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Locking threads for no aparent reason.

filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
Idk why or how but it seems random threads are locked and made me wonder if its just some kind of automated system or is it actually moderators of the website doing so?  There's a lot of quite silly threads that have been closed and looking at the various ones I have yet to find a decent pattern.  The only thing that is remotely accurate is maybe the person said something bad about the game they were posting the thread about.  It seems to me someone is gun shy and swinging a lock hammer randomly.  I know this isn't freedom of speech forums and such but it should be freedom to express oneself even if the moderators disagree with the statements.
Are you onto something or just on something?


  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657
    The majority of moderator responses are to posts and threads that are reported by your fellow members of this community. Other members are the source of your inconsistency.
    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    They seem to act when people start acting stupid.  Name calling, belittling, etc.  I know this is the interweb, but u don't have to act the ass.

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,116
    The threads being locked here are hardly at random, pretty clear in every case why, and many feel they don't lock enough.

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  • SoliloquySoliloquy Member CommonPosts: 128
    Originally posted by filmoret
    Idk why or how but it seems random threads are locked and made me wonder if its just some kind of automated system or is it actually moderators of the website doing so?  There's a lot of quite silly threads that have been closed and looking at the various ones I have yet to find a decent pattern.  The only thing that is remotely accurate is maybe the person said something bad about the game they were posting the thread about.  It seems to me someone is gun shy and swinging a lock hammer randomly.  I know this isn't freedom of speech forums and such but it should be freedom to express oneself even if the moderators disagree with the statements.

    Hello Filmoret!


    Threads are locked for various reasons. The obvious reason would be that the discussion has devolved into a flaming mess and it's usually better to lock it and see if the discussion can be started anew and on better footing.

    However, sometimes a thread is locked in a forum that is known to attract volatile threads therefore you might see at the top a notice of increased moderation. You can look in that thread to see what may be locked.

    Obviously "troll threads" will be locked.

    Players are always allowed to express themselves as long as it follows the rules of conduct:

    Remember, a thread that disagrees with any moderator's position is very different from a thread that disagrees with a moderator's position and doesn't follow the rules of conduct.

    Threads are never locked because a moderator has issue with a player's position on a subject. Threads ARE locked if that position takes on an adversarial tone, flames, trolls, badmouths a game without any substantial argument, disrespects a fellow member/staff, Racial remarks, Political arguments, etc.

    As always, if a particular thread is locked and you think that there is an issue you should take it up with MikeB who is our community manager.

  • MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555

    Pretty much what <a data-cke-saved-href=""; href=""; title="View information about Soliloquy" suhlink"="">Soliloquy said. :)

    In any case, without an example(s) of what you're referring to, it's hard for me to address this for you in a more specific manner. I can tell you that threads are not locked 'for no reason'. There's always a reason, though it may not be immediately obvious in some cases. If you're confused about or simply disagree with a moderator action, feel free to reach me at mikeb AT mmorpg DOT com and I will be glad to discuss it with you.


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