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Get full Star Citizen game preorder for 20$ on Friday plus starter ship



  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,023
    Originally posted by Elsabolts
    What happens if things go wrong will folks get there money back ?

    Who'd give people the money back? Government?

    Star Citizen is made by dev studio created only for that single project. If things go wrong, the studio will go bankrupt and won't be able to do any refunds. People will lose all the money they spent.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Originally posted by DeathWolf2u

    Incorrect, Star Citizen started development in 2011 which makes it 3 years now, not sure how you arrived at 2 years.

    --> 2 years date comes from start and end of crowdfunding campaign in 2012. 2011 is technically correct (see wikipedia entry), but we are speaking about the development of the demos and art concepts  you saw at the beginning of the Kickstarter campaign (to ensure the success of that campaign), done with a small staff  (CIG team started to grow in 2012, lots of hiring back then, as has been reported by the gaming press ).

     I would really like to see this game complete it's development.

    --> So do I.

    Considering how much money they received way over their goal and then sell in-game virtual items i.e. ships in this case for ridiculous amounts of money on top of the kickstarter budget, one starts to question their objective.

     --> IMHO their objective is still the same. Make the Best Space Sime Game Ever. Having more money (if the backers are willing to pay) won't hurt - more funds for development, especially professional bughunting and playtesting in the final year.

    I gave up on this title sometime ago,

    --> Sad to hear.

    they haven't produced anything tangible enough to show the progression of this game where it should be. Sorry but the ship combat thing they came out with and the FPS module are not enough to justify the current state-of-the-game.

    --> You are entitled to your opinion. We have a different opinion concerning the progression of the project.

     On the other end you have a small indie company making a game called No Man's Sky and it's making alot more progress than Star Citizen and it looks amazing, just saying.

    --> I am following No Man's Sky with great interest and plan to play it. IMHO No Man's Sky at the moment lacks a story, a purpose, a reason to hold the interest of the player once the novelty of procedural generation wears off. That may seriously curtail the success of this game.

    --> As the gaming press says: "Still, there’s no denying the fact that this is a game without an obvious story, without an ending."

    --> Have fun


  • screecwescreecwe Member UncommonPosts: 128
    Originally posted by DeathWolf2u
    Originally posted by Erillion
    Originally posted by IridescentJoe
    I am going to wait until launch and see what this game is about. I don't care what the devs are promising, it's the final release that matters. I don't do business with promises anymore. That been said, I have the feeling that the release date will be pushed back for more nickel and dimming. And why not? At this point...

    Why not ? Because this is a VERY dedicated team that REALLY WANTS to get this game out  (my personal impression from Gamescon 2014). Even more so than any of the dedicated (and maybe not so dedicated) fans out there.

    IMHO much of the dissatisfaction expressed on the forums here comes from a lack of patience. Such a large project takes about 4 years minimum as anyone in the industry will confirm. And we are at the 2 year mark now. OF COURSE i would like to have a game now. But i rather wait until its all been completely developed, combined and thoroughly tested.

    I don't care if more backers come and join ... and if they want to pledge for some ships too. Its THEIR money after all. If that makes the pledge money pool go up ... more power to them.

    I can only smile about all the conspiracy theories and private opinions being declared as fact (which they are not, as a minimum amount of internet recherche would show). At all the conjectures based on either wishful thinking or intense aversion.

    I suggest to sit back and relax. Play some Elite:Dangerous. Do some Star Citizen playtesting. Enjoy life.


    Have fun


    Incorrect, Star Citizen started development in 2011 which makes it 3 years now, not sure how you arrived at 2 years.


    I'm not sure how you can count Chris Roberts and a guy or two making the tech demo to show for crowdfunding as an actual year of development.

  • ThebeastttThebeasttt Member RarePosts: 1,130
    That's good news the idiot's dropping $2500 on a ships won't have any lasting advantage. Hopefully the ships don't cost so much that it ends up being P2W anyways. Nice move on their part though.
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Originally posted by cura
    They have to show something more then their garbage flight model module and one, non publicly available fps map before they get $1 from me. Besides, im not in a mood to finance another of their advertising campaigns in a form of another teaser movie.

    If someone is holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy a pledge package .. blink twice .. and we will send in a SWAT team!




    Okay .. no one is forcing you to spend money on Star Citizen ?!  Who would have thought .....


    Have fun

  • DekapitatorDekapitator Member UncommonPosts: 261

    Ok... This is all over the place I dont get it !

    Where is this game package? I dont see anything for 20$?

    Is this a full account when the game releases?


  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Scroll down:

    "… and we’re using the opportunity to allow new players to join the game as well."....." discount packages for new players" ....

    ".....we can make 5,000   $20 Aurora game packages available for sale at the same time!"  

    Same time  = Nov 28th

    And yes - this is a full acount when the game releases.


