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Steam population has doubled since the free trial

ParepinParepin Member UncommonPosts: 257

DFUW Steam Charts

As always there is great interest in a game like Darkfall.  The population spike was higher than when it first released on Steam.  Now that its over the population on Steam playing Darkfall has doubled.  

Now to feed the haters and trolls:

The industry standard for player retention is 40% so the 2.4% rate from this last promotion does not look that great.  People want instant gratification.  I think the only way AV can win new players is to bring back the Vale of the Custodian (newbie zone) in a different manner: make it shorter, make it a live siege style event, and bring back the new player clan for when they leave this newbie zone.  This along with an AI revamp would go a long ways with the new player experience  


  • grimgryphongrimgryphon Member CommonPosts: 682

    Wow, you must be using the "new" math...

    The past month:

    The past year:

    All time:

    Optional PvP = No PvP
  • HeretiqueHeretique Member RarePosts: 1,536
    DFUW won't ever get the population it needs. I had a lot of fun in the regular Darkfall and a decent time in DFUW but Aventurine has always been "the blind man driving the bus" sort of company when dealing with this game.
  • BascolaBascola Member UncommonPosts: 425
    Originally posted by fiftyplusgeek

    Wow, you must be using the "new" math...

    The past month:

    The past year:

    All time:


    This look really bad. Why was there so many in Niovember? Was it free to play?

  • ParepinParepin Member UncommonPosts: 257

    That is better than 20 playing from Steam before the free trial.  So my logic is correct as the population doubled.

    The developers never worked out all the bugs with Steam.  Bugs scare players away more than anything else in the industry.

  • Scrappy_DooScrappy_Doo Member Posts: 50

    DF:UW is a fraction of what DFO was.  The population is pathetic right now.  There are maybe 1 to 2 active clans playing on the EU server and maybe 4 or 5 clans on the NA server.  A "large" fight is considered anything over a 5v5 on NA and if it happens on the EU server they post threads about it and the fanbois state that the game is thriving.


    The fact is the game is dying, AV needs to count their losses and shut down UW and re-tweek the old DFO and patch in a few minor fixes and open that game back up.  When they announced DFO's closing there was more people playing in DFO then there is now in UW, and that was after everyone in DFO found out that the servers would be wiped and their toons deleted.  The combat is sluggish and you only have 8 skills to choose from.  Its focused on class vs class and even within that the player skill doesn't even really matter.  Its essentially a skill smashing game that requires zero tactics and/or player skill.  The new patches are focusing on benefitting the larger numbered side.  In the old DFO a grp of 10 could roll a grp of 40 using tactics and skill.  In UW the 40 could just mash cycle their skills and then loot up the 10 gear bags after the fight is over.  Its a dead game that I can not reccommend to anyone to attempt to play.  If you have a current subscription that you are awaiting to run out then its a decent game to run around in, but don't expect much action in it as a pvp game.

  • ParepinParepin Member UncommonPosts: 257
    Originally posted by Scrappy_Doo

    A "large" fight is considered anything over a 5v5 on NA and if it happens on the EU server they post threads about it and the fanbois state that the game is thriving.

    Just saw a siege that had well over 50 players.

  • mmoesportsmmoesports Member UncommonPosts: 161

    Here is non siege, a regular pvp video from their facebook . 



  • Scrappy_DooScrappy_Doo Member Posts: 50
    Originally posted by Parepin
    Originally posted by Scrappy_Doo

    A "large" fight is considered anything over a 5v5 on NA and if it happens on the EU server they post threads about it and the fanbois state that the game is thriving.

    Just saw a siege that had well over 50 players.

    So a game that is just barely 2 years old had a siege that only had around 50 players at it is good?   I remember a hamlet siege after the announcement of DFO's closure that had well over 120 people at it.  I remember a skirmish between HK and Tug area that resulted in 5 hours of 30v30 and a failed siege drop that resulted in the looting of a shard 3 stones and 2 warhaulks.   All that was after 3 years of DFO being open and a month after AV announced they will be closing the DFO servers and wiping the toons for a new game.

    I am glad you are enjoying the game, I once enjoyed DF:UW because I thought they would eventually get the bugs worked out.  But don't bold face lie to people about how the population is booming and pvp is thriving.  If you aren't in the 3 active clans left on the NA server then you are running around for nearly an hour before you find someone that isn't either afk or runs the second they see you.  The game is 2 years old and there are still the same bugs from when it launched and the combat is still slow pace and sluggish.  The pvp is dumbed down and the "twitch style" of pvp has been slowed so that the PvEers can compete.  Darkfall's idea was a niche game geared for hardcore pvpers.  The problem is they still want to keep the "hardcore" label and pvp genre but have made the game more PvE and slowed down the pvp so that player skill is not longer deciding factor in a fight.  Most the videos I am seeing of people slaughtering 3-5 players are from players that have 230k+ prowess fighting against 50k prowess people is far far inferior gear then them.  You won't see many 250k prowess grps posting videos of them vs other 250k prowess grps because not many of the vets are left playing the game and if it was to occur it would be an incredilby boring video.


    The days of flanking, terrain usage, tactical retreat and counters are over.  The age of skill spamming is upon us.


    One of the creators of Shadowbane and producer of UO have joined forces and are creating a new game.  They've even stated that the MMO games of today have dumbed down the play to crush genre so that themepark players and console players have a place in the pvp MMO world.  Problem is this has destroyed the pvp MMO niche game genre and has made a generation of talentless pvpers that think they are good because they can kill someone in a dumbed down game, and forgot that they burned out of the truly hardcore play2crush games.  If Darkfall wants to continue down this path then that is cool, problem is there are so many better fluff filled pve themepark games out there that are more diverse.  If they want to continue to stay in the pvp genre MMO then they need to up their game and diversify their pvp, make it less sluggish and more player skill based rather then skill spamming.  Essentially bring back DFO and fix the bugs that DFO had rather then opening a "new" version of it and then working for the last 2 years to make the game as close to DFO as they can and still falling short.

  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    Enjoyed my time when I played.  Didn't stay with it for very long though.  A bit barren for my taste.  Glad it's doing better for those who still play.

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • Zarf42Zarf42 Member Posts: 250
    28 people in an MMO? Really......
  • BorlucBorluc Member UncommonPosts: 264
    There have been hackers in this game since the beginning.  That is the #1 reason it failed IMO.  I've seen pitiful players become gods overnight.  Then of course comes the complete lack of lore in game and the full focus of pvp.  The game was originally supposed to be a sandbox when Razorwax (oringal devs) was in charge.  Sad to see a vision I first heard about in 2000 turn out this way
  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    Originally posted by Parepin

    That is better than 20 playing from Steam before the free trial.  So my logic is correct as the population doubled.

    The developers never worked out all the bugs with Steam.  Bugs scare players away more than anything else in the industry.

    If "doubled" means it went from 25 to 50, then it's probably an idea to keep very quiet about it and hope nobody notices...

  • Well atleast we will have EQ Next, Albion Online, The Repopulation, and Life is Feudal. 
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