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Albion Online - No WASD movement equals no dice



  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by Shadowdawnz

    You Trollin...!!

    Does Diablo 3, Torchilight1/2 and similar games.. have WASD constrols? 

    ....stop trollin..!!

    Does not make it right,Blizzard game design is low end always and torchlight is former Blizzard employees so nothing new there.

    A game SHOULD offer key mapping,simple as that.I am playing a copy of those games right now POE and it is one of my peeves ,no camera movement and no key mapping for movement.

    BTW when someone uses the word TROLL it is because they have nothing intelligent to say,mature people don't use the word troll even some young kids are better than that.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • Originally posted by Battlerock
    Basically by not having WASD this game is doomed. Wonder why no hype, wonder why no one cares.... it's because no wasd.

    This is not the problem of this game, the problem is that this game will be F2P + cash shop, the worst business model for a sandbox game, expecially a sandbox ffa pvp centered.

    Still hope they change their mind before the release and make it at least B2P + cosmetic cash shop only.

  • KefoKefo Member EpicPosts: 4,229
    Originally posted by DMKano
    Originally posted by kdchan


    Originally posted by Battlerock
    Basically by not having WASD this game is doomed. Wonder why no hype, wonder why no one cares.... it's because no wasd.


    This is not the problem of this game, the problem is that this game will be F2P + cash shop, the worst business model for a sandbox game, expecially a sandbox ffa pvp centered.

    Still hope they change their mind before the release and make it at least B2P + cosmetic cash shop only.

    Why would they do that? To make it more fair to players for lower profits?

    It just doesn't work like that - players always think in terms of what is fair FOR THEM, and never in terms of what is better for the company.

    Just put yourself in the shoes of the investors/company owners - what would be your motivator?

    Businesses are there to make money - this is always the primary motive for any business - a robust cash shop is FAR more lucrative than B2P + cosmetic items.

    Cosmetic items don't sell nearly as well as players think - cash shops that sell things that have actual gameplay usability such as potions, boosts, inventory slots, character slots etc - are 10 to 100 times more profitable.


    My motivator would be long term sustainability and profit rather then nickel and diming everyone and pissing off most of the player base within 2 months time and fading into obscurity. If your goal is to make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible then sure that is a valid business approach but don't be surprised when people stop buying your games because you become well known for putting out shit product with the intention of milking your player base.

  • muffins89muffins89 Member UncommonPosts: 1,585

    I have also left/not tried games because they were click to move. I guess this ones a pass for me too.

  • irnbru69irnbru69 Member UncommonPosts: 124
    Originally posted by azzamasin
    Originally posted by Battlerock
    Basically by not having WASD this game is doomed. Wonder why no hype, wonder why no one cares.... it's because no wasd.

    It is a top down viewpoint type of game.  Having WASD movement is stupid for such a game.

    How exactly is it stupid, would it not be stupid to have such a narrow perspective.

    What about that little forgotten game developed by some of the people that brought us diablo and fate, Mythos was an ARPG Top down view that had WASD movement it was a great game infact one of the only reasons I played that game sooo much was because of the WASD movement.

    Its a lot more enjoyable and pvp balanced, in terms of movement options for certain types of class. Example a Caster Class has to move + aim + fire an attack all with the mouse, but if you remove the movement with mouse then you can move and aim at the same time without there being any delay in between the movement and the cast.

    I grew up playing games like runescape, torchlight, diablo, NoX, Titans Quest so on so forth and isometric games are my total passion any one that thinks WASD movement is a horrible idea has clearly very little experience with isometrics that include it.

    If it comes down to you just prefer mouse movement over WASD then thats fine obviously but why would you restrict the option to have WASD for the people that prefer that option.

  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713

    I think everyone is underestimating the importance of control scheme advantages. If WSAD movement ended up having an advantage due to strafing or something then not only would mobile players be SOL but click to move PC players would be forced to use WSAD.

    Obviously the game is based on Ultima Online and other old point to click RPGs, it's just not the kind of game you're looking for I think. I would try Archeage maybe? That is a Sandbox(ish) MMORPG with WSAD movement.

