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Take a look at this piece of awesome

YamotaYamota Member UncommonPosts: 6,593!

Huge seamless word and awesome combat. This MMO is going to wipe the floor, first with TERA, and then all other MMOs. Short of WoW ofcourse.



  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    A huge world is meaningless if what's in it is no fun, so I'll wait for a chance to play the game before I declare it good or bad.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • Zarf42Zarf42 Member Posts: 250
    Originally posted by Octagon7711

    How is this different from Archeage?

    BD Videos

    It looks to be pretty much the same except for looking better and it being action combat.  A bunch of people left XLGames to go work on this.  

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004

    Interesting.  Thanks.  I was just reading on the site that PVP gets unlocked at level 50.

    Another notable change is the increase of the required level to unlock PvP, which is 50 now. It also appears that none of the remaining classes will be available to play in the Open Beta. The Tamer and 3 more classes will be introduced in 2015. The new Region Media will come in Q1 2015, followed by Valencia in late 2015.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    Wow, it's going to require level 50 to pvp?  Why would they even do that?  Why don't they just let people decided to flag for pvp or not?  I'm guessing this applies to open-world, because i don't think Black Desert has instanced pvp.  This has to be the dumbest decision i've read so far about this game.
  • YamotaYamota Member UncommonPosts: 6,593
    Originally posted by Octagon7711

    How is this different from Archeage?

    BD Videos



    The combat is a million times better than ArcheAge, which turned out to just be a huge cash-grab with a pay two win model. Black Desert could become like that as well but I have seen no indication of such, yet.

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004

    Here's more on PvP.

    What is PvP?

    PvP is an abbreviation of Player VS Player which means battle with other players.
    PvP Starts at Level 50 (Korean Version of the game).
    With one activation, all the characters in the account are activated for PvP.
    The name of player with activated PvP has color depending on general tendency and PvP is available.

    Even in the region with hostile guild/ siege warfare, PvP is available.
    Before PvP is activated, the color of character’s name does not change and will not be attacked.

    PvP Notice

    -PvP is not available in safe region (village and city).
    -In the region where Conquest is going on, PvP is forcibly activated.
    -Guild vs. Guild will be present in the game
    -When two Guilds are in state of war, PvP is forcibly activated.
    -You can drop items upon death
    -PvP will be open-world
    -Mounted Combat is present
    -Siege/Castle Wars are present

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331
    As someone else sead, huge world and awesome graphic don't really mean anything of the basic gameplay is boring and tedious, just look at AA for reference.
  • askdabossaskdaboss Member UncommonPosts: 631
    I will be keeping an eye on that... But I'm always wary of Korean games which often are pure grinders.
  • YamotaYamota Member UncommonPosts: 6,593
    Originally posted by Maurgrim
    As someone else sead, huge world and awesome graphic don't really mean anything of the basic gameplay is boring and tedious, just look at AA for reference.

    And why would you think that the gameplay would be boring and tedious? Talk about being pessimistic.

    The only thing I have heard of this game which I dont like is the F2P thing. Other than that this game seems primed to become huge. But yes, since it is not released yet, that is in no way certain.

    But, we have had nothing but let-downs released for the last couple of years. Here is hoping this game will be different when it hits the West during 2015.

  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    Originally posted by Yamota
    Originally posted by Maurgrim
    As someone else sead, huge world and awesome graphic don't really mean anything of the basic gameplay is boring and tedious, just look at AA for reference.

    And why would you think that the gameplay would be boring and tedious? Talk about being pessimistic.

    The only thing I have heard of this game which I dont like is the F2P thing. Other than that this game seems primed to become huge. But yes, since it is not released yet, that is in no way certain.

    But, we have had nothing but let-downs released for the last couple of years. Here is hoping this game will be different when it hits the West during 2015.

    It has quest-hubs and "reputation" quest grinds.

    I think it only has open-world pvp.  Throw strategy out the window and welcome the zerg.

    I think it only has open-world raid bosses too.  Again, more zerg.

    People hate instanced gameplay, but there's a reason it was developed.  It's because open-world gameplay becomes an unorganized mess, whether it's pvp or pve.  It then becomes boring, frustrating, and tedious.

    This is starting to look more like Archeage's open-world gameplay the more i read about it.


  • zzaxzzax Member UncommonPosts: 324
    Originally posted by Distopia
    A huge world is meaningless if what's in it is no fun,


    We had games with huge worlds and awesome combat (TERA etc.) and we know how they ended.

  • BigdaddyxBigdaddyx Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by Yamota!

    Huge seamless word and awesome combat. This MMO is going to wipe the floor, first with TERA, and then all other MMOs. Short of WoW ofcourse.

    I am really done with hype trains for new MMOS. No more really. We all know how these MMOS actually turn out when you get to play them.

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337
    Originally posted by observer
    Originally posted by Yamota
    Originally posted by Maurgrim
    As someone else sead, huge world and awesome graphic don't really mean anything of the basic gameplay is boring and tedious, just look at AA for reference.

    And why would you think that the gameplay would be boring and tedious? Talk about being pessimistic.

    The only thing I have heard of this game which I dont like is the F2P thing. Other than that this game seems primed to become huge. But yes, since it is not released yet, that is in no way certain.

