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Better graphics IMO than some AAA MMOS....



  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872
    ste2000 said:
    The environment looks good and somehow immersive, although the lighting is still a bit of a problem, at night is way too dark and the artificial lights don't help much.

    The lighting doesn't look right, but that is a thing alot of games have in common and SotA seems to have the same problem EQ2 has with it's lighting. It looks like "studio-lighting" if that makes any sense.

    The look of the whole scenery in EQ2 always reminded me of these old movies for which they did outdoor scenes in a studio, having the lighting not look like "outdoors" at all.

    This screen reminded me of just that:

  • madmalky2014madmalky2014 Member UncommonPosts: 4
    Graphics are not important I play BDO and ESO they are so far apart.   Graphically BDO is very superficial and unrealistic and ESO has a better graphic feel completely immersive.  The real problem with BDO is it just a slogfest poor quests and repetitive killing.   ESO has a proper story engaging quest and a solid backbone to the game.  I wanted to like BDO but i dont some people may not want a deeper experience a game you need to work at.  They may like kill this kill that game of BDO and Skyforge ilk.  I want to be engaged I payed for BDO dissapointed a fancy overcoat does not necessarily mean a good game.
  • RawynRawyn Member UncommonPosts: 202
    edited May 2016
     Everythings flat like its painted on 
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    거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다

  • RawynRawyn Member UncommonPosts: 202
    edited April 2016
    The real the game fun to play at this point?

    Theres nothing to do in the game but grind killing stuff  craft decorate your house, or sit in an instance and dance with other people dancing. Its not the least bit fun. Id steer clear of it til its released and see what it turns out to be before spending money on it.
    Post edited by Rawyn on
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    One problem,does the system designer realize how one would use a SPEAR?

    He is using it in a slapping motion instead of a spearing motion.
    The character/class design has already ruined it for group play.That player has his own buffs,combos why need another player or group.
    teh terrain look fake,it looks like modules rather than q natural foliage setting.

    Killing for xp,that's a plus.Like i have seen in some other games,i don't like that red color HUE glow around the creature it does not look natural.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    backflip ???  ; ;

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

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  • GitmixGitmix Member UncommonPosts: 605
    This game has some original features: combat, offline play, different multiplayer game modes etc. But I really don't see graphics as one of the reasons people are hyped for it.
    In general if graphics are nice it's a plus but let's be honest, when has an MMO retained players solely due to superior graphics?
  • RawynRawyn Member UncommonPosts: 202
    edited May 2016

    Post edited by Rawyn on
  • CopperfieldCopperfield Member RarePosts: 654
    change the combat system.. i might try it.

    But their skill deck system is just a no go..

    i dont play mmo for visuals.. its all about gameplay
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Rawyn said:
    The real the game fun to play at this point?

    Theres nothing to do in the game but grind killing stuff, grind the slow boring treadmill of gathering, craft, decorate your house, or sit in an instance and dance with other people all standing about dancing. Its not the least bit fun unless you like feeling punished by having to grind endlessly on the same stuff all the time in tiny little instances for crap lootz. Id steer clear of it til its released and see what it turns out to be before spending money on it.
    See that is the real issue. Who cares about how it looks or does not look? If the 'game' is not fun to play who cares what it looks like or does not look like.
    There are some elements that are fun ( at least to me) the NPC conversation/questing system for one, as well as the ability to pick up books and read them. It's this kind of stuff I find most intriguing in RPG games. 

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • GoromhirGoromhir Member UncommonPosts: 463
    burdock2 said:

    I must say this games graphics continue to impress, espcially with what they are pusing the  UNITY engine to do! 

    Personally I feel the graphics (enviromental, not so much character) is better than some AAA MMOS out there, (Maybe not ESO) but certainly I feel on par if not better than ArcheAge. 

    The forest scenes and sunlight god rays with the little touches like birds flying make the world come alive and that the UNITY engine can produce vibrant colors! 

    Bravo! The game continues to improve, and we are not even technically at Alpha stage yet! I have high hopes for when this enters BETA then launch - a true successor to UO and could be considered UO2 and Ultima X all rolled into one!

    you are kidding right ? The grapic looks worse than the most games from the year 2000
  • GoromhirGoromhir Member UncommonPosts: 463

    Aragon100 said:
    Originally posted by Shaigh

    Here's some gameplay footage from a week ago. Low-res texture, environment is bit lackluster and awful animation quality. Combat system looks like a total mess as well.


    Doubt we will see a release in 2015.


    Look like a game that was made 10 years ago and the combat system must by far be the worst ever created.

    this game look unbelievable bad and its combat system looks even worse than that....
  • Solar_ProphetSolar_Prophet Member EpicPosts: 1,960
    Was going to comment upon the OP's obvious use of recreational substances, but then saw how old this post is. 

    The graphics are passable. They get the job done and can be pleasant to look at in some areas, but holy hell is the optimization rough as rocks on sandpaper. The starter area makes my poor 970 scream, though subsequent areas are better. 

    AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!

    We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD. 


  • BascolaBascola Member UncommonPosts: 425
    I think BDO looks a lot better. Does this even use the new Unity 5 PBR shaders? Does not look like it does to me. The screenshots are clearly still the old shaders or their artist is bad with using PBR.

    I would say it is a good A+, but not AAA.
  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194
    Dullahan said:

    Lot of trolling up in here.  Graphics look great for sota, and if the trolls were serious they'd surely supply screenshots or at least reference to ANY game 10 years old that looked even close to as good.  About 7 years ago Vanguard was considered the most detailed and amazing graphics for an MMO and even they weren't as good.  Aside from maybe the newest Final Fantasy mmo, I can think of no other better quality graphics and this is putting all art opinion aside.

    So lets see some screenshots of better 10+ year old games.  I await your swift replies.

    I can see actually lots of similarity with Vanguard (huge fan).
    Beautiful environment, awful character models.
    I absolutely hated Vanguard character models and SotA have the same problem.
    They actually updated the models, they look better but still not good enough.
    The proportions are wrong (short legs) and the texture of the armor/clothing look plastic.
    Shame they put so much effort in the environment and so little in the character models.

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