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thinking of coming back, what can I expect as a solo player?

stygianapothstygianapoth Member UncommonPosts: 185

Played WoW since the very first day it launched and quit for a few years around the (edit: i said lich king but meant cataclysm, i quit before getting MoP cause of pandas and grinding daily quests were boring and pvp got lame since you couldn't solo). Other things that made me quit were gear checks, not being able to find a guild to do dungeons or raid (hence why I solo mostly), and the open world pvp became non-existent with all the towns becoming neutral zones where you couldn't sneak in and attack (one of my past favorites as a rogue).

So now I'm getting pretty damned bored with all the other games I've been playing and want to relive my early days of WoW.

I mainly want to pvp as a rogue. I want to be able to find gear on my own without having to raid or do dungeons (but open to the option when I want to do something different). I like the battlegrounds but also want to infiltrate cities. I've played a lot of other mmorpgs and imo WoW does the rogue/stealth class perfectly to my liking.

I didn't buy the panda expansion but do I have to if I get draenor? 50 bucks is already a pretty hefty price for an expansion.

Also should I pick a "new player" server or stick with one of the 'high populated' servers so I don't feel like I'm in a ghost town?

I'm sure there's a ton of stuff I missed in the last few years but basically I want to know what my experience will be like as a solo pvper and if I can relive my glory days before everything became neutralized.



  • AreWeLiveAreWeLive Member UncommonPosts: 202

    All WoW accounts have been upgraded to the pandas so you will only need the expansion when it goes live next week.

     If you buy the expansion you will get a boost to lvl 90. (means you can make one toon a lvl 90 right away. (new or existing )


     The old days are long gone but it is very solo friendly now, lots of tools to help you. 


     Best way to see if you like it is spend $15 for a month and log in...

  • OhhPaigeyOhhPaigey Member RarePosts: 1,517

    This same question was posted a bit ago so I'm not going to type out my entire answer again, but..

    The game is very solo friendly now, much more than ever before.

    Lots of new additions added, group finders, cross realm grouping, easier raid difficulties, ect.

    When all is said and done, more is always said than done.
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Originally posted by stygianapoth

    Played WoW since the very first day it launched and quit for a few years around the lich king expansion (I just couldn't get into the pandas). Other things that made me quit were gear checks, not being able to find a guild to do dungeons or raid (hence why I solo mostly), and the open world pvp became non-existent with all the towns becoming neutral zones where you couldn't sneak in and attack (one of my past favorites as a rogue).

    So now I'm getting pretty damned bored with all the other games I've been playing and want to relive my early days of WoW.

    I mainly want to pvp as a rogue. I want to be able to find gear on my own without having to raid or do dungeons (but open to the option when I want to do something different). I like the battlegrounds but also want to infiltrate cities. I've played a lot of other mmorpgs and imo WoW does the rogue/stealth class perfectly to my liking.

    I didn't buy the panda expansion but do I have to if I get draenor? 50 bucks is already a pretty hefty price for an expansion.

    Also should I pick a "new player" server or stick with one of the 'high populated' servers so I don't feel like I'm in a ghost town?

    I'm sure there's a ton of stuff I missed in the last few years but basically I want to know what my experience will be like as a solo pvper and if I can relive my glory days before everything became neutralized.


    Im not sure what you mean by the part in red. WotLK was 2 expansions before Mists of Pandaria. If you quit during Wrath, then you'd need to level through the Cataclysm and MoP content before getting to WoD content. You can strictly do BG's and arena's to get pvp gear and not ever have to deal with PVE content if you dont want to. However, if you dont mind doing PVE content also, it's a lot easier now since you can solo queue for dungeons or raids with the LFG tool. I wouldn't go for a new player server, better off with a high pop one. Although with the connected realms, its not as big of an issue as it used to be.

  • stygianapothstygianapoth Member UncommonPosts: 185
    Originally posted by Forgrimm
    Originally posted by stygianapoth

    Played WoW since the very first day it launched and quit for a few years around the lich king expansion (I just couldn't get into the pandas). Other things that made me quit were gear checks, not being able to find a guild to do dungeons or raid (hence why I solo mostly), and the open world pvp became non-existent with all the towns becoming neutral zones where you couldn't sneak in and attack (one of my past favorites as a rogue).

    So now I'm getting pretty damned bored with all the other games I've been playing and want to relive my early days of WoW.

    I mainly want to pvp as a rogue. I want to be able to find gear on my own without having to raid or do dungeons (but open to the option when I want to do something different). I like the battlegrounds but also want to infiltrate cities. I've played a lot of other mmorpgs and imo WoW does the rogue/stealth class perfectly to my liking.

    I didn't buy the panda expansion but do I have to if I get draenor? 50 bucks is already a pretty hefty price for an expansion.

    Also should I pick a "new player" server or stick with one of the 'high populated' servers so I don't feel like I'm in a ghost town?

