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I've seen this subject on the game a few times but I don't see any recently. Since things change. I'm going to ask. Maybe it will be helpful to others to.
If I got this game. What kind of expenses am I looking at to just enjoy the game. I see $4.99 to become preferred. What about content costs such as expansions, area, classes? Any other costs I might want? Does preferred get plenty of storage? I don't get to wrapped up in cosmetics, skins, RNG lootboxes / chests whatever. I see that there is a 350k credit cap even with preferred. Thoughts.
Thought 1: wait for Azaron's reply
Thought 2: "What kind of expenses am I looking at to just enjoy the game." Define enjoy That's the point of f2p, everyone can pay according to his/her enjoyment level. If you just want to play through 2 selected class story, then preferred might be enough, but you will have plenty of restrictions. As a rule of thumb, TOR's f2p is more like a trial, if you don't want to be annoyed by it, then it's better to subscribe...
"What about content costs such as expansions, area, classes?" Classes are open, but expansions are separate, not affected by being vip or preferred. When subscribe, you get Hutt Cartel for free, can keep that after the subscription expires. If you buy Revan, also got Hutts for free (at least you did before the launch, dunno if it's still bundled together or not)
"Does preferred get plenty of storage?" nope ok, I love to hoard stuff, but still, nope. But now you can put stuff in the house too, that maybe helps a bit.
"there is a 350k credit cap even with preferred." yep, there is. It's unliftable, and it's a harsh barrier.
You can get to top level and see all the class story for free. There are some advantages to subbing. End game you can play without a sub but you will need to buy things in the cash shop. Getting access to things requires cash shop. If you sub you get free credits every month for the cash shop and some of the perks in there really are worth getting but you dont need them.
That's cool, thank you. I'm a game hopper anymore. I guess that I have A.D.D. when it comes to games. I don't rip them apart or anything when I burnout. I do burnout quickly, generally. Just depends if a class or play-style catches me or not. Example I am 75% through Dying Light and probably won't pick it back up. Not that I hate it. I just I lost the urge. Did most things played with most recipes. Didn't get heavily attached to the story. Happens a lot with me. Why I love Fallout or Mass Effect. Some of the few games to really catch me minus tbs / rts games.
Playing both factions may help with your burn out. Pick a totally different class between the two factions, so if you play a Jedi dont play a Sith on the other faction. The classes really play different and the story is a very different feel. Also if you want to try the hard path, they made it hard to play darkside on Rebel and hard to play light side on Empire. So mixing it up can be fun.
Hopper here too, proudly hopping since the Commodores
If you look at it as a singleplayer game, you can enjoy 2 stories all the way to the cap (you have only 2 char. slots, or 6 if you go preferred). You will have slower xp rate, will need some inventory tetris occasionally (even if you trash everything you can't equip right away - keeping them for vendoring later is not worth it, due to the money cap). You will see lots of Store icons, even on quest completion (since you can't have epic gear, even if it's a quest reward, nor money box since you're money capped anyways, so there are quests where you can "choose" from only one reward, all the others are locked )
Anyways, if you can ignore those, the stories are pretty good. Go with the Agent on the Empire side, that's maybe the best. From the scu khm. Rebels, maybe one of the Jedis. I like Trooper, but many find that boring.
I came back after after almost 2 years to give another try. I have to say, I don`t like hybrid games, not a bit, especially when subscribing gives you so much advantage. Not to mention all the advantages you can get from the store what makes the game a pay to win type, and that imo is really bad.
I wish it was a great game because I love the theme since good old SWG, but unfortunately it is not. Actually it has been a big disappointment since launch for people like me that was expecting great things due to all great names involved: Star Wars, Lucas Arts, Electronic Arts.
Anyways, since you can play the game for free you should not take my word and give it a try. Won`t hurt.
As others above have said just give the game a try and level a character to 50. You don't need to spend anything - which means there are restrictions but nothing that really matters. You vendor everything and spend it on anything that is available.
And then - if you feel the need - you can level a second character.
This will tell you whether the game is something you want to stick with.
IF the answer is yes then - as you have doubtless found out - any purchase will make you preferred. Which doesn't help that much.
First purchase? The second "expansion" also includes the first expansion now. The system behind cash shop though has been called very restrictive by many. But to try the game - you don't need to spend anything.
Now I feel like I just have to reply! Alhough you've pretty much covered everything there is to cover.
For the limited storage, if you're going preferred anyway you can always spend the Cartel Coins on more storage (but don't do it right away, get the cheapest inventory upgrades with in game credits first). You can get either single character storage, or account wide upgrades*. I went with the latter due to my severe altitis, but if you're a single character guy the first option might be better for you.
There's also some restrictions on Crafting, mainly that you can get only 2 skills instead of 3 (which can be solved with an unlock), and that you can't queue up a bunch of items like subs can.
* It counts for all characters across all the servers, not just the one you're currently playing on.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
As f2p :
1. You have only 200K credits limit
2. You can not hide helmet
3. You can not show title, legacy name and legacy title
4. Can not trade or send mail; not even text mail. Can receive all kind of mail
5. You only have 2 quickbar for abilities.
6. No global chat until level 10 that includes : trade chat, general chat, sending private message or reply to private message, group chat and guild chat. Only one available chat is /say which is 10 meter proximity chat.
