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Better graphics IMO than some AAA MMOS....

burdock2burdock2 Member UncommonPosts: 420

I must say this games graphics continue to impress, espcially with what they are pusing the  UNITY engine to do! 

Personally I feel the graphics (enviromental, not so much character) is better than some AAA MMOS out there, (Maybe not ESO) but certainly I feel on par if not better than ArcheAge. 

The forest scenes and sunlight god rays with the little touches like birds flying make the world come alive and that the UNITY engine can produce vibrant colors! 

Bravo! The game continues to improve, and we are not even technically at Alpha stage yet! I have high hopes for when this enters BETA then launch - a true successor to UO and could be considered UO2 and Ultima X all rolled into one!



  • JonrobinJonrobin Member UncommonPosts: 18

    I have to agree with you. Technically, I know absolutely nothing about graphics and engines and such, however I do know what looks good and immersive to me. And as you pointed out, this is still pre-alpha.


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  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Originally posted by burdock2

    I must say this games graphics continue to impress, espcially with what they are pusing the  UNITY engine to do! 

    Personally I feel the graphics (enviromental, not so much character) is better than some AAA MMOS out there, (Maybe not ESO) but certainly I feel on par if not better than ArcheAge. 

    The forest scenes and sunlight god rays with the little touches like birds flying make the world come alive and that the UNITY engine can produce vibrant colors! 

    Bravo! The game continues to improve, and we are not even technically at Alpha stage yet! I have high hopes for when this enters BETA then launch - a true successor to UO and could be considered UO2 and Ultima X all rolled into one!

    Well let's be careful here,do you actually consider yourself quite knowledgeable on all aspects of graphics?

    I have seen a little bit of the game,it looks ok in some areas,good in others and very rough in other's.However i have not stepped into the game nor have i seen enough of it to pass judgement.

    Aside from that i really only have two main concerns,well i guess i have a LOT lmao but two that usually irk me.

    1 I can't stand cheap textures,they do not have to be HD but they have to look like a professional did them and not some little kid playing around with dad's software.I guess i tend to over use the term "cartoon" graphics but it sort of usually is a true statement when talking cheap ugly graphics.Cartoon graphics tend to have single palette colors with VERY little detail within the texture,usually NO detail at all just a single color pasted on the sleeve or shirt or whatever.

    2 I can't stand cheap developers that create buildings with no insides,no doors,that spells cheap 101 and immediately tells me the kind of effort to expect in the rest of the game.It also completely ruins immersion in the game,i do NOT want to see a npc standing in front of a 2d structure.

    Other than those two there is a lot more but usually i can handle the little things.

    umm sorry there is one more :P

    Models,if i see one model i want to quit the game right away,i can see when the same model is used and just stretched with a different face on it and a few tattoos or facial hair.I tend to expect at least 4-5 models and that is for each gender,so 4-5 male and 4-5 female.Three mmm  idk if i could live with that,maybe if i knew they were adding a couple more in a month or two.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • Viper482Viper482 Member LegendaryPosts: 4,102
    Originally posted by Dren_Utogi
    pic ?

    Screenshots do not do the game justice.

    I agree the graphics are extremely immersive, it feels like a living, breathing world. When I logged in and was in a small village in the woods I was amazed at how believable it felt.

    Saying that, I am going to resintall the game just to see if I can capture it. I am a backer but want to play the game when it is complete.

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  • BraindomeBraindome Member UncommonPosts: 959

    I wouldn't say the graphics are overall amazing or anything, but there is very good ambience and there is some very good map design which are two elements that can be touted as great graphics while in fact the animations and actual textures and character models leave a bit to be desired.

    I think this is a case where it is better to say the game is aesthetically pleasing than saying it has great graphics at this point, though it does show great potential and is making good progress. They have some pretty good talent working on the game and it's starting to show, i'll keep hoping this turns into all I want/expect it to be and it's still at the top of my most anticipated list.

  • EtheomEtheom Member UncommonPosts: 64







    See you in-game,


  • Aragon100Aragon100 Member RarePosts: 2,686
    Originally posted by Demogorgon
    Looks good, but sorry to burst your bubble, its not even close of what quality AAA game are doing now in 2014-15.

    Gameplay is more important then graphics but i agree it looks like a game from 10 years ago.

    And with such poor gameplay (PvP is horrible) i see no future for this game. It will be a niche game for a niche public.

  • BarCrowBarCrow Member UncommonPosts: 2,195
    Originally posted by Demogorgon
    Looks good, but sorry to burst your bubble, its not even close of what quality AAA game are doing now in 2014-15.