  • Gobstopper3DGobstopper3D Member RarePosts: 970

    Unless a game is made specifically for the PC first, I won't touch it.  They can port over to other systems after, I don't care, but if it's made from the start with other platforms in mind, then no thank you.  PC users always suffer some kind of loss when that happens.  Look at DAI for an example.   "By PC users, for PC users".  Yeah , right!


    Click to move is just another thing that will keep me from this game.

    I'm not an IT Specialist, Game Developer, or Clairvoyant in real life, but like others on here, I play one on the internet.

  • megaraxmegarax Member UncommonPosts: 269
    Originally posted by jpaprocki

    Unless a game is made specifically for the PC first, I won't touch it.  They can port over to other systems after, I don't care, but if it's made from the start with other platforms in mind, then no thank you.  PC users always suffer some kind of loss when that happens.  Look at DAI for an example.   "By PC users, for PC users".  Yeah , right!


    Click to move is just another thing that will keep me from this game.

    Are you in the right thread?


  • itchmonitchmon Member RarePosts: 1,999
    I always thought that wasd wouldn't work in an mmorpg. Then, I played lineage 2

    RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.

    Currently Playing EVE, ESO

    Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.

    Dwight D Eisenhower

    My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.

    Henry Rollins

  • SojhinSojhin Member UncommonPosts: 226
    Point and click movement is fine.
  • Sector13Sector13 Member UncommonPosts: 784
    Originally posted by Sojhin
    Point and click movement is fine.

    To some but not everyone. To others it's a game breaking decision. IMO it's an outdated control scheme that has no advantages over WASD except to hinder everyone based on the fact that was how it was in the "good ol' days". 

  • deniterdeniter Member RarePosts: 1,440

    Point & click works fine in games like Baldur's Gate because combat isn't real time, and you can pause and 'give orders'.

    In mmorgp and particulary in mmorpg PvP it becomes a hassle if i keep clicking the ground and using skills hoping i'm in close range and my melee attacks hit. I hate even the idea of this.

    It's cool they release these games for mobile devices, but for christ's sake it's a damn phone. Why cripple the game for everyone only because some people insist to play it on toaster or coffee maker.

  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    Originally posted by Shadowdawnz

    You Trollin...!!

    Does Diablo 3, Torchilight1/2 and similar games.. have WASD constrols? 

    ....stop trollin..!!

    No.  I don't think bringing up those type of games are going to help your argument.  Literally nothing to those games.  I wouldn't play this game due to it not being 3D the click to move is just another strike against it.

  • psiicpsiic Member RarePosts: 1,642

    Same almost bought in and then saw a video and realized it was click to move. 


    I pass, but enjoy it looks like it could be fun if you can handle that movement,

  • seigardseigard Member UncommonPosts: 286
    If you guys are willing to drop a game because it has point and click instead of wasd, the game itself probably isnt the best for you anyway. Its already appealing to a small crowd. I dont know how people will deal with losing all their gear when they cant stand not having wasd.
  • BasicgearBasicgear Member UncommonPosts: 43
    Originally posted by deniter

    Point & click works fine in games like Baldur's Gate because combat isn't real time, and you can pause and 'give orders'.

    In mmorgp and particulary in mmorpg PvP it becomes a hassle if i keep clicking the ground and using skills hoping i'm in close range and my melee attacks hit. I hate even the idea of this.

    It's cool they release these games for mobile devices, but for christ's sake it's a damn phone. Why cripple the game for everyone only because some people insist to play it on toaster or coffee maker.

    I don't agree with your argument about PvP combat being a hassle with point and click. Most top-down perspective MOBAs use point and click. Those games are very much skill based. Dota is point and click PvP that weighs heavily on skill.

    I realize they're different genres but PvP in MOBAs take more skill than MMORPGs so I think that is why I hold those as my PvP standard.

  • deniterdeniter Member RarePosts: 1,440
    Originally posted by Basicgear
    Originally posted by deniter

    Point & click works fine in games like Baldur's Gate because combat isn't real time, and you can pause and 'give orders'.

