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Good ol' daoc.

GravebladeGraveblade Member UncommonPosts: 547

While thinking of a new mmorpg to play my mind got onto the subject of the current state of mmorpg's in general as it tends to do every now and then when I feel like I need my fix. To put my own experience briefly into perspective, I have been playing mmorpg's since about 1998 (and dabbled in basically every single briefly known title out there too).


I wondered what others thought about my thoughts... It is funny that Daoc has always stuck in my mind as an mmorpg that I think I had the most fun in, in the least ammount of time.


What I mean by that is, while I played the game a fair bit overall, I used to have loads of fun just making alts and going to the low end pvp dungeons and battlegrounds. I will never forget some of the little battles I had in them, they were little, but epic at the same time... The atmosphere of the game was great it was very immersive! (besides the fact that the far clip meant enemies suddenly appear from nowhere in the distance xD) How was daoc so damn fun, there was some magic about this game in general and those little dungeons and battlegrounds among other things.

Started playing mmorpg's in 1996 and have been hooked ever since. It began with Kingdom of Drakkar, Ultima Online, Everquest, DAoC, WoW...


  • BootezBootez Member UncommonPosts: 72

    It's called nostalgia. Unfortunately, if we all went back to those old games we'd think they were terrible. 


  • GravebladeGraveblade Member UncommonPosts: 547
    Yep I am aware it is called nostalgia. But that is my point, I am ephasizing the fact that over all the many many mmorpg's I have put lots of time in over the years, daoc is one which is firmly stuck right up there at the front of my mind. :)
    Started playing mmorpg's in 1996 and have been hooked ever since. It began with Kingdom of Drakkar, Ultima Online, Everquest, DAoC, WoW...
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    Originally posted by Bootez

    It's called nostalgia. Unfortunately, if we all went back to those old games we'd think they were terrible. 


    Nonsense, I went back to a freeshard of DAOC and spent most of last year playing a version that was basically set to 2003 code base, and had more fun than I've had in 5 or more years.

    Just waiting for it to come back online again, this time with SI firmly in place and I'll be back there for another year or more I'm sure.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • caveogre72caveogre72 Member UncommonPosts: 30

    Even'n party go'ers!   you are not alone my friend,  I could write a book on this topic.


    I could go on and on about DAoC.  Unfortunately, a good thing in bad hands, becomes a bad thing.  You hit the nail on the head when you said you enjoyed playing the low end content.  For me, I loved the PvE all they way through, but higher end content was more elitist, the RvR was totally different at end game.  and yes, i agree the small fights could be more fun than the zergs.

    No game has captured a "feel" the way DAoC has for me and many others.  The combat was great, some may argue, but i loved it.  well most of it.  Using styles off of parry/block/evade broke the button mashing feel most games have. and a little thing like /stick really made melee combat alot more fun for someone like me who hated people that dance around trying to make you miss because of positioning ( some argue that is a skill to envy).

    I have gone back a time or two over the years.  I still loved the "feel" of the game.  But its not the same and never will be, the community was not there like it was in the beginning, again bots and elitist changed alot. While i was on, i couldn't get a group for anything, PvE or RvR.

    They caught on at 1 point and promised classic servers and Origins, which took forever to become reality, then they did not deliver what most people wanted, which is what the game originally launched as.  I think a majority would agree, expansions were a big downfall for DAoC.  New content was not implemented in the best way for this game.

    There are many pro's and con's of DAoC, but if you are speaking purely of  the "feel" of the game, my opinion is that there was/is no better.

    Many are looking at Camelot Unchained, i think it might be a decent game if it ever releases, but it still won't be  DAoC.

    I'm currently trying out Archeage, it has alot going for it, it is well made, but nothing about it is exciting to me, its farmville with combat.

    I'd probably go back to DAoC and become someone's RP farm if they would lower the sub, i can't see paying full price for the game anymore.

    Glad to see people think about this game.

    Ok i'm done rambling, thanks for reading ;)

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