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"2 million credits or 400CC to mount while moving. Per character."
If you still liked PVP in this game for some reason, here's a significant QoL/borderline advantage in capping/interrupting cappers that punishes you for having alts. No bueno.
That ability would only be relevant in open worlds. It would never be enabled in any arena pvp. Have had the rocket boots on all toons and never been able to use them in pvp. So why would they start now with this ? Very misleading statement. This is the same mechanic as the rocket boots in fact, that is now open to vehicles. Consider it a minor convenience and not a necessity. BTW like all new items , given time the price will drop. Time to find something else to bash EA/Bioware about. This certainly isn't it.
2 million credits can be made in less than 3 days worth of daily quest rewards on one character. . .
roughly around 15-20 hours of play.
Well said!
Pretty much. But I'm still quite meh about the ridiculously high price.
Then again, I haven't played much lately, so maybe credits are raining from the skies now with the new SoR dailies. I did make several hundred k credits while going through the storyline.
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Well seeing how this is the team that locked your hat and turned your rez bot in to an "in-app purches" in essence... I fail to see how this raises an eyebrow.
the EA/BW team seems to be dead set on making you pay dearly for any QoL items. Still at lest the good part of the game is free and since they removed the need to group money need to come from some place.
This have been a good conversation
It would be less of an issue if it were more like the rocket boots and legacy-wide, but paying per character is a major step down for this sort of feature. I would miss the instant mount mechanic of the brooms during WoW's halloween event really badly, this mechanic is hard to give up once you taste it.
if it was like the brooms i'd pay for it right away.. but since it's channeled i'm more likely to forget about it since im allready used to stopping to mount up anyway.
I had fun once, it was terrible.
This last half of your statement is why I generally ignore complaints like the first half. If you want to see the awesome story its free, if you want to play the game as intended then sub. The free part you get greatly outweighs the little things you don't.
THIS! I love how people complain about a game they obviously don't know anything about.
Much less time grinding out lower level heroic 4 man solo until reset count daily. Just repetitive as hell.
Actually the only mmo I believe I have played too where I made cash simply grinding green recipes with cybertech to discover blues. The cred I made simply from selling mk-10 parts far exceeded the cost of crafting parts from vendor. When in a pinch and combined multiple methods to grind cred I could easily make 1-2 million in only a few hours of game play in a single day. One or 2 lucky drops and often repeated items dropped from certain mobs in heroics (i.e. stronghold items) can be sold increasing total intake by 50% or more.
As mentioned though ... boring way to play the game.
You stay sassy!
Seconded. The credits aren't an issue but after 3 years of playing this game I don't think I'd even remember to keep running once I mount anyway. Plus now that I think about it 99% of the time I am going to mount its because I was standing still anyway and what would 2 mil credits really save me? I am now two steps closer to where I want to go than I would have been if I didn't have the ability? I will spend the 2 mil on a new mount instead of a new way to hop on the ones I already have lol.
I can't really see the point of the perk beyond the very brief moment in pvp where you are trying res and mount to escape. The time to mount in SWTOR is incredibly fast. It isn't like some fantasy games where attempts at realism lengthens the time for mounting considerably. There is very little quality of life or strategic gain.
You stay sassy!
I can imagine them laughing through tears when they came up with this idea knowing full well it would deliver money from the SWTOR thralls. You have to hand it to Bioware for measuring the tensile strength of a lopsided relationship between the company and their customers. I can't think of another MMO product that so efficiently delivers minimal game for the unit of investment. Other companies should take notice because the profitability the average user represents as compared with product delivered is astounding.
breaking news it is now a legacy wide unlock, instead of per character, still only 400 CC
I'll get it, I'd rather spend the coins than 2 hard earned millions, tbh.
Have to admit though it could have been just a patch or fix, always found it is idiotic to stand still for mounting.
Anyway. got 2000 coins unused so...
meh, gonna drop the 400 coins and won't complain
no everyone considers grinding a necessity or a fun gameplay.
but but but raiding is a grind.....
I can't think of another poster who adds so little to the threads than random bashing with no basis in reality. Money from their thralls? They give subs 500cc a month for free. So for no investment other than a monthly sub you can have this if you want it. Jeez man if you are going to troll at least be good at it, this is just sad panda.
This is my take as well, now thats it account wide I will more than likely pick it up somewhere down the line as I don't really have much to spend my credits (or cartel coins for that matter) on anyway, but its such a ridiculously small decrease in travel time its certainly not a must get any time soon.
That's a welcome change! I'll be investing in it as well now!
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
I think they should just have given it to subscribers - for being subscribed.
I don't think anyone can see this as "a big deal" - a minor benefit at best maybe of use - occasionally - in PvP. At least I can't see it being a "best seller" in the cash shop.
Making it "free" to subscribers would, imo, have engendered a "warm and cosy" feeling in subscribers. OK a pretty useless perk but it would have generated that "Bioware cares about us" type of feeling. That, I feel, would have been of more benefit to Bioware.
I have said before though that I don't believe Bioware do enough for subscribers..
I agree, feedback apparently worked. I'm glad people spoke up about it.
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