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Do away with Melee and combat could be great!

asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

I'm going to use Darkfall as a starting point, but not the PvP part, just the Archery and Magic mechanic for Combat only. The rest of the game design could be whatever flavor from Sand to park that devs do. I'm just talking about a way to make combat more fun.

If you played DF long enough to get used to the controls you know what I'm talking about, the archery and the magic in that game were pretty awesome. There was just a bit of arc to arrows, and being a RL archer it looked pretty real. Magic was straight line, but not instantaneous. It was like watching your brother shoot a BB gun and you could see the BB coming but it was just a little too fast to dodge.

I'd love to see a game that was all that, magic casting and archery.

There is no melee system I've seen that's good in the same way. It's all either bunny hopping or tanking. I don't like the frantic circle kite that decent action combat has, or the button taunt that draws mobs like a magnet.

The only melee I'd have is something like a knife attack at close range, so there was some reason to pay attention. I wouldn't have a class that had it, I'd just give the casters and archers the ability to knife and make it a decent attack so it wasn't just standing at distance.

Stealth would be realistic stealth so no names, you'd better watch that bush line.

Healers would have to target to heal, I like the idea of direct magic heals that you aim and AE potions that you fling. (think of a healing grenade look where you might see an arc when you equip it)

Whether PvE or PvP I think it was the best part of DF and could be the heart of a great combat system. I've seen games that went the other way, all melee and no magic and they try things like special attacks and it never works well. But I've never seen them go what I think is the right way and do ranged only. (unless you think FPS is like that)



  • GaeluianGaeluian Member UncommonPosts: 114
    No, I like melee combat, and I'm sure most people do. Otherwise, why bother? Why not just hit the 'I' button (for I win) and be done with it?
  • blastermasterblastermaster Member UncommonPosts: 259

    mm.. no!

    Melee is just more interesting to me (more visceral than "pewpewing" from a distance). 

    When I want a range only game, I go play an FPS (and even then, most have some kind of melee attacks that I tend to



  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Maybe try a game like Lichdom: Battlemage. It's a single player game, but it's first person view, like Darkfall is when casting. And it's all magic-based combat.
  • Varex12Varex12 Member CommonPosts: 357

    Pretty much the worst idea ever.



  • asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

    You're all just locked into your stand toe to toe thinking.

    You have to step out of the box for a bit. FPS games would be a good way to look at it, but with a depth because of magic and the arc path of arrows. It was clearly the good part of Darkfall combat.

    All the time people want more aim in MMO's but with melee it becomes all snipers and that ruins the combat.


  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,087
    Originally posted by asdar

    You're all just locked into your stand toe to toe thinking.



    Why is it that everyone with a bad idea automatically reverts to this form of argument when the replies don't go in the direction they're looking for?

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