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Dang, I think this game might be dying on the Vine!

asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

I wanted this game badly, in some form.

The EQN forums are even more dead than these for EQN. We've seen no real improvement from the BIG reveal a year and a half ago until now and there's no sign of anything at all happening positive.

I've never seen a player defend the combat that's in Landmark, they seem to universally think it's bad. The last "round table" discussion I've seen is about the art style of the Ogre's. That doesn't sound like a game on the verge of release to me and I have to ask what they've been doing to NOT have all the artwork up to speed and be ironing out the details.

EQN has 5 features I want very badly mixed with 3 things I think ruin MMO's.

What a huge letdown.




  • CoatedCoated Member UncommonPosts: 507

    The game play video is what did it for me. Watched it and nearly fell asleep from boredom. I don't care what kind of excuse people make, that is what the game will look like. That is how it will be. Alpha or not, the games never change much from that first game play video.

    Also, I am sick and tired of this 'WOW'ish' art style. I didn't even touch Wildstar because of it and I'm thinking it is going to be the same for EQN. This cartoony style really needs to die.

  • Spankster77Spankster77 Member UncommonPosts: 487

    For starters we are talking about SoE which is the same company that completely ruined Vanguard. 


    EQ was epic because it was one of two MMOs available at the time, the concept was new, and online gaming was in its infancy.   Fast forward to present day, there have been thousands of MMOs released, the majority of them have overpromised and under delivered, consumers are jaded, and EQN has to live up to it's own hype.  When you put all these things together I honestly think EQN is doomed, I honestly think this is why Blizzard hasn't attempted a WoW 2. 


    In addition to all this for me personally I hate combat systems that have crosshair targeting.  If I want to play an FPS I will but when it comes to fantasy MMOs I want lots of spells, lots of particle effects, and the ability to focus on what's going on in the environment around me instead of worrying about my crosshairs lining up.

  • SiugSiug Member UncommonPosts: 1,257
    Originally posted by Coated

    The game play video is what did it for me. Watched it and nearly fell asleep from boredom. I don't care what kind of excuse people make, that is what the game will look like. That is how it will be. Alpha or not, the games never change much from that first game play video.

    Also, I am sick and tired of this 'WOW'ish' art style. I didn't even touch Wildstar because of it and I'm thinking it is going to be the same for EQN. This cartoony style really needs to die.


  • KanethKaneth Member RarePosts: 2,286
    What's most likely happening is that they are just working on the game. I would imagine that they aren't talking about it due to being in heads down getting work done mode and we'll see something new during the first con of next year. They've pretty much announced the game, shown us a little bit and that's it. If anything, I feel they probably shouldn't have said anything until they had more solid stuff to show us.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    If you are basing you opinion on the state of Landmark, you might very well be right. 


    Who knows there could be a secret in house build that's amazing, judging by Landmark though, SOE is a long way from anything remotely resembling an amazing build... That's not to say there wont ever be an amazing game, just it's a long, long way off.

  • BearKnightBearKnight Member CommonPosts: 461

    Holy crap, this thread alone is a major turn in perception of the game when it first was showcased and talked about (remember that REALLY awful sand drawing during the livestream?).


    When I stated my opinion that the Cartoony "Style" ruined the immersion potential of the game, and how the combat was a mediocre copy of GW2 (boring, same repeated moves over and over, etc) people pooped all over my thread :(.



    However, I don't want people to think that "Sandbox" isn't desirable. It is VERY VERY VERY desirable, and is FINALLY being seen as the future of gaming (as it should have been back in SWG's prime pre-CU).



    I just don't see Everquest being retconned into a WoW-Sandbox being a good decision, and overall a slap in the face for EQ fans as a whole.


    At the end of the day, there's not enough information given out by the Publisher, and the game as it seems right now is VERY VERY bad and boring looking.





  • CrazKanukCrazKanuk Member EpicPosts: 6,130
    Originally posted by Coated

    The game play video is what did it for me. Watched it and nearly fell asleep from boredom. I don't care what kind of excuse people make, that is what the game will look like. That is how it will be. Alpha or not, the games never change much from that first game play video.

    Also, I am sick and tired of this 'WOW'ish' art style. I didn't even touch Wildstar because of it and I'm thinking it is going to be the same for EQN. This cartoony style really needs to die.

    Unfortunately, realistic art styles are generally horrible. Sorry, they are. To get anywhere near acceptable quality you need to be running like a GTX 750Ti minimum, which basically carves out a huge segment of your market. Might as well be throwing themselves on their own sword. Sorry, it's just fact. People usually say they want realistic graphics, but when something offers it, they complain that it looks horrible. 


    Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
    Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
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  • KabulozoKabulozo Member RarePosts: 932
    The Walt Disney style killed this game for me.
  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904 of these it a weekly thing now?

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

    Originally posted by Nitth of these it a weekly thing now?

    Well, I've waited almost two years and this is my first post like this. Did the post reach through the internet and force you to read it?

    Is this one post on an otherwise empty forum so offensive that rudeness is your natural response?


  • asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

    I've always said I wouldn't play our not play a game because of graphics so I'd give it a shot, but I hate them too.

    I hope they finish to at least see if some of the concepts work.


  • BuccaneerBuccaneer Member UncommonPosts: 654
    You have to give SOE time. They're waiting for the Landmark players to finish building all the assets.
  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by asdar
    Originally posted by Nitth of these it a weekly thing now?

    Well, I've waited almost two years and this is my first post like this. Did the post reach through the internet and force you to read it?

    Is this one post on an otherwise empty forum so offensive that rudeness is your natural response?

    Pretty simple, I'm interested so i read all the posts about the game.

    Its somewhat frustrating tho that lately these "i haven't seen any eqn news so it must be dead threads" keep popping up.

    If people actually kept up with what the devs were saying then they would know where their eqn is. Even if they were lying through there teeth its a free game, You don't have anything to lose.

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    Originally posted by asdar

    I wanted this game badly, in some form.

    Translation:  I want the game now, but since it isn't ready, game is dying.

    The EQN forums are even more dead than these for EQN. We've seen no real improvement from the BIG reveal a year and a half ago until now and there's no sign of anything at all happening positive.

    Landmark is moving along well, which means EQN is moving along be it in the studio or not. SOE Live this year showed off some new classes/races/skills/combat and at least a conceptual version of how AI and the dynamic content will work. Could of done much better presentation and content, but it is what it is.

    I've never seen a player defend the combat that's in Landmark, they seem to universally think it's bad. The last "round table" discussion I've seen is about the art style of the Ogre's. That doesn't sound like a game on the verge of release to me and I have to ask what they've been doing to NOT have all the artwork up to speed and be ironing out the details.

    Landmark's combat is fine. Was too crazy, but they've already toned it down and I'm assuming what we end up having in EQN won't be the bunny hop madness. They are asking for player input when it comes to the racial architecture and what not. Hence the connection to Landmark and player involvement with EQN, be it indirectly through another game.

    Not sure where you got the idea that it was on the "verge" of release. Should of been painfully obviously during SOE Live 2013 that it was a long ways off. They have not said otherwise since beyond Smed's vague comments which I couldn't care less about as he isn't a dev and is just said whatever he wants. 

    EQN has 5 features I want very badly mixed with 3 things I think ruin MMO's.

    Which are?

    What a huge letdown.

    Only one letting you down is yourself. Be it you hyped yourself up, were expecting something that wasn't the case, or whatever it might be. Been following it since before the reveal and I've yet to see anything that would make me feel like I was misguided or fooled into thinking either game would be anything then what they are shaping up to be. 

    EQN is probably at least a year from beta if not more. If you can't wait that long, plenty of things to do (go for a walk) until then. They, unlike most companies, are taking their sweet ass time to work on the game and not just rushing it out the door. If you simply don't like some of their design decisions (art style, combat type for example), not much will change in that area.


  • apocolusterapocoluster Member UncommonPosts: 1,326
    Originally posted by Nitth of these it a weekly thing now?

    It will come down to daily as launch approaches

    No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin

  • ZandilZandil Member UncommonPosts: 252
    Originally posted by asdar

    That doesn't sound like a game on the verge of release to me and I have to ask what they've been doing to NOT have all the artwork up to speed and be ironing out the details.


    Verge of release ?  I never thought this was any where near release, the big reveal showed us all how far away this game really was.  I would not expect to see this game till at least early 2016.

  • Instigator-JonesInstigator-Jones Member UncommonPosts: 530
    Originally posted by CrazKanuk
    Originally posted by Coated

    The game play video is what did it for me. Watched it and nearly fell asleep from boredom. I don't care what kind of excuse people make, that is what the game will look like. That is how it will be. Alpha or not, the games never change much from that first game play video.

    Also, I am sick and tired of this 'WOW'ish' art style. I didn't even touch Wildstar because of it and I'm thinking it is going to be the same for EQN. This cartoony style really needs to die.

    Unfortunately, realistic art styles are generally horrible. Sorry, they are. To get anywhere near acceptable quality you need to be running like a GTX 750Ti minimum, which basically carves out a huge segment of your market. Might as well be throwing themselves on their own sword. Sorry, it's just fact. People usually say they want realistic graphics, but when something offers it, they complain that it looks horrible. 


    There doesn't seem to be a decent "realistic" art stylized game out there. Whenever Devs attempt this, game play suffers (combat looks hokey, and attacks don't seem to contact targets in a realistic way), the models look clunky and disjointed (hello painted on armor skins), and the general look is more mannequin or cadaver. 

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by Nitth of these it a weekly thing now?

    Well to be honest ,we have not seen very good game design for a VERY long time .It is of course debatable what is a good design but we have not even seen an attempt to break from linear questing.

    People get bored,they want to see a game come out worth playing or something in the near future to keep them interested.I was one of those that almsot completely gave up,i figured everyone was going to keep making Wow clones and it really turned me away.

    However after wasting my time for a couple months in FFXIV a game finally came along that comes close to how i want a game to be designed.SO i have a game to keep me interested in playing mmorpg's and after playing it a tad too much ,i have slowed down but still enjoy it.

    When i look at what Soe has been doing for the last several years,they give me no confidence in their ability to be creative or sway from their it leaves me with nothing to look forward from Next.

    I doubt Smedley will ever change or be fired from his roost but i do hope and wish that one day SOE just removes the old school from designing their rpg games and let some new blood do it,hopefully the Naughty Dog team who does a lot of work for SOE would be a great start.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • donpopukidonpopuki Member Posts: 591

    Players are making incredible structures in Landmark. Thought the combat needs a lot of work.

  • Solar_ProphetSolar_Prophet Member EpicPosts: 1,960
    Originally posted by Spankster77

    For starters we are talking about SoE which is the same company that completely ruined Vanguard. 


    EQ was epic because it was one of two MMOs available at the time, the concept was new, and online gaming was in its infancy.   Fast forward to present day, there have been thousands of MMOs released, the majority of them have overpromised and under delivered, consumers are jaded, and EQN has to live up to it's own hype.  When you put all these things together I honestly think EQN is doomed, I honestly think this is why Blizzard hasn't attempted a WoW 2. 


    In addition to all this for me personally I hate combat systems that have crosshair targeting.  If I want to play an FPS I will but when it comes to fantasy MMOs I want lots of spells, lots of particle effects, and the ability to focus on what's going on in the environment around me instead of worrying about my crosshairs lining up.

    Ruined Vanguard? You mean actually gave the game a chance and attempted to fix it after its pitiful, buggy as hell launch?

    Brad McQuaid ruined Vanguard with his ineptitude. If it weren't for Sony, the game would've shut down years before it actually did. Sony put money into the game, fixed bugs, and even tried several payment models to help keep it afloat.

    Talk about revisionist history, sheesh. I understand why Sony gets so much hate, but try to stay focused on hating them for the things they actually screwed up. Hint: Vanguard isn't one of them.

    AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!

    We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD. 


  • BraindomeBraindome Member UncommonPosts: 959
    Originally posted by Buccaneer
    You have to give SOE time. They're waiting for the Landmark players to finish building all the assets.

  • evilizedevilized Member UncommonPosts: 576
    I'm sure Sony is real worried that 50 jaded locusts from some obscure Internet forum don't like their unfinished, not even in pre-alpha-build game.

    Run along, children.
  • asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

    Edited that out because it didn't quote right.


  • SlyLoKSlyLoK Member RarePosts: 2,698

    I kinda was off put when they changed the graphic style over the Disney. What they had previously wasnt what I would call photo realistic at all but at least it wasnt literally a cartoon.

    Then it was the combat.

    Then after playing Landmark for many hours I realized that for EQN voxels will bring more headaches than anything. 

    Then seeing the performance after they added multi core support put up another red flag. It was an improvement but not nearly enough. 

    I dont know what they are thinking over there. Landmark and / or EQN could end up being huge flops at this rate.

    Pantheon with a fraction of support is making better progress for crying out loud.

  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    Originally posted by Wizardry

    People get bored,they want to see a game come out worth playing or something in the near future to keep them interested.I was one of those that almsot completely gave up,i figured everyone was going to keep making Wow clones and it really turned me away.

    When i look at what Soe has been doing for the last several years,they give me no confidence in their ability to be creative or sway from their it leaves me with nothing to look forward from Next.

    I doubt Smedley will ever change or be fired from his roost but i do hope and wish that one day SOE just removes the old school from designing their rpg games and let some new blood do it,hopefully the Naughty Dog team who does a lot of work for SOE would be a great start.

    Have you seen EQN? Not sure how it isn't creative or going away from the old ways of churning out the same old thing. While the majority of it isn't groundbreaking original, their approach and what they are putting together in one package is pretty outside the box compared to what else is out there and even coming out. Obviously won't be THE game for everyone, but it sure doesn't look like every other game. I wish Smed would at least have some sort of PR filter or only talk about games he cares about (PS2/H1Z1), but he's the boss so I guess he can say whatever he wants, regardless of how it impacts fans or how realistic his comments are.

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