    Other problems I had with it were the bullet sponge fights (wel "sword sponge" in my case) and the long-winded affair of unlocking new stuff.

    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • Mors-SubitaMors-Subita Member UncommonPosts: 517

    Originally posted by Wizardry

    We all have our little peeves in each game but what disappoints me is Bill failed to see the obvious.

    The reason had NOTHING to do with the Atlas,these "classes" were hidden behind a pay wall,you bought the most expensive package and you got those classes right away,so they were not hidden at all,only behind that pay wall.

    The cheapest package ...20 bucks,the one i bought really offered nothing,it got you into early access and gave you some virtual currency and that to me is worthless.

    They aren't hidden behind a pay wall... The classes can all be opened without paying anything.  As for being able to pay for them, that is a bit misleading. There are 13 classes in the game with a whole bunch more planned to be added... You start with 3 of them which can be broken down as basic DPS, basic Tank, basic Support. The founders pack said "If you buy the best one we give you 2 advanced DPS, the gunner and the Zerker" and the CE says "we will give you the advanced tank and the advanced support" in the form of the knight and the alchemist. In either case they have 5 out of the 13 initial classes... If they want warlock, it gives them no advantage... same thing for monk, kinetic, archer, etc...

    Either way, this comes back to the same thing we have been saying all the time. This game offers Pay-To-Go-Faster. That's what premium is... That is what exchanging argents for credits is... And that is what paying for those classes is. You can pay the $70 to unlock the classes, or you can play for the 2-3 weeks to unlock those specific classes. Or 1 week for slayer, archer, etc...


  • kinkyJalepenokinkyJalepeno Member UncommonPosts: 1,044

    Game is a steaming pile


    1. No player trading

    2. No AH

    3. No crafting

    4. 3 million different currencies

    Its like playing Candy Crush with an MMO skin !!

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  • CyntheCynthe Member UncommonPosts: 1,414

    I'm very disappointed with this game, I was hoping for more steampunk with a fantasy twist (many Final Fantasies do it well) and instead got a game that doesn't know what it is. 

    The currencies!! Over complicated for no reason whatsoever. The combat is the only fun part but honestly, Tera does it better. 


  • Mors-SubitaMors-Subita Member UncommonPosts: 517

    Originally posted by Cynthe


    The currencies!! Over complicated for no reason whatsoever. The combat is the only fun part but honestly, Tera does it better. 

    The problem isn't that they have a lot of currencies.. The problem is that they call them currencies.

    Sparks are listed as currency, when they are the equivalent of experience.

    Upgrade items are listed as currency

    Unlock items are listed as currency(seriously, I remember farming items in all kinds of MMOs to unlock raids, upgrade gear, etc... and none of them called them currency.)


    What it comes down to is this:

    The only things that are ACTUALLY currency are as follows:



    Rare items(i.e. celestial thread)


    Why? Because those are the only things you can use to purchase stuff or can get by selling stuff. Simple.


    All of the others are not currency... i.e.


    Coins/symbols of immortality/etc.



    There are a couple that are arguable (i.e. holy texts), but I would argue that those are items that can be sold for currency(credits).


    So instead of just calling them all "currency" they should be broken into categories...

    Experience: Sparks of Mastery, Sparks of Evolution, Class sparks, Sparks of transmutation,  particles of transmutation

    Order upgrade items: Coins, symbols of immortality, Holy Texts, Rings of the founder, Okki Tablets, Silver Pommels, etc.

    Currency: Argents, Credits, celestial threads, etc.


    Then it isn't confusing any more.


  • GreatswordGreatsword Member RarePosts: 436
    Originally posted by Cynthe

    I'm very disappointed with this game, I was hoping for more steampunk with a fantasy twist (many Final Fantasies do it well) and instead got a game that doesn't know what it is. 

    The currencies!! Over complicated for no reason whatsoever. The combat is the only fun part but honestly, Tera does it better. 