    That may be true...but I feel fairly certain they will be just as good in time..if not better. I've only been jumping in since about 10 months or so ago. There has definitely been some considerable improvement. Now..once they smooth the animations a bit more. 

    ..and someone mentioned  buildings. I don't think I've encountered a building that you can not enter at some point.

    My main dislike is the pocket areas. Just wish it was all open and not what feels like rooms of terrain. Some very large rooms in places but still.


    Oh...and I'm more of a Orcus person myself.

  • mindw0rkmindw0rk Member UncommonPosts: 1,356
    Such graphics would be bad even 15 years ago. NOt sure what exactly impressed you
  • DullahanDullahan Member EpicPosts: 4,536

    Lot of trolling up in here.  Graphics look great for sota, and if the trolls were serious they'd surely supply screenshots or at least reference to ANY game 10 years old that looked even close to as good.  About 7 years ago Vanguard was considered the most detailed and amazing graphics for an MMO and even they weren't as good.  Aside from maybe the newest Final Fantasy mmo, I can think of no other better quality graphics and this is putting all art opinion aside.

    So lets see some screenshots of better 10+ year old games.  I await your swift replies.

  • goboygogoboygo Member RarePosts: 2,141
    Originally posted by Dullahan

    Lot of trolling up in here.  Graphics look great for sota, and if the trolls were serious they'd surely supply screenshots or at least reference to ANY game 10 years old that looked even close to as good.  About 7 years ago Vanguard was considered the most detailed and amazing graphics for an MMO and even they weren't as good.  Aside from maybe the newest Final Fantasy mmo, I can think of no other better quality graphics and this is putting all art opinion aside.

    So lets see some screenshots of better 10+ year old games.  I await your swift replies.

    Umm no, the graphics in this game are serviceable but that's about it. the screenshots show pretty well but in game everything looks kinds of cheesy still.  Plus the performance on even a high end gaming rig is dismal.  I like where they are going with this game for sure but graphics/performance are really not this games strong point.  If it was they would be using CRY engine or Unreal 3 or 4 not Unity.  Unity is cheap and easy to develop in that's the engines strong points.

    The best looking Unity game out today is The Forest by a mile, those guys are doing amazing things with the engine but they are the exception to the rule

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  • ManestreamManestream Member UncommonPosts: 941

    I was in the beta (won from here) and was not impressed but also knew things were changing, since it hoped over onto Steam i was unable to log-in anymore so have not had a chance to see any new graphic updates or gameplay, pre that the game was not that good for graphics, combat sucked, characters were missing heads and alot of other anomalies were happening.

    As said, i have not been in since it moved to Steam, figured only people who had paid £25+ (early access) or donated a certain ammount of money were able to do so. So what opinion i have may be old but thats what i have to go off myself. Game to me was somewhat dissapointing.

  • DullahanDullahan Member EpicPosts: 4,536
    Originally posted by goboygo
    Originally posted by Dullahan

    Lot of trolling up in here.  Graphics look great for sota, and if the trolls were serious they'd surely supply screenshots or at least reference to ANY game 10 years old that looked even close to as good.  About 7 years ago Vanguard was considered the most detailed and amazing graphics for an MMO and even they weren't as good.  Aside from maybe the newest Final Fantasy mmo, I can think of no other better quality graphics and this is putting all art opinion aside.

    So lets see some screenshots of better 10+ year old games.  I await your swift replies.

    Umm no, the graphics in this game are serviceable but that's about it. the screenshots show pretty well but in game everything looks kinds of cheesy still.  Plus the performance on even a high end gaming rig is dismal.  I like where they are going with this game for sure but graphics/performance are really not this games strong point.  If it was they would be using CRY engine or Unreal 3 or 4 not Unity.  Unity is cheap and easy to develop in that's the engines strong points.

    The best looking Unity game out today is The Forest by a mile, those guys are doing amazing things with the engine but they are the exception to the rule

    Serviceable is a ridiculous claim, especially when you didn't provide other current games that are superior graphically.

    On another note, just looking at the screenshots I get the impression it would bog down my machine (sorta old).  Lotta high res and detailed textures, trees and foliage, quality shadows and lighting and a high LOD even in the distance.  It does remind me a bit of Vanguard (without the waxiness), but still, other than no name games that are still in development, there are few that look as good.  I say this as someone who is not an especially big fan of the game and have no reason to champion it.