    But, we have had nothing but let-downs released for the last couple of years. Here is hoping this game will be different when it hits the West during 2015.

    It has quest-hubs and "reputation" quest grinds.

    I think it only has open-world pvp.  Throw strategy out the window and welcome the zerg.

    I think it only has open-world raid bosses too.  Again, more zerg.

    People hate instanced gameplay, but there's a reason it was developed.  It's because open-world gameplay becomes an unorganized mess, whether it's pvp or pve.  It then becomes boring, frustrating, and tedious.

    This is starting to look more like Archeage's open-world gameplay the more i read about it.


    You just described a PvE server.

    It is fine to prefer the safety of an instanced battleground, but why opt for less options, when you can have it by joining a strict PvE server, while leaving the option for other people to join a PvP one, if they so wish?

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,100
    Originally posted by askdaboss
    I will be keeping an eye on that... But I'm always wary of Korean games which often are pure grinders.

    After AA I'm more wary of Korean made games being so poorly coded that hackers / botters have a field day ruining the game play for others.

    Before I get too excited about this title I'm going to want to see evidence that the publishers/developers have this problem  firmly in control before I consider giving it a try.

    I realize it can never be eliminated, not asking for that, but it should be actively addressed and fought at every step of the way as is currently done in many major titles.



    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977

    I will play it because:

    1.  It is free

    2.  It is a new game





  • DeathageDeathage Member CommonPosts: 146
    These Korean companies are definitely upping the graphical ante. Looking good, BD. Now lets see how much sticking power, server stability and anti-hack measures it has.
  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by askdaboss
    I will be keeping an eye on that... But I'm always wary of Korean games which often are pure grinders.

    After AA I'm more wary of Korean made games being so poorly coded that hackers / botters have a field day ruining the game play for others.

    Before I get too excited about this title I'm going to want to see evidence that the publishers/developers have this problem  firmly in control before I consider giving it a try.

    I realize it can never be eliminated, not asking for that, but it should be actively addressed and fought at every step of the way as is currently done in many major titles.



    Just as important for me is their monetization scheme. I want to see what it really costs before I'll consider wasting any time on this game.

  • snoockysnoocky Member UncommonPosts: 726

    Yup and there we go again, yet another Asian grinder.....

    All I see is another AA, was bored to tears with that one to.....but anywayz..


    Let the hype begin!!

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

    Edgar Allan Poe

  • Shayyd80Shayyd80 Member Posts: 110
    After watching this and the Sorceress gameplay video I am indeed intrigued. This is peaking my interest for sure. Best looking Character models EVER too!
  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    Originally posted by Yamota
    Originally posted by Octagon7711

    How is this different from Archeage?

    BD Videos



    The combat is a million times better than ArcheAge, which turned out to just be a huge cash-grab with a pay two win model. Black Desert could become like that as well but I have seen no indication of such, yet.

    The combat turned out to be a huge cash grab!!! Wow, I didn't realize that.

  • Tindale111Tindale111 Member UncommonPosts: 276
    the game might be another let down who knows but it looks a 100 times better than archeage i have nether seen a better character creation in any game ,day night cycle done properly ,rain that leaves your armor wet and puddles in road ,armor gets dents and scratches in it yeah you have a right to be sceptical but if nothing else this game looks awesome
  • GabiruGabiru Member UncommonPosts: 63
    Originally posted by Yamota!

    Huge seamless word and awesome combat. This MMO is going to wipe the floor, first with TERA, and then all other MMOs. Short of WoW ofcourse.

    Tera is dead since the 2nd week it was released

  • MaurgrimMaurgrim Member RarePosts: 1,331
    Originally posted by Yamota
    Originally posted by Maurgrim
    As someone else sead, huge world and awesome graphic don't really mean anything of the basic gameplay is boring and tedious, just look at AA for reference.

    And why would you think that the gameplay would be boring and tedious? Talk about being pessimistic.

    The only thing I have heard of this game which I dont like is the F2P thing. Other than that this game seems primed to become huge. But yes, since it is not released yet, that is in no way certain.

    But, we have had nothing but let-downs released for the last couple of years. Here is hoping this game will be different when it hits the West during 2015.


    We heard the same about AA when it was in beta in Korea how asweome it would be with open world, excellent graphics, sandboxish gameplay, how much are AA today compare to 4 years ago when you first heard about it?, thats right not even close to what we were lead to believe how it was.

    Yes I am pessemistic for a reason, I dont get hyped no matter how good the vids are, rarely are the gameplay the same.

    Kill 5 mobs standing 20 feet away cash in quest, do the same with flowers that the next NPC are asking for, done, go to next area do the same, we have seen the extremly poor quest system Asian games has plenty times before It's how they do it, I really dont think this game will be any different.

    Dosent matter how large the feature list are or how sweet the graphic are you stll have to endure tedious Asian grind mentality gameplay which I dont like.

    If you enjoy that fine good for you, I dont.

  • negativf4kknegativf4kk Member UncommonPosts: 381

    Looks good but...

    Gender lock.

    Lack of classes.

    Domination of melee classes.

    Same LP with diffrent name present.



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