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Just started looking for a sandbox and SOTA appeared on my radar. One of the things that is important to me is meaningful PvP.
Is it true that the only PvP in this game is meaningless consensual PvP flagging? Is there no risk/reward for PvP?
Found this link on the forums:
Explains pretty well the PvP idea. I like it!
Sounds like a pretty weak proposal on pvp imo. Devs need to stop trying to walk the fence and just make the game they want to make. I'm all for some degree of safety, but in a pvp game I want to be able to kill any player when they step outside of the guards line of sight. Now I generally don't RPK, but theres a time and place for everything and I personally like the danger that existed in a PvP mmo when this was the norm.
I remember when games didn't try to please everyone, and MMOs were better for it.
translation: I like to pwn noobs all day....make people's lives miserable so that I can be happy...YEAH!!!!!!!!!
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
You can translate it as that if you want to, but you do so ignoring the part about me not RPKing and just sounding like another useless fanboy in the process.
As a person who hates open world PvP (preferring consensual forms like Arena and RvR), I've got to say... make up your mind.
Either include open world PvP (with or without penalties) all the way or don't include it at all. Or split servers and be done with it.
Don't flit the line. There is no such thing as compromise (without a server split) and there is no such thing as pleasing everyone when two crowds are diametrically opposed.
Make the game that you want to make. Period.
Well said.
The so called PvP compromize SOTA developers introduced alienated many pledgers that wanted a risk vs reward PvP game.
There is 2 different fractions over at SOTA forums and developers have almost to 100% given the carebears their game. Old UO PvP players have to look elsewhere for a game that deliver some real risk vs reward.
Either go 100% carebear or make a hardcore PvP server for all the UO PvP players that today feel abandoned by developers, 1 carebear and 1 hardcore PvP server with full loot and risk vs reward (a alignment system as old UO is also needed cause without it reds will just be another colour and mean nothing).
While I loved just having Fel, a lot more gamers played after Trammel than before.
Felucca after trammel was the best time of felucca. Players not interested in PvP left and rest stayed. There was also alot of new players arriving to felucca after trammel, something many seem to forget.
What destroyed UO felucca was Age of Shadows that arrived february 2003 and made UO something similar to what WoW later became, it was actually the same designer to UO Age of Shadows and WoW and thats why they are so similar.
That guy (Tom Chilton) sure did some heavy damage to the MMO genre.
Agree. It's odd that some have so little experience from skillbased MMO games that they see meaningful risk vs reward combat (read old UO and not WoW and similar MMO games) as the same as being a ganker, that was not what old UO was about, it was instead skillbased PvP where the most skillful got his deserved reward.
It's way easier to find these ganking players with little to no skills and only numbers in MMO games like WoW. Old UO (after trammel and before Age of Shadows) took alot of PvP skills to master, alot of practice, was balanced (and a working alignment system) and had risk vs reward as it's mantra, no game today have even been close to it. WoW sat the standard and that ruined the MMO genre.
Yep OP. I had credit card in hand, ready to pay 40-50$ to give it a shot, until I show the pvp system.
I even saw a thread with a dev talking about "I'm going to turn on my pvp flag today, and I invite others to join me..." I put my CC back in my pocket.
THis mentality never made sense to me as a PVPer myself. a flagging as well as guild warfare system offer far better PVP in my eyes. IT builds a stronger PVP foundation because those taking part want to be, those taking part most likely can defend themselves making for better fights, and an atmosphere that is simply more fun, it's also more challenging than running around ganking noobs.
Want FFA PVP? start guild wars, same concept as FFA, yet still less likely to see noobs being ganked, or folks who can't defend themselves.
ON top of that it accommodates a healthier overall community, as it's not just a bunch of wolves running around preying on sheep.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Soumds good, how/why would a guild war be started?
player A - That's my node!
player B - suck it noob!
player A - *I will talk to my GL and ask him to start a guild war*
GL-Now? Can't do that right now I'm organizing my house. Maybe later
Player A - You're lucky my GL is busy
Player B - Hahah noob with noob guild *continues to follow and harass player A"
IN SWG we simply warred multiple guilds at a time to create a FFA like atmosphere, at times creating side multi-faction guilds for the fun and competition of it.
How'd they start? True community involvement.. Something I've never seen in the wastes that are true FFA games.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Age of Wushu says you are wrong. I've never played a more community oriented, social mmorpg. Schools, player created faction, guilds, friends. There were no lowbies being ganked by high levels/ In fact lowbies were treasured, especially ones of you school.
You know why? Killing a lowbie, or camping someone just was not worth being put in jail for 5 hours. There were harsh penalties for murder. This created a civil FFA world and still provided freedom.
What makes you think this isn't the game they want to make? Why can't they desire to strive for a balance?
Not everyone is "all or nothing".
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
ARe you saying Wushu is more social than SWG was?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I never played SWG, but I don't see how it could be more. It was a social sandbox like Wushu, so it very well may have been on par.
This isn't the game they wanted to make. Richard Garriot said he wanted to make a steampunk game. It really seem like they are just making a game that their backers want.
I only played Wushu in a few month spurts and never really accomplished anything.., but it never struck me as having the same type of social structure, even though I did like their PVP system over others in FFA land. IT just wasn't the same in an overall community respect. Don't get me wrong Wushu is a pretty good game, I enjoyed it, as I love the theme, and atmosphere that came with it, but it feels totally different. SWG was essentially a Star Wars sim.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Ok, that's setting.
Are you saying that if the game was steampunk then it would be either full pvp or full pve? Of course not, that's just setting.
I'm speaking to the rule set of the game and maybe they are interested in finding a balance. Of course, if you think that they originally wanted to make a full pvp or full pve game and they aren' doing it because of pressures then Dullahan's response holds up.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Aye your right, as long as there is a working alignment system there is a healthy balance btw killers and blues.
Worked very well with UO statloss.
Developers of MMO games today dont even want to try alignment systems out, they prefer no loot instead and flagging for PvP, it have become carebear heaven.
Not true.
A majority of the PvP interested players wanted full loot and a risk vs reward PvP game with consequences much like old UO but developers didnt listen to this part of the community, instead they listened to the minority that wasnt interested in taking part in PvP.
Isnt that the opposite of what you just said?
Yep, I played UO since the first year it came out and played through trammel but the day age of shadows came out was the day i quit. Once I saw that stats had gear I bounced. I mean litterally 5 mins ater i played AoS I was gone for good, left everything behind never to return.
But i must say I am disappointed in SOtA. I was hoping it would have a meaningful pvp system but guess not. Now This and camelot unchained are both games I am not longer interested in.
Check out this article on Why Crafting Sucks
Game is fun generally, but the pvp is lackluster.
Have supported this so far because its a sandbox mmo, but as a Pvper that loves open world Pvp the development on this issue alone will determine if I throw any money or time to it or recommend it to friends.
If you like Pvp, this is not the game for you, at least not yet.
If you like open world Pvp, this is not the game for you, yet. It's zones strung together by a Final Fantasy style map. There is no open world Pvp, only cruising zones looking for Pvp flagged players. There is no placing a house where you want, housing plots are all in housing zones only, there is a Pvp enabled Housing zone, but it's always empty.
It has potential to be a great mmo with Pvp, the devs are great listeners, except this may be what kills off the Pvp potential of this game as it's usually the Pver's that cry the loudest, & the most.
So yeah, no meaningful Pvp in Shroud yet. But I'm hoping it happens.