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His statement:
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Previous EQN/SOE work:
Was part of the team boldly re-imagining the EverQuest franchise for a new generation of gamers.
- Managed the content/narrative design team for EverQuest Next
- Curated EQ Next fiction program, working with external authors on novellas and short stories
- Collaborated with multiple departments to maintain consistency & continuity of EQN lore
- Worked with Storybricks team to bring emergent content to life
Led the design team for Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, helping to transition the product to free-to-play and add new content to the game. Joined the EverQuest Next team to lead content design and sculpt the history and story arc for the new vision of Norrath. Designed social systems and mineral harvesting for Landmark.
Maybe it's the secret aachievement in Landmark.
Good news to hear. Always liked Moorgard.
Thanks for the news which is already old relatively speaking, but maybe add some context/content or why you need this to be known.
He was let go, he found a new job, life and gaming continue. Highly doubt a horde of Moorgard fans are going to rush to WoW now. Good guy, but missing the importance.
I have been completely baffled by this.
I have had absolutely no intent to piss of anyone. I genuinely thought that EQ, Vanguard, and EQNext/Landmark players would like to know that Moorguard found a new job.
Nowhere did I write any kind of comment suggesting anything other than he got a job. I think it is pretty cool.
All I did was place the two links in my OP. There is a post on this forum that was not intended, I accidentally copied the front page of my website, I also did this on But the powers that be want to be punitive and disallow post editing, so I simply allowed them to lock the posts and moved on.
There are other persons posting on this, you may not have seen their posts because they have been deleted.
If you notice I clarified specifically WHY Moorguard's good fortune is relevant to EQN/Landmark and the EQ franchise, because he was a huge part of recent development and because if it is not made crystal clear then it is moderated, even on SOE/DBG forums where they say that news of the good fortune of a major RECENT former developer is not newsworthy or relevant to the community.
I never dreamed that SOE/DBG and the community would be so spiteful and full of hate that one of their own found employment after literally half of the SOE/DBG employees were laid off.
And if you did see my website's front page before I took it down in fear of whatever repercussions may avail anyone inclined to retaliate on my simple reporting on someone that got a job, you would see that I did indeed intend to let the world know that Steve Moorguard Danuser got a job.
It is very unfortunate and shameful that SOE/DBG and the community is so narcissistic with regard to an integral former developer of their franchise's games, disposing of him as a tool that was used for their purposes and wishing to never hear his name spoken ever again.
Any decent human being would be glad Moorguard landed in a great place, especially Blizzard. I'm stoked for him as I assume those at DGC are as well, bittersweet I imagine because they miss him. I think you may be projecting a bit much on people. You yourself stated that nowhere did you say anything but that he got a job, that you aren't relating a different message. Fair point but nowhere did I see anyone say they don't care about Moorguard either.
The point mods have made is that this news is not directly related to EQN, or the other subforums you've spammed (that is technically what it's called). There are places of general MMO news, most of which have already talked about Steve's awesome new digs.
If you want people to believe you don't have ulterior motives you should extend the same courtesy and try to work with people just doing thier duty.
That's all I'm going to say about it. Feel free to respond of course but I'm not intending to start a dialog. Take care.
This "news" was posted on the main page of the site you are reposting it on...assuming that is part of the issue mods on different sites are having.
"Hey leave the site you are currently on and go check this other site out for the same news found on this site"
He won't be homeless, we can all continue on.
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