    Have fun


  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102
    I backed this thing but have been disgusted ever since by the cash grab mentality. It seems like I get an email every week with them trying to get me to buy virtual ships for hundreds of dollars. I just watched what happened to Archeage when the focus became money, it went from the most promising mmo I played in years to crap in 1 month due to Trion's greed, I hope SC is not going to go the same route. Seems way too cash shop dependent at this time. How this cannot be pay to win I have no clue, people willing to put down big money will have the best ships.
    Make MMORPG's Great Again!
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Originally posted by cura

    And the point of this post was...?

    That you dont have to pay even 1$ for it if you do not want to.

    And if you already have paid for a pledge package and dont like it anymore ... CIG is well known for having refunded pledge money if you are not longer believing in that project.


    And @Viper ... the weekly mail you get .. its a summary of "Whats new" on the CIG webpage. I get the same mail. News about new ships are at most 5 % of the points on these mails, if you analyse it objectively. Of course, from your subjective point of view it may seem different. If you are fed up with these mails, you can autosend them unread into your E-Mail dustbin and you wont be bothered anymore by these annoying mails. 


    Have fun

  • nebb1234nebb1234 Member Posts: 242
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    Chris Roberts posted a clarification on the question of biggest player owned ship in Star Citizen

    ** Begin Quote **


    Sam Redstone | bdo7 said:


    So all those who have been wondering about owning a frigate, escort carrier, etc... you're gonna have to steal it.

    (Of course, that means joining a big guild, I imagine. I know, I know... why would a lone wolf want a big ship anyway, right?)

    I'm just going to point out that having a question answered by one of the many developers on the project over a year ago with his understanding at the time (when the Idris WAS the biggest ship that we had sold) does not make it an "official" position on what we will be doing.

    Unless it comes from me or through an official channel like a front page post it's just one of our dev's knowledge / opinion at the time. It's part of the downside of being so open. We could vet every post but then it would greatly reduce the amount of questions that could get answered and generally make the process slower and less informative as we would be forced to not answer any question that doesn't have an official position or final design on them - which would probably be the majority of the Ask the Dev questions. When you Ask a Dev, you're getting that Dev's answer to the best of his knowledge from his small view on a huge project (We have close to 300 people working on this game and keeping everyone informed and up to date on all aspects of the game is an impossible challenge)

    As you can see from the stretch goals we have promised that players can fly ships all the way up to a Bengal Carrier. The truth is that we haven't fully decided on what the largest ship that will be offered before launch in aid of funding Star Citizen to be a game more ambitious than any publisher has ever attempted. Right now we've decided after a LOT of requests and petitioning by the community that we'll seed a few Destroyers into the player mix.

    The Javelin is a BIG ship (some 350m long), with a LOT more firepower than the Idris - and will require a decent player crew to run, so its really a ship for a group of players. It, like the Idris, offers different play options and since we want the PU to have player driven drama and conflict in addition to the NPC scenarios, getting some of these ships into the hands of a few organizations will enable more varied encounters between players (or players against NPCs). We want a mix of small single seater ships, medium sized ones with 2-4 crew members and bigger ones like the Idris and Javelin that could become the focal point of a bigger engagement.

    As I've stated many times there will be no case that you can pledge for a ship before launch that you can't get in the PU. So if we're selling the Javelin now there will be opportunities to purchase one in the PU with UEC, capture one or perhaps get one as a reward for some huge accomplishment. But just like now the number will be limited as the production of big ships like this and the Idris is slow and the UEE doesn't decommission and sell its older capital ships that often.

    I hope this clears things up for people.

    ** end Quote **



    Have fun

  • TaishiFoxTaishiFox Member RarePosts: 999
    I can't seem to find it, did I miss this sale or something? :-/


  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    28th Nov .... sale has not started yet  (runs until December 1st)

    See link:


    Have fun

  • TaishiFoxTaishiFox Member RarePosts: 999
    Originally posted by Erillion

    28th Nov .... sale has not started yet  (runs until December 1st)

    See link:


    Have fun

    Ohh.. well thats awesome considering my birthday is one the 29th! lol.  I hope I get one, though I do already bought my b-day pressie but eh, I might just treat myself a bit lol.


  • TheOctagonTheOctagon Member UncommonPosts: 411

    Here you go.


    You can buy the basic pack for $20 with a crap ship so you can get ROFLstomped by the new ship coming out at the same time that goes for $345.


    ...Finally, we’re ending the process with a much-awaited concept sale! On November 28th, we will launch the Anvil Carrack explorer concept sale. The Carrack will be available for $345, with LTI and the standard concept sale bonus features (in-game ship model and poster.)...


    That's $345.


    Are people insane?



  • symkesymke Member UncommonPosts: 17
    Originally posted by TheOctagon

    Here you go.


    You can buy the basic pack for $20 with a crap ship so you can get ROFLstomped by the new ship coming out at the same time that goes for $345.


