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Midgard Dragon Raid (Big 3) Saturday 4th April 2015

SolicfireSolicfire Member UncommonPosts: 488
Hi all

I'll be leading a Dragon Raid on Saturday 4th April due to the pervious poll that I did was tied with DF raid with 21 votes. This raid will includes all the steps leading up to Big 3. However you'll need to get a friendly faction before coming on this raid due to it's solo/group encounter.

Time raid starts: 20:00PM CET / 19:00PM UK Time / 14:00PM EST / 13:00PM CST / 11:00AM PST

Details of the raid

- Must get friendly Fraction in Malmohus camp
- Must have the Yar Quest


- Great Hunt Quest (4 mini dragons)

Tollabarth - 55k/55k (Southeast)
Ljoridkorith - 40k/30k (Southwest)
Varrkorith - 38k/48k (Northwest)
Jarkkonith - 10k/25k (Northeast)

Big 3 Dragons

Midgard Dragon - Gjalpinulva

Hibernia Dragon - Cuuldurach

Albion Dragon - Golestandt


- Loot will go to whoever picks it up
- No afking
- Please listen to leader
- Keep drama out of bg and enjoy the raid

Again please make sure you have done the faction quests. If you are not sure how to do it then please check out this web site on how to do it the quests to get friendly faction.

Hope to see you at the raid

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