  • RaquisRaquis Member RarePosts: 1,029

    I played when it first came out and was impressed and after a year I checked it out again and played with others very nice,you also level to cap in a view days so its not a grind.

    what I liked the most is the amazing skill tree,very interesting.

    the game is still pre-alpha bad you can see they are working hard,cant wait for release.

    the combat looks like old games but its pre-alpha and yes the game looks great go and check it out for yourselves.


  • DullahanDullahan Member EpicPosts: 4,536
    Originally posted by DMKano

    "Better graphics" =  subjective


    Artwork is subjective, but there are technical aspects to computer graphics that come into play which allow for a more lifelike rendering, and therefore a higher quality of graphics.

  • zaberfangxzaberfangx Member UncommonPosts: 1,796
    When better engines with the new api coming out, many mmo that being made now, will end up last year graphics.
  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,152

    Here's some gameplay footage from a week ago. Low-res texture, environment is bit lackluster and awful animation quality. Combat system looks like a total mess as well.


    Doubt we will see a release in 2015.

    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • mrneurosismrneurosis Member UncommonPosts: 316
    I know everyone has their opinion and so does OP but sometime some opinions should be kept where it belongs and not shared with public.
  • goboygogoboygo Member RarePosts: 2,141
    Originally posted by Dullahan
    Originally posted by goboygo
    Originally posted by Dullahan

    Lot of trolling up in here.  Graphics look great for sota, and if the trolls were serious they'd surely supply screenshots or at least reference to ANY game 10 years old that looked even close to as good.  About 7 years ago Vanguard was considered the most detailed and amazing graphics for an MMO and even they weren't as good.  Aside from maybe the newest Final Fantasy mmo, I can think of no other better quality graphics and this is putting all art opinion aside.

    So lets see some screenshots of better 10+ year old games.  I await your swift replies.

    Umm no, the graphics in this game are serviceable but that's about it. the screenshots show pretty well but in game everything looks kinds of cheesy still.  Plus the performance on even a high end gaming rig is dismal.  I like where they are going with this game for sure but graphics/performance are really not this games strong point.  If it was they would be using CRY engine or Unreal 3 or 4 not Unity.  Unity is cheap and easy to develop in that's the engines strong points.

    The best looking Unity game out today is The Forest by a mile, those guys are doing amazing things with the engine but they are the exception to the rule

    Serviceable is a ridiculous claim, especially when you didn't provide other current games that are superior graphically.

    On another note, just looking at the screenshots I get the impression it would bog down my machine (sorta old).  Lotta high res and detailed textures, trees and foliage, quality shadows and lighting and a high LOD even in the distance.  It does remind me a bit of Vanguard (without the waxiness), but still, other than no name games that are still in development, there are few that look as good.  I say this as someone who is not an especially big fan of the game and have no reason to champion it.

    I own the game and jump in after every patch and tool around a bit.  And yes I'm guessing it would run like poop on your computer if its midrange. I have about 3k invested in my gaming rig and this game "chugs" along at best, granted I have high standards for performance and graphics but my system doesn't render anything in this game smooth unless I'm looking at my feet  or I'm at the edge of their map looking away from the center,  I think they have some serious LOD issues to work out.

  • sibs4455sibs4455 Member UncommonPosts: 369
    Originally posted by Shaigh

    Here's some gameplay footage from a week ago. Low-res texture, environment is bit lackluster and awful animation quality. Combat system looks like a total mess as well.


    Doubt we will see a release in 2015.



  • Aragon100Aragon100 Member RarePosts: 2,686
    Originally posted by Shaigh

    Here's some gameplay footage from a week ago. Low-res texture, environment is bit lackluster and awful animation quality. Combat system looks like a total mess as well.


    Doubt we will see a release in 2015.


    Look like a game that was made 10 years ago and the combat system must by far be the worst ever created.

  • DAS1337DAS1337 Member UncommonPosts: 2,610
    You should probably have your eyes checked out.  They are apparently filled with crap.
  • DeserttFoxxDeserttFoxx Member UncommonPosts: 2,402

    What are you on about?


    Im just going to leave this here.. its called black desert online. And it makes this game look like it was being made in 2004.


    Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy

    Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman

    Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson

  • ComafComaf Member UncommonPosts: 1,150
    Originally posted by Etheom







    See you in-game,


    Might not be AAA - but the graphics are believable medieval in appearance.  Sadly, even forthcoming games like Camelot Unchained (which I'm iffy as well as excited about), have some sillyness to their character appearance...not to mention a handful of goofy looking races.


    So....that being said, this looks like real immersive mmo where RPG seems to be important.  Games are missing that (along with realistic pvp but that's another thread).

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