    ...Finally, we’re ending the process with a much-awaited concept sale! On November 28th, we will launch the Anvil Carrack explorer concept sale. The Carrack will be available for $345, with LTI and the standard concept sale bonus features (in-game ship model and poster.)...


    That's $345.


    Are people insane?




    No. Just incredibly naive or too rich for their own good.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Originally posted by TheOctagon

    Here you go.

     You can buy the basic pack for $20 with a crap ship so you can get ROFLstomped by the new ship coming out at the same time that goes for $345.

     ...Finally, we’re ending the process with a much-awaited concept sale! On November 28th, we will launch the Anvil Carrack explorer concept sale. The Carrack will be available for $345, with LTI and the standard concept sale bonus features (in-game ship model and poster.)...

     That's $345.

     Are people insane?

    How do you ROFLstomp someone with an explorer ship full of sensors, an overpowered jump engine, research and nav computers and build in lab facilities ? Probably outfitted with an additional exploration surface rover too. This is for finding new jump points, surviving the transit (no mean feat) and exploring new systems and planets.

    This ain't no gunship, you know .....

    And you are NOT buying a ship. You are supporting a project with a donation. Some can donate 20 $, some can donate 345$, some can donate 2500 $.  If you just want the ship, buy it with in game money. And as the universe will forever expand thanks to procedural generation module, it won't matter if you find a new jump point on day 1 or day 30 or day 300.

    Are people insane ?  A very philosophical question ....   ;-)


    Have fun

  • BoneserinoBoneserino Member UncommonPosts: 1,768
    Not buying anything until I see a game.

    FFA Nonconsentual Full Loot PvP ...You know you want it!!

  • mayito7777mayito7777 Member UncommonPosts: 768
    Originally posted by Erillion
    Originally posted by TheOctagon

    Here you go.

     You can buy the basic pack for $20 with a crap ship so you can get ROFLstomped by the new ship coming out at the same time that goes for $345.

     ...Finally, we’re ending the process with a much-awaited concept sale! On November 28th, we will launch the Anvil Carrack explorer concept sale. The Carrack will be available for $345, with LTI and the standard concept sale bonus features (in-game ship model and poster.)...

     That's $345.

     Are people insane?

    How do you ROFLstomp someone with an explorer ship full of sensors, an overpowered jump engine, research and nav computers and build in lab facilities ? Probably outfitted with an additional exploration surface rover too. This is for finding new jump points, surviving the transit (no mean feat) and exploring new systems and planets.

    This ain't no gunship, you know .....

    And you are NOT buying a ship. You are supporting a project with a donation. Some can donate 20 $, some can donate 345$, some can donate 2500 $.  If you just want the ship, buy it with in game money. And as the universe will forever expand thanks to procedural generation module, it won't matter if you find a new jump point on day 1 or day 30 or day 300.

    Are people insane ?  A very philosophical question ....   ;-)


    Have fun

    Oh yeah, donating is the word and later on you must pay a lot of DLC and other stuff, well goody goody gum drops.

    want 7 free days of playing? Try this

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    To my knowledge there is only one known DLC and for me as an early backer its free.

    "The first Squadron 42 mission disk, Behind Enemy Lines, will be available for free to all backers who pledge before $6 million upon release"

    More discussion (pro/con) on this topic can be found here (and in many many other threads on various forums)


    Have fun

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857

    $345.00 huh? I can already see how the tone for this game is already set, even beyond release.  I think when this game goes live, it's going to leave a lot of people disappointed........or broke.........or both.

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    Originally posted by Boneserino
    Not buying anything until I see a game.

    This is all that needs to be said.

    For anyone not swilling the kool-aid, that is.

  • motanilamotanila Member UncommonPosts: 152
    Originally posted by Burntvet
    Originally posted by Boneserino
    Not buying anything until I see a game.

    This is all that needs to be said.

    For anyone not swilling the kool-aid, that is.

    This is a bit selfish. As space genre is dying chiping in a bit is necesarry. You don't have to spend thousants,

    even 20-30 would do it.

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Originally posted by motanila
    Originally posted by Burntvet
    Originally posted by Boneserino
    Not buying anything until I see a game.

    This is all that needs to be said.

    For anyone not swilling the kool-aid, that is.

    This is a bit selfish. As space genre is dying chiping in a bit is necesarry. You don't have to spend thousants,

    even 20-30 would do it.

    [mod edit]

    If someone wants to support the project .. fine. If not ... its okay too. Not everyone is into Alpha/Beta-testing and Early Access games.


    Have fun

  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329

    The link is 1.5 years old.

    Chris Roberts has explained in other, newer posts that CIG has revised its position. That they want to give backers with little money an opportunity too to join the project.

    Strange that especially those critics that flame Chris Roberts for only offering high priced pledge packages now cry even louder when CIG offers a very low priced starter package.


    Have fun

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