Originally posted by Tyggs If this is what people are complaining about, then SWTOR must be doing pretty well. Nice turnaround!
People are much more vocal about other stuff such as the Slot Machine's decoration's odds and the free raiding gear exploit, but those discussions never got reposted here. I didn't have any strong opinions or anything new to add on either personally.
I can imagine them laughing through tears when they came up with this idea knowing full well it would deliver money from the SWTOR thralls. You have to hand it to Bioware for measuring the tensile strength of a lopsided relationship between the company and their customers. I can't think of another MMO product that so efficiently delivers minimal game for the unit of investment. Other companies should take notice because the profitability the average user represents as compared with product delivered is astounding.
I can't think of another poster who adds so little to the threads than random bashing with no basis in reality. Money from their thralls? They give subs 500cc a month for free. So for no investment other than a monthly sub you can have this if you want it. Jeez man if you are going to troll at least be good at it, this is just sad panda.
Hey thanks for responding, now I have a good hold on how my post affected you. I would be more interested in your arguments that might address my assertions though. I say the monthly sub is a rip off because the game is a tunnel.
MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
I can imagine them laughing through tears when they came up with this idea knowing full well it would deliver money from the SWTOR thralls. You have to hand it to Bioware for measuring the tensile strength of a lopsided relationship between the company and their customers. I can't think of another MMO product that so efficiently delivers minimal game for the unit of investment. Other companies should take notice because the profitability the average user represents as compared with product delivered is astounding.
I can't think of another poster who adds so little to the threads than random bashing with no basis in reality. Money from their thralls? They give subs 500cc a month for free. So for no investment other than a monthly sub you can have this if you want it. Jeez man if you are going to troll at least be good at it, this is just sad panda.
Hey thanks for responding, now I have a good hold on how my post affected you. I would be more interested in your arguments that might address my assertions though. I say the monthly sub is a rip off because the game is a tunnel.
That's not what you said, I won't argue mindless bashing for the sake of bashing, and your post has as much hold on me as a pile of dog shit I stepped in, ie I make a face, scrape it off and move on with my life.
People are much more vocal about other stuff such as the Slot Machine's decoration's odds and the free raiding gear exploit, but those discussions never got reposted here. I didn't have any strong opinions or anything new to add on either personally.
Hey thanks for responding, now I have a good hold on how my post affected you. I would be more interested in your arguments that might address my assertions though. I say the monthly sub is a rip off because the game is a tunnel.
That's not what you said, I won't argue mindless bashing for the sake of bashing, and your post has as much hold on me as a pile of dog shit I stepped in, ie I make a face, scrape it off and move on with my life.