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Just returned to see what's what and was confronted with a main and a bunch of alts with full inventories and a stuffed bank. Nothing really but crafting mats and various bits of sets oh and that cruel waste of storage ...trophies. All the guys that used to run wykkds mail return bot (that allows you reasonably to use alts for storage) have moved on. The level of frustration just trying to deal with drops from my short time back was infuriating. Why on earth have they not made inventory management well.... manageable. I can't remember when I got so irritated fighting with a game 'system'. Arrrrggggghhh, OK I feel better now I have got that off my chest.
Anywhoo any kind soul who runs Wykkd's mail return addon that's on EU AD (if realm matters) pm me here with your in game name.
I was kind of ready to be defeated but with a bit of help I might be able to get organised.
Same for me. The game is actually not half bad. But i just given up.
I just can not stand another "your pack is full" message
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
There is no way to please the so-called MMO crowd.
ESO's inventory is a real PITA.
I was originally happy that the crafting changes seemed help a bit with the inventory issues... but that only lasted until I discovered that the Justice system (or the thieving part of it at least) completely cancels it out. If you don't want to run to the bank every five minutes you'd better keep your hands to yourself.
(For those unfamiliar with the system; the stolen items don't stack with their legit counterparts, quickly bloating your inventory.)
Despite the amount of slots you get, ESO's inventory feels a lot like you're playing a PWE product where they constantly encourage you to buy inventory spots.
Heck, I'd even buy them with store crowns for ESO if they were account wide like SWTOR's, and be done with that hassle.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Stop being a hoarder.
In elder scrolls games part of the game was weight management of your items to carry. So managing your items and what you can carry is a part of this series itself.
Once you are maxed out on bag space and bank space ( 170 + 240 ) you should be good with room .
Sort through your spoils, where it actually takes slots like, I don't know, MiR or WoW? Even D2, D3 applies to what you are saying. But as for ESO, the inventory is just a list; you just constantly have to check the name, and the property of the item, can't physically sort it out like, "oh I put that item in that slot so I can work on the rest".
Personally inventory of ESO is the only drawback for me... So much of a drawback that I don't even want to login, because each hunting session is followed by lengthy crafting discovery, which you still need to free out spaces and you need to know what to keep and what not. And to do that, the UI isn't helping as you constantly switching tabs from discovery to destruct, not to mention each time switching the tab you need to switch to the correct subtab in discovery and then make sure there's no need for that item under destruct. TERRIBLE!
More like stop being a crafter. Actually I haven't fully upgraded my storage yet, however in that case it should be more aligned to your natural progression through crafting (i.e. cheaper so you have space for mats when you need it)
I think I'm a pretty average sorta guy when it comes to games so if it's irritating the bejezus out of me I figure that it's not going to be just me. Actually I like to think I'm pretty tolerant and will take a few niggles if the overall experience is good. It seems like it would be simple to fix, a reduction in cost for expansion so you get them earlier, a few more slots or even more drastically just limit each character to one crafting profession, presumably there are enough slots for mats for one craft.
As an aside another minor irritant is going back to get skill points in normal mode group dungeons I missed. It seems level scaling makes this tricky solo though having a non veteran player be group leader to get you in gets round it.
That's what I've done. I no longer craft or gather because of limited inventory space. My gear and weapons are all from drops. When the loot window comes up I pick what I want and leave the rest behind. This has been the only way for me not to spend hours managing inventory by logging in and out of alts created just to hold inventory. Tight inventory space is actually the reason I don't play Aion any more even though your pets can hold inventory.
GW2 got that one right lots of inventory space for crafters mean less time with management and more time questing, exploring, and just playing the game. Love being able to put stuff up in the auction house from any location to keep inventory clear. Love how crafting supplies can be instantly transferred to your bank and that crafting materials have their own space.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
At least ESO made it where most items stack to like 200 now and I think the inventory feature is WAY better than it was when it comes to gathering and crafting. Yes, I do have alts for different gathering categories and I leave all gems in the bank. I find it pretty easy and I LOVE ESO since I came back at the beginning of 2015.
ESO is just SO relaxing and very immersive.