    OMG it's not Final Fantasy/Tera therefore it sucks. 

    Here's an idea, go frolic in your Tera/Final Fantasy and leave Skyforge alone??? I love how all negative feedback on this game is from Tera/Final Fantasy fans, you guys make me want to never ever, ever buy Final Fantasy. 

  • CandyCaneNJCandyCaneNJ Member UncommonPosts: 187

    I am SO glad I didn't purchase any of the packs! I thought the graphics were outstanding but the locking the classes was the stupidest decision I ever seen developers make on a game. Ridiculous. After a few days, I was disappointed. No crafting either! No mail? No downtime activities I have seen.

    I then downloaded ESO unlimited and have been addicted like crazy. I bought a ESO membership and can't get enough of the game. I'm much happier and feel I'm getting my money's worth.

    I would ONLY return if they remove the absurd class lock. Grinding enough is a pain, we have to do it to unlock classes? Insane. No thanks! All that glitters is NOT gold. Very pretty to look at but empty is my my lil opinion.
  • CandyCaneNJCandyCaneNJ Member UncommonPosts: 187

    Originally posted by simmihi

    Excellent first paragraph, that's exactly the way I feel. And a very nice touch concerning the main issue of the game, the terrible prestige design.


    One character,not being able to detele it, not being able to reroll, not being able to reset the atlas - many players are already at the point where they farmed "bad" prestige (stamina and might from the order etc) and are not able to do any content which gives them rewards. It's a massive, MASSIVE design flaw.


    I welcome the games which let you mess your character, but having this "opportunity", combined with the fact that you cannot start a new one, are things which cannot go hand in hand. The game and the stats are so badly explained that messing things up happens almost naturally.


    Truth ^^^

  • CandyCaneNJCandyCaneNJ Member UncommonPosts: 187

    Originally posted by Greatsword

    Originally posted by Cynthe

    I'm very disappointed with this game, I was hoping for more steampunk with a fantasy twist (many Final Fantasies do it well) and instead got a game that doesn't know what it is. 

    The currencies!! Over complicated for no reason whatsoever. The combat is the only fun part but honestly, Tera does it better. 

    OMG it's not Final Fantasy/Tera therefore it sucks. 

    Here's an idea, go frolic in your Tera/Final Fantasy and leave Skyforge alone??? I love how all negative feedback on this game is from Tera/Final Fantasy fans, you guys make me want to never ever, ever buy Final Fantasy. 


    You want your opinion to be heard, right? Well, others opinions will differ radically than your own. I suggest accepting it instead of getting upset about opinions that don't match your own.

  • TheOctagonTheOctagon Member UncommonPosts: 411

    My biggest pet peeve about Skyforge besides them making you play the game the way they want you to play regardless of what you want to do or how you want to progress?

    You can't delete anything out of your inventory. WTF kind of MMO doesn't let you trash items you don't want? 12 slots of trophy fragments I want gone and can't get rid of.

    *dramatic back of the hand to the forehead* I'm having a premonition...of a cash shop item...that lets you clean out your inventory....for only 1000 argents....

    Remember Allods. They nickeled and dimed everything...


  • NhueNhue Member UncommonPosts: 29

    Originally posted by TheOctagon

    My biggest pet peeve about Skyforge besides them making you play the game the way they want you to play regardless of what you want to do or how you want to progress?

    You can't delete anything out of your inventory. WTF kind of MMO doesn't let you trash items you don't want? 12 slots of trophy fragments I want gone and can't get rid of.


    The game needs better instructions I will give you that...but... I figured it out and.....

    I have no idea what you're talking about...  There is not a single reason to trash any item in this's actually kinda nice, but to elaborate a little...

    every item can right click and either deconstruct or sell.... except the symbols for your order which you might say are basically XP that is spent to upgrade your adepts and temples....

    So your basically mad because you cannot trash items you probably need or want but just don't get it.

