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Typography adjustments for great justice

SorcerousKhanSorcerousKhan Member UncommonPosts: 164

With so many people using, there is a wealth of opinions on what could make the website's design better. As someone whose profession revolves around the usability of the Web, I'd like to offer just two suggestions.

Larger Text

Generally speaking, for maximum legibility a column of text should be 60-80 characters long. For reference, that last sentence was 94 characters long. It should have cut to a new line right after the 80.

Many of the typographically-inclined folks I know recommend web font size being 16px at base, and going up from there for headers, block quotes, and other highlighted elements. Personally, I prefer higher than that.

Reversed Colors

White text on a dark background is hard to read for extended periods of time. The reason for this is that white pixels are emitting larger amounts of light, where dark pixels are emitting much less. It's harder for human eyes to look directly at bright light at length, and so they get tired faster.

I know that is working on a redesign, and I can only hope that that design is aligned with my thoughts above. It would make things so much easier.


  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977




    is easier on the eyes than




  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    I probably have to agree with the OP because it all pertains to me as well lol.

    I have to wear glasses to read the small print as is i prefer videos over reading that fine print.

    As for Colors i am sure i am not alone but certain color combos create a glare on the letters and white on black is one of those.We never see black on white so not sure but i think the white color in general causes a glare so it would be a glare on the background perhaps melting into the letters.

    IMO the most obvious addition that i cant believe nobody has picked up on is having users vote on the articles or topics or content in general that is delivered.

    It sort of makes you wonder because the content is SUPPOSE to be there for the users correct,so then why not get their input.Makes me think it is not really there for us but more to fill a spot that advertisers are requesting.If you truly are running the site for the users then everything should be up for vote.Yes even though it seems obvious ,the ONLY time this site wanted any kind of input was to rate the users,so in other words create a volatile environment.

    So imo not really a professional job done running this site so far,it could be a LOT better.

    Then in saying  that who is the biggest,IGN WHY are they the biggest.Lots and lots of money and being basically the first giant with mega tons of storage for files,almost nobody can compete with that.Then i have to rub in the fact that IGN reviews ,something gamers like to read are VERY often biased to advertisers.When asked about it IGN went the no reply no comment route.Point there is that being the biggest and largest cash flow operation does not equate to being the BEST.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,001

    I think is currently re-designing the whole website.

    Then again, I think they've been doing it for nearly as long as Duke Nukem Forever took to design so I wouldn't expect any quick changes.

  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977
    Originally posted by Vrika

    I think is currently re-designing the whole website.

    Then again, I think they've been doing it for nearly as long as Duke Nukem Forever took to design so I wouldn't expect any quick changes.

    They could sell Founders Packs and give people early access to alpha testing... 

  • SorcerousKhanSorcerousKhan Member UncommonPosts: 164
    Originally posted by Pepeq




    is easier on the eyes than




    I disagree, and there's research to support my view.

    The popular theory is that because a white background is emitting more light generally, your eyes are subject to greater fatigue. However, this theory fails to take into account the fact that your focal region is not on the ambient light (i.e., the background), but rather on the text itself.

    If the text is bright, you'll tire sooner.

    And just so you know I'm not making things up, here are some references:

    And here's a page about dark web design, which you'll notice requires much different considerations from light web design:

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] UncommonPosts: 0
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,001
    Originally posted by Pepeq
    Originally posted by Vrika

    I think is currently re-designing the whole website.

    Then again, I think they've been doing it for nearly as long as Duke Nukem Forever took to design so I wouldn't expect any quick changes.

    They could sell Founders Packs and give people early access to alpha testing... 

    Elite Founder's pack would include more stars added under the name and a fancy title.

    Next patch version would include PvP: If you win someone in an argument he'll drop all his stars unless he's bought Moderator's Protection Potion from the cash shop.

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