ESO's ONLY issue is the water issue! The game is completely immersive, but I can't immerse myself underwater and the water is absolutely beautiful. Why can't I swim underwater. WTF? Fix this IMMEDITATELY!!!
I always thought it was strange to have a game with an amphibian race but no underwater content, not even swimming underwater. Perhaps a future expansion?
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
I tend strongly toward compulsive hoarding in RL, and it's been a constant battle to keep my hamster impulses in check, lol
The inventory system in ESO drove me to distraction, until I sat down and had a good long look at what I was trying to achieve. I was hoarding for the sake of hoarding. I didn't need 50% of the stuff, I was just keeping it for "in case"...
All I can say is: "LET IT GO !"
Almost everything is easily replaced and money isn't a serious issue for everyday play. With a bit of patience and some shopping, it's quite possible to have half your equipment slots filled with blue gear. So what if all the traits aren't "perfect" ? They're not all that significant anyway.
ESO is a great game, don't let your obsessive tendencies ruin the fun.
I can't have fun dating because I continually find myself having to choose which guy to keep and which one to dump
I don't go on dates because I don't have enough pockets for my wallet, cigs and phone! Now if I could get away with going on dates without a wallet....
Actually I probably am far to attached to a bunch of mats that I farmed a year ago. I'm not sure I particularly like crafting but always feel like I should give it a go if the devs make the effort to include it. Actually I'm VR 4 now in ,VR1 & 2 gear and my crafting is way behind that. Probably is time to let it all go.
OP: You completely play solo?
Do you need all mats you have stored?
Have you taken the time to sort all mats?
Yeah sorry I actually like the way inventory works else everyone would take everything that drops.
Till level 20 I picked up everything I could find, mats, resources, gear whatever. Since starting lvl 20 I started to become more selected with lootdrops.
But tell me OP how would you like to have inventory work in a MMORPG?
It is tough to manage and it should have a better mats storage system like GW2's, but I've learnt to cope by changing the way I think about what to keep. This is what I do:
1. I don't keep the trophies that do those special effects. They are sort of fun once or twice but the novelty wears off.
2. I don't keep set pieces just because I think I might roll an alt that can use it (this one took some serious mental adjustment since that is exactly what I have always done in other MMOs)
3. Besides, lower level gear is just temporary and I can craft better sets than what gets dropped. There are some good sets that can be crafted with just 2, 3 or 4 known traits per gear slot. Here's a good site with all sets listed by # of traits required: and another one with maps of crafting locations for each set:
4. I use 4 characters for crafting and I pass mats to them through the bank:
one does enchanting and those mats I do keep in the bank
one does provisioning and he holds all provisioning mats and sells off any duplicate recipes
one does Blacksmithing and keeps any unprocessed mats and trait gems- processed and quality improvement mats go in bank
one does Clothing and Woodwork and keeps same as above
5. I use an add-on that keeps track of what traits I still have to research and marks all items on all my characters accordingly. Any greens or whites that I don't need for trait research get vendored immediately. I used to keep greens also for deconstructing but I have enough green enhancement mats that I don't need any more.
6. I keep ~ 40 bank slots clear to pass items and mats to my crafters from the character I'm actively playing. I only need to do this every 3 or 4 hours of play time.
7. My bank is maxed @ 240, my crafters hold ~ 140 each and the character I play has somewhere between 90 - 110 bag slots.
I'm not disagreeing about the inventory and banks needing more space, they do, but you can learn to cope with what we got.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
You might want to keep that tidbit to yourself. Just saying....
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
In real life I'm constantly forcing myself to throw out stuff I have not touched in 20 years or longer. I'm working on that minimal thing and so far so good, it's nice to have open space. I really don't want to be that person with every room and every closet filled with stuff I have not used or worn since high school. Letting it go, is good real life advice also.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Its funny but remember those old school game's ..You never had to worry about bag space being an issue. Now you have to buy extra space either with real money or ingame gold for an extra row. In AO you buy a 30 slot backpack and put it in a inventory slot and open it for use.
when i am playing ESO and dealing with inventory management, it's annoying yes but then i think back to my days playing D2 and i feel better lol
I self identify as a monkey.