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Every game, no matter how successful, will always be missing something players want. Whether it be a feature from a previous game in the franchise, or a highly demanded map on the forums. That’s what’s so special about expansions and sequels. They can expand the games experience by adding in these missing features. But we don’t always get what we want, and this seems to hold true in HoT, as 4 very popular wishes among players will once again be absent.
Read more of David North's Guild Wars 2: 4 Things You Still Won't Have in Heart of Thorns.
i would like some new races - even payable, even if they are just re-skins for the existing races with the same story/starting zone....simply cause i dont really like the asura or sylvari...
I dont care THAT much about capes and mounts - but these could be additional vanity items where arenanet can make money off - and i support that...them making more money means more new content and a better overall game experience so....i think they are massively loosing out especially on the mounts....
5. 30+ mini games divided among the main cities /sad. Was really excited about that.
People are against mounts because they are "anti-WoW", and they say respond with, "this isn't WoW! Go play all the other MMO's with mounts!". It's a silly argument. If anything, mounts bring more immersion, and waypoints destroy it. It also looks ridiculous seeing a zerg use Swiftness buffs and switching out traits and skills for extra speed. Mounts would actually enhance GW2, but the diehard fanatics against them will always keep traveling in GW2 mediocre.
Yep - I agree. And this comes from a person who HATES mounts in almost all MMOs (almost, because I didn't try them all). While I hate mounts, I need to say mounts > waypoints anyday!
Skipping mounts is just a bad business choice. They would sell like hotcakes. This is missing out on easy money!
/cough Sparkle Pony in WoW /cough
I don't know about Anet, but I do know that they are a pretty significant draw of video resources in many games.
If, like Anet, you're planning on having a crapton of players attacking one boss mob on a public map(all onscreen at the same time), then all of them having capes or not can mean the difference between getting decent FPS or getting a slideshow. Even on a really strong system.
No offense but ummmm... no.
Player housing has been around for over a decade. It has been around for so long any reason a developer gives for why it isn't in their product is nothing more than a crutch.
As a specific example, Star Wars Galaxies was launched June 26, 2003 and had an open world sandbox of Player Housing - there has never been player housing of its equal since.
Other MMO's that actually have housing may be much "prettier" with more options on the inside - but to literally build a player made city with a Mayor, positions of authority, and city specific structures based on "lots" where players could literally walk from house to house down a road instead of simply "instances" of player housing that doesn't affect the landscape of the game one iota... haven't seen anything like it since and therefore has been unmatched in the industry.
The only thing that I have seen since that could equal such potential has been EQ Landmark - but I don't really include that because the housing is not in game context "housing" but rather a sandbox creation game.
Player housing - simply no excuse not to have them.
don't care about those features
i just want better gameplay options IE more weapon skills that the permanent 5 they force upon you
or maybe an endgame that makes it feel more like a real complete game rather than gimmicky minigames to tide you over until the next batch of gimmicky minigames comes out
if i remember correctly the reason they gave was for not having in game capes was the clipping on Charr characters. I still think they could have designed a side cape for charrs (or for everyone) so it wouldnt clip through the charr character model since it would fall to the side (on one shoulder), or something like a long scarf instead of a cape.
oh they do this, BUT they are game designers so they put their vision of the game in front of everything (as it should be). You want a game that only adds content based on what fanboys say and totally discard the devs ideas? go play something else.
The charr race, pretty much
Clips like crazy ...
To be honest I think your missing the point. It isn't about being Anti-WoW its about being against what WoW represents for the MMO world. You mentioned breaking the immersion and thats the key, GW2 players could give two shits about immersion. Have you ever seen Role Players in GW2? I've moved on from GW2 but I respect the niche that it commands in the MMO world of being the best casual (Meant in a good way) MMO. Lots of people who play GW2 are older and work during the day and don't want to waste 30 minutes of their two hours of leisure time riding around on a kite that flies them half way across pandaria and back. In GW2 they can log on and hop straight into some fractals are teleport straight to a teq run.
Personally I think mounts fit in to gw2 for cosmetic reasons and they should add them, but I frankly I wouldn't care if they didn't add speed bonus' because that is not what its about in gw2.
Is there a game like that? I have never heard of one. It would be an interesting experiment to do patches based on user created polls for making a game, and just see how it turned out. It might be quite entertaining how crazy it gets.