    In mmorgp and particulary in mmorpg PvP it becomes a hassle if i keep clicking the ground and using skills hoping i'm in close range and my melee attacks hit. I hate even the idea of this.

    It's cool they release these games for mobile devices, but for christ's sake it's a damn phone. Why cripple the game for everyone only because some people insist to play it on toaster or coffee maker.

    I don't agree with your argument about PvP combat being a hassle with point and click. Most top-down perspective MOBAs use point and click. Those games are very much skill based. Dota is point and click PvP that weighs heavily on skill.

    I realize they're different genres but PvP in MOBAs take more skill than MMORPGs so I think that is why I hold those as my PvP standard.

    I have no experience of MOBAs so i didn't know this. If this really is the case i guess they have a good reason to go with point & click.

    Nonetheless, it's not a game for me, but i wish all the best for them.

  • ScellowScellow Member RarePosts: 398

    Point'n'Click  for Single Player or MMO without PvP is ok


    But MMO with PVP, WASD movement is IMPORTANT



  • strawhat0981strawhat0981 Member RarePosts: 1,224
    I would not play this game if it had wasd movement.

    Originally posted by laokoko
    "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".

  • VolumendsVolumends Member UncommonPosts: 41
    Click and move is allright. In Albion I miss "target system combined with click-move style". It would be easier to control if you would target the person you want cast on and then u could move and cast spells etc on him. 

    MSI GE70 - i7-4700MQ, GeForce GT 750M, 8gb ram, 750gb 7200RPM HDD and 128gb SSD

  • WASD sucks for precision movement with games played from the perspective of Albion. This is why games with that perspective usually use mouse to move.

  • LacidiousLacidious Member UncommonPosts: 33

    Wow, kids these days will whine about anything.


    The greatest PvP game of all time, known as Ultima Online was a top-down point and click game.  


    PvP rivaled by no game since.


    The end.


    And in the words of someone famous ................................................. "go back to WoW".

  • galkabeargalkabear Member CommonPosts: 3
    Originally posted by Basicgear
    Originally posted by deniter

    Point & click works fine in games like Baldur's Gate because combat isn't real time, and you can pause and 'give orders'.

    In mmorgp and particulary in mmorpg PvP it becomes a hassle if i keep clicking the ground and using skills hoping i'm in close range and my melee attacks hit. I hate even the idea of this.

    It's cool they release these games for mobile devices, but for christ's sake it's a damn phone. Why cripple the game for everyone only because some people insist to play it on toaster or coffee maker.

    I don't agree with your argument about PvP combat being a hassle with point and click. Most top-down perspective MOBAs use point and click. Those games are very much skill based. Dota is point and click PvP that weighs heavily on skill.

    I realize they're different genres but PvP in MOBAs take more skill than MMORPGs so I think that is why I hold those as my PvP standard.

    MOBA style games are a different genre of gaming than MMORPGS. I have played them and competatively, however as a general thought I will say this. Ease of mobility and interacting with environment is what is important. You treat this as just point and click is fine, that is only to you. In moba do I feel it would be a great improvement to have more mobility options with the WASD keys? you had better believe it.

    I could also go into moba's four skill only per character, some ultimate abilities being extreme compared to others etc et al, none of it matters relating to this, the same as bringing upa moba.

    Players do want the ease of interacting with environment.. THAT is why the wasd movement is so important to most gamers. Pointing and clicking to move, as well as attack, as well as nearly everything else ont he screen.. gets to be too much pointing and clicking, and accidentally clicking a creature instead of just walking to it gets to be bad. The game itself because a clusterfuck without it.

    This game is not for certain players because they do not have it, but certain players will not want this game, because the game does not have it.

  • nimander99nimander99 Member UncommonPosts: 288
    Don't feed the troll guys
  • uidLuc1duidLuc1d Member UncommonPosts: 194
    Prolly won't kill the game, but I won't be playing it.  Just a preference thing.
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