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[Review] Skyforge: Plenty of Sparks, But No Flame



  • FomaldehydeJimFomaldehydeJim Member UncommonPosts: 673
    Seems to be an updated Global Agenda.  
  • officialfiveofficialfive Member UncommonPosts: 55
    I agree with the preview. I have a 10k prestige character.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    We all have our little peeves in each game but what disappoints me is Bill failed to see the obvious.

    The reason had NOTHING to do with the Atlas,these "classes" were hidden behind a pay wall,you bought the most expensive package and you got those classes right away,so they were not hidden at all,only behind that pay wall.

    The cheapest package ...20 bucks,the one i bought really offered nothing,it got you into early access and gave you some virtual currency and that to me is worthless.

    The xp at the end is not knew what so ever, it is exactly like doing ANY quest,you always get the xp AFTER the quest is completed.The only game that has ever done it right in the last 10 years was FFXI,every other game is a linear questing game.The ONLY ideas added in that time have been even worse lame ideas like giving xp for stepping into some new zone that quests took you there anyhow and xo for silly ideas like map completions.

    FUN...i fail to see how this game is fun at all,linear linear linear game play and spam combat gets boring real fast.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • Maleus666Maleus666 Member UncommonPosts: 75
    Another MMO with a big lack of charisma.  Good visual, not so good combat system, nice enrivorement, but no charisma and a game wihtout charism is a dead game.

    Go to hell!

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,965
    Still think it sad a final review on a game in open beta with key systems being launched soon. For people who care google "Pantheon Wars" Looks like some fun PvP and PvE coming for people who enjoy the game. I think its going to be the reason people stick around. 
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,965

    Originally posted by Wizardry

    We all have our little peeves in each game but what disappoints me is Bill failed to see the obvious.

    The reason had NOTHING to do with the Atlas,these "classes" were hidden behind a pay wall,you bought the most expensive package and you got those classes right away,so they were not hidden at all,only behind that pay wall.

    The cheapest package ...20 bucks,the one i bought really offered nothing,it got you into early access and gave you some virtual currency and that to me is worthless.

    The xp at the end is not knew what so ever, it is exactly like doing ANY quest,you always get the xp AFTER the quest is completed.The only game that has ever done it right in the last 10 years was FFXI,every other game is a linear questing game.The ONLY ideas added in that time have been even worse lame ideas like giving xp for stepping into some new zone that quests took you there anyhow and xo for silly ideas like map completions.

    FUN...i fail to see how this game is fun at all,linear linear linear game play and spam combat gets boring real fast.


    You quit the game before you got to the game. Post after you get past the training wheels. If you ever get to 3-5k prestige let us know what you think then lol.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.


    Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
  • DAOWAceDAOWAce Member UncommonPosts: 436

    Originally posted by LilithM

    Solid combat? The game is called an action combat MMO, it's not. Behind the scenes it's still the same old tab combat, like WoW. It does not deserve to be called action combat MMO until they have something like we have in Tera online, Vindictus, B&S, Black Desert, etc.

    The combat is dull and is why I quit. Add to this that the animations are very jerky, it lacks the smooth feeling I get from other actual action combat MMORPG's. Also, grind, grind and some more grind on top of that grind.

    I do like the character creation system, body morphs are nice even though there could be more for the face. Costumes look great and they have sexy and plain/practical ones, whatever your taste is. The story is okay, nothing special. And I actually thought the voice acting was okay.

    Other than the class system nothing stands out in this game.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that the game is not a casual one, despite a bunch of people saying it is. It's clearly target toward the hardcore crowd, first and foremost.

    Never played Neverwinter?  Had the same exact combat system as Skyforge.

    Also TERA's combat system is anemic compared to Vindictus.  I couldn't stand it while I loved VIndictus.

    Skyforge is a mixed bag; not fun to constantly grind, not fun to give myself RSI, and not fun to keep dropping near 30FPS whenever I use a skill or 15 FPS in the hub on my 5930K, 2x 780 SLI system.  Terrible, terrible optimization, and the keybinds could use a lot of work too.

    Edit: I give up on this forum's editor; I don't understand how people post properly if anything's more than bare text.  Can a mod please fix this post for me? I can't do it.
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by BillMurphy

    Originally posted by Viper482

    Review? Thought the game was still in beta?

    Open Beta for F2P is launch. Don't even get me started again.  See our article from 2013 stating our stance:


    This is a bold stance, you folks have every right to take it, but you have to apply it to everything (taking money means release).... you aren't.

    Where's SOTA's review? How about Ark or any of those types of games (which you just had a rather glowing preview of Ark recently)... I saw no score plastered with it... They're claiming their game will be taking money under that EA guise for up to a year...

    Fair is fair....



    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • Fallen5Fallen5 Member UncommonPosts: 99
    i only played this game for about an hour. for some reason i just really hate this game. not sure how to say it, but this game feels rly fake.
  • ToxicAvengerToxicAvenger Member UncommonPosts: 36
    i got tired of the clicking.... a boss just entailed a longer click fight...
  • ShrikeArghastShrikeArghast Member UncommonPosts: 124
    Looks like another crap asian import. Ho hum. I'll pass.
  • AthisarAthisar Member UncommonPosts: 666

    While there's justification to review a game that's gone into open beta, it's not really fair to do it right before the first major content patch is released.

