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Survival without Zombies?

SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
Are there any  Openworld/Sandbox Survival type games without Zombies (I'm all Zombied out). I'm just looking for something sandbox that I can potter about in and build a house, hunt for food, etc. Any ideas?


  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    the Gothic series
  • FlyByKnightFlyByKnight Member EpicPosts: 3,967
    "As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*" 

  • pantaropantaro Member RarePosts: 515
    was just looking for something like that on steam so far only rising world caught my attention it's VERY early access tho.
  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    Originally posted by pantaro
    was just looking for something like that on steam so far only rising world caught my attention it's VERY early access tho.

    There are a few early access ones, I tried Beasts of Prey but it's too buggy. Rust is now Zombieless but the rampant penises were to distracting and being chased by a naked man with hi junk flapping in the wind wasn't for me. Someone, in another forum, said 7 days to die with npc's turned off but I was a bit suspect on that. The Stomping Land looks interesting but again it's Early Access.

  • General-ZodGeneral-Zod Member UncommonPosts: 868
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    Originally posted by pantaro
    was just looking for something like that on steam so far only rising world caught my attention it's VERY early access tho.

    There are a few early access ones, I tried Beasts of Prey but it's too buggy. Rust is now Zombieless but the rampant penises were to distracting and being chased by a naked man with hi junk flapping in the wind wasn't for me. Someone, in another forum, said 7 days to die with npc's turned off but I was a bit suspect on that. The Stomping Land looks interesting but again it's Early Access.

    Life is Feudal is probably the best one

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,250

    Xyson maybe?

    You pretty much have to make everything in game and defend yourself from gankers, and no zombies as I recall, but watch out for the damn racoons, used to kill me sometimes, if I didn't die of thirst.


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  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    I tried LiF, had a pretty good setup but the server got wiped and I wasn't in the mood to restart. Plus they need to implement a lot more stuff. I may try Xyson again, I'd forgot about it.
  • pantaropantaro Member RarePosts: 515
    Originally posted by General-Zod
    Originally posted by mbd1968
    Originally posted by pantaro
    was just looking for something like that on steam so far only rising world caught my attention it's VERY early access tho.

    There are a few early access ones, I tried Beasts of Prey but it's too buggy. Rust is now Zombieless but the rampant penises were to distracting and being chased by a naked man with hi junk flapping in the wind wasn't for me. Someone, in another forum, said 7 days to die with npc's turned off but I was a bit suspect on that. The Stomping Land looks interesting but again it's Early Access.

    Life is Feudal is probably the best one

    I did consider life as feudal,the price had me on the fence about it tho.been looking for video's to convince me tho

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    Unreal World?

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • Asmo11Asmo11 Member CommonPosts: 1
    Long Dark.  No building yet but there is trapping etc and decent hunger/thirst and injury system.  Game appears to be updated often and the devs do listen to player feedback.  
  • KyutaSyukoKyutaSyuko Member UncommonPosts: 288
    It's been a while since I've played it so I don't know what it's like now, but Planet Explorers is open-world and sandboxy and allows you to design/build stuff including your own weapons and I think even vehicles.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914

    Planet Explorers is the best non Zombie Survival out imo .. actually best all around ...

       Salt is in EA but is a another non zombie survival .. no builidng in atm .. can craft weapons boats and potions ... very fun game at this early stage


     And Frontiers will be in EA on Dec 16th looks very promosing.. survival in a Daggerfall esque open world

     Also another i forgot ... Brutal Nature is in a very playable state and is extremely promising

  • Zarf42Zarf42 Member Posts: 250
     The Long Dark - You are stuck in the northern Canadian wilderness and have to survive. No zomibies, no fisting wood to make planks etc.  It's pretty good
  • Zarf42Zarf42 Member Posts: 250
    Originally posted by Scorchien

    Planet Explorers is the best non Zombie Survival out imo .. actually best all around ...

       Salt is in EA but is a another non zombie survival .. no builidng in atm .. can craft weapons boats and potions ... very fun game at this early stage


     And Frontiers will be in EA on Dec 16th looks very promosing.. survival in a Daggerfall esque open world

    Planet explorers is a really good game too.  I wouldn't really call it a survival game tho.  It's a voxel RPG.

  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,651

    Check out "The Long Dark" and "Planet Explorers"

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Originally posted by Zarf42
    Originally posted by Scorchien

    Planet Explorers is the best non Zombie Survival out imo .. actually best all around ...

       Salt is in EA but is a another non zombie survival .. no builidng in atm .. can craft weapons boats and potions ... very fun game at this early stage


     And Frontiers will be in EA on Dec 16th looks very promosing.. survival in a Daggerfall esque open world

    Planet explorers is a really good game too.  I wouldn't really call it a survival game tho.  It's a voxel RPG.

    I would agree in Story mode.. Adventure is Survival..especially on yer server where you can tweek thre rulles abit .. .. like no scripts on npcs.. for ex..

  • GravespinGravespin Member Posts: 66
    The Long Dark is worth a try

    Playing: Dayz
    #Anarchy-Online (Gravesin 205 Crat, Remoulade 220 Enf, Hybridpunk 220 Sold)
    #WoW (Dankman 60 Shaman)
    #LOTRO (Dankman 37 BUR)
    #COV (Bonefish 50 ice/rad)
    Tryed: SWG, Planetside, AA, EQ2, Rappelz, Matrix, DAoC, Ryzom.

    Looking forward to:
    1: Planet Side 2
    2: Anarchy-Online 2

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