    I have 8000 prestige and have not yet needed any inventory space...  so take it from a player who is actually good at games...  You just have no idea what your doing  and instead of taking the time to learn you QQ...  It's classic TBH.

  • JimWraithJimWraith Member UncommonPosts: 127

    I like a lot of what they did with this game that makes it unique.  

    However a lot of things seem like they were made over complicated.

    Being F2P, If I could just throw a little cash their way to play the classes I want to play instead of grinding through the Ascension Atlas I would be happy.

  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    LOL Tera. I played Tera for 1 quest and my eyes started bleeding. Skyforge is teras God.
  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Cabal 1 had sex with TSW and Diablo and got Skyforge.
  • TheOctagonTheOctagon Member UncommonPosts: 411

    Originally posted by Nhue

    The game needs better instructions I will give you that...but... I figured it out and.....

    I have no idea what you're talking about...  There is not a single reason to trash any item in this's actually kinda nice, but to elaborate a little...

    every item can right click and either deconstruct or sell.... except the symbols for your order which you might say are basically XP that is spent to upgrade your adepts and temples....

    So your basically mad because you cannot trash items you probably need or want but just don't get it.

    I have 8000 prestige and have not yet needed any inventory space...  so take it from a player who is actually good at games...  You just have no idea what your doing  and instead of taking the time to learn you QQ...  It's classic TBH.

    It's also classic when you put your foot in your mouth. Don't comment unless you know what your talking about. At 8k your finally at the part of the game where they're about to take your training wheels off and it really starts to get challenging. How's MSM feel about now? That's the rest of the game. Forced into 3 and 5 man dungeons. Unless your slumming in a lower level to grind something you need like Sparks of Transformation or in one of the small open area maps that are useless after you've done them one time.

    I'm at 12k prestige, maxed Cryo and am 4 nodes from maxing Lightbringer, and have Necro, Archer and Slayer unlocked. I'll almost have Kinetic by the end of the day when I cap out.

    At only 8k, get ready, your just about to find out what I'm talking about. 12 slots taken up by Trophy Fragments. And that's just whites and greens so far. They don't break down. You can make more trophies out of whites, then break them down into greens, but they're always there. And Trophies don't stack. To stop getting them, you have to stop picking up drops in dungeons, which of course is not happening as you'll miss out on the rest of the loot.

    With level 6 weapon upgrades taking 25k a pop, there is no extra credit to buy inventory slots unless you open your wallet and buy Argents. Which of course makes your wallet the limit. But they haven't shown me anything worth more than my basic sub per month.

    Next week the patch drops and the Pantheons get their own little war zones. They pimped Knight for some unknown reason and left the really broken classes alone so PvP will still be a joke. People haven't even wondered about that. What are you going to do when your facing a Pantheon full of Slayers and Knights, because that's what everyone with an open wallets going to be playing.

    You can't even participate in most of the new content unless you've joined a Pantheon. Solo play out the door.

    Capped Class Sparks, yesterday. I'll finish colored sparks today. Grind my credit cap tomorrow and do Order missions in between it all. Then off until Wednesday because there's nothing else to do except log in once a day to keep Order flowing, and not even that once they add the phone app.

    They'll get about as much replay out of this patch as WoW did their last expansion once everyone gets a taste of how the PVP they'll be forced to play works. None at all. The PvE content should fair a lot better. I really, REALLY want to like this game, but they make it really hard to do so...

    But that's this game in a nutshell, capped, slapped and pigeon holed. It's their way or the highway. Once the next shiny new MMO comes along people will bail in a heartbeat to get away from all the restrictions this game brings with it and it'll turn into a small niche game with hardly any updates because they'll have to cut their staff back due to dropping subs.

    After playing online video games for almost 30 years I've seen them come and I've seen them go.