    Also, just do away with scores like lots of other sites have done.

  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    @ShrikeArghast this game is Russian please go spread your lies elsewhere.
  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    All that matters to me is that I did not have this level of fun and addiction since Cabal. Rift almost got me in the same way but not 100 %. IMO Skyforge is better than games as GW2 which I played for a year and is very shallow to me. I just think Skyforge doesnt trick people in hiding the grind but every MMO has it and its what makes MMOs fun for me.

    So new people just try it and see for yourselfs and dont blindly follow these fail trolls that dont even know if its asian or russian.
  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Gw2 = 7.0
    Rift = 8.0
    TSW= 6.8
    Skyforge = 8.5
  • mithossmithoss Member UncommonPosts: 227

    Originally posted by MMOHO

    All that matters to me is that I did not have this level of fun and addiction since Cabal. Rift almost got me in the same way but not 100 %. IMO Skyforge is better than games as GW2 which I played for a year and is very shallow to me. I just think Skyforge doesnt trick people in hiding the grind but every MMO has it and its what makes MMOs fun for me.

    So new people just try it and see for yourselfs and dont blindly follow these fail trolls that dont even know if its asian or russian.

    atleast other games dont use classes as carrots on a stick. The game is so bland and repetetive i bet 80% play it just to unlock the 'cool' classes. As for me i played it until i got to a advanced class, which turnet out to suck and the thought of having to grind hours to unlock something different prevents me from even looking at skyforge. the game had potential but the ridiculous spark grind and the class lock wasted it all.

  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722

    Female character models 10/10

    The rest of the game.... i havent played enough to say. But if its a Vindictus type of limited gameplay without an actual game world then its not higher than a 6 im sure. And drop another point for being F2P which automatically adds the risk of being a cash drainage.


  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331

    I manage to play the game for a week before i got extremly bored with it.


  • elockeelocke Member UncommonPosts: 4,335

    Yep, after playing this and uninstalling after a week I am realizing the genre is heading in the wrong direction.  Skyforge is shallow, lobby oriented, boring, all glitz no glamour, style with no substance.  We need to get back to the grassroots of MMORPGs, open worlds, sandbox elements, heaps of content and immersive factors and community building mechanics.

    Currently playing EQ2, loving it and seeing exactly what's missing from current MMOs like Skyforge.  It's like Night and Day, the disparity between the 2. 

  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,965
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by BillMurphy

    Originally posted by Viper482

    Review? Thought the game was still in beta?

    Open Beta for F2P is launch. Don't even get me started again.  See our article from 2013 stating our stance:


    This is a bold stance, you folks have every right to take it, but you have to apply it to everything (taking money means release).... you aren't.

    Where's SOTA's review? How about Ark or any of those types of games (which you just had a rather glowing preview of Ark recently)... I saw no score plastered with it... They're claiming their game will be taking money under that EA guise for up to a year...

    Fair is fair....



    Still love this site but I find I am needing to take more and more of what they say with a grain of salt. They are getting a little to cynical. The final review didnt even wait for all key systems to be added to the game in the last stage of beta. I would have judge the final review when the "Pantheon Wars" were added. 

  • tordurbartordurbar Member UncommonPosts: 421

    Crowfall is pvp only - which will put it in the niche market. 

    As for the "new era of MMOs" - not going to happen. Quite the reverse. The MMO genre is starting to die. Players are moving to MOBAs and mobile apps. MMO numbers across the board are dropping, not just for WOW. Like every other fad MMOs had their time and now comes the decline. The time for MMOs is over.


  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Open world is overrated. Skyforge is my new sweetheart. The funny thing is I did not even know about SF untill one week before release but I immediately fell in love.

    Shame game is not for some of you but dont make it look bad. Its an AAA mmorpg and one of the best mmos of the last 5 years.

    New update coming the 11th:

    - raids
    - anomalies
    - god mode
    - pantheon wars
    - distortions
    - invasions

    Please guys gtfo this game has more to do than GW2 and any other crappy game combined ;)
  • MMOHOMMOHO Member UncommonPosts: 55
    And yes, there is enough room for improvement. But the basis is rock solid.
  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    Originally posted by tordurbar


    As for the "new era of MMOs" - not going to happen. Quite the reverse. The MMO genre is starting to die. Players are moving to MOBAs and mobile apps. MMO numbers across the board are dropping, not just for WOW. Like every other fad MMOs had their time and now comes the decline. The time for MMOs is over.


    Yes, those players who don't like MMORPG's have enough alternatives to keep them entertained in other game types. They are no longer "forced" to play MMORPG's and whine about how the game play needs to be changed to suit their play styles.


    MMORPG's are not "dying", they are simply shedding the deadwood that should never have been allowed to weigh them down. Perhaps now we can get back to having MMORPG's that are made for people that actually enjoy playing MMORPG's...

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