7. You can not receive quest rewards that comes in lockboxes or chests. Only exception are crew skills that gives lockboxes.
8. You have only 5 warzone per week, warzone is instanced pvp like many other mmo has for example : WoW's battleground or Rift's Warfront.
9. You can roll on last boss loot of flashpoints maximum 3 times per week. Note that last boss provides the best loot in flashpoints and whether you win loot or not one of your loot limit will be consumed as soon as the boss dies. Flashpoint is like the small group dungeons of other mmo.
10. You have only 2 character slot per server.
11. You have no access to personal storage(bank)
12. You can not upgrade your inventory with credits. you get 30 space.
These are the most important restrictions you have to know about swtor "free to play" model. well good luck.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
I had fun once, it was terrible.
It's to late. I did sub which is a shame. I probably should have asked for a referral. Even if I didn't get much out of it. If I can still use it after having subbed I'll gladly do so. I doubt that I can. Dam I feel bad. I really should have said something. No box price and two month sub. More than I get out of most single player games that cost twice that. So I just made the choice fairly quickly. Whether I stay or not depends if a class and it's skills really grab me. I'm really fickle. Not sure that I even know the secret that makes everything click for me. Playing a republic sage. Just finished that areas quest chain. I'm liking it so far. To be expected though. Fresh scent. Not sure if I like the class. I want a glow stick (inner nerd) but I almost think I should be playing a gun class. I like to heal also but I am not sure there is much need for that in this game or maybe I am wrong?
You can use them at any time actually. So no worries, nothing's lost!
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
oh? I got a thing at the V.A. all morning. So if hallucigenocide wants me to use his I will since they brought it up. If it's not here when I get back I'll use whoever in this thread who wrote a post Prior to this post. anyway need to get ready. Just whoever pm me with whatever I need. won't be until later though. Busy all morning afternoon. V.A. is unpredictable.
I install this like once per year or so and play few days,this time i only played few minutes.
to honor Star Wars MMO curse they did NGE to swtor also,could not even start searching new content with dumbed down skill systems they have now .
So, did ESO have a successful launch? Yes, yes it did.By Ryan Getchell on April 02, 2014.
**On the radar: **
This thread has little to do with what happened to SWG. I get what happened with that game. Everyone who has been a MMO gamer for any length of time does. This game was never meant to replace SWG,ever. SOE, Lucas Arts whoever you want to blame for everything that happened to SWG, do so. This isn't the thread for it. I'm bored. I recently got back into pc gaming and I never touched this game because of all the bullshit posts on these forums dooming and glooming it. Only to find out financially it's not nearly as bad as people would have you believe. Change sucks. What happened sucks. I can't do anything about it and neither can anyone in this thread.
No worries, plenty of referral links floating around. And technically you're even better off by forgetting to use the link first.
This way the game should view you as a "returning" player instead of a new one, and you'll get the 7 days free sub time, which new players don't get. (Unless they changed it when I wasn't looking :P)
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
There probably is. I rather use someone who was in this thread rather than just picking randomly. Giving advice/ helpWhoever just send me a pm. I'll try it later. I really need to get off my ass and get going.
I had fun once, it was terrible.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
No need for shame, referrals have a tendency of not working anyways, just check the forums I'm still waiting for my Kurtob on my main and no matter what they say I know it was used the proper way (since I did it personally on both sides, but shh... we have two boxes, both stopped playing right at launch, and when I first went back after f2p I grabbed the second one too for myself for mule purposes)
So, 2 months, cool. Sage is fun, but for the "glow stick - inner nerd" probably the Knight is a better pick (though some say his story is too predictable).
"I like to heal also but I am not sure there is much need for that in this game or maybe I am wrong?" Heal is needed just as much as in other trinity mmos. True, in TOR you can take your companion to heal you, so in smaller groups it's not a must. When you have 5 peeps in a group, then yep, 1 healer is needed.
"I almost think I should be playing a gun class" no problem, you can heal with them too. Actually it's fun to heal with a trooper (or a Merc BH, but I don't have one, so I can't say for sure)
Just an advice: sub unlocks the game, so during your 2 months forget the Store, don't even open it Just play through the game to your cap (you have the first (mini)expansion too with the sub). When you're closing in to the expiration date (and don't plan to resubscribe / keeping up the sub) then spend all your cash on inventory and bank upgrades for every character, and if you're still above 350k then buy some unlocks from the GTN (even if the greedy basterds are selling on way too high prices). Only after you did these, just then use up your 1000 CCs in the Store for the needed unlocks.
I think you will enjoy the game, at least initially. That's assuming you don't mind quest hubs and gear grind. I give this game a free pass for that though because it's Star Wars. If it was titled 'War in the Stars" I wouldn't even bother However, I have been a die hard Star Wars fan since 1977, so there you go. That said, I see that you subbed and that is really the best way to enjoy this game. The f2p aspect is pretty restrictive. It's f2p is more like a trial version instead of a viable way to play the game. At least IMO.
If you like guns and healing then I recommend trying the Commando or Bounty Hunter. Also keep in mind that your companion can completely change your playstyle. For example, using one that mostly heals will allow you to go ballz to the wall damage. A tanky one will work great if you are ranged or want to heal. A ranged one works good if you want to melee,..ect ect.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor