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Nuts and Bolts

asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

I want to hear what the game is now at its basic level.

I've seen the videos, it looks like a WWII battle sim but with Space Skins on the planes. I don't mean to say that in a bad way, I like that level because you can dogfight.

What I don't know at all is the rest of it like is trading in the game, and what form it takes. Will we mine asteroids all day then go on a trade run to sell the results or how does the whole thing work.

Do we level, level our equipment (ships and gear), Build up our ships such as add turrets or tech or what other progression is there.

PvE is space pirates now, or other players or merchants that you kill or what all?

I hear a lot of "be what you want," and all that good buzz word stuff, but details make the game. If you can give me an example of what you expect to be a daily gaming session that'd be great. Will I log in to tasks, like quests, or work that I've chosen such as mining in Eve, or is it non-stop ship to ship or a mix of them all.



  • You can trade goods between different space stations. You can mine asteroids and sell your findings. You can explore systems, scan stellar objects and sell the information. You can shoot wanted NPC or player ships for bounties. You can shoot NPC or player ships for their cargo. You can pick up and undertake a variety of missions such as courier missions or assassinations. Credits you earn can be used to buy or upgrade various modules or weaponry on your ship as well as buy new ships. There's no character levels, only ships and personal skill. You can own multiple ships as well, but only fly one at a time. So if you want to both bounty hunt and mine, you could have a combat ship kitted with good armaments and a hauler with mining lasers and a refinery to switch between.

  • ElirionLothElirionLoth Member UncommonPosts: 308

    I'm thinking about buying this game but want to make sure that it is deep and complex enough to hold my interest for a while.  Is there any type of crafting/industry in the game?  Do you sell items to other players or just to NPCs?  IOW, is the market player driven?  There doesn't appear to be any type of in game skill progression, is this correct?  It appears to have controls on ganking similar to Eve such as hisec, low sec, and nullsec.  Is that correct?


    thanks in advance for any info.

  • DocBrodyDocBrody Member UncommonPosts: 1,926
    Originally posted by ElirionLoth

    I'm thinking about buying this game but want to make sure that it is deep and complex enough to hold my interest for a while.  Is there any type of crafting/industry in the game?  Do you sell items to other players or just to NPCs?  IOW, is the market player driven?  There doesn't appear to be any type of in game skill progression, is this correct?  


    thanks in advance for any info.

    nothing like that is in the game, zero. You sell nothing to players, not even to NPCs, you sell invisible cargo to a generic station from a list. You have nothing to do with players either, you can just "play" offline, the game doesn't care.


    can't say how much I regret throwing money into this empty shell, actually I'm trying to get a refund, either I get it or I'll put it on ebay.

    this game is one giant sidequest grinding circus in a randomly generated world, good old fetch x  kill y  quests, with text windows and the big "plus" is no stories, no voices, all such "fluff" has been left out. You can grind credits to buy a ship to grind more credits by doing the same as you do in minute 1 when you start. Dock sell buy undock rinse repeat. Take Kill x mission, take delivery mission from list. The end.

    Also there is nothing that requires any sort of multiplayer interaction, but that doesn't matter since it's even more buggy in "online mode" than in offline mode. All that for the cheap price of a triple A title. Obviously a total bargain. 


  • ElirionLothElirionLoth Member UncommonPosts: 308
    Originally posted by DocBrody
    Originally posted by ElirionLoth

    I'm thinking about buying this game but want to make sure that it is deep and complex enough to hold my interest for a while.  Is there any type of crafting/industry in the game?  Do you sell items to other players or just to NPCs?  IOW, is the market player driven?  There doesn't appear to be any type of in game skill progression, is this correct?  It appears to have controls on ganking similar to Eve such as hisec, low sec, and nullsec.  Is that correct?


    thanks in advance for any info.

    nothing like that is in the game, zero. You sell nothing to players, not even to NPCs, you sell invisible cargo to a generic station from a list. You have nothingto do with players either, you can just "play" offline, the game doesn't care.


    can't say how much I regret throwing money into this empty shell, actually I'm trying to get a refund, either I get it or I'll put it on ebay.

    this game is one giant sidequest grinding circus in a randomly generated world, good old fetch x  kill y  quests, with text windows and the big "plus" is no stories, no voices, all such "fluff" has been left out. 

    Also there is nothing that requires any sort of multiplayer interaction, but that doesn't matter since it's even more buggy in "online mode" than in offline mode. All that for the cheap price of a triple A title. Obviously a total bargain. 


    Ok, thanks for the info.  The flight simulations look amazing but I know that will get boring after a short while.  A complex progression system and player driven economy is what keeps me in games for the long haul.

  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    Originally posted by ElirionLoth
    Originally posted by rpmcmurphy
    Originally posted by ElirionLoth

    Ok, thanks for the info.  The flight simulations look amazing but I know that will get boring after a short while.  A complex progression system and player driven economy is what keeps me in games for the long haul.


    [mod edit]

    There is no crafting or trading with other players. Your character doesn't have an inventory, whatever is equipped your ship is what you "own". The supply and demand for goods is a simulation only and is driven entirely from the NPC side, the goods are never actually "used" for any purpose in the game.

    There is no "main story" that your character must or can follow. There is no story at all other than the lore of the game.

    It is a remake of the original Elite games (look them up), and is essentially just freeform exploration, trading and building-up your player rank. 

  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    Originally posted by ElirionLoth

    I wasn't really asking for a review but more of a feature set the game offers.  If he said something incorrect then please correct him.  I'm more than willing to listen.

    [mod edit]

    RPS has a series that sums up the atmosphere of Elite -
    Design Discussion Archives, what Elite will be -
    The above + newletter info put into a PDF -
    Elite Guide/Manual -
    Story -

    Some people don't enjoy the open-endedness of games like Elite, and that's fair enough, but personally I would prefer to make my own story in a game rather than act out a part that devs have pre-ordained for me and everybody else who plays.

  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222

    Whoa it sounds like this game is missing some very basic and important items.  I may still buy it for a space fighting simulator, but doesn't sound much it has much in common (or any features) that typical MMO games have.

  • DarLorkarDarLorkar Member UncommonPosts: 1,082

    Only thing i would say is to wait. Give it 6 months  after release and see then how it is doing. 


    If more people just followed the above advice...90% of the bitching on ANY game would be removed. 


    This game is a work in progress..they INTEND to add more later to flesh out the game. But that will come later, most of what will be released is what most of us would consider the "core" of the game.  


    As always that is my own opinion and others, i am sure, will feel different:). 

  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Originally posted by DocBrody
    Originally posted by ElirionLoth

    I'm thinking about buying this game but want to make sure that it is deep and complex enough to hold my interest for a while.  Is there any type of crafting/industry in the game?  Do you sell items to other players or just to NPCs?  IOW, is the market player driven?  There doesn't appear to be any type of in game skill progression, is this correct?  


    thanks in advance for any info.

    nothing like that is in the game, zero. You sell nothing to players, not even to NPCs, you sell invisible cargo to a generic station from a list. You have nothing to do with players either, you can just "play" offline, the game doesn't care.


    can't say how much I regret throwing money into this empty shell, actually I'm trying to get a refund, either I get it or I'll put it on ebay.

    this game is one giant sidequest grinding circus in a randomly generated world, good old fetch x  kill y  quests, with text windows and the big "plus" is no stories, no voices, all such "fluff" has been left out. You can grind credits to buy a ship to grind more credits by doing the same as you do in minute 1 when you start. Dock sell buy undock rinse repeat. Take Kill x mission, take delivery mission from list. The end.

    Also there is nothing that requires any sort of multiplayer interaction, but that doesn't matter since it's even more buggy in "online mode" than in offline mode. All that for the cheap price of a triple A title. Obviously a total bargain. 


    [mod edit]

    There is no offline mode (he probably got confused with online solo mode) and player trading dynamically effects the market (prices rise and fall and stock gets depleted).

    There's a plethora of different missions, bounty hunting, trading, exploration, mining etc and there's more coming.

    Ship customization is varied and there's multiplayer PvP as well as interdicting (kind of like chasing enemy players through warp).

    Check out some of the informative links people posted.


  • SybnalSybnal Member Posts: 261
    Originally posted by sgel
    Originally posted by DocBrody
    Originally posted by ElirionLoth

    I'm thinking about buying this game but want to make sure that it is deep and complex enough to hold my interest for a while.  Is there any type of crafting/industry in the game?  Do you sell items to other players or just to NPCs?  IOW, is the market player driven?  There doesn't appear to be any type of in game skill progression, is this correct?  


    thanks in advance for any info.

    nothing like that is in the game, zero. You sell nothing to players, not even to NPCs, you sell invisible cargo to a generic station from a list. You have nothing to do with players either, you can just "play" offline, the game doesn't care.


    can't say how much I regret throwing money into this empty shell, actually I'm trying to get a refund, either I get it or I'll put it on ebay.

    this game is one giant sidequest grinding circus in a randomly generated world, good old fetch x  kill y  quests, with text windows and the big "plus" is no stories, no voices, all such "fluff" has been left out. You can grind credits to buy a ship to grind more credits by doing the same as you do in minute 1 when you start. Dock sell buy undock rinse repeat. Take Kill x mission, take delivery mission from list. The end.

    Also there is nothing that requires any sort of multiplayer interaction, but that doesn't matter since it's even more buggy in "online mode" than in offline mode. All that for the cheap price of a triple A title. Obviously a total bargain. 


    Pretty much everything this guy just said is a lie and he's never played the game either. He's constantly bashing the game.

    There is no offline mode (he probably got confused with online solo mode) and player trading dynamically effects the market (prices rise and fall and stock gets depleted).

    There's a plethora of different missions, bounty hunting, trading, exploration, mining etc and there's more coming.

    Ship customization is varied and there's multiplayer PvP as well as interdicting (kind of like chasing enemy players through warp).

    Check out some of the informative links people posted.

    Pretty much what Sgel said.  I'd take anything DocBrody says with a grain of salt.  The guy is drunk on SC Kool-Aid like no one I've ever seen.  I'm an SC backer and I think it will be a lot of fun eventually, but honestly, Elite feels better and plays better right now.  Not that the two games should even be compared. They are different enough from each other to deserve being judged on their own merits imo.


    I wouldn't call this an MMO, it is multiplayer but let's face it, even if every person in the world was playing at the same time, the game world is so big you could possibly never see another person. But, if you've ever wanted to hop in a spaceship and explore the billions of stars in our galaxy Elite will scratch that itch. It will eventually have planetary landings and getting out of your ship and all that other stuff and the developers are zipping along at a pace I've never seen before. Like they hit their deadlines, from all the crying you hear from devs these days you would think that's impossible.

  • Lonecrow66Lonecrow66 Member Posts: 31

    It does a lot of things ... none of them very well.  Missions suck, trading interface sucks, exploration sucks, mining sucks,  but it looks and handles nice. 

    It just does the content part of the game very dryly and unexcitingly. 


    And no I did NOT back SC

  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Originally posted by Lonecrow66

    It does a lot of things ... none of them very well.  Missions suck, trading interface sucks, exploration sucks, mining sucks,  but it looks and handles nice. 

    It just does the content part of the game very dryly and unexcitingly. 


    And no I did NOT back SC

    You're going over all the top Elite forum posts and copy pasting the same negative things. 

    I understand you don't like the game but going around and saying "missions suck" doesn't give you much credibility.


  • Lonecrow66Lonecrow66 Member Posts: 31

    Who needs credibility.  I couldn't give a flying F what you think. 


    I've been in it since A1 and I've put probably 300 hours into it and their team helping them develop this game.  They listened to a point but kept it dumbed down to a mind numbing consolized game instead of the most detailed galactic simulation you could ever dream of.  I'd be happy if it were half the most detailed simulation,  but I'm not the only one who feels this way either.  Plenty of drum banging going on in their forums and elsewhere about how dumbed down it is. 

    But even then it is still a game.  Not too many high brow people like myself play games still.  We have that sense of wanting to explore the galaxy.. we can't so we live through a game that is going to try and failing miserably at it. 

    Literally you target a planet.. wait for the scanning ring to complete and poof you are done.   So sell the information.  Tell me what fun is that?


    Here is a basic list of stuff missing


  • sgelsgel Member EpicPosts: 2,197
    Originally posted by Lonecrow66


    Literally you target a planet.. wait for the scanning ring to complete and poof you are done.   So sell the information.  Tell me what fun is that?

    So you've been playing since alpha and still don't know that the exploration mechanism is the first itteration? Practically a placeholder?

    As for all the features missing, more will be added in gamma and the rest post launch.

    I never expected them to have ALL the features for launch. I'm fine for that, FD are a good developer.


    Also Elite was never meant to be the most detailed simulation ever, you should have known that the moment you flew in the game, since some realism is sacrificed for gameplay.


  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    Originally posted by Mardukk

    Whoa it sounds like this game is missing some very basic and important items.  I may still buy it for a space fighting simulator, but doesn't sound much it has much in common (or any features) that typical MMO games have.

    Yes, it is "missing some very basic and important items", in the same way that a submarine is "missing" wings.


    It is not a standard MMO, and was never intended to be. It is an enhanced and expanded version of the original Elite single-player games. This new version also has a multiplayer option, so that you can switch from single-player to multiplayer whenever you like, using the same character and assets.


    But you can even choose who you play with in multiplayer mode if you don't like the idea of FFA multiplayer (the default Group). Simply form or join a private Group and do multiplayer only with the members of that Group. Everyone still playes in the same galaxy, you just can't see anyone not in your Group.

  • MardukkMardukk Member RarePosts: 2,222
    Originally posted by SpottyGekko

    Originally posted by Mardukk
    Whoa it sounds like this game is missing some very basic and important items.  I may still buy it for a space fighting simulator, but doesn't sound much it has much in common (or any features) that typical MMO games have.

    Yes, it is "missing some very basic and important items", in the same way that a submarine is "missing" wings.


    It is not a standard MMO, and was never intended to be. It is an enhanced and expanded version of the original Elite single-player games. This new version also has a multiplayer option, so that you can switch from single-player to multiplayer whenever you like, using the same character and assets.


    But you can even choose who you play with in multiplayer mode if you don't like the idea of FFA multiplayer (the default Group). Simply form or join a private Group and do multiplayer only with the members of that Group. Everyone still playes in the same galaxy, you just can't see anyone not in your Group.


    Oh it is supposed to be missing these features. It isn't trying to have anything in common with mmos. I appreciate the info prior to blowing any money on the game. I just hope mmo players dont get fooled into spending any money on the game as it is somewhat popular on this site.
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