    So yea, I have no clue what I'm talking about..XD



  • DeathengerDeathenger Member UncommonPosts: 880
    This review made me bite the bullet and try it out for myself. I only played for about 5 hours so far but I think I like this game. Time will tell I guess.
  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Good for you Deathenger. Game is great have fun and if you play on EU feel free to add me ingame for any questions. Nick: Jamal Din
  • Mors-SubitaMors-Subita Member UncommonPosts: 517

    Originally posted by TheOctagon

    Originally posted by Nhue

    With level 6 weapon upgrades taking 25k a pop, there is no extra credit to buy inventory slots unless you open your wallet and buy Argents. Which of course makes your wallet the limit. But they haven't shown me anything worth more than my basic sub per month.



    At 14.5K all 3 upgrade slots are in the Rank 7s, and I am partway through my 4th row of bag slots... And I've mostly done that to make sure I don't need to stop and break down lower level gear too often.


  • NhueNhue Member UncommonPosts: 29

    @TheOctagon;   Well at least my comment got you to post something meaningful, even helpful that I learned something from and not some dribbling quip that no one understood.



  • CazrielCazriel Member RarePosts: 419
    Originally posted by rojoArcueid

    The rest of the game.... i havent played enough to say. But if its a Vindictus type of limited gameplay without an actual game world then its not higher than a 6 im sure. And drop another point for being F2P which automatically adds the risk of being a cash drainage.


    There is nothing beyond or behind combat.  That's it.  There's nothing else to do in the game but grind for sparks and currencies of various kinds.  When you're tired of that, then you just log out.  There's no persistent game world except a few lobby hubs. 

    It's unfortunately, but you really only can play this kind of game for a few hours before needing to move on to something else.  Then when you think about logging back in, you realize there isn't going to be anything new.

    They really should reduce the grind within the class skill tree, as that's what makes it hard to imagine wanting to unlock more classes to grind up and so if you're not going to unlock more classes because you can't bear to think of grinding 10,000 class sparks, why play at all?
  • CandyCaneNJCandyCaneNJ Member UncommonPosts: 187
    Originally posted by Cazriel
    Originally posted by rojoArcueid

    The rest of the game.... i havent played enough to say. But if its a Vindictus type of limited gameplay without an actual game world then its not higher than a 6 im sure. And drop another point for being F2P which automatically adds the risk of being a cash drainage.


    There is nothing beyond or behind combat.  That's it.  There's nothing else to do in the game but grind for sparks and currencies of various kinds.  When you're tired of that, then you just log out.  There's no persistent game world except a few lobby hubs. 

    It's unfortunately, but you really only can play this kind of game for a few hours before needing to move on to something else.  Then when you think about logging back in, you realize there isn't going to be anything new.

    They really should reduce the grind within the class skill tree, as that's what makes it hard to imagine wanting to unlock more classes to grind up and so if you're not going to unlock more classes because you can't bear to think of grinding 10,000 class sparks, why play at all?

    THIS. ^^^^ I was in awe of the beautiful graphics and enjoyed myself for awhile until I realized some key things. Your points hit the nail on the head. I left because of the ridiculous grind to unlock classes. Who is the genius who thought of that??

    I know it's still in beta and if it gets rid of some of the nonsense, I would gladly return.

  • legendairlegendair Member CommonPosts: 60

    Please as a member for many years do mmorpg a favor and the rest of the community... Don't ever review a game again.  This review reads like a random gamer trying to be a "game reviewer," just cause they played games for years.

    Of all the reviews of any publication I have ever read... This is UBER bad. 


  • AresPLAresPL Member UncommonPosts: 292

    LOL another person complaining about 3 classes, You can unlock new one at 1st day if You have enough time to play/team to go on missions with You


    You dont have to do anything You dont want, rewards reset so just check from time to time


    LilithM  LOl maybe try PVP first, its much better than games You mentioned, or maybe You did and lost badly?



  • nimander99nimander99 Member UncommonPosts: 288
    A fair and spot on review. That being said I'm still hooked on the game and playing it everyday.
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