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Looking for a game with some characteristics v2.0

NototnoNototno Member UncommonPosts: 28

Guys im searching for a game with so characteristics:

*1-- fast lvl up (not one of those with lvl cap at 500 and after lvl 20 u need kill 200 mobs to lvl up 1 lvl)

2-- difrente mobs not like slime lvl 1 is blue slime lvl 5 is orange lvl 10 is green and at lvl 15 is a little bigger with pink dots

*3-- good graphics / can be like the games from aeria anime style / i accept voxel like minecraft, cube world and trove

*4-- Very important F2P

5- Other things to do unless lvl up and craft (something like fishing)

6- house system

----not necessary----

1- open world with out strange invisible walls in midle of nothing/sandbox

2- hack and slash style with out tab base combat system

3- good crafting system

4- variety of weapons for same class or lots of class that can be change in game


Dropped game (befor u guys start saying those):



arche age

all type of metin like graphics games

tera(already get on lvl cap)

elder scroll (to expencive)


Sorry for the bad english and the lefting '' , '' 


don't need have all caracteristics but the ones with * need to have


some ideias for u say if they are ok to me or no: (to be extended)

final fantasy




  • SuntouchedSuntouched Member CommonPosts: 50

    There arnt that many good mmorpgs out at the moment, the only one that i could suggest is Elders Scrolls Online, WIld Star when it goes free to play or Guild Wars 2, they are buy to play but its only  a once off payment.

    You might also want to keep an eye out for Skyforge which might be out soon and Blade and Soul which should be out later this year.



  • NototnoNototno Member UncommonPosts: 28
    i  tried skyforge and i didn't like it is to confuse
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Originally posted by Suntouched

    There arnt that many good mmorpgs out at the moment, the only one that i could suggest is Elders Scrolls Online, WIld Star when it goes free to play or Guild Wars 2, they are buy to play but its only  a once off payment.

    You might also want to keep an eye out for Skyforge which might be out soon and Blade and Soul which should be out later this year.

    Sounds about right. And if OP really loves housing and can play something a bit older then Everquest 2 is another option as well. It's level of housing and guildhouses are pretty impressive, you can craft a lot of furniture and get plenty of trophies and even can have a shop in your house. It is instanced housing but it is at least easily the best instanced housing any MMO I seen had.

  • VonatarVonatar Member UncommonPosts: 723
    Also agree - Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2 (though B2P) and Wildstar (when F2P this Autumn).
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252

    Free, High Quality, and modernized..... pick any two, but you can't have all 3.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • NototnoNototno Member UncommonPosts: 28
    right now im playing rift im liking it until now is it a good game for me or should i change it?
  • NototnoNototno Member UncommonPosts: 28
  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177
    Loke666 said:
    Originally posted by Suntouched

    There arnt that many good mmorpgs out at the moment, the only one that i could suggest is Elders Scrolls Online, WIld Star when it goes free to play or Guild Wars 2, they are buy to play but its only  a once off payment.

    You might also want to keep an eye out for Skyforge which might be out soon and Blade and Soul which should be out later this year.

    Sounds about right. And if OP really loves housing and can play something a bit older then Everquest 2 is another option as well. It's level of housing and guildhouses are pretty impressive, you can craft a lot of furniture and get plenty of trophies and even can have a shop in your house. It is instanced housing but it is at least easily the best instanced housing any MMO I seen had.

    ^ this...

    Free to play leaves you with . .. well.. .... not the best options.

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  • RealizerRealizer Member RarePosts: 724
    Honestly I think it sounds like GW2 would really be the closest to giving you all the things you require. It's housing leaves more to be desired as it's just a personal instance, but it's there.  It's also not completely open world, the zones are decently large and they have good use of the artwork to create the "walls" with mountains, trees, buildings, and so on. You're wanting F2P, but in the off chance you get heart of thorns xpac, they are adding guild halls, which should add to the "housing" feel of the game hopefully. 

      FFXIV also has a great housing system, but it's a pay to play game, and housing takes a long while to achieve. Also in my opinion out of the two FFXIV doesn't feel as open world as GW2 does, it doesn't make as good of use of world geometry to create the zones. The zone portals themselves are a bit of a eyesore for me and take away from the immersion, but it's a great game other than that.
  • NototnoNototno Member UncommonPosts: 28
    going to play Gw2 cuz is free now :D any way ty vm for all help
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