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Otherworlds Campaign Begins

SolicfireSolicfire Member UncommonPosts: 488

Otherworlds Campaign Begins


The Ghost King Uther, the Siabra Queen Cliodna, and the Jotun Ymir await only the bravest souls that dare VENTURE  into the Otherworlds...

This illustration by artist Damian Audino highlights the launch of our Otherworlds Campaign!

Want it!? Stay tuned for ways to get your hands on a signed poster!

Also be sure to keepTRACKimage of the campaign's progress with our Campaign Calendar and don't miss out on any of the new content!

Chapter 1 of the campaignCONTINUESimage from the Prologue’s quest and encounters that came out in the 1.117 patch. As such, in order to begin Chapter 1, players will need to complete the Prologue’s quests first if they have not already done so.

  • To begin the Prolgoue visit the following NPCs once you’ve reached level 50:
    • Albion: Chamberlain Harlen in the Throne Room
    • Midgard: Athr Hasetti Theyr in the Throne Room
    • Hibernia: Seneschal Desmond in the Throne Room
  • For those that have already completed the Prologue and are ready to begin Chapter 1, visit the following NPCs to continue:
    • Albion: Lieutenant Haley in Lyonesse


    • Midgard: Arin Snowtouch in Vanern Swamp

    • Hibernia: Nara Manastrong in Bog of Cullen

The Otherworlds campaign will encompass 11 total chapters, including the prologue, to be released every fewWEEKSimage throughout the summer and fall!


  • Each chapter’s release will be accompanied byNEWimage itemREWARDSimage orAimage crafting update:
    • EARNimage the new Otherworldly Rings for completing Chapter 1!
    • New itemREWARDSimage will be obtainable via the chapter’s quest chain and trade-able; no need to farm boss mobs over and over!
    • New item rewards will contain new Mythical stat capBONUSESimage!
    • Chapter 2, coming in only a few weeks, will allow players to craft 6 new potions, including the Draught of Supremacy!
  • Stay tuned for more detailed notes when Chapter 2 releases!


  • Craftable Legendary Weapons will be receiving improvements in a later chapter as well!

  • Walkthroughs for previously released chapters will be added to the calendar at each new chapters’ release, along with notes for the new one!


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