    I'm sure there's a ton of stuff I missed in the last few years but basically I want to know what my experience will be like as a solo pvper and if I can relive my glory days before everything became neutralized.


    Im not sure what you mean by the part in red. WotLK was 2 expansions before Mists of Pandaria. If you quit during Wrath, then you'd need to level through the Cataclysm and MoP content before getting to WoD content. You can strictly do BG's and arena's to get pvp gear and not ever have to deal with PVE content if you dont want to. However, if you dont mind doing PVE content also, it's a lot easier now since you can solo queue for dungeons or raids with the LFG tool. I wouldn't go for a new player server, better off with a high pop one. Although with the connected realms, its not as big of an issue as it used to be.

    sorry I meant I quit at cataclysm... hard to keep up with all of it after not playing for a while. anyway thanks for all the responses.

    to the poster complaining about a thread about this topic already exists I will look for it since I didn't find it after looking at the topics the past few days. no need to be snide about it. edit: found the thread, dated 10/20. sorry for not looking back over 2 weeks. as far as I can see though the poster didn't ask about soloing or pvping. reading now.

  • OhhPaigeyOhhPaigey Member RarePosts: 1,517
    Originally posted by stygianapoth
    Originally posted by Forgrimm
    Originally posted by stygianapoth


    sorry I meant I quit at cataclysm... hard to keep up with all of it after not playing for a while. anyway thanks for all the responses.

    to the poster complaining about a thread about this topic already exists I will look for it since I didn't find it after looking at the topics the past few days. no need to be snide about it. edit: found the thread, dated 10/20. sorry for not looking back over 2 weeks. as far as I can see though the poster didn't ask about soloing or pvping. reading now.

    Actually it wasn't snide or an insult in any way, I was just saying I'm not going to type out more paragraphs to explain every possible detail of why soloing is better now. But apparently you don't like people answering your questions, so I'll just block you instead. ;-)

    When all is said and done, more is always said than done.
  • OziiusOziius Member UncommonPosts: 1,406
    Originally posted by Gorwe




    Dumbed down gameplay


    You leaving the game(AGAIN :p )



    Anyway, to the OP - the game is extremely solo-friendly at this time. I've been playing on and off since 2004 and lately, I've been playing solo. A bunch of buddies have given up on MMO's entirely. I just can't lol. As far as solo play, most folks appear to just dungeon hop until top level and raiding. I actually like doing the zones and quest chains with some dungeoning in between. The zones seem to be flush with players due to the cross realm zoning and getting groups, even as DPS seems to occur pretty quickly for me. With the new pre-made group finder, you can even set up some questing and meet some new folks. Hope you enjoy your time if you return!

  • GatlanGatlan Member UncommonPosts: 141

    Blizzard has grouped low pop servers together so population isn't a problem even on low pop servers. I've been playing on Detheroc (a pvp server that took a huge pop loss) off and on since 2005 and for awhile when I came back there would only be 4 things in the AH but that's fixed.

    I've played my main mostly solo as I haven't seen a single friend back from BC or even Wotlk, no idea if they stopped for good or migrated, (I used to know a good number of people.) Grouping for dungeons is easy though, probably same as last you played, just use dungeon finder.


    /EDIT: also guilds are cross realmed now, at least in the realms that are grouped. Still figuring things out myself, I've been playing for about a week now.

  • LeirosLeiros Member UncommonPosts: 281

    I've also been a long time player that left the game for a while not too long after Cataclysm. I recently returned to find that tons of things have changed - some for the better, some for worse. At the core of it all though, I'd say content wise the game is now better than ever. Yes, I'm not a big fan of the Pandaria expansion. However, there have been lots of updates that make the game more solo friendly. Here are 3 things that I've found to be true:

    1.) For better or worse there is now a "Raid Finder" which gives you access to raiding on the low end of things. (If you want the best gear in the game you still have to have a raiding guild or a bunch of friends to get the "mythic" items.)

    2.) 10 years of content means that the world is absolutely gi-normous. Azeroth+Outland+Northrend+Deepholm+Pandaria+ (soon to be) Draenor = massive world.

    3.) I've enjoyed going back and soloing all the old 25 man raids on my Bear tank to get the achievements that I never got to try before due to a lack of time and lack of a raiding guild.


    Three things I don't like about the current state of the game:

    1.) Massive nerfs to dps and crowd control abilities have made my cat druid spec almost worthless.

    2.) Most dungeons up to Outland (lvl 60ish) get steamrolled way to easy. Most take like 10-15 minutes and don't even require a healer anymore.

    3.) Professions seem to be pretty worthless atm.

    Overall, I've found more than enough to justify my $15 / month sub. There are moments when I really find myself enjoying the game again ... but that could also be nostalgia creeping in. It's hard to play a game that's 10 years old that you've played since day 1 without some nostalgia clouding your judgment.

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