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The Next 8v8 Draft Night!

SolicfireSolicfire Member UncommonPosts: 488

First off I want to thank everyone that came out and made last Tuesday Draft Night a HUGE success! 
ObeliskDaigu_RyokanOpel_lanceGaven for helping me host the event and each take on the responsibility of managing and leading their drafted group!

Now it is time to plan the next one. The response was great, but I believe we can get more active players in this next one!

On Tuesday, November 18th at 8:00pm CST we will be holding another 8v8 “draft” however, instead of picking players as a draft might imply, we will be taking people’s classes, level of experience/expertise on those classes, and exposure to 8v8 in general and assigning them to a group. The objective of this is to create as fair and balanced of groups as possible (as well as making the event run smoother). Last Tuesday I believe everyone felt that the groups were balanced and the fights were long and fun, we will achieve this again!

What you need to participate:

-Templated, groupable classes of semi-useful realm rank (5+). We will be trying to make the composition of the groups as strong as possible, so achieve the best fights we can. There are some classes which have a hard time fitting into the play style of 8v8 that we would like to avoid: wizards, bainshees, animists, maulers, heretics, and all stealthers. Most other classes we can work around and hopefully people will have several options they are comfortable playing.

-A working mic/headset and ability to connect to vent or TS.

-A thick skin. 8v8 has winners and losers. The winners may subtly (or not so subtly) gloat and the losing team will likely attempt to determine what went wrong. This often results in frustration. Just keep that in mind as we plan this event that we do not turn this into a blame game. Have tact...

-Patience. This will be a work in progress and working out all of the kinks before the event is unlikely. Because there are so many factors outside of our control being patient and understanding will be essential!

We really hope to have at least 5 different teams on the battlefield. Ideally, everyone plays, gets a few wins and losses, and gets the opportunity to play with people they likely wouldn’t play with normally.

If you want to participate we will be putting up a system whereby you can enter your details (class, rank, perceived skill level etc) and we can make the groups as objectively as possible, given the circumstances. For the time being though please contact me, [email protected] if you are interested in participating.

In the email please provide the following.
1. List all classes you are comfortable on and would like to play in the event! Provide Realm Ranks as well.
2. Your name that you go back in game or on postcount.
3. A confirmation that you can join vent by 7:45pm CST on Tuesday, November 18th! (Vent info will be provided later, stay tuned!)

Hope to see everyone out there!

Ps. Extra prizes will be given (possible timecard) for who can elicit the best Daig-Rage!

Please spread the word! Let's beat out numbers from last Tuesday!

P.P.S. Please PM Obelisk or myself for more information! We will do our best to get back to you ASAP!



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